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| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 7:20 am
What Kar said.
| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 8:01 am
RN Well, she didn't cancel the 3 upcoming bookings she made. Her husband seemed more down to earth, so maybe he calmed her about it.
| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 10:09 am
I would have just slapped some panalog on it and of course continued watching them play. I have to admit that I wouldn't be comfortable with rough play and we definitely didn't see that with our pack of labradors but I also wouldn't impose rules on a situation like yours. You are obviously on top of everything there and TOTALLY transparent with your clients and they can see that with your videos. The fact that she noticed the little cut either means she is a good mom or might be overprotective, or even looking for something to complain about.. but good thing she didn't cancel the bookings, especially since you might have had to turn others down for those slots. And I have a feeling that Deebo would be quite disappointed if they cancelled his play time.. So who is there now? Aurora? I would love to read Dolly's and Patsy's minds and wonder if they think "I hope <dog's name> is coming today.."
| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 9:43 pm
RN The guest dogs here right now are FedX, Max, BamBam, and Aurora. I am 2 above my limit for 2 nights. It's so hard to say no to my regulars. Seamonkey, oh they do know some of their names. When I say "Rory's coming!" they get so excited knowing Mr. Handsome's dog is about to arrive.

| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 10:34 pm
RN Holy shit, Rosso's Mom tipped me $72! Rosso is the mini doodle. That's my biggest tip so far! I think it's because she was so happy that I had surprised her by giving him a bath and blow dry since he was headed straight to Florida from my house for vacation and there was no time for her to do it.
| Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 10:36 pm
RN Here was the fresh and fluffy Rosso right after the blow dry.

| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 3:11 am
RM Wow, the lady who owns the dog that got the booboo just left me this review! I guess I worried for nothing. "I was so nervous leaving my puppy for our first time. We went on vacation for 12 days and Naji was the perfect person to leave our fur baby with. She provided videos and pictures everyday. He looked like he was having so much fun. She will be our regular go to when we need a pet sitter. "
Board Administrator
| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 3:14 am
RN, guess her hubby put her at ease? Good review!
| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 3:19 am
RN I guess so!
| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 4:10 am
Yay Naja!
| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 6:18 am
Hmm, maybe she was worried that he would blame her and it turned out that she was worried for nothing, or she was somehow blaming herself. Seems it worked out well. That is so cute that your own dogs look forward to their friends coming over! I follow some dogs and cats that use buttons to communicate and some have requested play dates with certain other dogs. It was sad when one of the friends moved away from being next door though. Nice tip and great review!
| Friday, June 14, 2024 - 6:23 am
RN Seamonkey, do you follow The Chronicles of Todd? I love his videos. He's a button using cat.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 12:50 am
RN 7 dogs in my house! They are all so friendly and wonderful. I put the video on youtube. This is about 10 minutes ago.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 2:41 am
RN doing “get ready for a guest” chores and such. This will be the first visit since our friend was widowed last February. They were our best friends…..Bro and Sis….and, of course, she still is our BFF. Even though they lived just outside Atlanta hardly three or four months went by we weren’t together either at one another’s house or on vacation. Can’t count the number of phone calls, texts, and emails on almost a daily basis. David had health issues but nothing that appeared to be life threatening. Best we can tell he died from a blood clot. Literally collapsed without a word and was gone.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 3:12 am
RN, Naja - now that's a pack! RN, Mack, I hope your visit goes well. Having recently been diagnosed with DVT, I am well aware of how dangers a sudden clot can be. I think those sudden deaths are the hardest ones to deal with.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 4:12 am
RN though I’m the wrong kind of doctor I think David had undiagnosed DTV. He wasn’t getting treated for it best I know.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 5:15 am
RN, that's a shame, Mack. For me, I probably had DVT for awhile before it was diagnosed, but once it got bad enough, I had to deal with it. I'm kind of glad that it did get that bad, however, still too late for my leg to fully recover I'm told.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 8:46 am
RN David did have fairly severe peripheral neuropathy in his lower legs, feet, and hands. That may have masked the DVT or, as was his habit, he may have been diagnosed but he didn’t tell his wife or me because he didn’t want to worry her or have me tell her. Add that he was off and on with being a borderline diabetic. The medical examiner, without permission to do an autopsy, listed the probable cause of death as coronary heart disease complicated by borderline diabetes. He was taking some 15 different meds a day for a total of 30+ pills a day. It was never clear to me which of the 15 may have been of the two or three times a day variety.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 12:17 pm
Mack, it sure sounds like he had any number of issues going and wouldn't be the only one ignoring some of them. It is hard when you want to help but help isn't taken. I hope your meet up goes well. Naja, nice video with all the dogs.. I did start following that cat. Two accounts you might like are @pggyandmolly Molly is a magpie in Australia, hangs out with a family with 2 staffordshire terriers.. He even barks like them.. And @inkydragon Sarah Tidwell.. artist, into rescue, has about 8 well behaved dogs, fosters cats and kittens and is mom to The Mouth, who was orphaned and she raised.. He is a European Starling and all the sounds he makes are just incredible..
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 2:42 pm
7 dogs!
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 9:58 pm
RN running out shortly to get my unexpected Father’s Day present. Late yesterday I settled into my home theater to watch the end of the third round of the US Open golf tournament. Went to turn in my big beautiful flat screen and boom. Nothing. Checked everything but it is DOA. We’re not sure exactly but we think we’ve had it eight plus years. State of the art in its day and never a hint of a problem until a few days ago when it didn’t want to turn on but I was able mess with it to get it turned on. No banging on the case like the old days seems to have helped. 😬 Yeah Father’s Day sales at BestBuy.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 10:50 pm
RN I just bought a new tv at Best Buy too, Mack RN I hope you enjoy in.
| Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 10:59 pm
RN My nephew works at best buy in the electronics department and he told me which TV to get last month when mine died by lightening. I got it from Walmart where it was cheaper, though.
| Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 1:53 am
Best Buy worked for me and I used Geek Squad to take away the old Sony that was so heavy, switch two heavy furniture items and set up the new tv.
| Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 2:06 am
RN I prefer OLED over LED, when it comes to tvs. Easier on the eyes.