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Board Administrator
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 3:25 pm
RN, I wouldn't give someone anything with nuts, given how common nut allergies are today. Nor would I give someone something meat-based. It's tough today to give food gifts to people you don't know well.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 3:44 pm
Tis true.. with my friend some people did ask what she likes. There are lots of things she really cannot eat. Our mutual friend included two slides of Spinach Pie and Lorna doesn't like spinach, so I was gifted with that. She has gotten some great stuff and quite a variety.. mashed potatoes were a big hit.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 6:38 pm
Kar, that's why I suggested she make 2 loaves, one with nuts and one without. And it doesn't really matter if he eats it or not. It's the gesture and it's the holidays. Good will to all. And all Naja has to do is wrap it up in saran wrap and put it in a nice bag with some tissue and a ribbon, and there is no worry about having him having to return anything. It's all good, harmless fun that TNT and I are living vicariously through. 
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 6:56 pm
Although reared Methodist I grw up on a sreet with many Orthodox jews as the street is withi walking distance of the Synagogue. Soooo I grew up cooking in Jewish kitchens as well as my own. Chicken soup is called Jewish mother's penecillin! Sending food - usually soup - to the sick is an ingrained Southern tradition. Put it in a old mayonaise jar that he doesn't need to return!! That was it looks like a friendly gesture and not a big deal!
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 7:34 pm
RN, Naja, I would say your Mom is most likely right. I sort of remember waking up VERY happy right after my knee surgery. Bigdog was there and told me later some of the things I said, and I have NO recollection of it. BUT, who did he wake up and automatically think of texting? YOU (and Aurora, of course, LOL). AND you sent him off for his surgery with a perhaps puzzling thought of "How does this woman manage to roll out of bed at this hour of the morning looking so GOOD?" Good job there. Keep us posted.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 7:36 pm
If someone is actually allergic to nuts it isn't that simple, but I get it. I'm no fun.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 7:49 pm
Realy enjoying the saga of our Naja and Mr. Handsome with the adorable pooch. I think one nut-free cake is the way to go. Two cakes might be a bit much. Although 1 cake AND a jar of soup would be nice.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 9:24 pm
RN Naja, unless you and Mr. handsome have discussed food allergies, likes or dislikes I wouldn't worry about it. The sweet kind gesture is what is important. Make a small lasagne and put it in a container he can keep, add a pretty bow and a funny get well card. Mostly, enjoy the bits of flirting and have fun. Most importantly, keep us in the loop, lol. How are things with the NTB and the new tenant?
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 4:55 am
What does the housing market look like in your area? Ours continues tight and HIGH. Teo bedroom/1 bath houses in the right area can bring close to a million! Ridiculous, no???
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 8:15 am
RN our housing market is also tight, a shortage of both resales and new builds. The prices have actually started to drop a bit. According to my son’s agent the interest rates are really hitting buyers hard along with the low inventory. My son has bought four houses in his life over the past 20-25 years and his new house interest rate is the highest he has ever had. Luckily he got a pretty good price on his new place but he did have to lower his top end quite a bit. He will for sure refinance as soon as mortgage rates drop enough to make it worthwhile.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 9:39 am
RN I live in a place where the cost of living is nice. I live in an almost 50 yr old 4 bedroom house, attached 2 car garage, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, finished rec room, and the comparable houses around me I see in the listings are going between 220 and 250. Which is a little less than at this point last year. I am steering away from baking now. Maybe a tin of holiday toffee. And the new tenant is so wonderful so far! So normal and intelligent. So tidy as well. NTB is very untidy. I already got Mr. H a gift. His dog plays so rough and is always losing her tags, so got these tag clips that are supposed be the best. Locking S tag clips. We'll know by the end of the day if they are as good as they say. I already told him I got them and how today is the big test. He has lost her tags many times. 3 times just in my yard. If these work, it will be a big relief for him.
------- OH! I just found out I qualify for free Tracfone. Equal to $30 a month. Unlimited texts and calls, and 5 gigs data per month. It takes effect in 7-10 days. They used my medicaid eligibility to determine I also qualify for this.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 9:44 am
RN, Oh, if those don't work, you could reconsider an embroidered collar (with his phone number), or that tags that slip onto the collar, or the ones I have for my dog, where the info is engraved on the buckle? I also put my rabies cert # on them, but you have to plan to buy a new one every 3 years.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 10:04 am
RN Those tags that slip on the collar are what I have, and I did order one of those for Aurora, but it won't be here in time, so the S clips are all I can do in the meantime. These are what you mean, right? This is what's on Dolly now.

Board Administrator
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 10:39 am
RN, yes, that's exactly what I mean! I personally hate the jangling of tags at night (I'm such a light sleeper), and I think there are probably a dozen or more lost forever in my yard. In Colorado, it's a fine if your dog is caught wandering without a rabies tag, so i add the rabies Cert# to the info on my slide on tags (and my engraved buckle collar for my lab). But since they get vac'd every 3 years, I have to replace them then.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 11:20 am
RN Those are the BEST! I wish I could use one for Patsy, but she has to have a chain collar or else Dolly pulls it off and chews it up.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 11:43 am
RN, oh one of DS's dogs is like that. She never pulls it off tho, but she grabs him by the collar and I'm always so afraid she will choke him to death. One of my former foster dogs died that way. You can get a chain collar with a buckle tho, would that work? (There's one on Amazon) Then you can get one of the slip on IDs with elastic bands on the ends. Just a thought in case you're interested! You know what's best for your budget and your pups!
