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| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 6:02 pm
Kelly did a good job, but what was with that eye make up - made her look 50. Stupid Idol makeup guys. Next weeks guest idols = Fantasia and Clay Aiken.
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 6:02 pm
How was his song for his life?
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 6:03 pm
Well I can do lots of FF next week.. and probably tonight, though I like Kelly, so that will be watchable.
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 6:14 pm
I thought Lazaro sang for his life better than he did recently. I think Sanja was a decent singer, but didn't do well in the rush of things, he was pushed to be more of a performer than a singer and he did not do that well. I think that Lazaro's problems were obvious through out the audition into the show. I bet Angie was thinking she and Janelle were at the bottom - if Amber was really at the bottom, she is probably pissed again.
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 8:51 pm
I'm just up to where Kelly Clarkson sang and then Mariah came up on stage.. the look on Nicki's face ... priceless.
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 9:03 pm
We were laughing about that as well. I think it is merciful for everyone involved that he is gone but I wonder about the voting and counting. How can Lazaro go from supposedly top three to out in one week? Wow the guys were over matched this season. Once again it just shows how badly the judges are screwing up this year.
| Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 9:54 pm
Sadiesmom, I found Kelly's makeup very distracting too (that awful white or light-colored line across her eyelid!), but I think it was mainly for the black lights at the beginning of her song. It was ugly, especially when she sings so much with her eyes closed. I can't believe Lazaro is gone! Yay! I was sure it was going to be Janelle. Very happy I was wrong! Jimmer, Katy Perry had my favorite line EVER uttered by a guest judge, "This is not a Lifetime movie, sweetheart!" 
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 5:37 am
Jimmer, my theory is they stacked the competition with better females than males on purpose. They were so desperate to have a girl finally win a season that they set it up that way. I think this is hurting the ratings. IMO it's too early to see all girls left. It's too boring without enough variety.
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 5:56 am
I got the feeling Lazaro wanted to get voted off. I think all the comments from the judges and online community got to him. He didn't even try when he sang his two songs Wed night. He sounded much better doing his farewell song last night. He just seemed to accept that it was his time to go. I hope he isn't too hurt by all of this. He is a nice young man that has overcome a lot.
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 9:11 am
I agree, it can't have been easy being so obviously the weakest for at least the last few weeks. And something has happened to his singing this week and last, it's like he can't say certain words anymore (even in his singing voice) and isn't able to keep to the lyrics. I'd guess it's anxiety over the situation. Glad for everyone it's over really, it had got really awkward.
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 9:42 am
I think it had to be very hard on him and I am glad it is over. I hope the judges learned something from this. I also think it was a stacked deck to begin with, they wanted a gal to win. The ladies have made them more money and seem to have more star power
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 4:14 pm
I noticed on the results show, during the first song, Lazaro kept the microphone pretty far from his face. I was wondering if he was actually singing sometimes during that performance with the girls.
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 6:27 pm
Oh well, F5 are all gals & they have secured that a gal will win this yr. IMO, I would rate them as follows: Kree - best chance of winning. Top 3 last wk & top 2 this wk. Candace & Angie - equal. Candice was in top 2 this wk, but not in the top 3 the prev. wk. Angie was in the top 3 the prev. wk along w/Kree & Lazaro, who went home this wk. Janelle - in the bottom 2 the prev. wk & in the middle 2 this wk. Don't see her being able to beat the above 3 though. Amber - Not in the bottom 2 the prev. wk but in the bottom 2 this wk. Judges & Jimmy really like her but the voters aren't doing it for her. I predict Amber will be the lowest vote getter next wk & the judges will save her. If they use the save next wk, will that mean 2 folks will be voted out the following wk? If that's the case, IMO - we will see both Amber & Janelle leave in 2 wks. Angie will then go @ F3 because Candice will gain Amber's voters & Kree is stable. That will give us a F2 of Kree & Candice. I would prefer a F2 of Kree & Angie though.
| Friday, April 12, 2013 - 10:42 pm
I don't see all the Candice love. I feel that when she sings she's shouting instead of singing. I'm in the minority for liking Amber. I think the F2 will be Kree and Candice but I stopped watching 2 weeks ago so I don't really care who wins. Too bad they don't have judges on AI like the judges on The Voice. I switched to watching that show instead of AI.
| Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 10:12 am
Now, I can actually watch again after many years. Clay is singing next week....only reason for me to watch. I will always thank AI for giving us Clay!
