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Aurora McCreary

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Survivor!: Survivor XXXVIII - Edge of Extinction: Cast Bios: Aurora McCreary users admin

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 9:46 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Kama Tribe

Age: 32
Hometown: Pensacola, Florida
Current residence: Orlando, Florida
Occupation: Divorce Lawyer

Hobbies: Rock climbing, adventure racing, and brunch!

Pet peeves: Know-it-alls, ignorance, playing the victim card, any noise coming from the mouth, the easily offended, slow walkers, and people who are homophobic.

Three words to describe you: Direct, ruthless, and athletic.

What is your personal claim to fame?
Having my mom tell me she was proud of who I became before she died. We were polar opposites and did not get along, but in the end, she was proud of me.

Who or what is your inspiration in life?
My brother Shane. We went into the foster care system after being taken away from our biological mother. Shane wouldn't leave my side and always protected me and made me feel normal. He made sure I wouldn't grow up with negative memories or scars and allowed me to become the person I am today.

If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why?
Gum: I have an addiction and I don't just chew, I chomp!
Sunglasses: I cannot hide my facial reactions and roll my eyes constantly.
Earplugs: I'm an extroverted introvert so the fact that I am surrounded by people and can't get away is going to drive me crazy.

Which Survivor contestant are you the most like?
Tyson for being a manipulative, mischievous prankster, Ciera for her attitude and foot in the mouth moments, and Michaela for her die-hard competitiveness.

What's your reason for being on Survivor?
I love the show and have been obsessed with it since the beginning. I want to be in the depths of the conversations, manipulations, and absolute psychological warfare. Also, the competitions look like so much fun. Oh no, I have to stand in the middle of the blue ocean and prove I'm a badass—GAME ON!

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
I will bring my analytical skills. I'm good at going into a situation knowing what I want, reading others, and finding out what drives them, manipulating the situation to make them think my goal is theirs. I have the ability to take the personal side out and bring forth the cutthroat side.

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