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| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 2:17 pm
2% difference between Sophie and the next person, but they didn't say whether the next person was Charlie or Sam.
| Friday, August 16, 2013 - 4:10 pm
I'm surprised Sophie is out, I'm glad people didn't boo her all that much too. I hope she enjoys the next few days. I would be happy if either Sam or the Twins win, it would be great, though, if Sam won, that way Dexter would be annoyed and that would crack me up. My wish list: Sam Twins Charlie Gina Dexter
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 10:13 am
My list is almost the reverse of yours Stormie. I guess that's what keeps the bookies in business, not that I've ever placed a bet on anything. Winner: Gina 2 Dexter 3 Sam 4 Twins first out: Charlie Gina and Dexter are the only ones left that do not annoy me and do make me laugh. The other three are just on my last nerve. I cannot listen to Charlie go on and on and on another minute. If this wasn't the end, I'd quit watching she is that annoying. The twins are nothing but wanna be entertainers who are not at all entertaining and Sam is a foul mouth misogynist.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 12:45 pm
I totally agree with you last paragraph except Gina. She can be entertaining but she can also be so cruel and selfish I find it hard to like her on her better moments. And it bugs me no end that the BOTS audience and live show crowd adore her so much, she's just the opposite of the "real" girl they keep fantasising about. So right now I'm at: 1. Dexter 2. Twins 3. Sam 4. Gina 5. Charlie But it changes day to day as I don't really care about anyone's position except maybe Dexter. And I don't like him, I certainly wouldn't be comfortable with him as a friend, but he's been a very interesting housemate. As has Gina, despite my reservations, and I'd be okay if she was at any position except first.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 7:44 pm
After watching today's show I just want to fly to England and stick a sock in Charlies mouth.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 7:57 pm
My wishlist includes 1 twins 2 dexter 3 gina 4 sam 5 charlie I was shocked Sophie left but very glad also. I *know* Charlie won't win & I would have hated a Sophie win or runner up or anything almost as bad as I would if it was Charlie or Sam. My list isn't necessarily for a winner but who I'd want to lose the least lol.
| Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 11:13 pm
I'll join you MamaB. I don't know why BB keep showing us their conversations. Is there so little else that goes on that we have to be subjected to it?! Usually most of us pretty much agree on the order of the final six or so, it kind of shows what a lacklustre year it is that we don't agree but none of us are particularly bothered if we're not right.
| Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 8:20 pm
I am with Stormie on this one...I guess tomorrow will be my catch up day to hopefully get in gear for the finale, might skip over
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 11:02 am
Reminder of tonight's schedule: Mon 19 1-2pm BB: The Final Part 1 2.55-3.30pm BB: The Final Part 2 3.30-4.30pm BOTS I am not entirely enthused but might watch it live.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 12:06 pm
Thanks for the reminder and the schedule, Kitt. I just remembered today is the finale. Can't believe Celeb. BB is already starting Thursday. Wow! Not enthused here either.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 12:15 pm
I am slowly catching up fast forwarding some...but man can not stand Charlie. Just watched the family noms and really she does manipulate the men and the house and I so do not want to see her win. I am hoping and praying for Sam cause I see him coming out more and more.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 12:29 pm
I am really disappointed in this season - I thought the HM chosen were fine but there wasn't any brilliant memorable tasks. I guess I liked the FF & rewind ok but last years split up of cliques in battle of areas of the house that lasted a week was brilliant. Ignore the obvious, don't laugh - I liked the HM less last year but liked the tasks so much better. The HM remaining after Dan left are ho hum with no good tasks. Even the box task from years ago was brilliant & could have been used with few people (& would have been interesting with the divas left). Jack & Joe should have been given a task to not be in the same room for a week. Even after all my moaning, I still prefer BBUK to BBUS (especially this year).
