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| Thursday, July 04, 2024 - 5:07 pm
Nice nap and yummy dinner ... Must be time to play some computer games.
| Friday, July 05, 2024 - 11:12 am
Friday's Mission It's clean out your purse and car day plus time to use a feather duster or dust rag get the window sills, the light fixtures, the dust bunnies in the corners and the ceiling fan if you have one (remember to put something underneath this to catch the falling debris) of the dining room and entrance area. I cleaned up the kitchen, got the dishwasher loaded and running before we hit peak energy time. Took out trash and old kitty food. Then cleared the counters for tomorrow's Housekeeping. Normally I don't do anything until the day she comes but I have to take Sylvester to the Vet tomorrow morning so might not have time to do it first. So little by little I will be putting everything up on the furniture. My knee is killing me again today. Can't figure out what the problem is, it is the front of the knee, wearing my knee brace but it doesn't seem like it is working to ease the pain. Guess it's time for Asper creme! Off to clear email, read the paper, enjoy my coffee and try to stay cool.
| Friday, July 05, 2024 - 3:41 pm
Bingo was fun, my knee brace isn't really working and I can see my knee is swollen. I think the heat is making it worse. But Asper Creme on it and took some more Advil. Had my dinner delivered so I can just put my leg up to help. It says you can only put it on every 6 hours, I wonder why? off to google. So weird, I swear I must beat myself up in my sleep for this stuff to just all of a sudden occur, LOL.
| Friday, July 05, 2024 - 9:37 pm
Dipo, have you seen an orthopedist for the knee to make sure you still have cartilage in the knee?
| Friday, July 05, 2024 - 9:57 pm
LOL, Juju, I am pretty sure there is "no juice" as I call it, under my kneecaps. I don't know if that is cartilage but the last time they xrayed my knees they said I really didn't have much stuff in there. So far I haven't had any issues with my knees hurting, so this is a new thing. I have been resting it and it seems to be feeling better, with a little pain meds on top. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be back to normal! I really don't want a knee replacement or cortisone shot. I am thinking maybe I turned awkwardly in my sleep and "tweaked" it. I have been sleeping weirdly because of this awful heatwave making sleeping sort of difficult.
| Saturday, July 06, 2024 - 7:55 am
Saturday ... computer games and fun ... UT oh, I just noticed my fan has stopped working! Hmmm. I am just turning on the AC unit so will check that out. My knee feels much better this morning, and I see the swelling has gone down, so a little more asper creme and rest might do it. I did reschedule Sylvester's Vet appointment to Thursday. My knee should be fine and it will supposedly be cooler with temps down to our normal 90's, LOL. Off to check some email, then yogurt and the newspaper. Oh and turn on the AC
| Saturday, July 06, 2024 - 5:28 pm
Housekeeping came and went, bathroom, kitchen and office back together. I will deal with the living room once it cools off later tonight. Time for a nap and some "bed rest" for my knee.
| Saturday, July 06, 2024 - 9:36 pm
It's finally cooled off some, only 83, so I opened up the balcony for the kitties, watered some plants and moved the walker back into the house where I can sit on it and roll around to rest my knee. I did go ahead and order a can delivered tonight. The can I have is nice and pretty with a brass handle but I don't feel at all secure using it. I feel like it is going to slide right out from under me. So I have one of the new ones coming, I think the one I have might be an antique. Oh and I put the living room back together, just meant putting the scratchers back down. Next on the list is to figure out if I need to get a new fan. I am pretty sure the one I spent so much time cleaning has died, it is probably 20 years old so time to research the new technology. I like to put an oscillating fan in front of the AC unit to help blow the cold air around.
| Sunday, July 07, 2024 - 8:29 am
Sunday ... A Day for Reflection and Blessings ... WOW,two great things ... my knee feels 90% better and it is not going to be over 100 today! Yeah!! My Hurry cane was delivered this morning so that is good, and I think one more day of careful treatment and rest will make it all back to normal. I really am starting to think the terrible heat had something to do with it swelling in the first place. Oh well, back to normal, time to check email, have some yogurt and find the paper.
| Sunday, July 07, 2024 - 4:51 pm
Excellent brunch, fun Bingo - won $5!, I had to share my win, LOL. And had a nice conversation with friends. Now I am going to finish the paper, play some games and enjoy the rest of the day.
| Sunday, July 07, 2024 - 9:36 pm
Dipo, if your cane is an antique, it might be that the rubber tip deteriorated over time and got lost. You can buy new cane tips. I suspect cane tips have been pretty much standard over a long time.