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 12:59 am
Ah, but it will be what a star Fantasia is, Randy loves her and I can see a few others since they praise girls all the time this year and Simon was the only one who did not love her in previous years and he is gone. I figure they needed someone who could sing with the girls since there are no guys left.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 11:11 am
And I will FF through both of those appearances. The cruelty to Lazaro was to encourage him, to let him think he could win this. And he got to acting real cocky over it. Had he listened to advice all along, perhaps he could have made progress. Or they could have sent him home before viewers voted, urging him to try a voice coach and be assessed for ability to sing on key, remember lyrics. Instead, Nicki encouraged him in a delusion that he should blow off Jimmy, that somehow Lazaro was wiser and more knowledgeable. So thanks to Nicki and VFTW,and those fans who felt sorry for him, he then progressed to the point where he shrugged off the real and valid criticisms of Jimmy and the judges, saying it was okay, forgiving them for daring to question his talent or work ethic, always blaming the un-named "them" for his mistakes. Jimmy busted hum for outright fabrication one week, when Lazaro claimed that "they" changed his song,and that he didn't choose the song. But by then he was Teflon, wiser than the advisors.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 10:01 pm
wow, that is a lot of interpretation - My feeling, is I don't know these people, I don't know how they are manipulated off stage - I tend to ignore cocky unless someone is rude to one of their competitors. That would be rude when not being tricked into it by Nigel. Think Huff. I never dislike anyone based on the Huff. AI especially don't dislike someone because of something someone wrote about them - too many agendas out there. Too many quotes out of context - sadly the latest Beiber quote is not out of context, but that belongs in celebrity news. The disconnect singing is harder for me to enjoy, it just robs the performance of something for me, I can't listen clinically to any song. And that is Angie for me. Amber is something else, I just don't find her style appealing, I have been listening to Idol for years, I can deal with shouty, so Candice is fine for me. I find some country notes (I think of it as semi yodeling, but I am sure there is a better description of notes just randomly high) unappealing, so I am not as big a fan of Kree or Janelle as others. Which means that Candice will not win.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 10:33 pm
I'm sure there is manipulation, but unless Lazaro is a puppet, no one made him talk over judges giving him critiques and keep saying "that's all right" and similar.. and just just gave a cocky feel to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe Angie is feeling much more than you think. Of course it is all in how we interpret a performance, if we like it or we don't. I still don't think they were helping Lazaro to put him through to top 20, but he may well disagree.. I hope in the end he feels good about the experience. And I'd hope he could get some voice coaching between now and the tour.. on the tour he'll have certain solos and certain group songs and thus, he'ii be likely to remember lyrics and they all get a ton of experience..
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 10:45 pm
From the way he talks, I am getting the feeling he was ghettoized and really does not have a great comprehension of English. I think that is why he stutters in English and not Spanish. It looked like, and I could be wrong, that he was translating the words he said, which is odd because hasn't he been in this country for quite a while now? From the way he was singing, it felt like he was learning them phonetically, which is very difficult but would count for his horrendous diction. I do believe they picked guys they knew thy could knock off easily with Criticism, but Lazaro didn't go early enough, They really should have tried to clear some Spanish songs for him. like La Bamba ion rock night. The only Idol that really shocked me after the show was LaToya London, who left her husband and daughter immediately after the show for her career.
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 11:36 pm
| Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 11:57 pm
what a star Fantasia is, Randy loves her and I can see a few others since they praise girls all the time this year and Simon was the only one who did not love her in previous years and he is gone. Simon has repeatedly said that Fantasia is his favorite idol of all time, so I don't know where the Simon dig comes from. He liked her enough to be honest with her when he felt like she wasn't up to snuff, in fact. And while I understand that some people, and especially people who don't regularly listen to R & B might not like Fantasia's singing, the fact is that only a couple of idols have outsold her, she's won a Grammy, and her last CD debuted at #1. Here's hoping her new one does as well. ghettoized????? I know, right?
