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| Wednesday, February 01, 2017 - 7:49 am
I have watched the pre-show a few times and really like it too. They are so sweet and obviously care about the kids on PRJ.
| Saturday, February 04, 2017 - 3:20 pm
Cartier was the right one to go. Her win the week before wouldn't have happened were it not for Tim's suggestion to turn it inside out
| Sunday, February 05, 2017 - 11:53 am
Agreed... and Tim tried to give her advice this week and she told him she was sticking with her design. Too bad because I liked her... but after last week only being successful because of Tim's advice and this week... it seemed obvious to me she was middle of the pack. I really liked Molly's look this week and was surprised she wasn't in the top. Sounds like next week is going to be brutal with 2 being eliminated.
| Sunday, February 05, 2017 - 1:18 pm
I find Izzy extremely annoying.
| Monday, February 06, 2017 - 9:01 am
I guess there has to be a double elimination because of Tim's save earlier in the season.
| Monday, February 06, 2017 - 12:50 pm
I hate that they do double eliminations so late in the season... surely they could have eliminated 2 earlier?
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 9:53 am
Well... what do we all think of the winner? I thought the collections looked good for the most part... and I was hoping for an Izzy win, surprised she came in 4th... behind Hahwah...I couldn't get past her white furry shortalls. I liked Chris' fabric on his muse model... surprised the judges it looked "Boca" meaning old person... but then I'm getting old so I guess that makes sense. So Chelsea won... and didn't start her collection until the week before going to L.A. for the finale... loved how her parents pointed that out, her time management, and Tim chimes in that he's with them on that. Love Tim... and I love how he throws words out to these kids and they don't know what he means...
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 10:15 am
I thought Chris should have won and he was robbed! I knew Chelsea was going to win when they kept repeating that she only started the week before. Add to that, in some of her interviews, she was beaming so brightly, that you could tell that they filmed it after the win. There's nothing wrong with the Boca look. U like (is that her name?) was from Miami and always made dresses like that. Chris comes from the east end of Long Island and is surrounded by beaches and people who spend their winters in Boca. So I still consider his looks New York. Plus, Christian said some of his pieces were so great that he'd never seen them before and wouldn't forget them long after the shows are over. Definitely robbed. But, still happy for all of them. 
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 10:19 am
Cass, did you see the part before the show where the 3 designers discuss the show and the contestants? Laurent said she had 6 weeks but didn't start working on it til 2 weeks before the show. She said if your not inspired, you can't do anything. The other 2 designers agreed.
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 10:43 am
I liked both Chris and Chelsea's collections but honestly I think Chelsea's was a little more modern. I loved Chris's last look but it didn't appeal to the judges at all. I was just so happy that we didn't get a Hawwaa win. Nothing against Hawwaa but after the craft fair win of the regular PR last season I couldn't have taken another one! (And I think Hawaa's designs were better than last season's winner whose name I have mercifully forgotten. Crap, now I just remembered it.) Besides...that lipstick is just darned ugly! I still wish Tieler had made the finale, although I do agree that his collection wasn't spectacular.
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 1:23 pm
Grooch, yeah I caught that. Super surprised... I guess it makes sense if you're not "feeling it" you're just wasting time and materials. I would assume they are sketching and such though... I REALLY enjoyed the 3 designers discussing the previous episode throughout this season. Really liked to hear their perspective. Hawwaa's lipstick and eyebrows... very colorful. I would never think to color my eyebrows like she did. It's kinda cool actually... But I had a hard time looking at her lips... She uses a matte lipcolor and it looks very dry... Just looking at her lips made me reach for my lip balm. I wish Tieler made the final as well. Like they discussed in the "pre-show," he should have selected more WOW pieces for the judges since that was his ticket to the final... I guess he was too confident in his collection that he overlooked the fact he had to persuade them to give him a spot... I liked his collection... but I thought it looked old... but then I'm getting old so I guess that's why I liked it. I've embroidered on denim and chambray skirts and some shirts. I guess they were right, his silhouettes should have been more special.
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 5:01 pm
I think if Chris had put his first 2 pieces as his last 2 pieces, he would have won. The first 2 pieces had a WOW factor that made the rest of his collection appear bland - including his finale piece. He won my vote for sure. Haawaa had a couple of incredible pieces but they were overshadowed by several hideous pieces. I think her circus theme made her collection appear garish. I think she will be a fantastic designer when she matures. I think they ALL will be, I loved these collections more than the showing for this year's adult PR. I would have never guessed the winner would have won. I was not impressed but apparently there was subtle things I didn't catch at all. Like a bird flying out of a back seam? I'm no fashionista, so I haven't a clue, I just wish they were more explicit in why they chose the winner. She says she's dropping out of high school, going to get her GED & go to FIDM directly.
