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| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 12:31 pm
Tell her you want it by Monday or you will have a talk with the Priest.
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 2:06 pm
RN I can't. I already said ok. But I will say it's due on the 1st from now on (like I thought was the agreement when she moved in ) or she can leave .
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 3:20 pm
If you are no actually going tobe in dire sraits inancially if she leaves, it might actually be a relief. Your mental ealth counts too!!
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 3:36 pm
Bsck again to ask if you have any at-home marketable skills like typing, proof reading, envelope stuffing? Doyou do doggie daycare as well as boarding? Ans on an entirely different subject, how do the girls feel about the NTB?
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 3:52 pm
RN The dogs love her. Every dog loves her. Yes, I do daycare as well, but no marketable skills to speak of. I'll be fine. 
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 6:43 pm
Naja, you have marketable skills out the wazoo. You just don't see them as skills. You have an excellent grasp of the English language, grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and a flair for storytelling. You can both edit and proofread. You are VERY computer literate, AND you are a good teacher. There still exists a probably dwindling market of seniors who would dearly LOVE and gladly PAY $25+ an hour for one on one lessons on their own device if they could bring it to your home, and you show them just the basics. When I volunteered as the assistant instructor on basic computer use at the local library in South Texas a couple winters my biggest problem was everybody who wanted me to give them private lessons on their computer, but if I did that, I would have no life. I did a few sessions for a couple people who were especially desperate, as a kindness, and they forced money on me. I am nowhere nearly as good as you, and I have learned a lot of tricks from YOU here at the Clubhouse. Well, and maybe there is an idea, see if the local senior center or library conducts such classes and do a couple volunteer sessions as an assistant instructor. There will be "students" who will recognize they would be better off having private instructions for PAY from you who will approach you after class.
| Friday, November 03, 2023 - 8:46 pm
The senior center may not allow payment, but they probably have a newsletter and you could take an ad and offer services for a fee and Juju is correct that there would be people totally willing to pay for some help with tech stuff. You could also advertise on Nextdoor for such services. You definitely have skills. As for NTB.. she sounds very off kilter to me.
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 6:59 am
RN I'll be fine, you guys. I really don't want to work outside the house. If it gets to dire straits, I'll consider those suggestions. For now, I'm ok I just ordered one of those big advertising magnets for your car door. (for the dog sitting)
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 10:44 am
Way to get maximum bang for your gasoline dollar!
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 12:35 pm
RN I am so fricken fed up arguing with people that they have to pay sales tax!!! 
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 2:44 pm
RN Sales tax does suck, but it seems strange to argue about it.
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 3:35 pm
Ours is 9.75 and is on everything including food and drugs!
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 3:37 pm
Ours is 9.75% levied on every purchssen including food and drugs!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 4:25 pm
RN, I've been working all summer on a citizen initiative to abolish city sales tax on food for home consumption. I think it will pass. Our state and county already exempt these items, so it will make food a lot more affordable.
| Sunday, November 05, 2023 - 2:59 am
That should be a great help,Kar! In the Sr. living community where I live,all three meals are provided, but I willoccasionally pick up a food item or two if I have a craving for somethinng -
| Monday, November 06, 2023 - 7:14 am
RN you always see on TV how people are in such pain from a kidney stone. I thought it was exaggeration for TV until.. last night I was rushed to the emergency room thinking I was dying, but I had my very first kidney stone! Most painful experience of my life!
| Monday, November 06, 2023 - 8:42 am
Hope you feel better soon Naja!
| Monday, November 06, 2023 - 6:00 pm
Bless your heart! I have had several over the years, and each has felt like the size of a semi! Lots of wager and cranberry juice from now on!!!
| Monday, November 06, 2023 - 9:10 pm
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 11:27 am
RN just got back from the dentist. Lost a crown late yesterday and was hoping it could be reglued. Nope. It was my first and oldest crown from 15 years ago and actually took a piece of the tooth when it popped off. Dentist did all the prep work for a new crown but it looks like after Thanksgiving before I get it. 😩
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 1:18 pm
Sorry about that, Mack. I did have one that could be glued back in, which was a relief. Your new one should last a long time.
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 1:35 pm
RN Someone hit my boyfriends parked car (that I drove to work today) and took off. He also hit my boss's truck. What a day.
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 1:40 pm
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 2:15 pm
So sorry, Grooch! I hope they are caught. Were there any cameras installed nearby?
| Tuesday, November 07, 2023 - 3:22 pm
RN Yes to both. The business is on the south side of the highway. I park on the east end of the business property. I'm not even on the road. There is about 10 feet from the white line to the edge of the road, and then I park on the grass between the edge of the road and the fence. My boss's truck was parked behind mine and behind that is the telephone poll. The pole is closer to the road than our vehicles. Maybe by a few inches, but still! I was inside sitting at the counter, and I heard a loud, dead thud. Then I heard sirens (I think that was a coincidence or something.) So I peaked outside, and I saw the boys walking fast to the gate. I thought oh, no. I went out there and there was such a commotion. People were pulling over, shouting out things. One guy ran across the highway and was telling me the make and model of the truck that hit us and had kept going. Of, course, we had no customers all day, until now. Always just before closing. At least they had the decency to say maybe they should come back tomorrow. Do you think? Yeah. So, I called the cops. They came pretty fast. The cop car pulled over asked a question and left. I'm like, Hey! Well, the truck that hit us had pulled over down the road at a dangerous curve/intersection if you don't know the road well enough. So the cop car went down there. Finally, another cop car came and the fire truck! Lol! We didn't need a fire truck, and all the people directing traffic, etc. But we have a volunteer fire department and they need to get their points in every month. My bil is an auto mechanic, so I called him to come down and check out the van. My boss's truck is totaled. Somehow the driver hit it so the front left wheel was completely broken off. My damage is minor. I lost the back panel and a cracked side mirror. I still have all the lights working and able to drive it home. But I did have to call my boyfriend and tell him. He's been having a bad run of unexpected expenses popping up the past few weeks. So, my job does have cameras on the road, so I got to watch what happened. The truck came speeding by, and at the west end of the property he goes over the white line and is driving on the shoulder of the road and when he gets to the east side he hits my boss's truck and I guess he clipped my van. That guy is so lucky nobody was riding their bicycle or walking by. One of the workers had just parked my boss's truck about a minute before it happened. Thank God he wasn't hit. My boss's dil just called me to give me the accident report number and she told me that she found another video from a second camera and she said the guy almost hit my boss! He was out by the road bringing the plants back in. I don't think the guy was drunk, but you never know what people take these days. The funny thing is, is that I took his van today because my car insurance was due today and I said I would pay it when I got home, so don't take my truck and jinx things. Who knew? I have pictures on my phone, I'll see if I can post one from my phone if anyone cares. And I still need to go and vote. I don't want to go out and drive in the dark.