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| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 12:36 pm
I was wondering what "NTB" means and now I think I know....Nun To Be?
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 2:42 pm
She threw a shit fit and started yelling at me that it's her life to tell people and not for me to do it! I told her it is my responsibility to let a new tenant know who they are moving in with. She started screaming how it's her life to tell people. I said it's my house and she's trying to take it over." I would place a bet that this person is never going to make it as a nun....
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 3:26 pm
Unfortunately, I think she is only becoming a nun at this time in her life to have them take care of her. Just remember, Naja, that you have zero responsibility for this grown woman. Her renting a room is strictly a business transaction. Tell her to call her grown children if she needs help.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 3:31 pm
I was afraid she would immediately start the guilt trip. She has 30 days to find accommodations, perhaps offer that she can leave earlier if she has the opportunity. Her inability or refusal to pay rent in a timely manner, abide by house rules and get along with others is her own undoing. KC has homeless shelters and charities around the area. Granted, they are all busy and many people need help from time to time. She is capable of contacting Catholic charities or letting it be known at church she is looking for a place to rent. How long did you anticipate her renting from you? Did you have a formal/legal rental agreement?
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 4:00 pm
To save Naja the time and energy of typing up all the details of the NTB, I took it upon myself to find in the archives when this saga begun and all the twists and turns it has taken. Anyone can read on to get the details of what's going on. Here is the first post where the ntb first arrived on the scene. Yes, God does have a sense of humor. It's twisted.
quote:Monday, August 14, 2023 - 11:46 am RN If I tell you this, you won't believe it. I was so sad the other night that I couldn't get that second room rented out, so I actually prayed for a tenant. God must have a sense of humor because a 56 yr old woman studying to become a Nun is looking at the room tomorrow. Now that's pretty funny.
quote:Monday, August 14, 2023 - 12:59 pm RN She couldn't wait. She came today to see the room, and she's moving in tomorrow.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 4:20 pm
Naja - I would contact Father Monday morning and be sure that he knows she needs new housing. I am pretty sure he also knows that she needs mental health help. Who knows what she has told him about you, but I am sure your concern will be apparent to him. Welcome your new tenant and tell her the statue of the NTB. Mpnday morning I would go to your local polic station and discuss the situation, explaining that you have served an evistion notice and are expecting possible difficulties when the time comes. Say you just wanted to have them in the leep in case of possible difficulties. Take homemade coolies if you can!
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 6:49 pm
What Grooch said about listing local shelters and resources, but her sleeping in her car is on her, not on you. She is not paying you enough to constantly make you feel crazy because she is acting crazy. I know you said you only need to change one lock and I know you will do that. And if she doesn't get her stuff moved out on deadline, I'd change the lock anyway and monitor if she comes in to moves stuff out and if she doesn't, just box up the stuff so you can look for a second and more reasonable renter.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 7:59 pm
Now is the time to alert your local suppprt system - friends, neighbors, etc - that you may need their help I have no doubt that they will be there for you saying, "That's what friends are for!" We are always hesitant to ask for help, but peoplewho love you really WANT to support you!!!
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 10:05 pm
Grooch, thanks for the achieved posts about NTB. I should have been following the RN thread more closely. Lesson learned.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 9:20 am
RN I don't want you all to be disappointed in me! But I am giving her the 90 days. Rent to be payed every 2 weeks. BTW My new tenant is GREAT. She seems so normal.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 9:57 am
RN, we're not disappointed in you, Naja. We are worried for you. I'm glad you have someone else there now, so you aren't alone with NTB. 
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 10:22 am
Ditto to what Karuuna said - not disappointed, Naja, just worried.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 10:53 am
Are there consequences if she does not pay every 2 weeks, such as immediate eviction? Good luck with it all and hope the new tenant works out.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 11:47 am
Of course we are not disappointed! We cae about YOU and are distressed to see you taaken advantage of!! I would still contact Father and be SURE he is in the know about the 90 days!!! Who knows what she tells him!!! Are you prepared to takeaction if she defaults on the rent? None of her past behavior leads me to believe she will keep her part of the deal, but I hope sincerely that I am wrong! Maybe seeing that you have backup now will help her show you and your home more respect!!! We can always hope!!!
