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   | Archive through August 16, 2017 | Karuuna | 25 | 1 | 08-16-17 12:08 pm |
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| Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 10:26 pm
I don't know. The scammer claimed that FedEx delivered the cash to her front door. I thought that was a red flag right there. They don't do that, that I know of.
| Monday, October 30, 2023 - 12:24 pm
Okay, I should know better, but I almost fell for another scam today. I got an email, supposedly from Geek Squad saying I was renewed and they would be drawing $449.52 for payment. There was an 800 type number listed. I called to tell them I did not have a geek squad account. Then we went through a whole song and dance go to this address,and do this. Then another website and do this. At the end of it, they pretended that they had "accidentally" given me$5000 into my bank account and they had to get it back right away. I offered to mail them a check. They said no. It has to happen right away--today. The other bank will close all their accounts. And will close mine, too. So they told me to go to Walgreens and buy a gift card for $500 for either Target or Sephora. So I went and told the cashier what was'going on--that I thought I was being scammed. She told me she couldn't do it then. I gave her my phone and she told the scammer off. So she's a hero.
| Monday, October 30, 2023 - 12:32 pm
I thought I was smarter than this, but they sound so believable. They said their bank cut them off. And would do the same to mine. I went to my biank today and they said they see nothing to worry about. I told them what happened and told them I wanted them to know what was going on and to put an alert on my account.
| Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 2:03 am
"Hoe Depot" called me for months saying that my account was overdue and theywere putting it out for collection if I didn't respond in a week with a payment. I had never had an account there so I ignored the call(s) but they kept coming for a long time!!!
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 7:35 am
I don’t understand how people can think that a responsible business would want gift cards as payment.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2023 - 10:46 pm
I’ve lost count of the scam calls, emails, and texts I’ve gotten with very similar message that charges have been made or are going to be made from all sorts of accounts. Most recent was a text that said I had a substantial charge against my Amazon account and unless I followed the provided link to cancel the order my account would be charged. Well I am an Amazon Prime member but I don’t have an account with Amazon that charges can be placed against. Obviously I don’t hit or actually any link sent in one of those emails, text, etc.
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 10:08 am
My godson got a notice from his bank that a $25,000 had been credited to his checking account. As he had not made a deposit, he called the bank. He was told that it was a scam because an electronic transfer from another bank account into his would automatically make that (sending) able to make a withdrawal FROM his account. He cleared out that accounnt, leaving only the $25,000. Sure enough , in a few days thee $25.000 was trnasferred out of the account!
| Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 7:12 am
I just got a text message on my phone from Optimum (local cable company) reminding me that a balance due of over $200 is just about due and to pay now to avoid late fees and Yada, Yada, yada... My 1st thought was that it must have something to do with my mother's account from 5 years ago. Then I thought maybe my boyfriend had given them my number as a contact at some point. We got rid of Optimum about 6 months ago and I remember him fighting with them over the final bill before he paid it. But the big give away was that they offered a link to chat if I wanted to discuss my bill with them. Ha! Optimum does not give you any chance to talk to them at all. Everybody hates them. That was a dead giveaway it was a scam. So, when I calmed down, I remembered to take a look at their web link they gave and they added an inconspicuous "s" in their address. So, beware of cable/internet texts looking for money.
| Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 11:26 am
Yeah the name is always off. I got a text from Wells Fargo about my account being frozen for fraud. Big give away, I have no account at that dirt bag bank. The E was a 3 in the name.
| Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 11:56 am
On m Medicare three month reporr there was a firm in GA chargong12months of catheter supplies for close to $24,000! I called and reported it to the fraud who thanked me. When I mentioned it to a friend she said she had had the same thing on her account and reported it. When she got to her exercise class and mentioned it TWO more people in the class had found the same charges on their bills. Medicare fraud is BIG BUSINESS!! Check your reports!
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 2:43 am
Oh, gosh Tntitanfan.... I usually just file them away because I never owe anything. I'll start looking more thoroughly! It's odd that several in her class had the same experience. I wonder if they used a Medicare card/benefit to pay for that class?
