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| Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 8:26 pm
Is there a link for the YOUTUBES of Alex? I felt she was playing it up. Thanks everyone for all the postings.
| Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 9:04 pm
I don't think we are allowed to post links to youtube but the poster of the clip is essexuktv and you can find it if you search Alex Lee big brother She says she wanted to be a model and appear on reality tv and lists in her top models both Jodie Marsh and Sophie Reade. Feel the girl had more of a game plan than said for I still have a hard time working all she lists as having done modeling for 3 years and having been in nuts and other magazines.
| Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 11:34 pm
i've seen the skimpy lingerie modelshoot, i;ve seen the MARRY SNOG AVOID show. I've seen a few of alex doing chitchats on youtube. Why he would be looking towards his brother is that is the direction where the screen is where they were able to see it. oh come on, actually watch the show before making something like that up. There are screens behind brian, there are NO SCREENS in the middle of the audience geez. aaron is watching screen then turns eyes and head to LEFT to raise eyebrows, laugh and grimace at his Brother and friend. it starts at 4mins in on Youtube part 6, by 440 he is actively shaking head. would LOVE him to explain why- i didnt particularly hear the crowd start booing anytime during it but MAYBE in studio he could hear people yelling stuff or something his comments about how acting in a stroppy way doesnt get you fans is Incorrect. aaron is a huge BB fan and he knows John James had HUGE amounts of fans last season because of the crying temper tantrums etc by the time they get to Aaron's HOuse Highlights,7 mins in he is back to shaking head and covering mouth almost nonstop. Since we dont hear the crowd during this segment, maybe they really ARE booing!! oh well, i'm only trying to figure it out. I dont think we've seen this reaction FROM the winner ever before.
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 1:58 am
whooops i've killed the thread you know, i'm really surprised about the lack of articles etc. I really thought i'd find tons of stuff on Dig Spy but NOPE.
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 8:18 am
Sunshyne I watched the show on my big screen tv, twice thanks.the screens are over Brian's shoulders which is the direction he was looking at, when he did look elsewhere it was a bit in both directions. Plus that was true to what we had seen before that was how he seemed to react on the inside as well. We have never seen a winner come out to boos before either. I think the closest would have been Rachel Rice, even then you could not hear the boos during the exit as clearly. During the interview she did not get jeered all the way through.
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 3:19 pm
people were chanting Aaron AARON too. they even showed a close up of Faye chanting 'aaron' along with the crowd. IT wasnt all boos and jeers during the interview yes he glanced over at the right for a microsecond even tho there is NOTHING there except the closed eye. Most of the time it was left side directly at his people in the front row. i write my observances and am more than happy if someone watches the same bit and chooses to see things opposite to what is shown on screen. lets agree to disagree. Either that or i get out the Stopwatch and actually time the guesstimated 1/4 of the time he is looking at bro/friend the season is over and i'm still disappointed. I am finding practically NOTHING from post show on any of the HM. other years i remember tons of post show stuff
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 4:20 pm
There's an interview with Aaron on the official facebook page, if anyone can access it (I've never been able to). I expect it'll be somewhere on youtube soon. Wednesday night at 9pm (1pm here) is "Big Brother: The Winner's Story" which is "A chance to see how this year's triumphant housemate coped with being hurled back into real life after spending 53 days cooped up inside the Big Brother compound, featuring a look back at the winner's best moments and the views and stories from the other contestants." Aaron's also posted at one of the facebook fan sites: "Hello there poppets! Not had a moment to myself yet, but I've been made aware of the fantastic support on here, so just wanted to say a huge thanks and that I DON'T have a twitter account!! I still have no idea what's going on, but I'm sure a cup of tea will help! Love to you all. Aaron xxx" so at least we know he's surviving!
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 6:43 pm
Sunshyne I have no problem with someone seeing something other in it either but this did carry a lot of attitude oh come on, actually watch the show before making something like that up. There are screens behind brian, there are NO SCREENS in the middle of the audience geez. I agree they all look at their family, they all seek reassurance, and yes Aaron did look that way and probably looked the other way cause that was the direction the housemates were in. You see his reason for looking in one light, I see it as him reacting the same way he did in the house. I will have to see if I can check out the interview a little later . I did look and see they already have everything up for auditions for next year so that is a positive sign right?
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 7:38 pm
Thanks for the link Kitt!!
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 9:38 pm The show champ, 30, admits he was terrified during his interview with host Brian Dowling on Friday night. In his only newspaper chat, he told the Daily Star Sunday: “I can’t remember a single question he asked me – I was just thinking at any moment someone was going to storm the stage and hit me. “It was really hard coming out to boos. I knew I’d never get massive cheers but to get such a negative reaction tainted the feeling of winning.”
| Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 10:39 pm
your words. Why he would be looking towards his brother is that is the direction where the screen is where they were able to see it. no the screen wasnt there by his brother in the middle of the audience. Yes my comment had a tone to it because there WAS NO screen there. i have no idea why you'd say that IF you are well aware that the screens were behind Brian and some behind Aaron. anyways, Adrenaline and happy excitement can cause exactly the same effect of Blanking OUT on questions. No way he thought someone was going to storm the stage since there were two security there beside him on stage. Aaron was shown to be quite theatric and exaggerated in the house. I take his comments to be taken humorously, not seriously.
