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| Tuesday, September 06, 2011 - 3:31 pm
It's all Kerry's fault. She kept encouraging Lucien to put a move on Amy. Amy is a natural flirt and Kerry thought she was coming on to Lucien. He said he was interested, but didn't want to act on it because he didn't think Amy was interested in him but he'd wait until they were out of the house. Kerry insisted that Amy was and Lucien made his move. This sounds an awful lot like Jr. High School. 
| Tuesday, September 06, 2011 - 6:43 pm
It really does. I agree Kerry's getting too involved now, I think she's trying to be magnanimous (if that's the word) and going overboard. Early on though I think it was mostly Lucien playing about because he liked her physically but thought she was beneath him. I think that's what got her not knowing where she stood and blowing hot (when drunk) and cold (rest of the time).
| Wednesday, September 07, 2011 - 1:12 pm
Interesting, errrm, dances from the men last night, as shown on yesterday's BOTS. 0947: And there goes the alarm. Wakey wakey housemates - they're not jumping out of bed this morning! 1001: Kerry says the highlight of her birthday was the sexy dance from the male housemates 1107: The housemates have been told they'll get a special final meal this evening 1144 Kerry to Lucien: Just think when you get out Lucien - all those girls. 1142 Jedward are running on the same treadmill together. Now they're on the cross trainer - one on each pedal! 1155 Darryn said his parrot 'Mr P' is going to be angry with him when he gets out and won't speak to him for three days 1206 Jedward are now brushing each other's teeth at the same time 1215 Lucien and Darryn are having a 'man chat' in the sauna 1252: The housemates are embracing their last day by eating anything in sight 1316: Lucien and Bobby are talking about joining Jedward on the stage when they leave the BB House... New boy band? 1330: Life guru's Jedward are sorting out Bobby's life, from his relationships to where he should live 1345 Bobby is suggesting to Jedward that they buy a plot of land in the Hollywood hills & build a house in the shape of their hair 1427 Jedward are suggesting they go skydiving with Amy, and test if their hair stays in tact 1430 Jed to Amy: If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Amy: Essex 1526 Darryn and Paddy are having a right old cackle in the garden together. High fives and all 1740 Housemates are in the living room and kitchen talking about mutual celebrity friends 1750 Kerry is nervous about going back into the real world tomorrow and doesn't want to get booed 1829: Lucien and Bobby are messing playing catch... with their mouths. It's an interesting sight: at least they're having fun 1839: Lucien and Paddy are talking eviction outfits for tomorrow. They are clearly going to look fabulous, whatever they choose 1912: Amy is showing the other housemates her eviction outfit. She's looking great: we're getting close to the end now 1929: All housemates are in the bedroom glamming up in preparation for tonight's last supper 2020: The last supper has been served. The first course: oysters, the food of love. Maybe Lucien has a shot after all? 2037: The housemates are taking it in turns to say how they feel about all the other housemates. It's all very lovey dovey 2059: The second course is now available: what will it be? 2101: Steak and chips! It looks great. Jealous? We are Wonder what they'll have for pudding... I won't bother with the twitter summaries for the regular BB, unless something interesting happens (yes, I know, some of you will be very happy about that). Even the edited down highlights I post get a bit monotonous. And it's 10 long weeks! ;) ;) ;) Don't forget tomorrow is the finale! TV Schedule as follows: Thursday: 1-3pm Celebrity Big Brother: Live Final 3-4pm CBB Bit On The Side And then on Friday before the Regular BB Launch is: Friday: 1-1.30pm CBB: The Winner's Story Looks like they've changed the naming tomorrow, and put the "Inside Story" into the main show. I'm working tomorrow afternoon so I'll only be able to see the first half hour or so live .
