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| Friday, January 27, 2012 - 7:01 pm
When "pantsgate" happened, Pete Burns was 100% on the twins side for about a minute and a half. When the crowd let everyone know they were on Denise's side, he switched. He hadn't liked Denise until he saw that the tide had turned. He's just a very strange person.
| Saturday, January 28, 2012 - 2:00 am
i didnt get that impression at all. Pete has always said he HATED the twins but they are good telly. He also has always said he liked Denise being herself. I think you MIGHT be remembering the bots in which he was saying he loved the twins then later on said NO more Americans in CBB. however, In context, it was because they dont understand the game or what its about. jaimie east was the guy I couldnt stand this season. liked him last season, HATED his segments this season. he made it alllllll about himself even the hottub scene with fake bewbs and Later, wearing denise bewb Hat seemed like it was allll about himself and trying to steal spotlight. But then again, after michael heckling denise while she was trying to give her interview, i'd say the whole BOTS was a bit of a trainwreck. That incredibly boring aLICE levine investigator character should NEver have made it on the final. and OMG brian so has to go next season. he's so bad. tired of his theatric mugging at the camera and overly flamboyant gestures. if it was natural, it wouldnt bug me but it seems fake and put on.
| Saturday, January 28, 2012 - 9:00 am
Totally agree with you Sun! I really hope they replace Brian for exactly what you said. He's had lots of time to get over his "nerves" and he just seems unnatural - and I don't think he's all that funny. Michael heckling Denise was totally inappropriate but I love how they handled it - first Jamie then Gareth hugging him - loved him into being quiet! Wish someone would do that for me sometimes when I'm running my mouth! And I will NEVER get over Pete Burns saying No More Americans in CBB. Just an awful idea. Lots of people of lots of nationalities don't get British humor... I'm sure there are British folk who don't. That's part of what makes the show. But, we all know how much CH5 or anyone listens to me (reference the live feed issue which I will not bring up again )
| Sunday, January 29, 2012 - 1:30 pm
Wish someone would do that for me sometimes when I'm running my mouth! lol i would be mouthing off all the time if gareth was the hugger. that man is HAWT! hot HOT. i dont care if he's gay straight or bi. eyecandy
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 7:09 am
Denise announced on her TV show Loose Women, that she and her husband had already been separated for sometime before she did CBB. Now she's had to involve the police because of some nasty twitter remarks - full article here with excerpts of the twitter comments; some of which are particularly vile:
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 10:03 am
I think it's about time people on twitter who make such vile remarks get a visit from the police. I doubt there's much they can be charged on, and I know the police are busy, but death threats, seriously? They shouldn't get away with that. I read Nicola lost an advertising spokesman role after they saw her behaviour in the house, and apparently she's suing them for some sort of defamation of character(??!).
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 11:07 am
Suing Big Brother??? Surely that can't happen! LOL - I can't imagine what Nicola did in the house that was all that bad... but advertisers are cut throat. I think the police really need to revamp and make new departments or task forces that only deal with internet threats and bullying. Some of it is just ridiculous and as I said - vile.
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 11:15 am
No, sorry, I meant suing the people who were going to hire her as a spokesperson (I guess because they made a statement about why they could no longer use her). Reading it again, maybe it's the place suing her, not the other way round?? Anyway, not good for Nicola by the sound of it.
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 12:01 pm
because of the weak internet laws, kids especially think the can get away with anything. in the real world uttering threats is serious and will result in criminal charges. we have a whole generation of kids who grew up with unrestricted internet since the 80s and its about time laws are changed. I personally feel that kids have been brainwashed that the internet is 'needed' research area and social connections. i've heard so many parents claim the kids NEED internet and their own pc 'For School". what a load. Now that all my movie and tv sites are being hauled down by the SOPA groups, i'm realizing just how LITTLE else i actually do online... and how I too was brainwashed. Good on denise for winning, coming clean and now that we see those threats, Good on her and tim for offically calling it quits so MAYBE the kids will be safe from Nutbars. I would assume Denise is on her own without kids due to these threats. as for nic, she showed her personality on the show. I dont think she was edited any worse then the others. however, i do agree that her ranting temper tantrums, fueled by alcohol would not be good for a family brand (martial art schools)
| Friday, March 09, 2012 - 9:25 pm
Michael Madsen Arrested in Malibu for child endangerment. This story is so foggy it's really hard to tell exactly what happened.
| Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 2:24 am
the mugshot pic says a lot. looks thinner, wired up and yet still has a certain look in the eye like he's not sure whats going on
| Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 3:15 am
I was just telling Kitt the other day how I wish I had never watched CBB this year because it totally blew the image I had of Michael. I mean for years I have had him built up in my mind as this perfect sex symbol of my dreams, and now I can barely look at him. I wish I could erase everything I know of his real personality.
| Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 11:58 am
i know exactly what you mean. i feel like that about Vinnie Jones. Thought he was the ultimate Cool guy but not anymore. my issue about Madsen was that his 'cooler then cool' calm voice was often being very mean to denise. i mean seriously, either DONT talk to her or do. Dont keep sucking up then complaining when it all goes pearshaped after she gets overzealous. lots of cbb viewers were upset when denise frustratedly was pretending to punch at Michael's face, but he is laughing along with her like its a big joke. Later he tries to play victim. so now seeing his mug shot and hearing about his further problems, i still think it was not all denise in the house causing drama
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 2:32 am
The thing I find funny is that Michael refused to do things on CBB because he said it would ruin his career image. To me, his refusing and and acting like an ass about it was worse than if he had done the tasks.
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 4:17 pm
I was surprised he got on the show because he'd had some run in with the law only a couple of months before BB. I think it was for drinking and fighting but I'm not sure. By the way, there are rumours regular BB will start in May this year, a bit earlier so that CBB (straight afterwards) can still be in the summer.
| Friday, March 16, 2012 - 5:13 am
Big Brother host Brian Dowling ambushed and robbed at knife-point by two hooded men
| Tuesday, April 03, 2012 - 6:57 pm
BB got picked up for 2013 and 2014...
| Monday, April 16, 2012 - 12:42 pm
Went onto DS after a long time of not... lots of possibly(?!) interesting new stories: Josie got engaged to her boyfriend (not John James!). Makosi got in trouble at the border for (allegedly) using someone else's passport. There will be a second CBB2012, to run after main BB. This upcoming BB will be 10 weeks long. Still no start date announced though, it was meant to be in May.
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 6:51 am
sigh - not May Marcus Bentley @marcusBBbentley Close @wendyscott No exact date yet Wendy - but it'll be June. 9.5 weeks of 'Normal' followed by 3.5 weeks of Celeb
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 10:57 am
They're shortening the season too. Nine and a half weeks I guess takes us from early June to early/mid-August?? Then CBB ends the first week of September??
| Saturday, April 21, 2012 - 4:03 am
I'm reading conflicting info - Marcus Bentley says 14 wks but then gives the above breakdown which equals 13 wks & then another source says 10.5 + 3.5 weeks. I wonder if they even know lol a new deal has been struck to secure one more CBB that will be aired in late summer. This will be achieved by shortening Big Brother from 14 weeks to 10 weeks three days, in order to carve out an extra run of the celebrity version. I'm wondering if Marcus misspoke.
| Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 4:59 am
btw - After three years off air, Big Brother Australia will be returning this year after the Olympics.
| Tuesday, May 01, 2012 - 9:43 pm
Can't wait for BB AU...that was my favorite BB.
| Monday, May 14, 2012 - 3:56 pm
Here's the first commercial..
| Monday, May 14, 2012 - 4:52 pm
Just came to post that, Wilson! It's a funny one. I wish they would tell us the start date already!
| Monday, May 14, 2012 - 4:54 pm
Started a new thread for the new BB, and put the link in there!
| Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 9:39 am
I need to check out the UK sites. With the Olympics being in London, things will likely be different this season PLUS there will Possibly be BETTER and REAL celebrities in there due to the Media interest as to anything and everything UK.