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 12:02 pm
RN I've seen those elastic ones. I'll have to look into it. It's a great idea.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 2:44 pm
RN Conversation just minutes ago in text with Mr. H. Me: Well, we made it past 4PM and we still have tags! YAY! Everything is fine here. Aurora is being such a good girl. .... How is your knee? Are you walking on it? (Photo of Aurora was with this text) Mr. H: Glad to hear! My knee is hurting more today but that was expected. I do get up and walk around, then sit with my leg up and ice on it. Thanks! Me: I hope someone is taking care of you! Mr. H: Yep, a good friend and his wife! Me: Good deal 🙂
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 4:09 pm
Naja, great gifts and you can't go wrong loving someone's pet! And no one gets tired of getting pictures of their baby. Glad the new renter is working out so far. I hope she loves dogs. All of those collars are interesting. There are some tags made of silicone so they don't jingle, but the ones posted by Karuuna on the collar look better to me, not just more attractive but safer too. We never had collars on our dogs because we showed them so didn't want a collar line.. obviously we had leads and slip collars for showing and more substantial leads and chains for field work and stuff but never left them on when they were playing in the yard and such.. These days I'd have to watch dogs due to coyotes but that wasn't an issue down here in the "flatlands" as we called non mountain when I lived in a rural canyon.. Then the coyotes stayed up in the mountains. We heard them late at night, never saw them but dog runs had substantial fencing and tops and mostly the dogs were in the house anyway. And back in the seventies coyotes had plenty of game available and plenty of territory. Today not so much. But the jingly tags.. I remember our family dog had them and when my parents got their first TV that had a remote control, if Jinx jingled them a certain way, the channel would change 
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 4:12 pm
Kar, yes, we knew of dogs playing with collars on and knew of several deaths and it is especially hard because the owner feels such guilt and may still find it hard to not blame the other dog, when really they are just being dogs. Also we always crated dogs in the car but someone lost a dog that was loose in their car and got their collar twisted in a door handle and before they could stop and help it had died. I shudder to even think of that.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 6:53 pm
I am absolutely not ill-wishing your new tenant, but it would be nice if it took her a while to find just the right house for her family and herself! At least until Fruitloop is gone! As wonderful as food trains are - and that is the Southern term for group-organized food delivery systems - they almost always are the big meal of the day. One meal a day is plenty for me, but most folks want and need more. You have a opportunity to fill that uncovered niche! Soup (my personal fav) stew, pasta sauce, fruit salad. Whatever you think would feel like casual, friend sharing!!
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 8:18 pm
RN, Naja, glad that it is so far so good with the new tenant. Maybe we can refer to her as Ms. Sonic. Perhaps she can help be a calming influence on NTB. Have fun flirting with Mr. Handsome.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 8:33 pm
Did handsome man get discharged from the hospital today? That seems to be the case these days. Some folks are even going home same day of operation.
| Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 9:06 pm
TNT, she is 89 and yes she eats breakfast and is quite able to tell people what to buy when they shop for her, down to the exact brand of oatmeal.. My mission is NOT about food, other than one of our singing group cooked up a bunch of things, met with me and I brought them to Lorna.. and it is up to me to collect the containers and get them back to Janice down the line. I have plenty to do but the church group is bringing meals, someone came to clean and even discovered that there was a leak in the back bathroom where she hasn't been going, another friend recommended someone and two guys fixed the leak. Others have shopped, including me. Another long time friend also drives and is her official medical contact. I picked up meds at the pharmacy. I agree that I hope the new renter, Ms Sonic, hopefully will stay quite awhile and you both will enjoy that.. Juju, it is pretty amazing how early people are sent home. For the most part that is good, but for some people it is really dangerous.. Like Lorna, 89, already unsteady, sent home from the emergency room and I was the driver, but it was really scary getting her up the ramp into her mobile home and she really should have been inpatient. In fact the medical evaluator who came on Thursday said she would have thought they would have kept her inpatient that night and done surgery before she went home.. Instead there were 4 or 5 outpatient appointments and then the surgical appointment, each trip was stressful for her and for each driver. And we only got the evaluator out AFTER 4 doctors on some committee for her group deemed home care "medically unnecessary". Not sure which doctor got through to appeal, and that took days.. but suddenly there was an evaluator coming on Thanksgiving Day.. and she said it was a no brainer. I know she will get help bathing but today a physical therapist was there and they will work on balance and mobility the first two weeks, then on the arm that broke in PT. The Carrier, Blue Shield had alrady told her that THEY would pay but the medical group rejected it. Now if someone is younger and really fit, that's different. My brother got his knee replaced in his sixties and despite the bad knee, he had been using his treadmill daily for decades and so he sailed through and rehabbed quickly. And he has his wife and other local members of her family to help too.
| Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 5:19 am
Mr. H was home yesterday, but I don't know when he got there. And oh how I agree! I hope Ms. Sonic stays as long as possible! She thinks at least 5 months. She's already left for work and I never even heard her her come home last night or get up and leave this morning! Now that's an ideal tenant. LOL I wanted to post this tracfone page in case anybody else qualifies for free service.