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| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 12:22 pm
It is always interesting how people see things differently. I liked Britney all season, didn't really like Ragan in the beginning, but he grew on my through the season. Still don't know why anybody holds anybody in the house to what they said. It is Big Brother, people change their minds on a daily basis. ' Also, why the AC voting has to be rigged, just because people on this board didn't get the person they wanted is beyond me. Outside this board Britney was very popular.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 12:57 pm
I dont think the AC was rigged ... I'm not a fan of britney or a fan of anyone this season ... but briteny was VERY popular on the internet, and was very high in all the site pollings .... I was happy Brit won, only becasue I didnt want Enzo , Rachel or brendon to win ... and I think she deserved it... she worked hard to stay in the house.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:05 pm
Despite all their words, none of these people had any idea how to play the game. Once it was clear everyone hated Rachel, and everyone had contempt for Kathy's game play they all should have wanted to be sitting next to one of them at the end. Once it was clear everyone loved Hayden and Enzo, the goal should have been to get rid of them as soon as possible. Instead, the house behaved like the audience voters on BB1 did and got rid of the most annoying people first, instead of each person going after anyone who might do better than them with the jury. In other words I'm pretty bitter that no one had enough sense to make this an interesting and exciting game. I'm trying to tell myself, that it will be impossible to reproduce the "Bragade" strategy now and next year will be more fun because people will be seeing invisible alliances everywhere. Of course that will require the casting of some people who actually understand the concept of strategy.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:19 pm
YO! Leroy17... you nailed it.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:25 pm
Saguaro I totally agree. I can promise you that if Brendon or Rachel had won AC I wouldn't be bellyaching that the vote was rigged. I was also happy for Brit. Okay enough. I have beat this cyber horse with a stick. I am very glad that Brit won AC. I really really like her, think she is cute smart and funny. I refuse to comment again because I am trying to do just what I have stated that yall are trying to do to me, convince me that Brit is bad and Rachel is good. I find myself trying to do the same with you! lol, ah well Love and Blessings all. Remember it is just a game.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:30 pm
No way B/R had a prayer to win AC with the edits they got. No way. No how. We all have our own view of who was smarmier and for that, Brit gets 25000 votes from me. lol
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:46 pm
From a post yesterday: "Hell, when she nominated Brendon, she said she did it cause he was after her the week before and yet he didn't put her up." I thought the reason he didn't put her up was because he broke BB rules by telling her he was going to put her up. Then BB would not let him put her up. I thought the rules were that HOH could say they were thinking of putting whoever up but not the actual "I'm going to nominate you, I'm putting you on the block." Just because any of the hgs trash talk other hgs in the house doesn't mean they do it to other people in real life. Almost all hgs every season do this. (Think of the Stanford prison guard experiment. They had to call it off early because the guards became mean and abusive/semi abusive in a very short time. I realize BB is hardly as drastic as that experiment, but I'm sure those people who knew they were just acting as prison guards never thought they would turn into such monsters. for lack of a better word.)
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 3:51 pm
I think Brendon was going to put Brit up ... but he came back to the house after his day in malibu .... Rachel wrote Matts name with pretzles .... that is why he didnt put up Brit, He wanted to do what Rachel wanted ...LOL if this is the same conversation ...
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 4:03 pm
Britney admits she does it in real life and she has said her mother is like that too.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 4:08 pm
That's the beauty of bb... the hamsters can only pretend who they are NOT- some better than others and never anyone for very long.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 4:14 pm
Brendon's mistake was playing Rachel's game and not his.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 7:36 pm
Good points Leroy! I agree! Brittany was asked why she didn't make an alliance with anyone else and she answered that she didn't like any of them. That sounds stupid when you are sitting where we are sitting and can see everything that is happening in the house but if you are her she just knows (or thinks) she has Lane and then maybe Hayden so she thinks she does kind of have an alliance. They did talk as if they would be final 3. I know if I was in the house and didn't like someone that it would be hard for me to make an alliance with them. First if you don't like someone it is harder to feel like you can trust them. And then in the back of my head I would have the thought that maybe America wasn't liking them either and you were going to end up being in the nerd herd! And also I was surprised that Matt never figured out that the lie about his wife hurt him. It's a big reason why the "bragade" wanted to get rid of him. None of them wanted to be next to him at the end because of sympathy votes. When asked about it Matt just kept saying it was working - Kathy and Regan etc. were going to vote for him. He didn't get it that it kept him from getting to the end so the votes were worthless!