| Wednesday, September 07, 2011 - 8:55 pm
I'm watching yesterday's highlights and LOl @ Kerry being drunk. The look on her face when drunken Amy orders "Lu" to sing a song and then tackles him and when the DR door opens Kerry almost falls through...too funny. How sad for Paddy to live the life he does. It almost sounds like Travelers are somewhat of a Gang. He can never let his guard down? Wow. I noticed when John was talking alone without Edward (Edwardina) you could hear his Irish brogue a bit more. He was so funny in the DR when they made him sign autographs as a punishment.
| Wednesday, September 07, 2011 - 9:04 pm
I've been wondering how he'd get on with Jedward. He's similar in some ways and completely opposite in others Kitt, if there is an All Stars BB UK, I hope they let Sam be on it. Re Lucien/Amy, it's wrong of Amy to get the blame. Lucien has flirted with everyone in the house. Amy told him she's not going to have a relationship on national TV but they can be mates. Lucien is acting like a spoiled child who gets what he wants. He can't expect Amy to be attracted to him just because they are in the house together. Amy just wants to flirt like Lucien is with Kerry; kissing her and everything, but everyone is attacking her for it. Why is it okay for Lucien to do but not Amy?
| Wednesday, September 07, 2011 - 9:21 pm
I agree about Amy, but even her odds of winning have gone down since the Lucien thing started. It seems double standards to me but with girls doing a lot of the voting and Lucien being so pretty I think she'll go down a lot (in odds). I'm worrying abut her getting booed, because that's the sort of thing those mob audiences sometimes do.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 10:46 am
Last morning of twitters: 1045 Housemates are preening themselves for their last day in the House 1134 Kerry is singing away her nerves in the garden 1222 Darryn is packing up his feathers, the bottom of Amy's feet are covered in fake tan, and the twins are giddy. Yep it's the final day! 1416 Darryn: Amy have you got any nail polish remover? Yep, even the boys are pulling out all the stops 1509 Kerry has been singing pretty much the whole day 1514 Amy is getting fashion advice from Paddy 1533: Some of the housemates are in the Garden talking about the Queen. Jedward: "Think how many flowers the queen gets, crazy" 1641 Edward is making pancakes. John is napping. Amy is putting her slap on. Paddy is having a chuckle with Kerry. All is well. 1730 Big Brother has gathered the Housemates on the sofas 1800 The mad dash to pack has commenced. Clothes everywhere! 1813 Lucien and Bobby are escaping the packing madness in the garden 1819 Amy is going to have trouble shutting that suitcase. She has now resorted to putting some items in with Kerry's
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 11:59 am
How sad for Paddy to live the life he does. It almost sounds like Travelers are somewhat of a Gang. He can never let his guard down? Wow. From what I saw on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, he is a well respected leader of the Travelers/Gypsies. He was a champion bare knuckles fighter when he was younger. They often have run-ins with Country People (non-gypsies) and they look to him to lead them. All the Travelers/Gypsies are constantly on the alert around Country People. I've been thinking that since it's a vote to save, if all the Travelers and Gypsies would call he has a chance to be fairly high up in the final.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 12:52 pm
Do travellers and gypsies have easy access to phones, or even tvs? And the money to call at 35p/vote? The traditional gypsies didn't but things change so quickly now that they could have them. I think Jedward are going to win, I'd be really surprised if they didn't, and by quite a big margin. I reckon it'll be a toss up for 2nd/3rd between Kerry and Paddy. Bobby will be last. Darryn I'd think would be next to last! Not sure about Lucien and Amy, I'd guess people will have been shunning Amy and voting for Lucien later in the week, but maybe voting more for Amy earlier in the week.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 1:07 pm
Funny how the ex-housemates are all physically so similar! Boo count: Amy - mixed Bobby - boos Darryn - bigger boos Jedward - screams with a little patch of boos Kerry - cheers Lucien - cheers Paddy - big cheers If the audience are anything to go (which they often aren't) it will be Jedward then Paddy then Kerry.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 1:14 pm
First out, seventh place is... Bobby! had to be really! Even the audience knew!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 1:16 pm