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 5:13 am
Tnt and Kar, same here. I will start looking at Medicare reports.
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 12:41 pm
Holy crap, TNT, good find. I told this to Bigdog tonight, but we are in the final stages of going back home from TX to WA, so please remind me to check again after we get home in early March.
| Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 4:48 pm
JUJU look above..
| Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 9:47 pm
I’ve been getting about a call a day from “AT&T” offering to lower my cell phone bill by 25-30%. They also offer brand new cell phones, supposedly the latest model, at no charge for taking advantage of this special offer. I listened to one long enough that he got to the point of saying there would be a one time charge to cover taxes, handling, and shipping. Not saying this a new scam but it is slightly different as last year it was a bunch of calls offering a similar deal to reduce my DirecTV bill. Back then I called DirecTV and they said neither they or AT&T, which they are a part of, would ever call with such an offer and there was no special offer available. I reported the latest AT&T scam call to AT&T and they said they were aware of the scam. I gave them the number the call came from a naturally it wasn’t a valid number.
| Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 6:16 am
I have been receiving emails about a special message from Social Security ... funny though they aren't from the government and they want me to click on a link. So beware, they do look pretty official except for who they are from.
| Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 1:19 pm
Thanks for the reminder, Sea, and checking my Medicare claims and payments has actually filtered through my mind a couple times since we returned home 12 days ago, but now that I am/we are this freaking old, we are concentrating on getting through the medical appointments first. Feel free to remind me again.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 3:20 pm
Got hit by a very sophisticated scam attempt today. A very convincing young man with no accent. He said he worked for a company that owns several companies and one of those was a medical lab. He said the lab had tried several times to collect for blood and lab that had not been paid. He said it was from a hospital visit in December 2023…..first red flag since i wasn’t anywhere near a hospital in 2023. I had nothing but routine labs with my primary and they have their own lab. So I asked what hospital and all he could say was “a hospital in San Antonio”. I asked if he could mail me a detailed bill….second reg flag because he couldn’t do that. I asked how can I pay the bill without a statement…..third red flag was he said it could only be paid over the phone with a credit card. We ended the call with him saying he’d have to talk to his boss. Fourth red flag was I tried to call the number back that my phone recorded….no such number. A very smooth and reasonable conversation but still a scam.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 5:02 pm
Scary! Now I read not to answer any unknown calls because when you do they are getting your voice for AI calls to scam your loved ones. This is especially scary for seniors.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 6:23 pm
If you do talk to anyone, be careful.. As Pamy says, they can record and make it sound like you agreed to something..
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 9:13 pm
Just bleeping wonderful.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 5:51 am
I am very careful about what I say over the phone. I very deliberately stayed away from using affirmative words like yes, fine, okay, etc. It’s hard to not answer my cell phone because that is the number I use for almost all of my business and accounts. For instance, I have new front and back doors on order. I got an email from the company rep who I have been dealing with saying they expected the doors soon and they would be calling to schedule the install. Kind of hard to not answer though I suppose they could leave a voicemail and I could call them back. I am still thinking about the recent scam attempt I posted here. Talked to my wife and she agrees it was a scam. She thinks since the caller knew my birthdate that they were counting on or hopeful that they would catch a senior who maybe wasn’t very sharp. He did use the vailed threat of “helping me out before this goes to a collection agency”. That didn’t faze me but some might panic or give in. She thinks they were also hoping, based on my age, I had had enough medical appointments but that I might be confused or had lost track the of who, what, and when of doctor appointments.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 6:23 am
Mack, your scam story reminds me of something I recently read. Here it is. Scammers Are Creating Fake News Videos to Blackmail Victims
quote:When onlineromance and sextortion scammers sense they’ve found a victim who may send them money, they’ll use all kinds of villainous methods to get paid. They’ll frequently stoop to blackmail—and are constantly creating more devious approaches to incorporate it into their grifts. In recent months, cybercriminals have taken their blackmailing efforts up a notch, creating realistic-looking “news” videos that claim their victims are wanted for crimes. Scammers based in West Africa, likely in Nigeria, and going under the broad umbrella of the Yahoo Boys, have increasingly been seen sending blackmail victims videos likely using AI-generated news anchors in a bid to pressure victims into paying up. A WIRED review of posts on Telegram by self-styled Yahoo Boys shows the cybercriminals are impersonating television stations based in the US and sharing tutorials about how to create the blackmailing videos.
