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| Monday, October 09, 2023 - 1:05 am
Watching last night's episode made me want to hurl. Kody is such a disgusting human being. I wonder how people like Meri think when they watch what he says about them.
| Monday, October 09, 2023 - 5:53 am
I’m not a big Meri fan but I just want to hug her neck.
| Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 6:22 am
Yeah, I'm no Meri fan either. but I keep wondering how much hate & humiliation she can endure before FINALLY pulling the plug and bailing out of this shipwreck? Cody has no part in her B&B, but he pretends to offer advice like not to move into her Mom's former bedrm or how to manage her business. I've never seen Cody display any business acumen - the Wives have always kept him afloat. He's just desperately trying to keep the show running so that he & always sobbin' Robyn can keep collecting paychecks - while spending freely. The way Robyn immediately jumped in over the new Cody ring, makes me firmly think SHE bought the ring for him. She keeps saying she never has a choice. She clearly is not Meri's friend, just a Cody surrogate!
| Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 7:07 am
She is totally a surrogate and it is all about keeping the the paychecks coming. This show goes away, He will have to get a job. Janelle has already separate herserlf out link Sister Wives star Janelle Brown made a bold financial decision that could indicate that her separation from Kody Brown could soon become a full-fledged divorce. The mother of six is taking back her financial control and, in doing so, will likely be paid separately from Kody and Robyn Brown in the upcoming Sister Wives Season 18.
| Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 3:55 pm
There was a picture of Christine, her new husband and all of the kids, even Leon. The only kids not in the picture were Robins.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 5:24 am
Watching the last two weeks was something else. This guy Cody is a horrible human being. Narcissistic to the nth degree. Janelle is my favorite in the whole group.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 6:44 am
Yeah! Janelle is my fave too.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 6:45 am
I am a Meri fan and she seems SO much happier these days! She spent Thanksgiving in Michigan with a great family of friends and it sounds like she will return for Christmas. Glad Janelle reportedly is standing up for herself financially. She is a favorite of mine, though if I knew her in real life, I would worry about her still wanting to be in a polygamous relationship. Christine annoys me, but I am happy that she got herself away from Kody's toxicity. Hope the new marriage remains good and she seems happy, but I hope she can move away from this show and stop talking about Kody.. Wish that for all of them. As for Kody, he continues to exhibit just how narcissistic he is. So much venom, as he keeps adding to the list of hurtful jabs at all three of his ex wives and yes, Maris, just horrible and seems proud of it. Robyn, the only one he now says he loved and look how happy she is...not.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 7:33 am
I pretty much agree with everyone here. Christine is annoying at best, and IMHO exudes mean girl vibes. Love Janelle, glad she's sorting out her finances! I like Meri and relieved she's finally ripped off her rose-coloured glasses and getting on with her life. I'd be tempted stay at her Inn or whatever she calls it, at some point. I don't mind Robin, at all, and her family's ostracization from the rest of the family pains me. But I do wish she wouldn't cry so damn often. (And I am an emotional person who cries easily, but c'mon now she needs to get a grip.) I suspect Robin may jump ship too at some point. If she can manage financially. Unless Kody gets over himself, and really focuses on making the love of his life genuinely happy. As for Kody, he is a man-child. I loathe and despise how he's basically abdicated from being a dad to his other kids. He talks resentfully about some of the older bunch. But what about the others, there's no excuse. What a total jerk. He is the posterboy for Narcissism! Although they had their problems in Vegas, their enclave was manageable, and they were a separate but cohesive unit. Kind of like cousins living next to each other. I wish they hadn't moved because that's when it all eventually went to hell.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 8:42 am
The moved because Robyn's son wanted to go to college in Flagstaff, and that meant ripping the older boys out of established life and school in Vegas. I think that move was a huge part in the rift between Kody and several sons.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 9:01 am
Plus he forced Meri to divorce him so that he could make Robyn his legal wife under the guise of getting insurance coverage for her children - like they couldn't buy it separately. What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine. Like how he tried to stiff Janelle out of a fair share of the land but giving himself and Robyn a larger portion of the money. Meri was lucky her mother left her a house or she would have been screwed.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 9:11 am
Meri had to buy the house. Her mom did come to live there and run the B & B until her suddenly passing. But yes, having that property was a plus for Meri. The divorce was supposedly Merits idea, but surely there was pressure. Meri has alluded to some things she was not allowed to say, but seems to suggest that she will be talking...
