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| Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 11:41 pm
RN LOL! Tnt, you have no idea how uncomfortable I would feel inviting him for cocoa or soup! I thought buying his dog presents would do the trick, but he keeps writing in my reviews about how much I love his dog! haha The dingaling can't figure out I'm buying her things for HIM. RN You gotta wonder if the person putting together my walmart order ever ate a vegetable if they think radishes are an acceptable substitution for beets.

Board Administrator
| Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 4:26 am
RN, LOL on the substitution Naja. I get some weird offerings also. Online shopping is a great source of amusement and sometimes frustration. Got home the other day with a bag of 3 boxes of frozen waffles. I didn't order any frozen waffles, and it would take me a year to eat that many. But they wouldn't take them back either. I wonder if dogs like them?
| Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 6:11 am
LOL! Kar I'd say you have a better chance of your dogs liking waffles than Naja with her radishes!! I am sure the guy who loves aAurora just thinks that you too love Aurora! Men can be pretty clueless when faced with subtlety! Remember he is new to the possibility of a relationship with someone he hasn't known since his teens! Pull up your socks and show some interest!!! Remember how well your courage worked with NTB!!! What is the very worst that can happen? He will say "no, thank you." Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
| Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 1:22 pm
I have to say that sombrero on the doodle makes me smile every time I scroll past it!!
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 4:32 am
RN TnT, I am just too shy for that Sea, me too! That doodle face it just too cute! And look and Patsy's stance. Like a show dog! Kacey is here for daycare today.

Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 4:37 am
Oh! Look at them all lined up! So cute!
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 4:41 am
Very cute line up of doggos! Mini doodle doesn't look out of proportion with them and I can see the Golden influence..
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 4:42 am
So, who is coming next? I enjoy seeing your dog customers as they come and go!
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 4:47 am
RN It's funny how photos can lie. Mini doodle is only 32 lbs. So easy to pick up. Dolly is 58.2 (weighed at the vet yesterday), Patsy is somewhere in her 60s, and Kacey the boxer is 90 lbs. eta: I don't have anyone scheduled until March. The 2 pit bulls. They are staying overnight for 3 nights. Most people don't call me until the week they need me, or sometimes just a couple days ahead, so I should be getting some calls soon.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 5:14 am
RN Well this is good news for me! My vet who is located right at the entrance of my subdivision just sent out this email. "To provide the same level of care and service as demand for medical care grows, we have made the difficult decision to close our boarding kennel. "

| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 5:37 am
You might ask the vet if you can put flyers for boarding in his office. I worked for a vet clinic in high school. They boarded animals, but I never understood why people would leave their animals at a place where there was sick animals.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 10:14 am
RN My mom said the same thing. But I think the real reason their Kennel is closing is because of the sitting services popping up. RN Check this out! I got this text about 10 mins ago: Thanks for your Xfinity purchase of Buy The Clint Eastwood 50th 12 Film Bundle HD for $95.99. Enjoy the show! Tap the link to learn more about this order or report an issue: WTH? I thought it was spam, but sure enough, I went and looked on the dvr under where the purchases are, and there were a 12 Clint Eastwood movies. LOL I called and had it removed, but still. How the heck could it have happened? Weird. I mean I'm the only one home. I changed the password as well.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 10:23 am
RN OMG! I just found out how it happened! HAHAHA I was vacuuming my bedroom, and I picked the bedroom remote up off the floor and accidentally walked out with it to the living room. Not thinking, I started using it on the living room cable box, but it didn't seem to be working. (I forgot I was holding the bedroom remote). I kept hitting buttons trying to get it to work, and I finally realized it was the bedroom remote. So just now out of curiosity I went into the bedroom and turned on the tv. Guess what was there on the screen? A thank you message for ordering Clint Eastwood's 50TH Anniversary 12 movie bundle. LOL
Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 11:05 am
RN, LOL Naja, sounds like something I would do. Glad they refunded your money.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 11:23 am
RN Those darn xfinity remotes work from so far away! LOL Oh brother (or sister), there's an email from the nun in my mailbox. I'm not even going to open it. I think. eta: a second one came and the preview line says "Be careful who you..."
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 11:31 am
RN I opened the second email from the Nun. It says this in the title line "Important . Careful whom you allow in your home. God said my peopleparish for ignorance and lack of knowledge. I cared." and in the message there is a link to a youtube video. The first one is just a link to a youtube video. No message. eta: Yikes, I just realized that first one there sounds like a death threat.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 11:44 am
RN, that is some scary stuff. Make sure you save them. Did you look at the youtube video?
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 11:55 am
RN There were 3 emails total so far. First Email: No message, just a link to this video about the evils of freemasons. She knew my Husband was one. Second email: Subject line said "Important . Careful whom you allow in your home. God said my people parish for ignorance and lack of knowledge. I cared." and this video about demons and satanists. Third email: Subject line "The catholic priest and us sisters do not lie" In the email was this video link of an interview with an exorcist.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 12:19 pm
Oh wow. That is very disturbed. I'm so glad she is out of your house!
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 12:35 pm
Glad you changed the lockz.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 2:23 pm
VERY nice line-up of good doggies and one too ancient to win best of show, but trying nevertheless. Have not clicked any of the links, but I would say the 2nd one would be most relevant, although (we all) hope you will not be provoked into replying. I seem to remember a mantra OF MINE from here a long time ago: NEVER ENGAGE A CRAZY PERSON Do NOT reply ever.
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 3:29 pm
What a blessing thqt you finally stood up to her which caused her to leave! Mental illness is always a sad thing to see and deal with. I hope someone is able to hook her up with appropriate services soon - I am srry tht you don't feel able to open the door for Mr. H to make a move, but that is, of course, strictly up to you! He sounds "ripe for the picking" to me!!! I hope you have a good relationship with your vet's staff as they will likely be the ones to send business your way!
| Thursday, February 01, 2024 - 10:33 pm
RN and there was a third email this morning: Subject line says "What the church at the end has done for trump. The bishops have been working with him directly." A video at about the 6:50 mark, talks about the all the curses put on Trump and how the Bishops are working with him to remove them, plus other things.
Board Administrator
| Friday, February 02, 2024 - 4:45 am
RN, sounds like she is having a bit of a psychotic break. Juju is correct, which is why I summoned her here a week or so ago: Never engage a crazy person. I'm torn between suggesting you block her Email or not. You wouldn't see these things, but she would also know you blocked her and may escalate by putting things on your door. 
| Friday, February 02, 2024 - 4:58 am
RN, we always said "Don't play with the crazy people". I don't know if you can block her emails but maybe you email has a wat to quarantine her in a "special place" so you can keep them (should you need any proof later) but not have to see them daily.