| Monday, July 08, 2024 - 11:45 am
Monday's Mission It's Home Blessing Day !! and we are in the kitchen this week. Today look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or a Multi-wand and get those dust bunnies and cobweb. I am feeling very tired today, I think all the heat has finally gotten to me so I am taking a "rest" day. Practicing with my new cane even tho my knee feels fine. Working on email / twitter / newspaper / computer games and I am going to skip Bingo! I know, shocking, LOL. Need to make my list for my sister, enjoy my coffee and clear some email.
| Monday, July 08, 2024 - 11:46 am
Oh, good idea Juju, I will check to out the tip, I have no clue what it is.
| Monday, July 08, 2024 - 2:35 pm
Updated my sister list, then cleared email and I just figured out I could make my new cane taller, LMAO. I kept thinking it was too low and finally saw the button that allows you to raise the handle. Worked my way thru email and now headed for twitter.
| Monday, July 08, 2024 - 10:24 pm
LOL, Dipo. "They" say to make your cane the height of your wrist when you hang your arms down straight at your sides. The new ones are all adjustable.
| Tuesday, July 09, 2024 - 2:18 pm
Tuesday's Mission Today is Planning Day - Menu planning Activities planning AND today wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. I cleaned up the kitchen, watered the outside plants and refreshed the kitty waters. Sent the July Newsletter off to get printed and distributed. Showered, hair up in curlers, ordered a dinner delivery and got thru most of the paper. I just finished my first run thru email and I have my new fan to assemble! I need to water the inside plants and do a few other chores. But first I need to check twitter then put my fan together - it's going to get hot again tomorrow.
| Tuesday, July 09, 2024 - 3:15 pm
Ok, finally got my fan together and it is working great. I got a black one this time so I wont see how dirty it gets like with the white one, LOL. Got thru twitter. Now it's time for some computer games.
| Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 9:35 am
Wednesday's Mission It's Anti-Procrastination Day and time to clean out the refrigerator. Nothing special on my list of chores, so just need to do a few. Need to close up the house a bit since it's going to be hot today.
| Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 1:01 pm
Closed up the house and started the AC unit, temps going up again! Watered the inside plants and now I am off to clear my email, twitter and see what else is going on. Need to check on my stocks.
| Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 6:17 pm
Dustbusted the bathroom and then I noticed that the top of the toilet tank was pretty messy. I will sit on the toilet when I do my hair because it is situated nicely to look into the mirrors so when I spray it, the excess spray goes onto the shelf I put on top of the tank and all the stuff that sits there. Anyway, I noticed it was looking pretty dusty and dirty so I pulled it off and cleaned all the parts and the top of the tank, then put it back together. Watered in the inside plants and got thru my pile of mail and packages. Whacky Wednesday Bingo starts at 7pm, so I will play computer games until it's time to walk over.
| Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 8:23 am
Thursday's Mission Today is Errand Day and time to scrub the countertops. HOUSTON, we have a problem!!! LOL..How do they know? It is Vet day and both of my kitties have disappeared. I have looked in all the normal hiding spots and can only surmise they are both under the bed. I got up like normal, fed them and then they both hide, only Sylvester has to go so not sure why Nala is hiding. Plus this is our normal time to get up so How did they figure this out? Off to clear some email and see if I can coax them out of hiding.
| Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 12:00 pm
YEAH!! Sylvester gained weight and we only had to do a blood test for his thyroid so the visit was much cheaper. We found him under the bed, I don't know how he knew we were going to the vet, LOL, and he got a new box. My sister has been annoyed with the old one so brought a new cardboard one. Then we went and had a lovely breakfast and I got a Starbucks coffee. Finally we did the chores around the house and I sent her home with all my Frozen Smalls. I figure if her cat won't eat them she is around a much of dogs who probably will. Moved my shelf over behind the chair in my bedroom which then resulted in having to redo some extension cords to keep everything working. The lamp timer was problematic but we got everything to fit in the corner. So that box is gone now. We shall see if the kitties accept the new changes in one of their hidey hole sleeping places. I need to read the paper and get caught up on email.
| Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 12:08 pm
Oh and Juju, the old cane doesn't need a new tip, it is only a decorative walking stick and has a flask in it!!! LMAO.
| Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 11:31 pm
quote:Oh and Juju, the old cane doesn't need a new tip, it is only a decorative walking stick and has a flask in it!!! LMAO.
WAIT!!! What?!??! That is hilarious!!! Can I get first dibs on it?

| Friday, July 12, 2024 - 8:53 am
Hahahahaha I was cracking up. It won't hold much booze, the flask part looks like a test tube, but I bet it would hold a shot.