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| Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 11:03 am
Ok, so I went to move money, got that done and I was working on the rest of my financial issues for the first of the month. I knew my SS deposit would be changing so I found the email they sent me and then went to my own link (I never use the ones in the email) to sign in and they said they didn't show my email address. Now how did you send me an email if you don't recognize my email address!! Anyway I went ahead and created a new account, I haven't been in there in a while and I noticed that what I had as my user name was not a requested field, so they must have changed the user names to be email addresses. Finally got my new numbers so I could finish up my financial plans. Went to watch Y&R and its a football game, so guess now I will see if the Christmas movies are still on, I hope not, LOL, and play some computer games. Oh, I need to finish email
| Wednesday, January 01, 2025 - 9:38 am
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day AND time to go after the neglected areas of our living room/family room. Grab a feather duster or dust rag Just look up and dust! Have a few things on my list but first I want to read the paper and have some yogurt.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2025 - 11:20 am
Taking the paper to brunch but I did get play some computer games. It totally throws me off having the Holidays in the middle of the week, I keep forgetting it's not Sunday, LOL. Off to NY Brunch soon. I did get the coffee made, have been working on email. Got my PG&E bill - $168 which seems about right with the amount of time I have been running the heat! Have a list of things I need to do today and Bingo at 7pm.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2025 - 4:39 pm
Brunch was lovely -- eggs benedict and champagne. Said goodbye to the Chef. Even though the new group doesn't really take over til Monday he is out of here and seems to be very happy about it, LOL. Got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded, then took out trash and recycling to the bins. I had a hook in my office that held my little plastic trash bag up off the floor and it somehow disappeared. I remember when the bag hit the floor and I just thought it was heavy and full so didn't think anything of it. Then when I went to rehang a new bag I found the hook was gone! It was a command hook and I have had some of them fall off the wall. So I found a coffee cup hook and screwed it into the leg of the bar stool so now the bag has a better hook, LOL. Did a Safeway order for tomorrow and I also wrangled all the bags of cans I had gathered. Took out the empty soda bottles to their bag on the balcony. So lots of chores down, time for lazyfit
| Thursday, January 02, 2025 - 9:40 am
Thursday's Mission It's Errand Day AND time to check and see if you have any leftover Holiday Decorations still on your door and front porch. If so, take 15 minutes and work on getting them taken down and put away. I just need to change out a couple of things for my decorations to be ready for New Years so I guess I will work on that at some point today. Still haven't had Christmas with my sister yet since she has been recovering from her surgery. Hope to do so next weekend or the next. I have on big project on my list for today but for now, it's time for yogurt, the newspaper and Perry.
| Thursday, January 02, 2025 - 11:03 am
So it has begun, LOL... I moved the bar stools, litter box and all the other stuff out of the office. Wow it is amazing how dirty the baseboard is! Got my coffee and grabbed some 409 and a rag and got that cleaned. Taking a break to clear some email and let it dry before the next step. Oh and the old litter rug is in a bag ready to go to the trash.
| Thursday, January 02, 2025 - 2:00 pm
The rug I brought to use as the chair rug didn't work, so I just put it under the litter box. It is larger than I had before but works well. I put the old chair rug back in place and then wiped down the bar stools and got them back in place. Finally I cleaned the litter box and put it and the extra litter back in place. With all these changes I had moved my desk forward a few inches and I really like it. I can access the printer more easily and I have more room behind me. Vacuum, Mop and cleaning products put away. In the middle of reassembling my Lazyfit started, LOL. I had been trying to get it to download todays exercises and it was having a problem but got caught up so I did those exercises. Also received my Safeway order so got that all put away before I started this project Whew .. I think I am done with chores for the day!
| Friday, January 03, 2025 - 11:52 am
Friday's Mission It's clean your Car and Purse day PLUS let's sparkle up the Dining Room Table and Chairs. If you don't have a Dining Room set, no problem, do this mission on the kitchen table. Set your timer for 15 minutes. Wipe down the tops, the edges, and the legs on your Dining Room Table. Give the chairs a wipe too. Only thing on the agenda today is Bingo at 2 pm, maybe Mexican food tonight at Maguey's. So I need to clean up the kitchen, get my hair up in curlers, I did already dustbust the bathroom floor. Time to go grab some coffee and clear my email.
