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| Monday, January 31, 2011 - 12:30 pm
Yeah I like Emma Willis a lot. She's got that enthusiasm you really need. Five is special in that it's the only "new" broadcast channel since Ch4 in the mid-80s. However by the time it came around (about 10 years ago I guess) the signal could only be picked up in the big cities, and soon after that most people switched to cable and other options, and it never really gained viewers. So I guess it's seen as kind of a wannabe station, and desperate for attention, so yes indeed it could try and be a bit more extreme to catch new viewers. As it's broadcast not cable though, the daily tv shows will still be subject to the same restrictions, depending on what time of day it's broadcast.
| Thursday, February 10, 2011 - 4:24 pm
They're apparently very close to a deal- it'll be on a smaller scale, but the show will run longer: (I suspect they might announce a deal Monday- that's when they start a rebranding of the channel) But Davina is out officially...
| Friday, February 11, 2011 - 7:22 am
I have a friend who watches BBUK online. He is always telling me how awesome it is compared to the US version. I can't bear the thought of sitting at my computer and watching a TV show. I wish it were on BBC America.
| Friday, February 11, 2011 - 12:43 pm
It would be great to have easier tv access to it here. Don't see BBCAmerica hosting anything even remotely "live" though, plus it's on a competing network. It'll be interesting to see what access there will be for live viewing this year (if it runs). I presume E4 won't have overnight live feeds as they're a Ch4 sister station, and Five would probably have to pay a lot to show the feeds there. Maybe Fiver will show it. I wonder if the people who run/organise/staff the live feeds are even Ch4 employees, and new ones would have to be brought in. Maybe Endemol did everything and it's being sold in its entirety and it'll be a smooth transition.
| Thursday, March 03, 2011 - 12:43 pm
More news pointing to likelihood that BBUK will return... maybe this year, maybe next. This has just been released on Hertsmere Council have granted FULL permission for the Big Brother house to remain at elstree until 30 September 2013. The S106 has been granted today (3rd March 2011). Wonder if hold ups with this permission is why there's been no announcement yet. Wish they'd just make it official one way or another LOL
| Thursday, March 03, 2011 - 11:29 pm
I looked up the old audition dates, and they've started in January or February. If they're going to do a season this summer they're going to have to fast track the audition process. Mind you there's no reason why they have to start in June like normal, they could do a short season or a later season I guess, it's not like they have anything to limit them being on channel Five.
| Friday, March 04, 2011 - 6:56 am
I've also heard that they are planning to start this summer with a Celebrity BB and the regular show won't come back until next year. If that's an option, then they won't need to do regular auditions until next winter. I think they get most of their celebrities pretty last minute so that would work well.
| Friday, March 04, 2011 - 11:47 am
That would be fun. They need to really get it right when they do their first regular BB, so the more planning time they have the better. It seemed so difficult getting interesting celebrities for Ch4, I wonder who will do it for Five. I expect a lot of it depends on how much they're offering...
| Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 10:14 am
John and Josie have split up! Here's a tweet from Josie: Josiestweet Josie Gibson Me & John r on a break. We r going to see if we can work things out. We may, we may not. I will not be tweeting about our relationship again They made it six months, which is more than a lot of BB couples. Weird to hear about them after all this time.
| Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 10:32 am
LOL, Kitt - I came here to post the same thing and you beat me to it! I heard this: "Two of the main points of conflict the splitting couple admit to are John James' reluctance to take Josie out and her consumption of alcohol." Actually surprised they made it as long as they did with those two things being their major issues.
| Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 11:09 am
I'm still convinced he wasn't into her that way, just liked the companionship, so I can imagine there would be problems! DS says that Josie has a reality show coming up soon. Wonder what the producers will think without John.
| Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 1:16 pm
I think they already started shooting the reality show because it premieres in May. Some speculate that they will reunite in a couple of weeks, perfect timing for the start of the show. But if you believe that, you would have to believe that they drummed up this "romance" for publicity, so... I never thought they had a real romantic involvement, but it's hard for me to believe either one of them has the gumption to plan out a public-romance-for-profit scenario.
| Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 5:20 pm
Oh those cynics ;) ;). I think she was in love with him, and recognised that money could be made, but she wasn't insincere in anything. And I think he really felt a lot for her, maybe wanted it to be romantic but really just wanted his mummy. And with his knowledge of the show I think he knew that a romance/fauxmance would serve him well. So I think the gumption was really more going with the flow, with perhaps a little manipulation from John. Hmmm so nothing new lately about a summer BB...
| Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 6:51 am
Ok, this has been driving me nuts - anyone watching Survivor? And if so, does David remind you of Mario? I realized that I had been calling him Mario in my head and had to correct myself! Then today, I went to a UK site where I catch up on gossip for Big Brother and saw a Survivor thread, popped in, and everyone was calling David "Moley"!!!! I was cracking up - it wasn't just me!!!
| Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 10:38 am
!!! You're right! I hadn't noticed, but he really does!
| Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 12:04 pm
It's just a matter of crossing the t's and dotting the i's now...looks like a short CBB run in the late summer, followed by a regular BB run in the fall and winter (then in 2012 beck to the normal format- CBB in the spring and regular BB in the summer). It's reported to be a five-year deal worth some £200 million...
| Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 12:26 pm
I really didn't think we'd be seeing it this year. Hope it actually works out this time!! Wouldn't think negotiations would be that tough. It's not "Big Brother Negotiates World Peace" or anything 
| Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 12:46 pm
There have been so many "almost" deals between the two that I actually thought it had been done already! I think they should do a late summer CBB but leave the regular BB until next year when people will be itching for it again. Sounds like they think it will be such a money maker they'll bring it back as soon as they can though.
| Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 2:31 pm
| Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 3:08 pm
I wish we could get the live feeds for this. I've never understood why they would block them.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 2:19 am
Well they are following the US version in one respect- they've upped the grand prize to £500,000.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 6:32 am
Watching the live feeds was possible, but not something you could count on being able to do all the time. It took some work. I'm hoping that it's not so difficult with Ch 5. I can't read these articles because digitalspy is blocked on my work computer but other information I've found is that there will be a telephone in the house and they are bringing back the golden ticket contest. I read that "top of the wanted list" for CBB was Mohamed al-Fayed, while "a big money offer" would be made to Charlie Sheen. Wondering why Mohamed al-Fayed would even consider being on a reality show... unless he still wants to get word out on his conspiracy theories about his son's and Princess Di's deaths.
| Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 2:26 pm
This was such exciting news, I figured BB UK would be back eventually, but I didn't expect it to almost be back at the regular time. ;) We can only hope they take the parts that made BB UK great and turn it up a notch...
| Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - 8:07 am
I'm just back from the UK... seems you get more info online than there is on tv there! Mohammed Al-Fayed?!?! Surely not! So August with celebs, and hopefully Emma Willis and Marcus Bentley! Looking forward to it if they can get some interesting celebs.
| Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - 8:15 am
Oh forgot to say there was a "celebrity" Wipeout when I was there, and Chantelle was one of the celebs! The first obstacle was a bar with a rod thing spinning round (slowly) so you had to walk along and then jump over the bar once, twice if you were unlucky and caught it the other side. She stood just out of reach of the bar and started whining in a laughy way that she didn't want to do it! The clock was at six minutes and the the bar had really slowed down before she jumped (they'd shown other competitors then gone back to her)... it was pretty hilarious. Then after that she went through some really nasty obstacles (gross pots of mock food and so on) without too much bother! She was obviously the slowest person but she was certainly entertaining! reading this back - maybe you had to be there!
| Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 11:05 am
Hope you had a great trip, Kitt! Chantelle is really popular, isn't she? She seems so real and naturally funny. She's been in the news a lot because of her rather public break up with a recent boyfriend. I hope she finds someone worthy of her. All the stuff I find online could just be a lot of malarky too! But I love how the excitement grows slowly over the months leading up to the UK BB - that anticipation is not quite as noticeable for the US BB
| Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 7:32 pm
Oh my... I'm watching an On Demand special about Prince William and Kate from TLC. Ben Duncan of all people is on it as a "former student" from the school Prince William went to (St. Andrews?) LOL - such a shock to see him!!!
| Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 8:21 pm
Thanks, it was a good trip . Yeah, Chantelle is very likeable, even if you think she's a bit, well, irritating at times. I think she's honest with her motivations so you know what you're getting. Oh Ben! Wonder what he's up to! Should have known he'd be hobnobbing with royalty.
| Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - 12:47 pm
Oh poor John and Josie... Josie Gibson has admitted that she has been struggling since she split from John James Parton last month. The pair met in the Big Brother house last summer and after Josie went on to win the show, they moved in together and dated ever since. However, they broke up just a few weeks ago, with the 25 year old Australian hunk moving home to Oz in a bid to escape the press attention in the UK. <snip>
| Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 5:37 am
Seems that this article sort of proves that John James was only in a relationship with Josie to benefit his "career." If anyone watches the show "There's Something about Josie" and finds out what that "something" is, please tell me 
| Monday, May 02, 2011 - 11:55 am
well she's a little different you Have to admit. Doesnt seem too bright, usually has a laugh or a smile, she'd be good for a reality show. However, Crabeyes/ Mr grumpypants does NOT add much to her other than constant bickering and arguing. Glad he's gone however, wonder how much of her money has disappeared? Bet they lived pretty high on the hog while they were swimming in the new winnings. Havent been keeping up with the Rumors but I expect Josie didnt last long with the Exercise/ dieting. I expect that John James started running when he realized he was Stuck with the Mr Staypuff Man (ghostbusters reference LOL)
| Monday, May 02, 2011 - 12:12 pm
Josie looks like someone else these days! Very slim and her face looks different - not sure if it's just loss of weight or photoshop. Here's a new article from the Star about the split, there are pics there too: