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| Friday, October 26, 2007 - 12:39 pm
Some pics of Brian and Liam last night at a restaurant opening (refresh if it dosen't pop up right away). WENN Pics of Brian & Liam: Omega Restaurant Launch October 25, 2007
| Monday, October 29, 2007 - 12:12 pm
Brian looks reeally uncomfortable and Liam looks like he's posing for a clothes catalogue in those last pics! I wonder how long they will remain in the public eye.
| Friday, November 02, 2007 - 8:33 pm
I was wondering that as well, it's still going on, but not as much that I can see. I've read the twins are planning to go back to school, but I don't know when that begins. Here's some new pics though, this is of Brian, Liam, Sam & Amanda at a perfume launch party for someone named Alex Curran. I thought the twins and Channelle were doing that as well, launching some perfume or cosmetics. I also read Liam was due to run at some MS function this weekend, but I can't find anything further about it, perhaps it was in error, not sure, if anyone knows, can you post it--thanks. Here's the recent pics link (refresh link if it doesn't pop-up right away). WENN Pics of Brian, Liam, Sam & Amanda, and Zac, November 1, 2007 Crystal Nightclub UK
| Sunday, November 04, 2007 - 2:28 pm
Here's some recent articles on Brian. Article Nov 1, 2007: Brian's awards excitement (@ National TV Awards UK Article/Video Nov 2, 2007: The bizarre life of Big Brother's Brian (VIDEO)
| Monday, November 12, 2007 - 5:14 am
Liam is in a "Cirque De Celebrite" show, which the public votes for the winner. Hopefully there will be a YT, but I haven't seen one yet. Meanwhile, there is a post at DS, which gives a play-by-play of his first day. Brian, Sam, Amanda and Zac were there to show support. Look for post #10939, DS The Liam Appreciation Thread Page 438 And something fun, YTs of Sam and Amanda getting their hair done on Celebrity Scissorhands. YT Nov 10, 2007: UNCUT Sam & Amanda Celebrity Scissorhands Part 1 of 5 I came across this VC when I was looking for the circus one. Apparently Zac and Chanelle broke up, again. This time though, Zac put his views on a VC to some paper. There's been articles of what he said, then what she said, but if what he said is true, I can understand his saying something. On the one hand it might be caddish, or he wanted money for the story, but on the other hand, it could be he didn't know how to handle her seemingly deep problems, and it may of been to ensure she didn't try something. Who knows, you decide. Here's the YT of what he said. I've read he is going to be in some musical of Footloose, hopefully there will be more on this somewhere and his relationship with Chanelle will piffle off to I never want to read another thing about it again land. YT Nov 10. 2007: Ziggy Exclusive on Break-up
| Monday, November 12, 2007 - 1:31 pm
A poster at DS posted the following pics of LIam and friends at "Cirque De Celebrite." I'll post the YT if I find it. Good luck to him, hope he wins.

| Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - 2:21 pm
Here's some YTs of Liam on Cirque de Celebrity. From what I've read, what happened was, someone was injured leaving an opening on the show, Liam and another person have tried out for the opening, and fans will be voting until Saturday I believe. If anyone is in the UK and wants to participate in voting for who gets the spot, (for Liam hint hint), a link to the phone number from skyone is below. YT Nov 13, 2007: Brian, Amanda, Sam & Ziggy @ Cirque De Celebrité Nov 11, 2007 YT Nov 13, 2007: Liam McGough on Cirque De Celebrité Week 6 Nov 11, 2007 Skyone News: Two new Celebs Attempt To Join Cirque
| Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 6:17 pm
I cant believe that interview Ziggy did. It is disgusting. This doesnt surprise me one bit -- I didnt like him on the show and now he is putting all this stuff out there and it is his word against hers. How dare he!!!! I know the girl has issues but I am not sure I believe that in the middle of sex she told him to punch her in the face. Why didnt he talk to her parents if he was so concerned about her. He is looking to make a buck. How many times has ziggy said, oh big brother, right, I want to leave the house. Then get attention and now he stays. This is just the same thing. Right now I am finished with Chanelle for good. uh huh
| Friday, November 30, 2007 - 1:27 am
Here's some news, looks like Dermot is leaving LB; that's too bad, I thought he'd be staying. Also, some information on the DS BB Party that was recently held. And an interview with Liam on his Cirque de Celebrite experience. DS News: Dermot O'Leary Quits Little Brother DS News: BB Party DS News: BB Party Videos Part 1 DS News: BB Party Videos Part 2 DS News: Cirque de Celebrite Liam McGough
| Friday, November 30, 2007 - 4:30 pm
Here's some links to some pics from the BB DS Party, also clips of Brian on Hollyoaks and Liam in his second and last Cirque performance (he did really well with the limited training he had). I don't know what the twins or Gerry are doing, but whatever it is, I hope they are having fun doing it. Here's the links. YT Added 11/20/07: Brian Belo on Hollyoaks 20th November 2007 YT Added 11/22/07: Cirque de Celebrité - Week 7 - Liam McGough YT Added 11/23/07: Big Brother All Years Party & Dinner Date Auction Nov 22 DS Party Pics 11/22/07: London Features International Ltd Celebrity-Pix Big Brother Housemates Reunion at All Years Party 11/22/07 ISOIMAGES Archive DS BB Party 11/22/07

