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Board Administrator
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 10:20 am
Oh no! Sounds like he may have had TPLO surgery to fix his knee. That's exactly how they shaved my dog. It did take 6 months to grow out, however. Still, at this point, I would text the owners and no more playing! You just can't take the risk of him screwing up that operation, if that's what it is. It costs about 4000-5000! It's not uncommon for them to pull that groin muscle while the leg is still weak, which isn't bad, just requires rest (it takes a year to fully recover). Still, you need to watch out for this poor pup, and restrict his activity while he is with you.
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 10:26 am
RN Both of my beagles had that operation. The first (Blossom) didn't heal right, but the second one (Birdie) healed right. I kept her locked in the crate and didn't let her use stairs. I wasn't going to let it go wrong that time. It's weird because I can't find the scars on the dog. Only the shaved area.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 10:43 am
Hmmm... that is weird. TPLO surgery leaves a big scar. Still, if his dog is limping, I would crate him. Esp since you don't know what's going on.
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 12:06 pm
Fortunatelu it is a short stay visit,isn't it?
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 12:08 pm
RN His mom is due here in 15 minutes to pick him up. Thank goodness. eta: Dolly, Patsy and I slept in the living room all night on the couch next to Pacino in the crate.
| Saturday, December 09, 2023 - 7:13 pm
I am so glad that La Senora is working out so well! I know it sounds strange as Nashville is not on a coast or near a border, but, as of the 2020 census, a FIRST generation immigrant population of over 20%! At the high school a few blocks from my former apartment there were at leaat 46 (!) dialecs spoken. This is an affluent neighbornood with lots of physicians, profrssors, etc. This has given me the opportunity know lots of foreign-born folks. Vanderbilt has an internationally known department of SA econoics! Soooo it has been m privilege to know a fair number of Latinos - immensely LOVING, fun-loving, open-minded folks! I am glad you are getting to enjoy that too! Because I know this is a busness situation, I hope that Pacino's mom is pleased with his visit and posts a positive review.
| Sunday, December 10, 2023 - 5:12 pm
I can't believe there has been so much dontime on this thread!!! Was it something I said????
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 4:38 am
RN Well I have a doozy for ya, Tnt. Yesterday afternoon my dogs were begging to go outside because a squirrel was on the deck. I let them out to chase the squirrel, but something different happened this time. They caught it!!!! The poor thing was squealing as the trotted around the yard with it like those videos of 2 dogs side by side carrying the same stick. I yelled for them to let it go and come in, but on Dolly let go. Patsy wouldn't let me near her to get the squirrel. Dolly came in and her nose was bloody. I thought it was squirrel blood but it was her own because the squirrel bit her good. Patsy stayed out and ate the squirrel. So that night it was time to let the girls out for one last pee before bed. I called them in and we all got in bed. I noticed Dolly sniffing something on her side of the bed. I got up and turned on the light. Those darn dogs brought the squirrel's head into my bed! I got a giant wad of paper towels, picked it up and threw it out. It was horrible! It was like The Godfather, but with a squirrel head.
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 9:17 am
Awful and funny at the same time!
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 10:30 am
My Burke is a border terrier. They are prey driven. When I wasn't looking down at him he caught a squirrel while on a 4' leash. Surprised me. LET IT GO!! He did and we moved on. I didn't get it gifted. Squirrels are excitement. He is 12.5 YY. Vision and hearing not so good any longer.
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 11:45 am
RN Wow, he must be quick!
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 5:56 pm
I hope that squirrel didn't carry something you don't want. I wonder if that squirrel had been habituated to humans, maybe even dogs. 
| Monday, December 11, 2023 - 10:29 pm
Naja! I'd have been on the couch the rest if the night, guessing that your tenants have any extra beds, and at NFM first thing in the morning. I was about to go to bed as I have to be up in 4 hours but the squirrel head in bed has me all grossed out. There are plenty of squirrels in the back yard but I don't have a dog, thank goodness.
| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 4:27 am
RN The meet and greet night before last was a little crazy. Someone named Noel was bringing their 6 month old Australian shepherd for a meet and greet at 4:30 PM. At 5 they still weren't and it had turned dark. Then I saw a red SUV drive by very slowly. So I texted him/her if they were in a red SUV. He/she said yes and I told him/her they just passed my house. For the next 30 minutes, they still couldn't find their way back. So they asked me if I would come get them and they sent me their GPS location. My streets are scary dark at night but I went anyway. So I drove to the location (about 5 blocks away) and I pulled up along side him . Poor guy! He was black man (with a South African accent}, so he was probably nervous driving around slowly in a dark in the middle of a white neighborhood. Anyway, he followed me home, he has a nice puppy but it's a nervous pee-er. I'll be watching his dog Friday and through the weekend.
| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 11:11 am
RN Well, my busy season starts tomorrow. I won't be without guest dogs here until Jan 5, and Dec 22-26 there will be 3 guest dogs here.

| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 5:43 pm
RN, You certainly have a full house of pets and people Naja. Will your renters be around during the holidays or do they travel to visit friends and family? It seems you have no immediate travel plans as you are boarding dogs.
| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 6:19 pm
RN The renters will be here. Luckily they both love dogs.
| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 8:06 pm
So glad that you will bee having a full house - do't get so busy that you forget to keep us updated!! Do you have anything planned for the holiday? Tree triming? Carol singing? Christmas dinner?
| Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 11:42 pm
Will all the dogs have Santa hats or some festive item??? Glad your renters are dog lovers! Is NTB still behaving? Does she still have a leaving date?
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 5:53 am
RN The only thing planned during this dog filled Holiday is a big meal. It will be too crazy to do anything special with the dogs. NTB is completely behaving! It's so interesting. But she is ticking me off about Christmas. She insists on making a giant beef brisket which she says take 10 hours to cook in a low oven. Too low to cook anything else with it. I told her she will have to start it at midnight so I can use the oven to cook other things. She refuses to put it in before 3 AM. So I am guessing the same thing will happen as with Thanksgiving. Dinner won't be happening until late. And for sure I'll be posting. This is my only outlet! Well, I tell my Mom and Aunt Nancy everything as well. We have a constant group text going. I have never withdrawn her eviction notice for the end of Feb, but she acts like it never happened.
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 2:21 pm
Tell her that the brisket goes in at idight or not t all! That is YOUR house - thus YOUR rules!! Don't let her walk all over you!!! Figure out when you need to put tother stuff in and explain to her that her brisket will come out at that time - done or not!!! She is NOT in charge!!!
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 2:24 pm
Forgot to ask - is La Senora making any specialty?
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 2:35 pm
Why can't she start it the night before, doesn't she work at night, then it will be ready to take out when she gets home from work.
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 3:59 pm
RN She won't be home from Midnight Mass until God knows what time. She turns an hour mass into a several hour event. RN I went around gathering trash from all the rooms because tonight the trash goes to the curb, and I have her permission to go in her room to empty the trash. Anyway, I dumped her bedroom trash into the bigger bag, and there were cigarette butts! That is one of the big rules, NO SMOKING. It was hard enough for me to quit, and then even harder to get all the cigarette smoke smell out of my house.
| Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 4:13 pm
Dare I say it... she's broken a SERIOUS rule, as she could have fallen asleep and started a fire putting everyone at risk. Its a good excuse to remind her of her exit date, at the very least! Woman, clearly you have the patience of a Saint. And I agree you insist the oven is YOURS when you need it. If she can't whip up her specialty in time, too bad, she'll have to make something else. Your house, your oven, your rules!!!!! She's too damned cheeky, by half.