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 8:40 pm
True, Sky, but Matt, in this season of ego delusions of grandeur, he was convinced he would get himself to f2 without anyone's help. He didn't need no stinkin' alliance. lol Britney, on the other hand, is a clique contemporary as per her own biography and talk about her pageants and sororities and small town mentality. Again, both just being themselves. To be proud to be the "bragade alternate" speaks volumes. She espouses herself to be of the superfan type and yet she didn't make any meaningful alliances or play the game with any strategy. Her lifelong mantra will be that Lane was going to take her to f2. Will she ask herself why? Doubtful...
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 6:20 am
It is a GAME - and that is what so many forget. Brit and Ragan provided comic relief to an other wise boring and lame show this summer. I had not read about the house fire prior to putting in at least 100 votes for Brit. Rachel to me is an ugly person - inside and out. She is using Brendon and if others can't see how obvious that is..... She thinks it is going to give her fame by having a SHOWmance. Brendon acted like a 12 year old girl most of the time and that shocked me because I started the season rooting for him, until his SHOWmance with one of the trashiest women I have ever seen. "I am Vegas"? Are you kidding me? She is a dime a dozen in Vegas. I would almost bet a years salary she will not be moving to "UCLA" LOL - who knew that was a city in CA? Enzo has got to be the biggest floater in all of BB history - that will be his 'legacy'. None of us have been in that house to stay so to knock those players for their behavior and strategy is kinda ridiculous, IMHO. At least during the interviews, Brit stayed true to her feelings for Rachel and didn't act like they were BFF's. I loved her eye rolls because I was sitting at home doing the same thing every time Rachel opened her mouth/laughed/threw her hair/stuck out her fake boobies. There is nothing 'authentic' about Rachel and good riddance to her and so many of this season. I wish Kristen would have lasted longer ... I enjoyed her also. Let's hope next years cast is a more mature group of individuals. I also would like someone to let the BRAgade know that Jason and Danielle had the BEST secret alliance in the history of BB - best ever!!!
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 9:14 am
One thing I'd never call Enzo is a floater. He was all Bragade. In fact, he was the ONLY bragader that didn't float. He never waivered. What he did do was treat people respectfully to their face and so they liked him, plus he was entertaining and bizarre to some. But floater? How on Earth? And I think we all have a "right" to knock whatever we want about their behavior and their strategy as viewers. Which is why I watch and why I go to a discussion forum to talk about it... much like the post I'm responding to, no? It doesn't make sense to be told it's ridiculous to analyze their gameplay but fair game to ridicule their physical attributes? Interesting. The Bragade made it from day two to final 3. While I have my own opinion on how that was more because of the non-bragade up to a point, they did it and noone put it together. Seems like the DR had a hand in both Kristin and Ragan's suspicions but still, they didn't figure it out. I have to give credit where credit is due. I will agree that Brit stayed true to who she is... to the still bitter never gonna end. That's some deep seated hatred that began before the show and is almost inexplicable. LOL...
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 1:25 pm
Rachel to me is an ugly person - inside and out. She is using Brendon and if others can't see how obvious that is..... She thinks it is going to give her fame by having a SHOWmance. Brendon acted like a 12 year old girl most of the time and that shocked me because I started the season rooting for him, until his SHOWmance with one of the trashiest women I have ever seen. "I am Vegas"? Are you kidding me? She is a dime a dozen in Vegas. I would almost bet a years salary she will not be moving to "UCLA" LOL - who knew that was a city in CA? I very much disagree about Rachel.She may have been annoying but I think she was playing a part for TV. Brendon was being himself. I sure hope she dumps him fast because he is one of the most controlling men I have ever seen. He was verbally and emotionally abusive to her in the house and she should run and run fast.