| Sunday, December 23, 2007 - 4:26 pm
Liam visited a teen girl, dx with MS @ 14, @ her school the other day. There's a news article and a video clip below. I had no idea teens got MS; my cousin was dx with it, but she was in her 30s. What a nice thing for Liam to do, particularly during the holidays. Here's the links. Article: Brave Patsy Meets Her New Big Brother Dec 20 2007 by Alastair Craig Evening Chronicle Video: Patsy Peebles meets Big Brother's Liam Dec 20, 2007
| Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 9:43 am
8 days and counting to the next BBUK! YAY! (I wrote the mods and asked for a UK 2008 area)
| Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 11:21 pm
Whoohoo, thanks Naja 
| Saturday, December 29, 2007 - 11:37 pm
Remember Stentionhouse did the youtube clips last year? I checked his Youtube page and it says his account is suspended!! Maybe he'll start up in a new name for this one, I'm interested to give it a try, even though it's a different idea. If anyone re-finds Stentionhouse please post!
| Sunday, December 30, 2007 - 8:47 pm
Yes, he was "evicted" from YTs for some minor infraction (well minor to me anyway); there's a link about it at DS, but I couldn't find it. He was going to start it again, and in fact did so, but it took him 50 billion hours to load and he deicided not to. Perhaps he'll change his mind. In any event, BBUK is still going to be uploading some clips, and I'm crossing my fingers WTV will upload some. In any event, her's the link: YouTube BB8UK Celebrity Hijack Also, does anyone know who will be taking over for Dermot? Or is it the regular season of BB? I hope he's going to be hosting LB for Celebrity Hijack. A rumor sprung that Liam and Brian, together or separate, might have been on the list of potention hosts, but I haven't read anything factual about it yet.
| Monday, December 31, 2007 - 11:02 pm
Thanks for the link! I don't blame him for not doing it again, although I'll miss it it must have taken so much of his time. From what I've read, which might just be rumours, Dermot is hosting the live show but there will be no BBLB because the show is just a short, special season. Oh no... just noticed on that BB youtube link there's a link to someone who's posted The Mole UK! Another way to waste hours of my day...! We should move this chat over to the 2008 thread. See you there.
| Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 7:00 am
Here's a recent article on Laura, I'm glad to know she is doing well. Big Brother’s Laura looks back on her crazy year Jan 10, 2008
| Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 8:13 pm
Here's a news article on the teen with MS and it mentions that she and Liam will be in an MS modelling show sometime in March. How cute will that be. Article: Premier Treat for Brave Schoolgirl, Jan 24 2008 by Laura Caroe, Evening Chronicle
| Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 8:23 pm
This guy never stops. The explanation of what Zac said is on this YT, it's from a recent appearance. It's too bad Chanelle had to go through all that drama to see who he really is, but like she said on leaving the house, it's done. Interesting how the twins walked by him, I hope they all got his number now.
| Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 4:52 pm
Here's a short article on Liam's stint as a DJ this past weekend. Article: Big Brother Liam's Shields date 01/30/08
| Thursday, February 21, 2008 - 6:41 pm
Here's some recent pictures; the Brit Awards has some of Sam & Amanda. Gerry Stergiopoulos Pics Liam Mcgough Pics The Brit Awards

| Thursday, February 21, 2008 - 7:25 pm
Thanks Stormie. Whenever I see a pic of Gerry it takes me a while to work out who he is - he reminds me so much of a big celebrity, but I don't know which! The twin on the left is wearing something oddly old fashioned for her.
| Sunday, April 06, 2008 - 10:55 am
Chanelle has released a single!!! And rather a steamy vid with it! She's also released a frangrance called Mwah! and is still intent on getting that boob job.
| Thursday, August 14, 2008 - 7:33 am
I was just listening to BBC news and they announced that Jade Goody form (uk celebrity big brother) is going to be on Big Brother India. Now that should be a riot.
| Wednesday, October 01, 2014 - 7:59 pm
Carole's house was a bit messy!