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   | General Discussion | Pamy | 47 | 2 | 08-01-19 7:22 pm |
   | 13th Show, May 15 Finale & Reunion "I See The Million Dollars" | Karuuna | 133 | 5 | 07-17-19 11:56 am |
   | The Tribe Has Spoken Game! | Jasper | 283 | 11 | 05-29-19 5:26 pm |
   | Caution - Spoilers ... | Kookliebird | 327 | 17 | 11-21-19 5:30 pm |
    | The Tribe has Spoken Game CHAT thread | Pamy | 58 | 2 | 05-16-19 6:47 pm |
   | 12th Show, May 8 "Idol or Bust" | Maineiac | 35 | 2 | 05-10-19 3:30 pm |
   | 11th Show, May 1 "Awkward" | Scooterrific | 41 | 2 | 05-08-19 8:00 am |
   | 10th Show, Apr 24 "Fasten Your Seatbelts" | Pamy | 16 | 1 | 04-25-19 6:39 pm |
   | 9th Show, Apr 17 "Blood of a Blindside" | Seamonkey | 43 | 2 | 04-18-19 1:15 am |
   | 8th Show, Apr 10 "Y'all Making Me Crazy!" | Seamonkey | 18 | 1 | 04-13-19 11:18 pm |
   | 7th Show, Apr 3 "I'm The Puppet Master" | Texasdeb | 34 | 1 | 04-09-19 4:58 pm |
   | 6th Show, Mar 27 "There's Always a Twist" | Seamonkey | 109 | 4 | 04-04-19 12:49 am |
   | 5th Show, Mar 20 "It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever" | Tribalgirl | 42 | 2 | 03-26-19 1:31 pm |
   | Cast Bios | Heckagirl631 | 20 | 19 | 03-21-19 2:56 pm |
   | 4th Show, Mar 13 "I Need a Dance Partner" | Seamonkey | 50 | 2 | 03-16-19 1:12 pm |
   | 3rd Show, Mar 6 "Betrayals Are Going To Be Exposed" | Watchers | 43 | 2 | 03-08-19 4:51 pm |
   | 2nd Show, Feb 27 "One of Us is Going to Win the War" | Roxip | 40 | 2 | 03-04-19 9:17 am |
   | 1st Show, Feb 20 "It Smells Like Success" | Watchers | 47 | 2 | 02-26-19 10:19 am |
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