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 2:38 pm
I must say, I'd never describe Brendon as controlling and/or abusive. Wussywhipped maybe. I have no idea whether or not they'll amount to anything relationship wise outside of the show and the aftermath but they seem to adore one another in a way that works for them. I wish them well whatever they decide. Same with Britney and Nick, Kristen and Hayden, and whoever else. Time will tell- although I can live without knowing the outcome of any of them... including Jeff and Jordan. lol
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 3:53 pm
I haven't seen one picture of Kristen and Hayden together ( from Vegas Bash)Perhaps they are still keeping their alliance a secret.
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 5:17 pm
here is one of Kristin and hayden...

| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 5:27 pm
Awww, thanks Lost. I hadn't heard any buzz about the two of them together as you would usually hear. I think that ship has sailed.
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 7:04 pm
Yeah, the body language says it all.
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 8:10 pm
Yah wanna talk about Bitter, I am the bitterest, I wasted another summer on this show and I will probably do it again in the delusional hope that it will get better. I didn't enjoy the show and I didn't enjoy the board this year. <77> Oh well, same time next year.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:27 pm
<77 - continuity> I have absolutely no pity for Rachel. She went in there with her hooker clothes, over-the-top and brash personality for everyone to watch 24/7. She was sexxin' Brenden knowing the cameras are on her. Why should I give her a break? She put it out there and now she has stepped in it. Her biggest mistake was thinking she was only disliked in the house. She's in for a very rude awakening when she finds out that America did not love her and doesn't want her on All-Stars.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:53 pm
Rachel and Brendon filmed Rehab in Vegas yesterday and are doing The Bold and The Beautiful today, so they do have appeal to some.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:55 pm
I am part of America and I don't dislike her. I don't want her on All-Stars, but then I don't want anyone on AS. I don't want to have an AS season period.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:56 pm
To who??? Allison Grodner? And what is Rehab in Vegas?
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:56 pm
That or the CBS PR dept just made a deal to provide HG for a crossover and for whatever reason, likely because they are controversial, they went with them. I'm not so sure "appeal" factored into it lolol
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 12:57 pm
Actually,, now that I have thought about it for 10-15 seconds, I think it was cruel to have her and Brenden on B&B. All it does is feed her ego that America loves them and wants to see more of them. Rachel is going to crash and burn when she realizes her 15 minutes of fame is up at 5:00 today.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 1:12 pm
lol... I think Rachel & Brendon will be just fine and I know plenty of viewers that cheered them on, Brendon in particular after Rachel was evicted. Some people looked past the annoying laugh and some liked her style and the drama she created. The thing though that I liked about her was that she was genuine on the inside. She really seemed to care about her "friends" and even went after their approval in many ways. I cannot think of one houseguest that had a starving ego though. In fact, it was the season ego got in the way every 5 minutes. Crash and burn? I don't think so. Not anymore than Britney will when she figures out her "fans" don't "make my life". And she was rewarded to- 25000 times. lol
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 1:14 pm
It's at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas - got this off their web site - Enjoy the hottest pool party in the world at Rehab in Las Vegas. The Rehab pool party is a perfect way to unwind after a weekend in Vegas. ETA: Another blurb from their web site: Everyone knows that some of the best partying in Las Vegas happens daytime poolside. And the ultimate Vegas pool party? The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino invented it with Rehab. The once intimate poolside party has grown into a destination with weekend revelers in the thousands. Get ready for Rock Star Lemonades, world famous DJs, celebrity guests and the best time you'll have in Vegas.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 1:16 pm
Some of the most popular reality shows are full of people that the viewers don't like at all. People tune in to see what incredibly stupid or lame or insane or infuriating thing they will do next. Rachel could fit into that equation quite well.
| Monday, September 20, 2010 - 3:04 pm
Matt is answering questions at Sucks. He's posting in his thread on page 77.