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   | Archive through August 17, 2012 | Willwillbee | 25 | 1 | 08-17-12 7:08 am |
   | Archive through August 22, 2012 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 08-22-12 5:22 pm |
   | Archive through August 24, 2012 | Puzzled | 25 | 1 | 08-24-12 3:21 pm |
   | Archive through August 28, 2012 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 08-28-12 10:18 pm |
   | Archive through August 29, 2012 | Puzzled | 25 | 1 | 08-29-12 8:09 pm |
   | Archive through August 31, 2012 | Cricket | 25 | 1 | 08-31-12 1:27 pm |
   | Archive through August 31, 2012 | Cricket | 25 | 1 | 08-31-12 2:27 pm |
   | Archive through September 03, 2012 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 09-03-12 11:30 am |
   | Archive through September 05, 2012 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 09-05-12 12:05 pm |
   | Archive through September 06, 2012 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 09-06-12 8:46 pm |
   | Archive through September 07, 2012 | Nala63 | 25 | 1 | 09-07-12 2:10 pm |
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| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:13 pm
I can't imagine she will beat Julian, but then I couldn't imagine she would beat Martin .
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:17 pm
she went from being booed on first nom to being a star. what did i miss that the British public saw? is her hubby rich? bought votes?
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:21 pm
Nope, no rich hubby. It might be the Julie backlash??
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:22 pm
The time has come! They look nervous. The WINNER of Celebrity Big Brother is JULIAN! Coleen is second. Julian says he's never won anything, awwww.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:24 pm
Happy for julien, sad CBB is over. 
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:26 pm
I am so happy for Julian. I know he guests in talk shows and comedy shows, but really he hasn't done much in the public eye for a good 15 years. He must feel so happy he's still cared about.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:30 pm
ty Kitt . nowm i wont have to take my bp pill before i watch it mon u tube later. sooo glad Julian won.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:43 pm
Wish Julien didn't wear so much makeup.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:47 pm
He just likes to be fabulous, Amy.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 2:57 pm
They confirmed they are back in January with the next CBB.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 3:00 pm
Yay, will it be CBB or just BB???
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 3:17 pm
I think Coleen is nice enough, but Martin is gorgeous and just a great guy. Perhaps the younger people really don't know him, whereas Coleen is on daytime tv, so more in the public eye. I agree, Kitt. Martin was a class act all the way. Amy, I'm not understanding so much makeup on Julian also. His lips are so glossy, lol. Did Julian seem totally surprised he won? I got home after he was announced as winner, but he was still in the house, so missed the actual announcements.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 3:18 pm
I assumed it was CBB in the winter because they spoke about applying for next summer's regular BB.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 3:24 pm
He had a little cry, Cricket, it was sweet. The made up Julian is his public persona. He used to dress like that when he had his own tv show in the 90s.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 3:47 pm
The made up Julian is his public persona. He used to dress like that when he had his own tv show in the 90s. Ohh, I didn't realize that, Kitt. Thanks for the info. Does he still perform like in live situations? I thought I heard him talking to one of the housemates about an upcoming tour. Ahah! They asked about the pie on BOTS. When it was pointed out that the pie was NOT pushed hard into Julie's face, Julie once again repeated that she heard Coleen say something about who wouldn't want to put a pie in Bett Lynch's face. So is Julie saying because she heard Coleen say that it automatically means Coleen smashed the pie hard? Was the character Julie played, Bett Lynch, a mean character? I don't understand her thinking on this. It would be nice if she'd just admit the pie wasn't smashed hard on her face, but it's not going to happen. I notice when people are talking about things that happened in the house, if Julie is talked about in a negative way, she keeps shaking her head 'no' as if it didn't happen. I have to give Martin credit for saying what he did in front of her.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 4:14 pm
She's the Queen of seeing things her own way. I was also surprised and glad some of them said what they really thought, in a polite way, in front of her. Bet Lynch was a brassy barmaid of the main pub in Coronation Street, the long running soap. She flirted with all the men, kicked out people who caused trouble, ruled the roost. She was a bit of a b-word and completely dominated her husband. So no, not mean, just no nonsense. Yes, I think Julian still tours. He does stand-up comedy. He has a sharp tongue!
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 9:09 pm
omg Emma said thank you to all our lovely housemates and even Connor...that just made me rewind. lol
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 10:47 pm
I couldn't work out what that was about. Has something happened since the finale? They didn't seem to have a problem with him during the show (it was just the viewers that did).