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 8:18 pm
Haawaaa tended toward garish.. the makeup and lots of color. Definitely there were times when she created very interesting designs WITH the colors. And she did get more critique to use from her preview to win that last spot. I was happy with the winnerfor sure. I don't think there was a thing wrong with the Boca look.. but you cannot say it is inspired by New York!
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 9:48 pm
Uli is the designer from Florida... I loved her stuff!
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 10:31 pm
I did, too.. but of course she didn't say it was NY inspired.
| Saturday, February 25, 2017 - 6:39 am
I couldn't stand to look at Haawaa. I hated the head covering, the eyebrows, the lipstick, and the nose ring. I thought the right two were in the finals. But I wonder if Chris had said his look was inspired by the New York Hamptons if that would have appeased the judges and they wouldn't have referred to the look as "Boca." BTW, I loved Uli's work.
| Saturday, February 25, 2017 - 8:29 pm
I was very happy with Chelsea winning. Her designs are interesting and by judges' comments all season her workmanship is really good. I was afraid Haawaa would win when they showed her saying over and over all that mattered was this moment. As far as Chelsea being happy in the interviews, I cannot remember when she did not give a happy and charming interview. Did not think it was funny when Chris thanked his parents and then said something like Now that is over, back to me. The camera showed his father leaning over and saying something to his mother right after that. I pictured him saying "Did he just slam us?" LOL! I like the Junior show better than the regular show. The Juniors are really kind to each other and I think their designs are refreshingly new.
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 8:01 am
I suspect that is how Chris is all the time - a little bit sardonic and with a bit of a biting edge. I doubt it rocked his parents since they are undoubtedly used to him being that way. In a few years I would like to see a Project Runway composed entirely of ex-Junior competitors to see how they have matured and if they have reached their potential.
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 9:43 am
Roxip, if I remember correctly, I believe when Tieler was asked if he would apply for the regular Project Runway when he becomes old enough, he replied that he was going to be to busy with his own line by then. Good for him for having such a positive attitude.
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 10:56 am
I hope that is true for him, but I still would like to see a "Project Runway Jr." season after they have had some years of experience behind them...(and yes, I just liked Tieler so it would be great if he graced my television screen again - he just had a lot of class and grace in my opinion).
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 11:43 am
I think it's a mistake for Chelsea to drop out of high school, get her GED, and go to FIDM directly... She shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up... I'd like her to enjoy high school and this time in her life where she's not really "responsible" for anything... Be a kid... have fun with your friends!! (At least that's the advice I keep giving my son... I keep telling him he's got the rest of his life to be a grown up... enjoy now!)
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 12:33 pm
I suspect her Asian heritage has something to do with her ambition. My daughter had friends who had clear career goals in mind - they all chose to graduate early and go on to college. Most of them were planning to be doctors and knew with the amount of school required they might as well get an early start.
| Monday, February 27, 2017 - 4:37 pm
Yeah, it makes sense... I just hate to see kids cut their childhood's short. Guess I was never that ambitious!! ;) It's like some women who get married right out of high school, they don't ever have a chance to be an independent woman... they go right from parent's house to married home. I wish her the best for sure!!
| Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 7:28 am
I liked Chris' attitude (in the final four - "I already feel like a winner just getting this far...") I thought he was going to win with all the raves about his negative space hoodie, but I agree, his backstory didn't match the line. I always thought Haawaa just did colorblocking each week, it got old and was often juvenile looking to me. Even the theme of circus feels too young. I know it's wrong of me, but with all her super heavy colorful makeup, I would have trouble taking her seriously in person. Izzy was overly confident and I think counting on her personality to take her further. Again, if she were in front of me with a sprout on her head, I'd have trouble taking that seriously. I think I'm jaded from my own kids and their friends. Some of the stuff they do to stand out backfires and makes them look silly! I remember at the time thinking I liked Chelsea's line but now, for the life of me, all I can remember was the bird on the butt (which is in the same silly category as the makeup & sprout!) Overall, it was a good season with an impressive bunch of kids.
| Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 7:57 am
There was a patchwork leather dress that was pretty cool.