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| Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 11:45 pm
RN not exactly the “curse of threes” or an outright failure but my old receiver that powers all the speakers…..yes there are 12 of them in the theater…is not fully capable of dealing with or understanding the signals coming back from the flat screen. Darn modern flat screens are really smart and make automatic adjustments in picture and sound based on the content being fed to them. The flat screens then sends that back to the receiver for it to process. The system still works but the receiver doesn’t receive the feedback or know what to do with it. The receiver is 14+ years old and technology has moved on since then. Much to Mrs Mack’s dismay the new receiver arrives tomorrow. 😬 It was on sale. 😀
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 2:17 am
RN lol!
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 2:27 am
RN, Naja, I'd trust your instincts frankly. If you want to upload videos of the pit bulls playing, I'd be happy to look at them. For instance, in the video with the puppy on the other side, that grey dog shows some signs that s/he might not be trustworthy. High tail wag, stiff body. This is more challenging than playing. However, it's encouraging that it doesn't redirect on any of the other dogs, but it's certainly a possibility. FWIW, when my 2 dogs play, I'm a bit uncomfortable with the growling and roughness, and my lab even has piloerection, which is concerning. The only time they have every had a minor altercation is a) when they get to a thrown toy at the same time, and b) my lab is very upset by any dog that makes "hurt" sounds, and she will not hurt them, but she does ground them and stand over them and bark and growl and snap.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 2:42 am
Also, if you haven't already, I would strongly recommend asking him if you can ditch the flea/tick collar. I have seen too many medical issues with these to ever recommend them. (I just saw another this morning where the owner found a bunch of small sores underneath it, and all the fur underneath the neck was gone with weeping sores, so that reminded me.)
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 3:39 am
RN Oh I threw out that useless flea collar when I gave her the bath. I still can't believe in his 69 years of life he hasn't found out they work like crap. Here is a video I just uploaded of the Aurora playing with the pit bulls inside.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 4:04 am
The brown pit and Aurora is perfectly normal play. It's very balanced and both dogs are relaxed and taking turns. The clip with the grey and Aurora was not very long, but one thing I did see that was concerning, was that the grey pit put his head over her neck (or attempted to) a few times. This is a sign of a less confidant dog (the grey) telling the more confidant/playful dog to stop or chill out. This is something I would keep an eye on, and when you see it, interrupt. Call the grey away, and distract him/her. It is very rude behavior in doggie language, and I see this all the times at dog parks. Luckily Aurora is confidant and not bothered by it in this short clip, but a less confidant dog could react and a fight would break out. Or if she gets tired of it and lets him know, they will fight. I cannot tell you how many times I have warned people that it is a precursor to a fight and they ignore me, and then the fight happens. I'd really like to see that grey dog play bowing and sometimes handicapping itself (laying down during play).
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 4:21 am
I totally agree Kar. Good insight
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 6:38 am
RN I'll get better videos over the weekend. I have 2 tenants moving in tomorrow and I still have so much cleaning to do. They are coming from Chicago so I hope they arrive late in the day so I have a little more time.
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 7:12 am
Good input, Karuuna. I only had Labradors and the only time we ever had a problem, I wasn't home but at a dog show overnight, but a dog had come up to the other side of our chain link fence and might have been in season and our girls got agitated and turned on the least dominant of them. Clearly my then husband wasn't watching them (but somehow it was my fault).. But these were dogs that never were aggressive, no growling and no play where toys are torn up, in fact no toys except their soccer ball.. Being retrievers, they needed to be soft mouthed and bring anything back. But still things can be triggered. Karuuna, I hear so many stories here about dog owners in bark parks scoffing when advice is given about behavior on or off lead and it must be frustrating for you. I find your input on dog behavior to be so useful, even though I no longer have dogs. My years at the Irvine Animal Care Center included tons of training, but I was volunteering with cats. I did attend any dog behavior training that was offered, though. Anyway your evaluation of Nana's videos is of interest! Naja, I hope all goes smoothly with your two renters! Mack.. I feel for your wife, but remind her that the coffeemaker started all of this 😎
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 8:12 am
RN, Naja, that's fine, but please do watch interactions between that grey pit and Aurora. If you see that behavior (placing his head over her head or neck), interrupt them with happy language and distract the grey pit. Aurora seems to handle it well, but if she gets tired of it and answers back with a growl or snap, it could escalate very quickly. It can be overarousal, and a precursor to mounting, or it can be a beginning sign of aggression, but either way, it's not something you want to let continue.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 8:14 am
By the way, I *never* take my own dogs to the dog park these days. I've seen too much dangerous behavior, and my own dogs can be a bit socially awkward, so it's just a bad idea. I do occasionally go with friends when they ask, but they usually only ask once these days...after I start pointing out all the maladaptive behavior. I'm hoping that means they don't go back! LOL.