| Friday, January 03, 2025 - 4:01 pm
No wins at Bingo and Mexican food moved to next Friday! So I cleaned up the kitchen, then took out the old litter rug and newspapers to the bins. Email is cleared and I didn't get a paper, so need to go and print off the crossword and TV guide.
| Saturday, January 04, 2025 - 11:29 am
Saturday ... a day to play ... Got the kitchen cleaned up and have started to gather the stuff for my sister to take home ... kitty food and treats my cat has decided he doesn't like, extra plastic bags to use for trash, etc. She is finally feeling good enough from her surgery to come over and have Christmas. We are going out for steak! and then home for presents. I am also sending her out with the bag for Goodwill/ARF. Can't wait to see what Santa dropped off for me at her house, hahahahaha.
| Saturday, January 04, 2025 - 3:17 pm
Fabulous Cowboy steak with steak fries and Caesar salad! Then we got the kitty grass and Krispy Kremes! I got 2 new cushions for my chair, I really needed them. And one of those circulate your feet while sitting at your desk. With my new cushion I am not sure I can move my feet, but if I turn sideways and play on my tablet it will probably work. We shall see. And my favorite is a new coffee foamer with a stand!! It is so cute and will look great in with my coffee area. Now that my sister has gone, the kitties have come out to see what changed, eat some food and some grass and enjoy the sunshine. I am ready for a nap, LOL.
| Sunday, January 05, 2025 - 4:36 pm
Sunday ... a day for thoughtfulness ... Intersting brunch today .. It was the last day for Carlton service and it was the first brunch without Chef. First problem, they put out a menu that wasn't clear, couldn't tell what was being offered since they forgot the "OR" that is normally there so people were confused. Second, because of the confusion there was more than normal amount of people down at 11, and it cleared out as usual for the noon people. But some people had to wait for a table if they wanted a 4-seater. Third, there was a mandatory meeting of the Sodexo "staff" at 2pm. I have to say it was really hard to play Bingo and eavesdrop on the meeting. Otherwise it's been a fun day. They put out the new menu and it looks exactly like the one they handed out 2 weeks ago. A few things are confusing, like they didn't specify when the dinner entrees are available. I know it is 4pm, but the menu doesn't say so, plus you can't substitute anything, like if I want extra on one of the vegetables instead the 2 options. They say that is coming but I think we are 2 weeks out because they don't have their ordering system up yet and it's not going to be here until they 17th. Can't wait to see how it goes tomorrow. I think they are going to be surprised when half the people show up at 4pm tomorrow wanting to order their dinner.
| Monday, January 06, 2025 - 8:17 am
Monday's Mission It's Home Blessing Day AND time to get an OLD toothbrush and some soap and scrub those kitchen sink faucets! I fed the kitties, grabbed a yogurt and the paper, and opened up the balcony. Back to bed to read the paper, etc.
| Monday, January 06, 2025 - 12:09 pm
Got the dishwasher unloaded while I brewed my coffee, then cleaned the kitty dishes and got them into the dishwasher. Completed a KrispyKreme survey so I can get a free dozen donuts, LOL. Now working on email, tvch, etc. Bingo is at 2pm, we shall see how that goes since Sodexo says we can't use our normal table.
| Monday, January 06, 2025 - 4:02 pm
Bingo was fun, won once; and it was interesting watching all the people gather in the living room for dinner. Some asked if they could order their dinner, the Bistro is open 7 to 7, but were told they would have to come back in 25 minutes. So Dinner entrees aren't available until 4pm. One thing Sodexo keeps selling is that people will be able to eat when they want ... not true if you want the dinner entree - which is what everyone here is used to getting. And then I found out that if you aren't on Premium Plan, meaning the meal is only $13 (soup or salad, entree w/2 sides, dinner roll and beverage -- NO dessert thats extra cost), you can get the meal but it will cost $18!! That better be a damn good meal since I can get a meal delivered for that price that will feed me for at least 2 meals. I knew this change was going to be a problem, residents only get $400 per month, then have to pay for anything more than that. Unfortunately we have people here that don't really understand budgeting, some can hardly use their phones! It should be fun, LOL. I am having left over Cowboy steak and fries from Back Forty.
