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| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 9:58 am
Skylar is entertaining,she has so much energy, but I do not like her voice. It sounds as if shes holding her nose,I keep looking for Alvin to come out. Id go to a concert of hers for the live entertainmnt, but I would not buy her albums.
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 10:05 am
I'm not sure that I'm done watching, and I mean no disrespect to the other contestants (unlike the judges), I just doubt that I will seriously follow the competition from this point forward. The funny thing is that I really didn't think Colton would win...but he was one of the few contestants whose performances I looked forward to. I think the combination of the ridiculousness of the judges last week (not that they saved Jessica but that they were so obnoxious about it) and my disinterest in most of the rest of the competitors (I do think Phillip is amazing but oddly enough I don't think he should win either...I keep thinking of Taylor Hicks and I'm not sure that winning was the best thing for Taylor) makes me think that the recordings will stay longer on my machine and it won't be "must watch" television. I don't know who I want to win. I don't think Elise or Hollie will make it much further (sorry folks, I don't agree about Hollie - I think she has a great voice but probably needed more experience to compete at this level and I think Elise just doesn't have the right attitude), I don't care for Jessica, I do like Joshua but don't know where he would fit in music today (and he does tend to fall back on the gospel shouting type of music...which I kind of like in church but not a full diet of it), I think Skylar's "type" has already won AI before (Carrie and Scotty), and then there's Phillip...just don't care enough about any of them to follow as closely. Of course the best part is always coming here to discuss it so I'll still do that...LOL!
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 11:00 am
I think his fans were trying to save Colton from the contract the winner gets in the end. It's almost the same as Daughtry getting eliminated early. It's a better career path to get your own contract with whoever signs you.
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 1:11 pm
True Cpaaa, about the contracts and freedom in recording. I agree with whoever said Colton would probably make it in the Christian rock world. This show just seems so manipulated anymore. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the judges (and perhaps the producers) try far too hard to manipulate viewers and voters and I resent it. I also resent when they say we got it wrong. If they don't want a competition where American votes, then change it. I'm just not nearly into this as much as a few years ago. I will watch for Phillip, whom I really do enjoy (both vocally and looking at him !)
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 1:39 pm
Smokey, that was me I agree that getting tied to the AI contract is not always a good thing.
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 1:58 pm
This show just seems so manipulated anymore. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the judges (and perhaps the producers) try far too hard to manipulate viewers and voters and I resent it. I also resent when they say we got it wrong. If they don't want a competition where American votes, then change it. Smokey, I agree with this. They manipulate it enough with who goes first and who gets the prime last place singing spot. Let America decide, we're the ones buying the music.
| Friday, April 20, 2012 - 4:44 pm
upset to see one of my fav's from the very beginning, Colton eliminated.......I don't vote so I'm not blaming the voters except for them buying into the judges manipulations. Those judges are paid very well to "manipulate" the viewers to vote the way the producers & owners of AI want. But really, how much more money do they think they will make with Jessica or Joshua being the winner over any of the others? I wouldn't even listen to these two let alone buy their music. Neither of them get my attention when they are singing & that doesn't take anything away from the fact that they both are very good at what they're doing, it's just not my cup of tea.