At least the audience are good with the cheers once they're out. Paddy looked so excited to hear his cheers through the microphone. Got to go now, have fun everyone!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 1:37 pm
I don't know why I thought there was a 30 min. special show before the evictions started, but I did. Started watching just as Bobby got evicted, so didn't miss much. Who does everyone want to win? ETA: Someone needs to put gags on those kids screaming for Jedward during the interviews of the evicted HG's. So rude!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 2:25 pm
Is no one else here? I've been doing other things while they are doing evictions; trying to listen. I last saw Amy being evicted 4th and now I'm seeing Jedward. Don't know if Kerry or Paddy were evicted in between them and Amy. WOW if Jedward didn't win. Oh my gosh! Jedward are 3rd. Kerry and Paddy are still in the house. I so want Paddy to win. He handled the house so well and all the different personalites. He lives a different life and is older that many of the HG's and he was just great. He just fit in so well and I don't think one single HG disliked anything about him. GO PADDY!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 2:30 pm
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 2:44 pm
From what I saw on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, he is a well respected leader of the Travelers/Gypsies. He was a champion bare knuckles fighter when he was younger. They often have run-ins with Country People (non-gypsies) and they look to him to lead them. All the Travelers/Gypsies are constantly on the alert around Country People. Thanks for the info, Mamabatsy. I thought he meant from other travelers. He is sooo happy to have excited. Lol, he's thanking "English, Irish, Scots, Travelers." So cute.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 2:58 pm
This was such a happy surprise. I thought for sure Jedward would win. I would have been happy with either Kerry or Paddy, but it seemed to mean so much to him that I am thrilled that he won.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 5:12 pm
I didnt watch this season, but Ive been keeping up...I just LOVED Paddy on GW, and am sooo happy he won! I actually think he was the only gypsy man that was likeable, and he was awesome!!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 5:21 pm
Jedward didn't win?!?! I am soooooo shocked!!! Was it Paddy first and Kerry second? Going to have to rush and find it to watch!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 6:19 pm
Thinking there was a half hour show before the evictions started was my fault, Cricket, that was the original schedule but they changed it only yesterday. I did post the revision but it probably got lost in the posts. Sorry you missed it, Cricket, lucky it was only Bobby! I'm just up to watching 5th place Lucien and am glad Amy beat him. I loved that they played Womaniser for him when he left! Hoping Brian's not going to bash Amy too much.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 6:39 pm
I think Brian did a great job with Lucien. I was so hoping they would focus on him rather than making him some kind of victim. He's a nice guy, just not so good with the ladies. I'm still shocked Jedward are third!!! I came here when I got home thinking the order was so inevitable spoiling wasn't an issue, but I'm stunned. I'd love it if Ch5 revealed the percentages. Those millions of screaming Jedward fans were too slow with their dialing!
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 7:17 pm
OOoo an incredible surprise waiting for the regular BB folks tomorrow... the rumours are true, Pamela Anderson's going to be in the BB house! Start is 1.30pm! Overall I thought this was a nice celebrity BB, but not very thrilling. Not that I'm complaining, it was entertaining enough, but I hope the main show has more thrills.
| Thursday, September 08, 2011 - 10:52 pm
Yes, Kitt, it was Paddy first and Kerry second. They brought Paddy's wife to sit by him. He sure loves her. The showed Pamela Anderson at the end of the show and the DR talked to her. Why does she need to show up all the time? Yes, it was nice, but like you said...not super thrilling...not a lot of fights; backstabbing, etc. It was entertaining because of the projects BB gave them and how enthusiastically the celebs got into the tasks. Very nice. I read somewhere that there were going to be feeds for the reg. BB, but I think the poster was mistaken. I so wish they'd give us something. It's hard to get to know the HG's as well with just the shows. This has been a great day for me: Paddy won; The Packers won and Rachel won HOH. Yee Hah! I'm not expecting much tomorrow....don't want to be greedy, lol.