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 9:11 am
I keep thinking that the interviewer must want to just smack Kody.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 9:20 am
If they were on a reality show, and his "courting" Robin was aired, she probably signed a contract too. I am almost positive they could have joined SAG if they wanted to and that union has decent health care.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 10:43 pm
He says Janelle thinks of him as a piece of meat. Maybe a maggot riddled piece of meat.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 2:43 am
I cracked up to Janelle's reaction when he said it was about his Pecs
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 8:08 am
Janelle has for years made comments about Kody's physical attributes or his hair, even encouraging him to use the horrible ponytail a few years back.. So.. maybe that was acting but she did put it out there. Unfortunately that might have encouraged him.
| Saturday, March 09, 2024 - 5:55 am
I am just devestated hearing of Garrisons passing. Not personally knowing this family but watching all these kids grow up….my heart breaks for all of them.
| Saturday, March 09, 2024 - 9:13 am
Me too, I had no idea he suffered from depression.
| Sunday, March 10, 2024 - 4:55 pm
Very tragic. 
| Sunday, May 05, 2024 - 5:30 am
Garrison loved his cats and had just adopted a third cat I think shown in his last post . Family members have taken in the cats, which would be a comfort for him.
| Monday, October 21, 2024 - 2:03 pm
I am deep into the new season which is pretty much a rehash of the prior season but with some great one on one interviews. Cody is just a despicable human being. His whole reaction to Mary getting a "divorce" from their church and his interview is unbelievable. Robyn continues to cry through each episode about how awful everything is for her. Janelle is just great. I am also really liking Mary in her pushing back conversations with Cody.
| Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 5:31 pm
I am a Meri fan, for sure. Kody is just .. Yes, despicable works for me. Just horrible. Christine has always annoyed me. I am happy for her new life and relationship, though. And Janelle, wow! I think this season will show the start of her dream with her daughter. Janelle was always a big part of the family financially and Robyn was spending... I will just say her daughter's recent Instagram post made me smile.
| Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 3:57 am
I am a huge Janelle fan. I am glad Christine is out but I am with you, she isnt a sympathetic character. I am glad that Meri finally woke up.
| Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 6:46 am
Never liked Meri, always thought she was a B but now I’ve come to understand why she acts the way she does. She seems easier going now that she unloaded Kody. I like all the wives accept Robin of course. Kody, he’s gross.
| Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 8:29 am
I never understood why Meri went along with divorcing Kody to accommodate Robyn. I thought the insurance excuse was BS. It is so obvious that the only reason Kody was desperately trying to hold on to all the wives was to have access to their money and the money from the show. As each wife left him, he lost that 20K they each got per episode. I am loving that Robyn is beginning to have a case of buyer's remorse. She is stuck with this guy now.
| Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 6:55 pm
Robyn came in with big debts and no job..
| Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 12:29 pm
Apparently it is a bit of a break in SIster wives until April. I have been watching this show this season like watching a train wreck. I love how Meri has finally woken up to the fact that Kody and Robyn are out to screw her on Coyote Pass. From what I have been reading online they finally had a settlement and Robyn and Kody are apparently hurtling towards bankruptcy. He will have to sell those rolex watches, all that jewelry. Over the seasons it has been great to see Janelle really stick to her guns. Out of all the wives, she stayed true to herself and I loved out Kody couldnt believe that she kicked him to the curb and had no interest in any relationship with him or even letting him know she was moving out of state. This season we have all seen what a horrible person he is and watched it dawn on Robyn that his exes were the lucky ones, they got out. Now she is stuck with him and is miserable.
| Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 9:41 pm
She deserves him.
| Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 2:24 am
She sure does Lake