| Saturday, April 21, 2012 - 1:19 pm
Colton admitted he was not his best he was off he also said he didn't care. So why all the surprises. I'm not about the b3.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 7:42 am
thx for bringing that up trini cause thats a reason i think colton is gone this week. I think the public didnt like Jessica's smug "i'm all that" attitude and took her down a notch last week. This week Colton sniped that he Didnt Care....and the public has MADE him care, havent they?>>? I thought colton was good in a Imitating Alanis morrisette kind of way, but not original. He had a plan to do music regardless of AI and didnt even apply so he did well lasting this long. On another topic, so FINALLY jimmy and the others have clued into Jessica appearing and singing TOO OLD??? i've found it hard to stomach since week one. wish they'd quit giving a little girl hooker shoes and skimpy outfits. I think our society is truly decadent when we think its Alright that underage girls present themselves like that.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 8:00 am
I really liked Colton and am sad to see him go. I will keep rooting for Elise and Phillip.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 11:25 am
I think Jessica has given the AI crew the impression since audition that she is way older than 16, so with (do not treat me like a little girl for I will show you I have been preparing of this all of 11 years and I have studied B for I too have an ultra ego like Shasa Fearce so let me dress myself in heels way too high for my under developed spine - let me prove it) I can sing really. Too bad. I think Jessica tells them how to do her hair and chooses her clothes. We know she hasn't fully developed yet. Look at MJ, he never forced himself to appear older, MJ at 16 was 16. . Elise is a more mature singer than Jessica, just that Elise has lost herself somewhere, she better find herself soon. If not "miss thing" will blind them...
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 12:10 pm
i really like elise but i think her spark has gone when she has been so criticized by the judges. its become apparent that their favs can do no wrong. elise is older and is pretty aware of how fresh the younguns are. i hope she makes Final three but i think she may implode btw Right now i'm listening to an old tape of AI and wow Heejun is amazing. wish he sang like this all the time. i loved his tone its the stevie nicks episode
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 12:23 pm
Sunshyne4u let's send some sunshine E's way for Wednesday. 
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 12:30 pm
Jessica is so tiny that if she didn't wear those high heels, she would disappear on the stage. She's still shorter than Ryan, even in her 6" heels. Those "hooker heels" are in fashion right now, so I don't have a problem with them. She looks young and current. She should sing the same way, instead of sounding like she's 45. To be fair, they didn't show that clip of Colton saying he didn't care what the judges said till the results night, so it didn't affect his votes. I just think people thought he was safe and didn't bother to vote for him. Too bad. He was one of our favorites.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 2:18 pm
I just read an article in re Colton. He blames his song choices both the first and second song for his losing votes. But more interesting to me is that he said Randy came up to him and told him to let him know when he was ready and he would set him up. Colton wants to do Christian music. Sounds to me like Colton will walk right into a contract and probably have a CD out before this competition is even over. He already won what he needed to.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 3:28 pm
Yup. Really doesn't matter who wins this competition or not, cause the really talented ones will have a career anyway. I was sad to see him go, but not outraged. I don't vote, so can't complain. I'll miss seeing him perform every week. There's really not anybody truly awful this year, as there have been in the past. Most of them are pretty good, although not all to my taste.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 3:33 pm
If I was in the competition, I think I would want to go as far as possible but I definitely would not want to win it. Someone like Colton, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry, they are the ones that make out. they can perform their music without having to succumb to the dictates of the contract.
| Monday, April 23, 2012 - 6:05 am
I don't know. I think Kelly and Carrie have done quite well despite winning. I do admire the non-winners who have stuck with it and been able to use it as a jumping point to a good career. But so many of the non-winners are quickly forgotten. Then again, some of the winners are quickly forgotten as well so I guess it does come down to talent and determination, finding your niche and fans, along with a bit of luck.
| Monday, April 23, 2012 - 12:06 pm
I think the point I meant to make, Jimmer, is that if they have true talent, it doesn't matter whether they win or not. Carrie and Kelly have done well, but where are some of the other winners who seem to have disappeared? Also some who didn't win (Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Pickler, Adam Lambert, etc.) seem to be doing okay, despite not having won the official AI title. I think it all comes down to exposure, talent and good management.
| Monday, April 23, 2012 - 7:18 pm
quote:"To be fair, they didn't show that clip of Colton saying he didn't care" Babyj he said it on camera... that is when and how i heard it.
| Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 8:07 am
But they didn't show it till Thursday night, after everyone voted, right? I don't remember seeing that on Weds. They showed it in his package on Thurs, unless I'm mistaken so it wouldn't have affected voting. I think I would have remembered that from Weds.