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 9:24 am
I think it was officially announced that there will be no live feeds for the regular BB either. I don't think CH 5 will ever give us live feeds. This may not be the right place but I saw it was announced BB Australia is returning 2012!
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 10:33 am
Yeah, no live feeds. I think Ch5 have done such a good job of making the shows entertaining that they stand up well on their own, although it kind of makes it more of an Amazing Race style reality show without the feeds. I've never seen BB Aus, but I heard it was good. For Paddy fans, the preshow tonight 1-1.30pm is "CBB: The Winner's Story" so should be all about Paddy. The Radio Times (usually reliable) says CBB will be back again in January! Right now I'm feeling that's a bit too soon! Over to the other thread for 10 weeks of Regular BB starting at 1.30pm. Are you all going to watch it?
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 11:03 am
Brian on yesterday's BOTS: "every time I tweeted people said Jedward Jedward Jedward but when I was getting it in my ear they were saying you may have to fill, it's that close, right up until the edge." Not sure if he means Paddy-Kerry-Jedward were all so close, but certainly Paddy-Kerry were. I would so love to see the percentages!
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 12:42 pm
The Radio Times (usually reliable) says CBB will be back again in January! Right now I'm feeling that's a bit too soon! So there are no Big Bots after the regular Big Brother, Kitt? Wow, it does sound like the percentages were close. I do hope CBS posts them. Sounds like they were honest with the rigging like I suspect at times in the U.S. BB. I was a little surprised there was still voting between the evictions yesterday.
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 1:18 pm
Yes, Bit On The Sides are on a schedule similar to how they have been for CBB, mostly just after the daily highlights show, but most regular Fridays it's a one hour gap. Tonight it's on at 3pm, right after the extended Launch (which starts v.soon!). It's Channel Five in the UK, by the way, not CBS who host Big Brother. I read on DS that Channel Five said they weren't posting percentages because it changes people's votes (i.e. don't bother to vote if they think someone is popular, know to give extra votes if someone was almost kicked out before). I kind of understand that but it's always really interesting to know. And it shouldn't stop them revealing the finale results, now the show is over!
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 2:08 pm
Omg... Is it 2012 yet? The one season of bb aus was the BEST bb I have ever seen by far!!!! Tasks everyday, Friday night live comps, and the egotistical frat boy who had to live in a broken down van in the back yard..... The whole season!! Haha.. Seriously Aus knows more than just how to put shrimp on the barby
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 11:16 pm
This may not be the right place but I saw it was announced BB Australia is returning 2012! Oh my gosh, Sarasmile! I'm so happy to hear this. AU BB is the peeps. I just hope they don't think they can do the show w/o live feeds because of CBS. Yep, Christiii....the last AU season was sooo good!
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 7:51 am
If this is true for the next celeb could be interesting.
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 9:01 am
From what I hear she can use the money so why not!
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 10:41 am
Is that shown on tv in America? what channel? I've never seen the celebrity BB but sounds good.
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 11:54 am
No, it's not on tv in the US, but you can usually find it on youtube not long after it airs in the UK. If you're interested I'm sure one of us here will point you in the right direction once the season starts. We should start a new thread soon, Celebrity Big Brother 2012 starts on January 4th, less than a month away now! As well as Lindsay (I wondered if she's even allowed to leave the US, as surely she's on some sort of parole???) I've seen Natasha Giggs strongly rumoured. She's a WAG who slept with her husband's brother, the footballer Ryan Giggs. They've also got (rumoured to have got) Natalie Cassidy signed up, she's a really nice girl, was Sonya in Eastenders for years. And Denise Welch, who's in Loose Women now but was Natalie in Coronation Street. I think she's also quite a sound kind of person, a bit mouthy but a nice person overall. And then there's always talk of Boy George being on...