| Monday, November 14, 2011 - 4:04 am
uhmmm i was just sharing the article..that is the first part of it...and as that is the only newspaper he did ...figured it was worth sharing
| Monday, November 14, 2011 - 9:12 am
Glad you shared the article Kellee thank you. Many of the BBUK cast is on twitter and the wrap up party is today so if anyone gets a link to pic's or vid's of it please post!! Thanks!!
| Monday, November 14, 2011 - 11:14 am
For any going through BBUK withdrawal a new "I'm a Celebrity get me out of here" started yesterday in Australia. I caught it on YouTube daniel10234567 has the full episode so it's like watching on the tv but no commercials. Really good show nothing like our US version.
| Monday, November 14, 2011 - 11:12 pm
I love Ant and Dec. I watch the show mostly for them!
| Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 1:36 am
They are hilarious!! Are they the same guys on the UK singing show I can't think of the name of it. Simon's singing show in the UK. Anyway they are a hoot.
| Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 9:45 am
Not the singing one, but they host Britain's Got Talent, the job Nick Cannon does on the US one. They're great on that too!
| Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 11:18 am
Yes those are the guys that are on "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" they are hilarious!! On YouTube daniel10234567 has the November 13 and 14th shows up. I like to watch his video's because he does the whole show on one click, it's better than watching on tv 44 minutes long and no ads.
| Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 9:09 pm
heard a rumor that this is the boyfriend, not really the best friend. I somehow dont think we will get any answers after the fact. aaron was very private in the house and didnt share one iota of new stuff at finale' Wow where did you hear that ?? Looking at his mates fb I think it`s way off mark. Not surprised Aaron didn`t give much away in his interview tbh - Brian isn`t exactly the best interviewer and didn`t ask any leading questions. The Winner`s Story show tonight was excellent, if you`re a fan of Aarons, very little shown of the others.
| Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 9:11 pm
Aaron has also signed up to Twitter today and Rachel USBB is following him 
| Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 8:37 am
I wouldn't be surprised if that was Aaron's boyfriend. I wish he'd just say I'm gay or I'm straight instead of leading folks on.
| Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 9:23 am
Could he just not say he is bi, I mean look at Tom from Aaron to Alex and no one seems to question if that was all for the
| Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 9:33 am
Big Brother 2011 - The Winners Story - November 16th
| Saturday, November 19, 2011 - 10:23 am
It was a good show, Aaron comes across as very sweet. I wonder if all the haters from the eviction show have got over it yet.
| Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 9:59 am
Aaron came across very very well. Liked his brother, so glad they interviewed him.
| Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 6:07 pm
I have to laugh how the UK forums are still arguing about Aaron vs Jay. I think Jay had a huge following there But older fans and girls impressed by aaron's pretty face outnumbered the jay fans. The few articles i've seen seems to indicate both jay and his mom still have sour grapes. the Last aaron interview i saw (gabby show) had faye answering many questions and Aaron still not aware that Faye nommed him 3 times. He also had NOT seen the show at all. i truly believe that his body language on the Gabby show was indicative that him and faye are not really together...other then as friends. HOwever, until interest dies off I expect them to continue with the "it was real" routine. what i'd really like to see is an indepth interview after aaron watches all the episodes and sees what others said about him LOL Including the obvious way Faye would set him up with the others thus instigating much of the tension.
| Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 7:47 am
Emma Willis had her baby on Friday! This is her second child with husband Matt. She had a baby boy and they named him Ace … Congrats to Emma!
| Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 11:00 am
Oh sweet, a girl and now a boy! Lucky she held out until the end of the show really .
| Friday, December 02, 2011 - 4:22 pm
and i bet the babies are cute. the mom and dad are gorgeous
| Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 2:53 pm
omg so after two weeks Jaye and Lou are officially engaged for marriage. Sigh, soooooo romantic? or a ploy to expand further 15 mins? its worth doing a search to see Jay's new tattoo pledging love for lou.... you'll be shaking your head at the mispelled words and poor diction. Guess there's no spellcheck for tattoos i also read that alex did NOT SHARE her money with tom. he really was the ultimate loser this season. hope BB production wakes up and realizes that money split idea didnt cause Any tension or 'good tv'
| Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 1:56 am
Woah I'd forgotten about this bunch already! If Louise is as nice as she seemed (if a little dim) I hope she manages to escape from Jay, he's just too disgusting for my tastes, not that she's much better at times. According to an article at DS, Jay is claiming that Alex ONLY shared her money with Tom, so I don't know which is right. Between them, Jay and Louise had $18K of the $19K owed to them anyway (they lost $500 each in gifts to Alex and Tom) so they shouldn't be that mad at Alex for not giving them an extra $1000. If she did give $10K to Tom she only owed $10K to Aaron, and as he won I can see him telling her to keep it. I think Jay just can't do maths ;). That article also says that Rebekkah and Anton are arguing... anything to keep their names out there. Wonder if Aden ever saw Rebekkah after the final!
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 2:43 pm
Figured this would be the best place for this.. There's an article that has an update about a BBUK HM named Rebekah- but it's not about the one who was on the show last year. It's about the one who was on the show in 2009. You say you don't remember a BBUK contestant by that name that year? Well you're right....
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 4:16 pm
Shocked about that, he never really even hinted about that in the house. He has small delicate features so would make a pretty woman. A bit odd him talking about Rebekah in the third person though, more like it's a character than himself. I guess it's hard at first. And probably later too.