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 12:45 pm
I agree the tasks weren't as fun this year, although a few in the beginning were a bit better. But I do think the casting was pretty bad, Dan, Dexter, Gina, Hazel, twins, were very good housemates (like them or leave them) but who cast Callum?! Salli was always just going to be an explosion then out. I guess Charlie came because of Jackie, as I cannot see why anyone would have cast her otherwise. Just quite a few misses who dragged down the show... which is also the fault of the editors, maybe other things happened but it's really felt like nothing but Callum, Charlie and Dexter for the last four (or more?!) weeks. So draining.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 12:59 pm
I have a feed, and unless I'm interrupted by the phone or the dishwasher repair man (who might need to turn the power off, noooooo) I'm going to spoil the finale, so watch out SPOILERS ahead!
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 1:16 pm
Final morning and Charlie's taken Dexter aside again to tell him she thinks he's full of rubbish. Enough already! Lines have frozen for the first eviction. First out tonight, and in FIFTH place is: Charlie!
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 1:17 pm
I am also watching so if you have to disappear I will post also.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 1:20 pm
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 1:31 pm
Time for the next one, placing FOURTH is: Jack&Joe! There are chants of "Get Dexter Out!" near Emma's microphone.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 1:46 pm
The next one is going to have to have a really short interview! placing THIRD is: Gina!
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 2:00 pm
Gina interviewed really well I thought, mostly came over as very nice. Charlie was same old same old, and Jack&Joe were much the same really, just the way they normally are. Next section of the show starts at 2.55pm according to the schedule, but Emma's just said 3pm... I think Sam will win although I would prefer if Dexter did.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 2:09 pm
While I was hoping for a Gina/Dexter final, I'm OK as long as Charlie and the twins are out. Of the two left, I really would prefer Dexter to win, but I think it will be Sam.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 2:22 pm
I don't know what Sam did to garner a win. I forgot he was even on the show about 90% of the time. I guess Dexter should win over him. Very lackluster season.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 2:59 pm
I think the good looking young man often gets the votes. He really didn't do enough to win (they say Rachel Rice was boring, but at least she always had to stand up to that girl who was hassling her all the time). Sam seems a nice enough young man in many ways but he really needs to be taken away from whatever sheltered upbringing he's had that has led him to believe demeaning women is ok.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 3:00 pm
Final announcement time: The winner is Sam! In second place is Dexter.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 3:27 pm
Worst season of BBUk ever. Sam did not deserve to win. He did almost nothing at all in the house. Dexter or Gina deserved to win it. I guessed it on launch night, that Sam would win it. Good looking young male with a handicap. The BB UK voters are far too predictable.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 4:11 pm
I think I have to second what Flagg said. I am very disappointed with a few things this season the most being Sam, he did nothing and didn't even deserve to be in the final let alone win. There was way to much influence from bb and the outside in this season of BB. I think Hazel should have been kicked out right along with Daley, she was the instigator and as others have said if she had been a guy she would have been removed for what she had done. It bothers me when they put someone in the house who obviously will pull at the heartstrings of the public. Oh well, on to CBB and hopefully it will be better.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 4:20 pm
I would have preferred a winner that was AWAKE. Sleep for 10 weeks, cause no drama & win - sigh Wish they had done a montage of Sam sleeping for his best bits. Most of the time that's all I saw on the live feeds. Dexter's list to who he would contact after tonight didn't include Daley. I wonder if it was recommended to not mention his name.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 6:29 pm
I was wondering what they would be able to show in Sam's "best bits." I think they had to put together every little thing he did the whole summer. I was disappointed that he won, but it would have been worse if Charlie had won. I think the whole Charlie thing did Dexter in and Hazel did Gina in. To me, they and Dan were the most entertainment this time around.
| Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 7:40 pm
I think the thing with falling behind with watching I had a different perspective. It was kinda like when I watched the series 5 with Nadia as the winner. i couldn't stand her and knew the people I wanted to win didn't. I couldn't see what everyone loved about her. This time I couldn't see how everyone loved Gina and Dexter. I actually liked Callum who I thought had a rough ride after his VT was shown. I like Sam thought he was sweet and funny, I guess i am missing everything from live feed as I don't see how he is a misogynist, a very lad like lad but misogynist hates women I don't see that in Sam. I was okay with the results. Still would have preferred to have seen Dan take it home.