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Board Administrator
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 9:03 am
Juju, it was Lynn's apartment. And yes, we did our best to help her get started again, it was a devastating loss.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:23 pm
I seem to have missed that whole thing. That would be devastating for sure. Obviously the Lynn in question was not me.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:26 pm
Hmm maybe I am starting to remember .. was it Ginger?
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:28 pm
Naja when do all your Thanksgiving visitors return to their homes?
Board Administrator
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:31 pm
Seamonkey, yes, that was her TVCH name.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:37 pm
RN Sea, Everyone went home yesterday. So I get 2 nights of relief. Tomorrow Mr. Handsome brings Aurora for a few days. It's his knee surgery week.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:38 pm
RN Thank goodness I checked what time Mr. Handsome will be here! I thought it was 7:30 at night. He's coming at 7:30 AM! That would have been worse than without makeup like last time. haha
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 1:56 pm
I did meet Ginger at least once.. I remember worrying when she had a rough time after knee or hip replacement. Naja, so glad you checked! Surgeries are so early! I remember AI had to be there at 6am or earlier for my surgery in 2009.. That was quite long and recovery longer so it was midnight when I finally got my room. And recently took a friend where we had to arrive by 5:30am. I got up at 3:30, picked up friend at 4:30. I bet Mr H didn't want to part with Aurora the night before. I imagine it he has had to fast and such, he won't be noticing makeup or lack thereof.. Enjoy your respite!
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 2:17 pm
RN I was thinking how this hustle and bustle I have made my of my life now since DH passed has really helped keep me from sinking into deep depression and sadness. Like I told my Mom, I've met more new people this past several months than I have in the last 10 years. If you would have told me on Feb 15 that I would be this ok by Thanksgiving, I wouldn't have believed you.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 3:27 pm
I'm glad you have found some cheer after all the rough spots Naja. I'm guessing you don't currently have a paying job outside the home, or work remotely for an office or something. Annoying as work can be, it sometimes a nice distraction from one's woes. I recently went back to work, it's OK, I'm overworked and vastly underpaid. Looking forward to getting back to an early retirement.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 4:02 pm
RN I haven't worked outside the house since 2002. When I tried to make a resume to look for a job now, it looked ridiculous for someone my age. So I decided to take the self employed road with dog sitting. I love every minute of it except for the day I lost a dog. Thank goodness I found her quickly. I love the pet owners as well.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 4:16 pm
RN OH HELL. Mr. Handsome just called said they made his operation earlier and he'll be here around 5:45 AM. I better go to bed now! LOL
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 4:22 pm
5:45 AM?!? Good thing he's handsome.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 4:26 pm
It is nice you found a way to have some income that you enjoy. I know people can make pretty good money doing part time work with pets. If I remember correctly, a friend of my sisters charged $25.00 or $30.00 dollars to go to someone's house, let the dog out, refill water dish and maybe food, possibly play or walk the dog for 15 maybe 20 minutes. She made some nice extra money working only as much as she wants to work. That was a few years ago, she probably charges more now.
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 4:46 pm
Naja, it isn't his fault.. it seems that surgical centers can change the time of your operation right up to the night before. For my cataract surgery I STRONGLY pushed the idea that even the latest surgery, which was really early,and arrival time much earlier, was really pushing it with ma and also my driver. Hopefully Aurora will settle down and let you get back to sleep...
| Monday, November 27, 2023 - 8:56 pm
I agree it's a good thing he is a handsome man with a sweet dog. RN, Naja, the grief thing may yet come. Just realize it for what it is, something that humans go through, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. You do NOT need to feel guilty that you are doing as well as you are. You loved your husband, and he loved you. Not everybody gets to have that great gift. Just keep on keeping on for right now.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 3:13 am
juju is a wise old dog! Everyone grieves in their own time and way. Don't forget to have that quart of homemade soup ready to go home w/Mr. Handsome when he picks up his little gal. Cornbread muffins wouldn't hurt!!
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 3:38 am
RN Well, I've been ready for 10 minutes, shower, hair done, and MAKEUP ON! haha It's 5:34. Tnt, maybe 
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 9:49 am
And..... It's been 6 hours..... We need an update.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 10:14 am
RN ok, someone tell me. Do people normally sent their dog sitter texts like this? I think Tnt is right. I may have to bake something after all. LOL! Mr. Handsome: "Hi Naja! I just woke up about 15 minutes ago from my knee replacement surgery. With the leg nerve block there is currently no pain. They said everything went perfect!"
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 11:16 am
LOL, be sure to text him that you let his dog know and she is very relieved.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 11:21 am
RN My mom says it must be the pain medication. I sent him some videos to show his dog is having fun.
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 12:49 pm
After that text, I believe TNT is onto something about making him something. Soooo... I googled what foods are good to eat after knee replacement surgery. Walnuts are a good choice for its anti-inflammatory properties. (I'm skipping the sardines idea.) And this article has things to think about when making food for somebody recovering from surgery. Mobility, etc. Chicken soup would be perfect, except can he get around carrying a hot bowl of soup? We don't want him calling up an old flame to spoon feed him. So, I was thinking Banana nut bread. It has the walnuts, doesn't need to be refrigerated, so he can keep it next to him, and bananas has the magnesium. I'm sure that must be healing, too. Put a plastic knife in with it. We don't want him falling with a sharp knife in his hand. And make 2 loaves! One with and one without nuts. Just In case he tells you he's allergic to nuts. He will be pretty darn impressed when you tell him no problem. And you can make it now and freeze it, if you don't have time to do it later. I almost forgot, here's the link to the article. Link
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 12:50 pm
Tnt, have you done this before? I want details!
| Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 2:48 pm
Yes, people have, long before there was texting or cell phones, even before internet and email, wanted to know how their pets are doing when they are way. On my two month trip in 1995, I was left a voicemail message (on my machine, which I could access be phone and play messages) EVERY SINGLE DAY. I was not hitting on my cat sitter. Just saying. Not saying this guy isn't hitting on you, but I would assume that he is interested in knowing his dog is doing well and greatly appreciates any communication. As for food, I'm sure it would be appreciated, but he also may have planned ahead and have food available and have friends bringing food it. Grooch has some really good ideas and suggestions there. Helping out with a friend who is getting tons of food.. people at her church sign up for days on facebook.. I'd say that those who include containers that must be washed, kept track of and then returned.. if possible it is easier for the person and those helping them if there is nothing to return. I am one of the people trying to keep track of a whole set of containers that I delivered for another friend who sent some amazing food, but her containers are getting mixed in with those of others and the insulated bag she used has been co-opted for another use. I am caught trying to keep track of her containers as the food is consumed and having trouble getting the bag back. My friend is 89 and wouldn't consider just ordering food delivered but he may already be used to doing that. My friend also had no way to plan ahead since her surgery was for an injury that was from an accidental fall. And sometimes we cannot choose what food a stranger might like. Like while banana bread is classic. I don't like bananas or walnuts. I've also been suddenly gifted with chocolate, which I will eat, but I work pretty hard to avoid having around. I had someone suddenly make a rather large container with a dessert that literally didn't fit in my small refrigerators and was way too much to eat in one sitting. So size, shape, amount all matter. So happy that his surgery went well and the update on Aurora certainly is helpful in making him less anxious and more happy. Naja, you are very good at this job. You have the talents and you love animals and are experienced. and the service you provide is very much needed! Have you advertised on NextDoor? Here on NextDoor there are SO MANY posts looking for pet sitting, pet walking, etc..