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| Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 4:09 pm
Got everything off the balcony because it is darn cold! And then I could shut the door plus my sister bought me this new fancy walker (also know as a rollie) so I asked if anyone needed a walker. One of my friends here needs a loaner until her health plan ponies up one for her. So I had to cover up the label with my name on it and now I can take it down to her at Bingo. Restocked my pills and got most of the kitchen back together. Time for computer games.
| Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 10:28 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day AND time toss the old cosmetics that are out of date and out of fashion. For the Laundry room, mate up those old socks or toss them! My only chores are laundry and the minutes. Not sure I want to deal with the laundry but I will get it ready to go. For now, time for yogurt, newspaper and computer games.
| Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 2:34 pm
Updated my budget, probably need to cut my expenses a bit, LOL, but mostly it's accurate. Laundry is ready to go whenever I decide to deal with it and I am working on the minutes now while I listen to my DayDrinking Podcast. I have $5 Bingo later tonight. I gave my old Walker to my friend and she was thrilled, thinks it is beautiful. I caught her last night as she was on her way out to walk her dog -- the very reason she needed it, last time she fell and broke her front tooth! She said it was perfect on their walk so now she will be safer as she roams the neighborhood. Back to email and minutes.
| Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 12:55 pm
Thursday's Mission It's Errand Day - but stay home if you have bad weather - AND time to make a list of the items that you need to stock your bathroom. Do you need toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, soap, tp or shampoo? Do you need laundry soap, bleach or fabric softener? I had fun at Bingo last night - won the first game $6 came close the rest of the night. Today is quiet day, don't have to go out of my apartment !! I set up a delivery for dinner so I am set. I cleaned up the kitchen, got the kitty dishes cleaned, loaded up the dishwasher and have it running. Also got the Chewy box unpacked and now am working on email and computer games. Off to check the weather channel and see if my Schwab tax paperwork is ready. I could work on my taxes today since the minutes are done!
| Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 3:50 pm
Got my stuff from Schwab so I guess I need to do my taxes and I calculated my "Bistro Bucks" and at this rate I will have $80 left over. Guess I will have to have some soups/sandwiches/desserts on random days. Off to turbo tax.
| Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 4:53 pm
Bummer, taxes are done but I owe feds and state! So nothing will happen now until April 15th, LOL. Guess it's time to play games.
| Friday, February 14, 2025 - 11:25 am
Friday's Mission Its clean your purse and car day AND time to sweep and mop the bathroom and laundry room floors! I have Chinese Lunch and then Bingo, so I am getting a sandwich to pick up for tomorrow lunch since I will have leftover chinese for dinner. Most of my chores today are should I sell some Meta stock while it is crazy high - need a bit of research. I did get the balcony back together and stood the welcome mat up to drain out the rain! Wow, I was surprised at how much there was. I need to unload the dishwasher and a few other things. Off to lunch.
| Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 1:17 pm
Saturday's -- It's Fun day!! Got up early and fed the cats then went back to bed for a morning nap, LOL. Just had leftover chinese and while it was warming up I brewed the coffee, cleaned the kitty plates, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, Now I am working my way thru email
| Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 1:17 pm
Holy cow I had a ton of email... off to see about selling some Meta stock.
| Sunday, February 16, 2025 - 1:10 pm
Sunday .. A day for fun and relaxation and giving thanks. I cleaned up the kitchen and took some recyling and boxes out to the bins. Then reloaded the dishwasher while the coffee brewed. Bingo at 2pm and then Chinese Dinner with friends.
| Monday, February 17, 2025 - 12:22 pm
Monday's Mission It's Home Blessing Day AND This Week we are in Zone 4; our Master Bedroom, Bathroom, and Closet. Also we are going to get in a mission for Zone 5 our living room. The mission for today is to Clean off the top of your dresser. Throw away any trash, and put away random items that have been put there in a stash and dash. Not sure what I am up to, got the coffee brewing, clearing email.
| Monday, February 17, 2025 - 7:51 pm
Huh, I haven't been on YouNow in a long time and I tried to go there and a login screen that said X came up! freaked me out so now I will no longer go there, LOL. And I had just deactivated my twitter account. It occurred to me that since I don't use it "bad people" could be posting things I don't like. So that is gone. Haven't really done much else today, it is a holiday! I forgot, and it's been great just relaxing.
| Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 9:35 am
Tuesday's Mission It's Planning Day and time to pend 15 Minutes decluttering the top shelf of your master closet. Grabbed some yogurt, cleared some email, back to the newspaper and Perry.
| Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 11:01 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-procrastination day - perhaps I will finally get a load of laundry done AND in the Master Bathroom go through your makeup. Get rid of anything that is too old and not used. I have Town Meeting at 11/45, then Teeth Cleaning at 1pm, and Bingo at 7pm. Maybe I can fit a load of laundry in there or it will have to wait until tomorrow. I got the kitchen cleaned up and the dishwasher going, will take out some trash on my way to the meeting, and later I think I will at least tackle my office pile, it is getting a bit out of control. Off to do my makeup and clear email.
| Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 2:28 pm
Fabulous Dental Cleaning .. the dentist wasn't there, he was off skiing so I had a great time with the hygienist and didn't have to discuss all the things I don't want to do. Finished off my leftover Chinese so I may not go down to dinner and I am moving laundry to tomorrow. Time to go and read the paper, get caught up on my computer games and relax until bingo tonight.
| Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 9:44 am
Thursdays' Mission It's Errand Day AND let's clean off the bed side tables. Get all the tissues, trash, books, and cups off of these and put them where they belong. It's my "quiet" day, I don't have to leave my apartment at all. Today I may do some laundry and I already arranged for a dinner delivery, I have multiple chores on the computer but for now I am off to read the paper and have some yogurt.
| Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 12:30 pm
Got the dishwasher unloaded while the coffee brewed, confirmed my dinner delivery and that I do have Housekeeping on Saturday - that was a total confusing change that was happening. So now clearing email and then I will sort my laundry and run up a load.
| Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 1:18 pm
Laundry all ready to go BUT I forgot to check the phone with the laundry app on it!!! It needs to charge up before I can start doing laundry. Working on the office pile instead. And sending out the email to the Bistro Manager about the food suggestions.
| Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 2:40 pm
Office pile done! Printed out some documents from on Emergency Go Bag suggestions. Glad I got it because there is a note on the top that says it is being updated under 45's direction which may mean it will disappear soon. Balanced my secondary checking account and paid a couple of bills. Sent off the suggestions to the manager and drafted an email for the Bistro. Sent it off to others to see if there is something else they want to add. Guess now it's time for a nap, LOL. Phone is still charging ... laundry has moved to tomorrow.
| Friday, February 21, 2025 - 9:49 am
Friday's Mission It's clean your purse and car day PLUS time to clean all the windows in your Master Bedroom and if you have one in your bathroom clean that one too. Make sure to wipe the window sill and the frame. I ran out the trash that was supposed to be put out yesterday, LOL. And I cleaned up the kitchen, have the kitty food dishes soaking before they go into the dishwasher. Got the new menus for next week and I will probably go down to dinner a few times! Time for yogurt and the paper. Oh, and I got the balcony opened up. Had to work on the rollie I got back, somehow it had gotten wonky. Jan told me the wheel had fallen off, that just means the adjustment screw had come loose and when they put it back together they made the wheels at different heights, LOL. Took me a while to figure out what had happened. Anyway it is now residing on the balcony - the kitties do like to lay on the seat in the sun.
| Friday, February 21, 2025 - 1:03 pm
Dustbusted the office rug so I could put down my "new" bike mat rug and it is awful. Clearly the bike mat is made for nothing to move around on it. I will see if it works under my bike but we shall see. One good thing, I now know the exact size office rug I need, LOL. Getting ready for Bingo while I listen to my Podcast.
| Friday, February 21, 2025 - 3:28 pm
Fun Bingo, I won 3 games. Picked up my dinner and then got another soup and german chocolate cake for a quick bite. Seems everyone is going to be gone for Sunday Bingo so I can skip it!!!! I can have a totally quiet weekend where I stay home - unless I get a good dinner out plan. Off to finish up the paper and play some computer games.
| Friday, February 21, 2025 - 3:56 pm
Dipo is it online Bingo or at a Bingo Hall? Congrats on your triple win. Do you pay to play?
| Saturday, February 22, 2025 - 10:44 am
LOL, it is Bingo at our Apartment Complex, Dime Bingo, except for Wednesdays and Sundays and that is $5 Bingo. The dime bingo is those cards with windows you close and you can play as many cards as you want for a dime each. We usually play 15 games and then blackout in and hour. $5 Bingo is with those sheets that show 6 cards that you get at "Bingo Halls". We play 6 crazy games -- postage stamp, dogbone, stuff like that. It is amazing that you can win so much at Dime Bingo, I think I went home with around 8 dollars, LOL. And I now have a bowl of dimes at home.
| Saturday, February 22, 2025 - 10:47 am
Saturday -- A day of fun and play -- Got a late start but that is what Saturday's are for! Not much on my plans. I cleaned up the kitchen, brewed my coffee and am clearing email.