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| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 2:40 am
You could always add I would not rent to her again. That tells them everything they need to know without saying anything specific
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 2:56 am
RN She didn't come with references, Just a the background check she had to get to join that particular website. And no, she hasn't finished giving me the security deposit. She gives me and $25 every 2 weeks to try to catch it up. The first picture is how I straighten the sofa and loveseat before I go to bed. The second photo is how it is every morning when I get up, after the NTB came home late the night before and watched tv before she went to bed. Most mornings it's worse. This time there weren't dirty dishes on the side tables and her shoes and dirty socks aren't on the floor in front of the loveseat.

Board Administrator
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 3:38 am
TnTitanfan, not just about safe. And I absolutely appreciate doing the right thing - but it has to be balanced with taking care of yourself. Naja is renting and watching dogs to try and make ends meet. How would she afford an attorney? It's perfectly fine, I think, to make decisions that protect your own well being. As I noted, when you decline to do anything other than offer her rental dates, the person on the other end gets the message. I know when I was calling for references, I got it. I trust Naja, with more info than the rest of us, will figure out how to navigate that successfully, IF it even comes up.
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 4:53 am
$700 at $50/mo is fourteen months!!!!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 5:04 am
RN The deposit is $400 and she still owes $250
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 5:13 am
RN What gets me is in my room ads and in the last text I send, I say "Refundable Deposit and first month rent due on your arrival". I didn't think that was hard to understand. Even then, she still didn't have the first rent for a couple weeks. I have completely learned my lesson about that. I usually let them come in and catch their breath. Move in some things, etc, and then we sit down and take care of the money. Now the money business happens first!
Board Administrator
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 5:24 am
Well, I'll guess she'll move out before she pays it all? And then you'll need to refund what she has paid?
Board Administrator
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 5:30 am
RN, ha! Google "cha cha slide" on your phone or computer. Click on the microphone and then all the other icons. I found it clever and fun! Happy New years!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 7:50 am
Kar that is soooo cool! I love that song and love to dance to it!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 7:51 am
I'm stealing for my fb post!
Board Administrator
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 9:01 am
RN, go for it Pamy, it sure put a smile on my face!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 12:00 pm
i may asked this before- I am OLD and forget things, but how large is the Latino community in your town/city? Despite the fact that we are not near any border/coast we are blessed to have a quite large one. As matter of fact we have a very large immigrant population from many different countries! This gives us very rich cultural 'stew!" I am soglad that you arehaving the opportunity to build a friendship with La Senora!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 1:59 pm
TNT, who is La Senora that you keep mentioning? I must have missed the initial post.
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 2:02 pm
The rest of us call her MsSonic. As she works for Sonic and is the sane and reasonable renter for Naja.
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 4:31 pm
RN, Happy New Year!
| Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 9:50 pm
RN Happy New Year! eta: Tnt, there is a mix of everything in my city. It's predominantly white, though.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 12:58 am
RN I have to tell you guys more stuff about NTB. 1. Sometimes it sounds likes growls and whimpers and other sounds come from her room in the middle of the night. 2. She claims to have seen Jesus when she was 5. 3. She claims to have seen Mary just a few years ago. 4. She claims to have attended hundreds of exorcisms. 5. She claims she already is a Nun but didn't want to tell me right way. 6. She has a 600 page testament to everything she has seen and learned to this day that every day she adds to. Last week she made 300 copies and sent them to everyone, including many names in the Vatican. She sent me a digital copy to read and I won't do it. I read the first page and couldn't go on. 7. She claims my first tenant, the traveling pharmacist that I LOVED, had a demon in her and she was casting spells on me. 8. She claims my brother's wife has a demon in her. 9. She claims my late husband's first wife had a demon in her. 10. She's out of her mind.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 1:05 am
And I call her"La Senora" which translates"the lady!" as contrasted with the bahaviors of NTB!
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 3:30 am
Gosh. She’s off the deep end religiously.
Board Administrator
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 4:08 am
Sadly, she likely has a diagnosable mental illness.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 4:25 am
RN She actually told me how people think she's crazy and the priests sent her to more than one psychiatrist. Her stipulation was they had to be Catholic psychiatrists. Apparently Catholic psychiatrists are crazy too because they found her sane.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 4:41 am
Even as a lay person I sense that she is not a well person! She brings a whole new meaning to the word "delusional!" LOL - before diagnosing Catholic psychiatrists as crazy perhaps you should consider the source of your information!
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 4:51 am
Really depends on the definition of sane and insane as used by laymen not professionals. Professionals rarely use either term amongst themselves. Sometimes you’ll hear it used in situations like a courtroom because most juries and judges understand the term versus a clinically described behavior. Sane and insane were commonly used in the past as a dividing line between those patients who can basically function in society versus those who should be institutionalized. NTB could have, and most probably does have, some personality disorder but not be “insane”.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 5:49 am
Naja, I feel for you, I really do. Here are my thoughts, so take them for what it's worth. I could be totally wrong. I agree with Kar. She has a mental illness. And she just went through the holidays, which is stressful enough for us "normal" people. Who knows if she she should be on medication for it, but she may not have money to buy them, or maybe she stops taking them when they do their job and she is "normal" and she believes she doesn't need to take them anymore. It could be anything. Anyway, I can see her acting out more than usual because she's coming mentally down from the holidays, and most likely they didn't live up to her hopes and expectations. So, she may be angry because of it and will be looking to take it out on someone. You are very good with handling her. Just ke,ep doing what you do with her, by being firm, yet kind. And for this week, try to ignore and not take the bait until she levels out. Try to give her a week's grace the best you can. In the mean time, I'd seriously reconsider letting her stay that extra month she got from you. Who knows if it's true what she told you, and at the end of April, she'll come up with another excuse for staying. But you have time to think about it. This whole becoming a Nun thing sounds like a delusion. And talking to the priest probably won't do any good, because she's probably talking to him in a confessional, and he can't talk. And God forbid if she ever found out you did talk to him. And just be ready to call the police on her if she seems like she's becoming a danger to herself or anyone else. Print out the first chapter of her testament to give to them and tell them you'll email them the rest if need be. On the bright side, at least she likes you.
| Monday, January 01, 2024 - 10:18 am
RN, it has always seemed that NTB was in need of mental health assistance. I think it is a sad situation. Hopefully if you still need to take boarders Naja, the next one will be more even keeled.