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 3:53 am
There has been a lot of flack that Emma said on BOTS that Conor's violent comments were discussed with Deana in the diary room & she said it was ok & all was fine. After Deana got out, she claims this never happened & after Conor got out of the diary room & made a comment about nearly getting kicked out, she went to the diary room & pointedly asked if Conor had been saying things about her & they said they wouldn't discuss other housemates. No one really blames Emma, because she was told this & believed it true but the producers knew it wasn't. I believe that was Emma's way to publicly acknowledge her disapproval of Conor's actions in probably the only way she could.
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 7:32 am
Thanks so much for explaining all that Deana/Conor/Emma issue, Willwillbee. The whole thing was very confusing to me I still think that Deana will take some sort of legal action against BB. I am thrilled Julian won CBB. I would have loved for Martin to win, but was really scared that Colleen would beat them out. I never watched Jersey Shore, but from the commercials I've seen, it's not something I'd ever want to watch. So I had a pretty low opinion of Mike. By the end of CBB, he had grown on me. Now I'm worried that I'll want to watch JS just to see if Mike talks about being on CBB. Someone please talk me out of that!
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 8:09 am
Sara the finale season of JS was filmed prior to him going into the house which may be the reason he did it, nothing to go back to after, so you are safe you do not have to watch JS. (though I was hoping that in his letter from home they might mention Snookie named her new baby Lorenzo...lol0 I am pleased with the final three, the first three came out in the order I wanted, funny HAM is part pig cause well those boys suit it. i never thought Colleen could beat Martin, but the Julie backlash was strong. I would have been fine with either Martin or Julian at the top. The final BOTS focused too much on Julie. Never before had I seen them turning to some one else saying you have the right for rebuttal. Julie had her turn Wednesday. i would not be sorry to see the back of the singer Geoff. He just started to annoy me by the end.
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 9:25 am
Thanks for the BOTS background info, Willwillbe. Emma caught in the middle again. I thought Jeff sounded off on the songs on finale night, it spoilt them a bit just when you wanted a nice sing along. Other than that I've enjoyed him.
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 9:29 am
If BBUK is anything like US reality shows, the contestants sign away their rights to sue for *ANY* reason - including death. Big hoopla over that extreme show - Fear Factor I think is the name - one fellow stayed underwater too long & incurred brain damage - shame he signed his rights away. Mike is a low life, only watch the JS if you want to see how much of a low life he can be. He also appeared to be the nice guy in the house the first season - cooking, being a father figure, etc. & was only a low life to people outside the house but eventually he screwed over all of them. As an example, apparently, he & Snooki had a one night oooops & he made sure that it got back to the boyfriend. He didn't want her, he just wanted to make sure *everyone* knew he had "been there, done that" The other fellows also complained of Mike always coming on to the girls they were interested in - not so much that he wanted the girl but just to show he could steal the girl away (they called it "the robbery") Pretty much low life behavior from a "friend".
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 12:54 pm
I'm happy that Julian won, and like almost everyone else, was surprised that Martin went out before Coleen. Waaaaa, I'm missing CBB.
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 1:53 pm
Ew, thanks for the help, Kellee and Will- I don't like any of those types of reality shows and JS sounds worse than all of them. I have no desire now to ever watch it! Mike can just stay a CBB character for me.
| Sunday, September 09, 2012 - 10:36 am
HAM is part pig cause well those boys suit it ham is also the 'rear end' bum of the pig, ALSO suiting the boys. i picked julian as winner day one but think we likely saw a highly edited character. His sarcasm and sharp wit was seen rarely on the daily show. Instead we saw quiet julian, nonconfrontational julian, homecare worker julian. I thought he handled julie really well. Some of his comments about her afterwards raised my eyebrows tho. describing her as vile, for instance. I had great hopes for Martin in the beginning. all his talk about being there to PLAY the game. what a bore! if he didnt try to correct the idiotic boys and tell them what things meant, martin would barely have been shown. Like the HMs themselves said, he would go quiet and would sit by himself. IF approached, one word answers. i think he mentally checked out when he realized how volatile the house was and decided to NOT play the game at all. Glad he wasnt rewarded for "out of house" fame, cause his inhouse game sucked. at least harvey was trying to be entertaining.
| Sunday, September 09, 2012 - 11:13 am
I'm really glad that Julian won, he deserved it hands down. I hope that he and Julie can do something together, that would be really fun to watch. Mother and son show perhaps? They are very entertaining together.
| Saturday, September 15, 2012 - 12:11 pm
yes julian was very clever in his ability to glue himself to julie and pull out the best in her.