| Tuesday, January 07, 2025 - 8:38 am
Tuesday's Mission It's Planning Day AND time to wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. Grabbed some yogurt, paper didn't come!!! and back to bed to play some computer games.
| Tuesday, January 07, 2025 - 11:59 am
Getting started, cleaned up the kitty plates, took out 2 bags of kitty poop and a slide box, lol. Came back and emailed the front desk that the trash bin is full, the trash chute is full and garbage is piling up on the floor of the trash room. Got the coffee brewing and gave Sylvester his pill. Today I will be working on the newsletter, sorting my laundry for tomorrow, possibly buying some new sheets and a few other things, and putting together my suggestions for The Bistro Menu. Oh and maybe selling some stock, need to check that out too. Off to grab my coffee and work on email.
| Tuesday, January 07, 2025 - 3:31 pm
Newsletter is done and sent out for printing, checked on the items to purchase and didn't get any - didn't like the comments. I did get the suggestions done and printed so I can give it to them when I go down for Bingo at 7pm. Finished up email and the other stuff. I do need to see what's up with stock and whether I want to sell some things. Listening to DayDrinking podcast and playing games now.
| Wednesday, January 08, 2025 - 11:04 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day AND Check the tops of your stove and the area around it to make sure that you do not have anything that will melt or catch on fire. Now, once you have done this, grab a rag and some general purpose cleaner and wipe down the top of the stove, the knobs and the door of the oven. I cleaned the kitty plates, loaded up the dishwasher, brewed my coffee, took out the trash and grabbed some yogurt. Working on email, paid my comcast bill, need to check and confirm my SS deposit.
| Wednesday, January 08, 2025 - 3:50 pm
Changed out the porch decorations, the New Years Flag is up and I took down the "present" garlands. Then I grabbed the box from the SR and loaded up the other Christmas decorations. Changed out the table runner to the Winter one -- white snowflakes. Then I tackled my office pile. I had receipts from thee Christmas presents, got those recycled and thee plastic bags they came in dealt with. And now I am doing my Lazyfit workout. I forgot to sort my laundry last night so will do that tonight so I can deal with it tomorrow. Dinner at 5:45, then Bingo at 7pm.
| Thursday, January 09, 2025 - 8:58 am
Thursday's Mission It's Errand Day AND time to set your timer, grab a trash bag and throw open the door to fling out the science projects, holiday leftovers and don't forget to check out the vegetable/fruit drawer. It's my quiet day, no bingo so no need to get out of my jammies. Normally I would have a delivery of my dinner order BUT -- we no longer have delivery available so I have to down to eat or pick it up. Thus I have to put on clothes, LOL. Got the balcony opened up and the box of Christmas Decs put back into the storage unit. Time for yogurt, newspaper and Perry.
| Thursday, January 09, 2025 - 11:24 am
Kitty dishes cleaned and soaking, oh I had to put the compost bin back together so I could clean the kitty food. I had cleaned it since I dumped it yesterday. Then I restocked coffee, tp, and found a container to hold the vinegar for the laundry. Grabbed a couple of containers to hold the jolly ranchers and lollipops I have instead of the plastic bags, LOL. I noticed there were some little rims on the trash can that were dirty, had to get a knife to run the dishrag thru them to get them clean. One of the spots was the area behind the step to open the top. Why do they make things with areas that are not easy to clean? Restocked my soda cans and I do have the laundry ready to go. Off to email, etc.
| Thursday, January 09, 2025 - 1:31 pm
Still working on email but I got 2 loads of laundry going and had some lunch, made a Safeway order and I started my article on other food delivery options - for those who don't like the new food service.
| Thursday, January 09, 2025 - 1:32 pm
Oh I forgot, I also got an appointment for Sylvester next month and had them get in touch with Chewy so my order from Monday would ship! I don't know why some kitty food has to be prescription, I just wanted some kibble, LOL.
| Thursday, January 09, 2025 - 4:19 pm
Laundry done and drying on the bed! I swear sometimes the dryers work and sometimes they don't. I must remember to try the ones on the other end next time. I did only wash one Kleenex! I checked the pockets of my pants but I think I forget about the jammie pockets. Totally pooped from running up and down the stairs but at least I don't have to do Lazyfit today, LOL.