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Board Administrator
| Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 10:32 am
RN, I think TnT's idea is a good one. There are engraved/embroidered collars you can get that you can slip on your boarders. If one does go on a walkabout, the finders will call you instead of the far away owners? I do this with all my foster dogs, and when my son's dogs come to visit. As for NTB, I continue to say, she is emotionally unstable and unpredictable. I know you need the money, but I am concerned for your safety.
| Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 11:05 am
RN Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I guess I could look into the temp collar thing. RN This was my bed last night. I slept hanging from about a 1 foot section on the end.

| Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 12:41 pm
Hahahahaha, everyone looks very comfy
| Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 4:56 pm
I love the name Muppet. What kind of dog is he/she? I can't believe how well behaved they all are.
| Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 7:08 pm
RN Muppet is a miniature schnauzer mix and looks just like an Ewok!

| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 9:13 am
Omg! I want him! 
Board Administrator
| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 10:02 am
RN, what a cutie!
| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 2:33 pm
Muppet really does look like a character, just in that picture.. Wondering how today is going with NTB... is she thankful? I'm sure the dogs are.
| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 3:02 pm
RN NTB made Thanksgiving suck. She insisted on cooking all these dishes and there are only 2 of us. I did the turkey, pie, biscuits and mac and cheese. All I wanted her to do was stuffing. But she insisted on adding potato dish, and green bean casserole as well. I told her many times in the past few days that I want to eat at 3PM. She slept until noon and wasn't done cooking any of her stuff until after 6, and then she just plopped on the couch and lyed there snoring all night until I went to bed. I've told her over and over. If you are going to sleep, please go to your room or to the rec room. I couldn't be sicker of her snoozing in my hangout room. Thank goodness I have cable tv in my bedroom.
| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 5:54 pm
You need to ENFORCE the rules you have laid down! It is your house, thus YOUR rules! I wonder if you have any experience with childrenwho will push and test limits. Once they understand that the rules are the rules - set in stone and immutable - they will follow them. Once she is in rhe convent, believe me the Reverend Mother ris NOT going to coddling her! Iff he is seeking sructure in her life, GIVE her some!
| Friday, November 24, 2023 - 6:34 pm
Oh Naja, NTB is running your house. I'm supposing she is aware of your financial struggles/situation and has the upper hand knowing you won't insist she leave or pay rent on time let alone some sort of security deposit. Perhaps you need to add a lock to your hangout room or remove the tv and seating in that room. She is demonstrably unreliable with rent. Is she to also pay a portion of the utilities? Her behavior in general has one wondering whether she is mentally stable. I hope you are able to end this tenancy soon.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 4:42 am
RN I just gave NTB 30 days to move out. She came home from work early because of a sore knee. Then just now when she got up, she told me she doesn't want me to tell the new tenant who she is. I said I already did. I told her you are preparing to be a nun. She threw a shit fit and started yelling at me that it's her life to tell people and not for me to do it! I told her it is my responsibility to let a new tenant know who they are moving in with. She started screaming how it's her life to tell people. I said it's my house and she's trying to take it over. I asked her to stop yelling about 5 times, and when she kept on, I told her she has 30 days to move out as per our agreement to give 30 days notice. There was more to the argument, like she complained she can't watch what she wants on TV and stuff like that. Even though there is a whole rec room with a giant TV downstairs. Please let her leave! Please!
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 4:47 am
RN OH, she hated when I said that I rather she just didn't talk with the new tenant about that stuff. Then she ran around yelling "THAT STUFF?? THAT STUFF?? THAT STUFF?? YOU CALL OUR RELIGION THAT STUFF??". She nearly exploded. I can't take it. She's out. OH! Then she says "Father told me you would do this!" as if I was part of some kind of evil revelation.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 5:37 am
I'm sure the Father told her that you would ask her to leave if she acted like a wing nut. It's just how she interprets things. Congrats! I'm betting she'll behave until the final week in hopes that she can convince you to change your mind. So, you will have 3 weeks of calm, at least, and use this to try to get her to pay you weekly, if she hasn't paid you for this month's rent yet.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 8:39 am
RN She came back from seeing Father and now she is trying to be all nice and explain why she exploded. She's in pain (which I know she is), and she didn't sleep all night. And she's snoozing on the couch again after I gave her some pain medicine.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 9:05 am
get the rent weekly...
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 9:08 am
I suggest you reiterate that she's to leave in 30 days, that it's a fact and not a threat, and perhaps give her written notice as well. In the meantime, you have a month to replace her, do it asap so she has to be gone by then, with no wiggle room to try to stay. I'm relieved you'll have the other tenant there, because this gal is nutso-unstable, and that means unpredictable. If you are stuck financially , meaning if you're unable to replace her immediately, once you've gotten rid of her, please let me know, and I'll cheerfully cover her rent money for a couple of months, as a loan to be repaid whenever you can. I just want you safe, Naja.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 9:19 am
I agree with giving her notice in writing. I feel for you Naja. I'm so glad you got to spend time with those adorable dogs this week!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 9:27 am
RN, everyone is correct to say to give the notice in writing. Just because she apologized doesn't mean she won't explode again. You have earned the right to a peaceful home. Don't give up your power!
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:03 am
Congrats on giving her eviction notice! Definitely do so in writing. You might consider sending a certified letter as well. You've indicated finances are a bit tight right now with a looming tax bill due which certainly bites, however, it is IMPERATIVE that you change the locks the minute she leaves. Call and arrange an appointment with a locksmith Monday morning. Well done for taking back your house and peace of mind. You have had a tumultuous year and some stable peace would be a nice change. Her eviction date is practically Christmas, don't let that change your mind. The church can likely help her.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:08 am
RN She said "Father" put her on a 90 wait list for some kind of housing. She said "You know I will have to sleep in my car until then?" I can't make someone sleep in their car. I am so conflicted. I have so much to do. The new tenant will be here in about 4 hours, as well as all 3 dogs going home today around the same time. I'll get back tonight. My mind is racing and the work is never ending.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:19 am
I suggest at this point you speak with the Father directly to confirm this 90 day business. Otherwise it could just be BS. Where did she live prior to moving in with you? Can they take her back temporarily? And I seriously doubt that a priest would allow his nun-in-training to live in her car or on the streets or whatever...
Board Administrator
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:20 am
RN, Naja, don't let her guilt you. I highly doubt that "Father" will let her sleep in her car. And even if not, you aren't "making her" sleep in her car. Her bad behavior is. Consequences teach people.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:24 am
Frankly if she keeps upsetting you, find out if there's a way to immediately turf her. Learn your rights, for your safety. I'd start with discussing this untenable situation with the priest to see what the realities are and what your options are. Do not get dragged into her drama! People like that usually land on their feet, and become someone else's problem. Let her move along. She has the priest to worry about her. I'm pretty confident she's going to be fine. Regain your equilibrium and get on with your life.
| Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 11:33 am
It's not your problem. If you feel inclined, you can give her a list of homeless shelters in your area. She can stay there instead of her car. Don't even bother talking to the Father. It will most likely open a new whole can of worms. Remember, it's not your problem and get that rent weekly.