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 12:16 pm
Tnt, the Father isn't ntb's relative or legal guardian. He has zero responsibility for her. I have a very strong feeling that it's best to not get him involved. NTB will freak out so bad because that is invading her privacy. And we have no idea if he is a nut case, too. I think it's best to keep Naja's relationship with NTB strictly business and not get other people involved. Imho.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 12:39 pm
Excellent advise Grooch.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 1:11 pm
RN I don't know if I should have done this, but I filled the new tenant in on all the crazy stuff about NTB. She is so understanding. She said she runs across all types in her business. And yes, Tnt, she is GONE if there is no rent. I have no incentive to keep her. I am in the camp where I feel like if I spoke to Father, that I would be inserting myself deeper into her life. But I think we are on the right track. She knows she has to leave. And there is more pressure on her now that there is another normal person here with us, and she is paying me. And thank you for the offer, Mameblanche! That is so kind. I'm not quite to the point of broke yet, and I really appreciate your offer of help.  
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 1:52 pm
My suggestion of Father was stricktly housing orieted. I am sure he knows of alternative housing.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 2:12 pm
As unstable as NTB appears, who knows if father is even real. I'm not sure the pursuit of joining a convent is real. Generally, one must be a single or widowed woman. If divorced one needs an annulment. No debt. No dependent children and must be physically and psychologically healthy. Various Orders may have additional requirements but these seem to be fairly basic. I am of course not privy to any marital status or children in her history, but it seems she may fall rather short on the psychologically healthy bit. Good luck Naja, I think you will need it as long as you have renters.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 2:30 pm
RN Tnt, I do feel like it's nearing a time I may have to speak with Father. On her next day off I am going to ask her more about this place where Father is setting her up and try to discern if anything is phony about it. So far all I know so far is it's funded by parishioners. Private donations. Because I don't know if you guys know this, but convents are closing due to lack of church attendance and donations. Nuns are buying houses and sharing apartments. Nuns can take jobs outside their parish as long as they get their superior's approval first. Sugar, She's got her annulments taken care of from her 2 marriages. He children are grown (she's 56), and she's working on the debt. RN Dolly with the stuffed turkey NTB bought the dogs for Thanksgiving.

| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 3:03 pm
That picture is a hoot!
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 4:14 pm
True that many convents are having financial problems. Sg. Cecelia here in Nashville is definitely the exception to the rule! They have recently conpleted an enormous new supplemental building to the Mother House. Outsiders are not allowed at special masses - Christmas, Easter, etc. because all the space is needed for the nuns! They apparently take in large numbers of novitiates each year. This is a teaching order, so I don't have any idea when the funding comes from!!!
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 7:07 pm
🫂 Hugs Naja, I am sooooo relieved that you have a nice, NORMAL new tenant living with you. If life with NTB gets more problematic, at least you'll have a witness/legal back-up if you have to turf her sooner. I hate to admit it, but I kinda hope she defaults on her rent, sooner than later, so you can legally turf her and relaim your peace of mind. Cute pic, at least she's kind to the pooches.
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 7:19 pm
Never disappointed in you, Naja and I do trust your judgement, though you seem to be questioning exactly what to do with NTB and I'm glad you can throw out ideas here. Seems that she presents in erratic ways, and at times is caring, as with the dogs. But it will be so nice when she has moved on. And love that you have a more normal renter there as well. Mame, how sweet are you? (very!)
| Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 9:54 pm
It is not without precedent that TVCH members will bail each other out if one of us gets pushed to the edge. We have done it before, like when Nancy{?}'s apartment in New York city caught fire, and she lost everything. And a couple of others over the years. Just don't let yourself get too far out there, Naja. We will do it again if we need to. We would MUCH rather have you alive and giving us helpful advice, Naja, than we would want to have you living with a mentally unstable person IN YOUR HOUSE because money.