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 8:54 am
Sorry, When I think of people from another country,I tend to think of how they live together and still speak the original language. My grandparents came to this country when they were teenagers, met and married here, but in their 80's spoke very little English. I could never really talk to one set of them because my parents would not let me learn Polish because my father was born in this country, but when he went to grade school it was very hard for him because he had never spoken English. ghettoize Definition of GHETTOIZE : to isolate in or as if in a ghetto ghetto - : a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure As to Simon and Fantasia - He had said some things that were not flattering in the last few years, sorry, I don't have a quote, just memory of following idols over the years.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 9:12 am
Less than 2 years ago, when he was promoting another program, Mr Cowell said, for the umpteenth time, that Ms Barrino was his favorite idol ever.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 9:28 am
Sorry, I must have missed that.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 10:09 am
I'm sure Lazaro stutters in Spanish just as much as he does in English. A severe speech impediment like his comes from the way the brain is wired. It's a lot harder to produce speech than most of us realize. Many, many people with brain disorders cannot speak, but it doesn't make them not intelligent. The brain center for singing is different than the part for speech, hence many people with severe impediments are able to sing. The best example, which I know has been mentioned here, was Mel Tillis, a country singer back in the 70's who had a very severe stutter, but sang like an angel. Seems like some therapist could come up with a way for people with impediments like this to be able to meld singing with their speaking voice as a way to overcome the stutter? Must be horribly frustrating for the person trying to speak. That said, I'm glad Lazaro is gone. Feeling sorry for someone is not a reason to vote for them.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 10:25 am
Is speech wired the same for all languages? A sincere question, not being cynical or anything. I only question that because after a stroke, Mom had aphasia and lost all her English,but remembered the Polish of her childhood. Somehow, it was weird, she didn't even realize that she couldn't speak English so it was hard to understand from the one word she had left and kept repeating - dirt dirt dirt - she must have been looking at dirt when the stroke hit. She only spoke Polish when I hired her an aid who spoke Polish to her first. I haven't really investigated or studied the brain, so this is just an experience thing with me.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 12:10 pm
I think the "arrogant" thing some people are getting from Lazaro also comes from his stuttering. Some word sounds will be harder for him to say that others, so his choice of words will be limited, and he might start to say something, realise he can't get it out, then switch to some other words and it sounds a bit weird because of the phrasing. Couple that with his English not being perfect anyway, and he's going to say some things in some ways people might thing are odd.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 1:21 pm
Fantasias last Idol performance last season I likened her to James Brown. I actually sort of liked her performance, but in got panned by the ppl in TV land.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 2:04 pm
I am not a fan of Fantasias, but I think Randy was wrong the other night. Her version of Summertime is the best that anyone has ever sung on AI. I also think Jordan Sparks, I Who Have Nothing is the second best. JMO
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 6:53 pm
I don't think the arrogant vibe I got from Lazaro (though it was more cocky, strutting, defiant) had anything to do with stuttering. He just got so he took Nicki to heart about him being right and Jimmy to be ignored and then when all of them criticized him one week, then the next week all said they were hard on him the week before, but this week was actually better. That week he would talk over them, say "that's okay", sort of dismissively and since he was talking, appear not to be hearing them. The following week they all trashed his singing again. And the constant not taking responsibility for his failure to learn lyrics. Something online this morning claimed he said he really didn't want to WIN but wanted the exposure to the public and then said he'd be happy with being signed, going on the tour and putting out an album.. I'd be surprised if he was signed, of course he goes on the tour. Oh and he wants to be on Glee.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 7:06 pm
Sadie, it sounds like your Mom's problem was more a recent memory thing than it was language. Stroke victims as well as dementia victims often remember things from their early childhood better than they do things from their recent memory. Recent here being relative.
| Monday, April 15, 2013 - 7:31 pm
Allietex, the doctors said it was a language thing, she could read and write in English, although it took her a while to get a steady hand. We got her computer software to get her English back and she would proudly sit by the computer practicing her speech every day. It would show her a picture and she would have to type the word and then say it. She was so proud of being computer literate after this.
| Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 12:07 pm
Sadiesmom, I guess it would depend on which area of the brain was affected. Perhaps your mother's brain was affected in the area that spoke English. Many stroke victims lose abilities they've had for years and have to relearn (some even have to relearn how to feed themselves, dress themselves, etc.). It just depends on where the bleed was in her brain probably. My mother is 89 and has dementia. She can't remember what she did 5 minutes ago, but she'll tell the same stories over and over from her childhood. Those old memories are the deepest. The other day someone asked her about my dad and she confused his name with my brother's. Ay yi yi. I also noticed that Lazaro seemed to have a tougher time speaking when he was under stress. I started hating whenever Ryan would put him on the spot by asking him a question following a performance. Lots of people have trouble speaking "off the cuff," and it must be so much harder with a speech impediment, no matter what language you're speaking. But I agree with Sea. His body language was arrogant and cocky towards the end. He would roll his eyes and shrug, rather than taking responsibility for his poor performance. Just didn't appeal to me at all.