quote:Typically, Yahoo Boy scammers message hundreds of people online while posing as members of the opposite sex using pictures stolen from social media profiles. They run all types of scams, but for those that involve blackmail, they often attempt to build up a relationship with their potential victim and obtain compromising information—most commonly, nude images. Then they shift gears. “At some point, they reveal their identity after they get everything that they need, and then they start blackmailing,” Maimon says. They demand money and threaten to release images online or send them to family and friends if they’re not paid. “One of the approaches they use in order to make sure that the blackmail is realistic is actually producing those news clips that they send to the victims and in a way push them, nudge them, to pay the blackmail,” he says. “They try to push you to make decisions under conditions of stress, under conditions of urgency.”
Now, I know this is about targeting people looking for love and whatnot, and that doesn't have anything to do with you. But, they are using AI and getting info and pictures from social media sites, I figure it's just a matter of time that they will do this with other types of scams.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 7:54 pm
I am pretty sure Mack and I are old enough not to be sending nude photos. I can barely take a passable head shot selfie.
| Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 3:16 am
Juju. I'm just thinking about the part of taking any type of pictures off your social media and using it with AI deep fakes, etc and somehow using it in a scam against you or somebody on your friends list. Some type of scam we never thought of yet.
| Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 5:01 pm
Just wonderful.
| Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 5:28 am
I have an update on the scam I posted about a few weeks ago. Got another call last week that was basically the same scam. The “script” was almost identical though some of the details changed a bit. For one the debt went up $100 to something like $573. It was still supposedly an unpaid lab fee but this time the lab had not submitted to my health insurance because they supposedly don’t recognize or deal with my health insurance company which is funny in and of itself since I’m with one of the largest companies in the US. Like the first call the only acceptable payment method is a credit card over the phone and they refuse to send a bill or exact details of the debt. This time it was a “valid” phone number but, and this is a big “but”, the number is supplied by a company that has a reputation of supplying and supporting robo call centers and is the subject of a number of lawsuits in other states. I did call the local county prosecutor’s office and the State Attorney General’s office. While they didn’t have any information or knowledge of this particular scam they both agreed the calls are suspicious. Unfortunately with both offices I didn’t have sufficient information to file a formal complaint. They need a valid company name, the full name of the caller, their address, and a phone number. All I have is the phone number and the company name I was given is not a known or recognized business in the state. That said both offices provided me with a list of questions I should ask and information I should request. The information a debt collector must provide are laid out in Texas and Federal law. The Attorney General representative also suggested I record the conversation. In this state only one party to the conversation has to permit or agree to the recording and there is no requirement to tell the other party they are being recorded. I’m ready and wish they would call again.
| Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:17 pm
Good job, Mack!
| Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 5:43 am
I wish I had done all the research after the first call. Back then I really thought it was a one-off scam attempt especially after I tried to call the number back and it was bogus. The second call came when I was taking my wife to the airport so even if I had been prepared it would have been difficult to gather the information, record, etc., while driving. By the way one of the “threats” the last caller made was that they were going to report me to the three major credit bureaus and ruin my credit rating. Turns out that years ago one or maybe more of the companies I have accounts with was hacked for client information. As part of the resolution either one or both provided free credit bureau accounts. The one they enrolled me in was Experian and I have kept an annual membership with them ever since. I called Experian and they put a potential fraud warning on my account so any attempt to post negative information would be blocked. As part of their service they also notify TransUnion and Equifax, the other two majors.