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| Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 8:09 am
Tuesday's Mission It's Planning Day AND This week we are working on Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. It also includes any bathroom you may have off the master bedroom, and whatever lurks in the bedroom closet. Your mission for today is to set your timer for 15 minutes and gather up some things that just don't belong in your bedroom. Spend 5 minutes gathering and 10 minutes on a delivery mission to either put things away or toss them in the trash! Doing a quick run thru my email and I see I have some tax stuff in the mail. Maybe I will start my tax return today. I need to do some chores and some more research on my moving spreadsheet. Also need to figure out how much and when to have money transferred from my retirement account. Mostly I need to do some dustbusting and get rid of some boxes. For now I guess I will grab some yogurt and the paper, then see if I can get some news without having to hear anything about 45.
| Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 2:38 pm
Finished up email, dustbusted and spot mopped the bathroom. For some reason my shower is getting water out on the floor thus the spot mop. Now just figuring out what to do for the day. I did send an email to the Manager about the disaster in the dining room last night. I will head down at 5pm tonight and go to my normal table and maybe get normal service.
| Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 10:23 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day AND time to clean off the nightstands! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up, toss and put away. The grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surface. Had fun playing Bingo, didn't win anything but came close a ton of times. Had a good dinner, the beef was a bit tough - probably should have braised it longer, and someone was in my normal table so I sat at another one and read my book. This morning I got the balcony opened up, set up the compost bin and cleaned off the kitty plates then got the dishwasher loaded up and running. Oh and yesterday I did dustbust the office area, I really need a new office rug, this one is getting pretty warn so I will look around for that today. I did get a couple of tax documents so maybe I will start my taxes, also go the minutes ready to go for the distributors. Did a little work on my moving spreadsheet but I got my new rent statement and they didn't add anything for pets (I had heard others got hit with $60 per pet per month) so I feel better about the costs. Now to just get this food thing under control. I started the February Newsletter, needed to get a couple of things out of my inbox, just need a couple of more things for it but I have time. Time to grab my coffee and get email cleared, send an email to our local news asking for a 45-free half hour of local news.
| Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 8:46 am
Thursday's Mission It's Errand Day AND Let's walk through our houses looking for 10 things that belong in our rooms and put them away. If you have left any shoes, jackets, school things, toys or books around the house, now is the time to return them to their home. It's quiet day for me, don't have to leave the house. Had fun at last night's Bingo, won 2 games - had to share one pot, $10.50! Looking forward to just relaxing today, maybe just do office work instead of chores, LOL. Off to read the paper and have some yogurt.
| Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 12:56 pm
Brewed the coffee while I unloaded the dishwasher and refilled water bottles. Cleaned out the dustbuster and got it recharging. Did I mention I found another litter rug that I think will work under my desk. I think it is the same as the one I have now that is getting pretty worn down from the wheels on my office chair. I get it tomorrow Email is done so it's time to work on other stuff. I did find out someone if finally moving in above me. They have been making a racket yesterday and today so I finally asked what was going on. I don't mind having a neighbor just hope they aren't heavy walkers. Off to start some soup for lunch - bean with bacon, yum.
| Friday, January 24, 2025 - 9:05 am
Friday's Mission It's Clean out your purse and car day PLUS Today is the day to remake your bed. This may take a little longer than usual but so well worth it. Strip your bed and remake it. Off to have some yogurt and read the paper.
| Friday, January 24, 2025 - 11:31 am
Brewed the coffee while I cleaned up the kitchen and then planned my day. I have Resident Council at 1pm, then Bingo at 2pm. And I have an order prepared for enchiladas and egg salad sandwich to get after bingo. I will freeze the enchiladas. Yesterday I did some money planning for the coming month and year ... WOW my financial planner has done a really good job. I am very pleased.
| Friday, January 24, 2025 - 3:14 pm
Good meeting only took 20 minutes, and then Bingo - no wins today. Picked up my lunch order - again my EggSalad sandwich was made with white bread!!! And they didn't give me my ranch dressing. Apparently the gal who does the dishes made my sandwich and "she didn't understand and now they are out of EggSalad". Off to clear email and other stuff.
| Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 9:15 am
Saturday ... A day for Play and Fun ... It's Housekeeping Day. I already moved the cans out to the balcony, they were just waiting for me to take them out, then put the rollie out there. My plan is to get the kitchen ready since that is where she starts, and not move anything else until I know she will be here. So now working on email and putting things away. I refilled the nutro kibble so I can throw that bag away, got the dustbuster recharging and I am off to grab the paper and some yogurt, and start the coffee brewing. Today I need to rework my "Bistro Budget". I got another sandwich and the enchiladas - which I need to package up and freeze. And I need to send out updates from the RC meeting, maybe I will whip out the minutes. Off to the kitchen.
| Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 1:12 pm
Did a bunch of computer games, got email cleared and reworked my "Dining Dollars", I have an extra $49 to spend before the end of the month. Also was told you can only have one dessert at dinner, this is just wrong. Need to work on my email to both Managers.
| Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 1:13 pm
Ok, housekeeping has arrived and I got the rest of the stuff picked up off the floor ... oops I see a cat scratcher that needs to be moved.
| Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 2:12 pm
Housekeeping Done ... I got the bathroom back together just waiting for the rest of the floors to dry before I go walking on them. I redid the kitty scratcher pads while she was here since they always make a mess on the floor. Wanted the vac to get all the weird stuff that falls off when I open and set them up. It was funny, I had set the box that holds them on top of the bookcase by my desk and Sylvester sniffed out the fresh catnip and came and sat in the box while the dusting was done, but as soon as he saw the vac he went out on the balcony, LOL.
| Sunday, January 26, 2025 - 10:15 am
Sunday ... a day to have fun and ponder stuff ... I have office stuff to do if I decide to do any "chores". Today is $5 Bingo and that's it! YEAH ... grabbing the Sunday paper and some yogurt.
| Monday, January 27, 2025 - 9:43 am
Monday's Mission It's Home Blessing Day AND get the hotspots cleared off in your Living Room and or Family Room! Had fun yesterday at Bingo, no wins, but I picked up a to go lunch/dinner. I think I am loosing weight with this food change, I must remember to weigh myself today. Plus I want to get my exercise routine started back up, I got out of the habit. Got my tablet with Lazyfit charging. Guess I will start my taxes, balance checkbooks later today. Time for the newspaper, yogurt and Perry.
| Monday, January 27, 2025 - 12:32 pm
Started my coffee brewing, then froze the enchiladas - got a taste and the seem a bit salty, then set up the compost bin and cleaned the kitty plates which were rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher. So the kitchen is all cleaned up! Working on email now and Laughing at the crash for the TEch guys - they deserve it, LOL, it feel a bit like Karma to me.
| Monday, January 27, 2025 - 9:13 pm
Had fun playing Bingo, I won 2 games - one was blackout and it paid $6.80. It was dime bingo, LOL. Then had some soup because that was really the only thing I was interested in from the dinner menu. No much else but I forgot to mention I road my bike for ten minutes while I was watching Y&R. So at least I got started on the routine.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 9:11 am
Tuesday's Mission It's Planning Day AND time for a detailed vacuuming session. This means to vacuum the room, making sure to get up against the baseboards and to get under the furniture. I have a few chores for the day and then 7pm Bingo but for now I am going to grab my paper and have some yogurt, check in on Perry, LOL.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 11:24 am
Cleaned up the kitchen and got the dishwasher going, brewed the coffee and nuked my breakfast burrito - it was excellent. Rode my bike for 10 minutes and worked on email, cleaned up litter box and found one of Sylvester's pills on the floor. That boy is sneaky how he acts like he took the pill, then goes somewhere and spits it out. I swear he knows how to hide them under his tongue or something, LOL. Time to rework my chore list and figure out what to do with the rest of the day. I know I have some research to do so that may be it, and I do need to buy some more scratcher pads and balance my checkbook.
| Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 12:22 pm
Checking account balanced, money moved around, bought some stock I had never heard of until yesterday, Mohawk. Did some research and bought 2 shares, they are a flooring company and with all the fires and needing to rebuild I think they may grow a bit. Scheduled my scratcher pad purchase for two weeks since I just changed them. Oh and I was wearing my old glasses this morning so I weighed again and I could read the numbers, going to have to speak to my eye doctor about that! I should be able to see better with the new ones, not the old ones!
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 10:25 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day AND going after the hidden clutter in these rooms in the living room, family room and den. I got the dishwasher unloaded, did a Safeway order and took out the recycling. Time for yogurt, the paper and Perry.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 10:30 am
Oh and I have Financial Planner at 3pm, dinner with friends at 5pm, then Bingo at 7pm.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 12:05 pm
Brewed the coffee, cleaned the kitty dishes and reloaded the dishwasher, restocked my pills got 10 minutes in on the bike and now clearing some email.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 3:26 pm
Email done, financial planning done. I really like the things my guy has put me in and now because of 45 we are going to move me out of the international stuff, which I totally agree. It will be a miracle if we don't end up at war with someone. So I do need to work on my budget a bit. I want to see if there are areas I can slim down -- I know one is to not buy anything on my games, LOL. I have a budget for games but I am not sure I am complying with it, so I need to figure that out. Maybe I will work on that and do the meeting minutes until it's time to go down for dinner.
| Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 8:28 am
Thursday's Mission It's Errand Day AND for the living room its time to go sofa and chair diving! This is where we start digging through the furniture and pluck out the cheerios and old socks. Had fun at Bingo - won twice - $9, had to share one pot. And dinner was pretty good, they had carrot cake for dessert! Well worth the $3. Now back to bed, it's very wintery today, makes me want to stay in bed and read a book but I will just have yogurt, Perry and the paper instead.
| Friday, January 31, 2025 - 11:34 am
Friday's Mission It's Clean the car and purse day AND today is the last day of the Living Room Zone. Your mission for today is to place something pretty in the room that is just for you. Hahahahahaha, I filled mine up with bags of cans since it is going to rain and we are taking them tomorrow, I didn't want to have them fill up with water. Dustbusted the bathroom and hit the showers, then since everything was all steamed up I cleaned the bedroom windows - they look great. Then I got thee coffee brewed and doing my hair and makeup, then I need to ride my bike and figure out what to order for dinner. Oh and I need to clear email and the usual stuff.