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 8:33 am
I have actually never been inside a dog park, but stories I hear on NextDoor about dog owner behavior is worriesome. When I had dogs, they had a yard and were taken to safe places to swim, retrieve, train and show.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 8:35 am
The biggest problem is that most people aren't watching their dogs, they are on their phones. There were some good owners there, and I made friends... but we all visited while watching our dogs, we didn't ignore our dogs. At. All. So it's nice to go at that same time of day and catch up, but like I said, I don't take my dogs any more.
| Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 8:39 am
Yes and all too many people who just walk their dogs are also nose to phone. I do have some neighbors who seem to interact with their dogs as they walk by, which is nice.
| Friday, June 21, 2024 - 12:44 am
RN Kar, I got some more video last night of the dark pitty and Aurora. A bit of history, The yellow one is 2 yrs old and they got him last summer from a shelter. The dark grey one is almost 8 years old and they've had him since he was a puppy.
Board Administrator
| Friday, June 21, 2024 - 3:11 am
RN, excellent Naja! This is much better--for the most part the grey pittie handicaps himself by laying on the ground and "taking turns"... he does go back to the head over top at the end, but I'm less concerned because he has shown good play skills before that. It's just a very awkward invitation to play... however... I still would never leave them unattended together, because as you noted, they are loud and boisterous, and that can always get away from them since they are slightly over-aroused. Any time they get extra loud or rough, it still makes sense to interrupt. I suspect they were taken away from mom and the litter too early so didn't get good feedback at a young age about what was "too much." You can provide that now, and it would be a blessing to everyone. Good video!
| Friday, June 21, 2024 - 7:27 am
RN Well, now the new tenants aren't coming until 10 am tomorrow now. They sent the rent a little while ago so they're payed up until July 21st whether they ever show up or not. LOL
| Friday, June 21, 2024 - 2:45 pm
Good luck with the new tenants, Naja. Can't wait to hear all about them.
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 2:11 am
RN Well right now they are a pain in my ass and I still haven't met them. They were supposed to be here the 21st. Then today at 10AM. It's 11:07 and no call or text. They spent the last 2 nights at a hotel next to the hospital where she got her new job, so they are only a few minutes away.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 2:31 am
RN, that's very rude!
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 3:03 am
RN Here's a cap from the security cam of Yolanda swimming with the pit bulls right now.

Board Administrator
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 6:53 am
RN, love that! they don't damage the lining?
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 7:13 am
RN Right away you turn them toward the stairs and they learn quick to go straight to the stairs to get out. Even after Yolanda got tired of swimming, they were getting in by themselves and swimming to the middle and coming back to the stairs. With Yolanda right there on chaise watching of course. While that was happening I was waiting for the new tenants who still haven't arrived. I don't know what's going on. They've already paid first month and deposit. I'm not going to text them this time. If they show up, they show up. If they don't, they don't. Whatever.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 7:59 am
RN, Naja, I can't believe you haven't heard from them!
| Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 9:56 am
RN I'm thinking that maybe they got money from their company to rent a hotel for a few days and they are taking advantage of it. They must be exhausted with the move and starting a new job in an area they don't know. It just might be easier for them to crash at the hotel for a few days that's only 2 miles from the job while they get their bearings. I'm choosing to think positive. 