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| Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 6:39 pm
quote:RN I had the SKETCHIEST response to one of my room ads yesterday. It was a guy saying he doesn't actually want to move in, but he would pay me to accept his mail. He said I could name my price. haha! Yeah right. I'm not becoming an accomplice in whatever he's got cooking. Why can't he just a get a PO box? Too fishy.
I just today read a crime story about a similar set-up, Naja. Police or Feds or both raided a house where a lot of packages containing fentanyl were being delivered. The home owner was flabbergasted and said a guy just paid her to receive packages for him.
| Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 11:51 pm
RN - Good thing meatlof freezes well! You are sharp, Naja! I would have never suspected anything about the mail Lots of fulltime RVers use a mail holding and/or forwarding service, although now that I think about it that was 20+ yearsago prior to this electronic age! Makes me feel old!!!
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 11:13 am
RN The NTB HAS to go! I'm just going to copy the texts I sent my Aunt and Mom to explain what just happened. -------- This F____ING NUN just lost me a client. I'll tell you about ti when she leaves for work. ---- ok, this young black woman, so sweet, shows up with her dog, Cappy. I gave the nun a warning beforehand that someone was coming so she wouldn't be surprised a stranger was in the house. So I do the routine, I greet them out front, bring them around the side to meet the dogs through the fence first. Then I bring them in the house. ---- So we come in and The nun takes over like she's she's the dog watcher! Then she starts with all this God stuff and how it's end of days blah blah, then she notices a little wound on her dogs leg. The girl thinks it happened at the other dog watcher house and that's why she's hiring me instead. The nun went on and on about calling the police and and she wouldn't shut up. Finally the girl said she's taking her dog and will bring her back in a bit. She never came back. more............. ----- So after I realize the girl isn't coming back, The Nun said it's because I looked too concerned about the money! I said NO IT ISN'T. It's because YOU bombarded her and crowded her! You wouldn't stop! I told her that I HAVE to make sure the transaction is complete before she leaves the dog or the insurance doesn't take effect. She threw a hissy fit and left for work.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 11:59 am
RN, Naja, that's terrible. Can you evict her? Would you want to after that?
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 12:11 pm
RN Of course I want to evict her. But it's so hard to find tenants and without her $800 a month, my bank account would empty quickly. I feel so stuck. Right now I am going through any of the requests I rejected and seeing if there's anybody I missed or if the reasons I rejected them are something I feel I can tolerate now.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 12:57 pm
If her behaviour is completely untenable and she won't leave, perhaps you could speak with her Mother Superior or whoever her Supervisor is. Hopefully they will be able to assist her in finding other more suitable lodging in a rational manner. π Sorry but she sounds completely bonkers.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 1:29 pm
RN, I'm sorry Naja. You're in a tough place.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 2:02 pm
RN Now I know my instincts were right in the first place about this one. Here's a facebook convo I just had. Jonah Palmer Jonah Β· Private Room For Rent Hi, is this available? Yes, are you still interested? Jonah Palmer when u avalible to tour Not until I have some more info about you. How old are you? What is your job? Is that you in the profile photo? Jonah 20, medical Jonah Jonah Palmer yes Medical what? Jonah Palmer medical field LOL, I got that part. I mean an orderly? A nurse? what? Jonah Palmer why? You would be living in my house, I want to know these things I have to be sure of your income. You are very young. Jonah Palmer i can afford itπi just dont like giving my personal info over text to someone idk That's not really personal. I just would like to know your job. Not where or anything Jonah Palmer thats why ppl do tours to meet in person, ask questions, and to make sure ya not a bot I am not a bot. I'm a XX yr old woman with a room to rent. idk that Jonah Jonah Palmer thats why a tours good Just tell me your job so I know you're not wasting my time. ok? Jonah Palmer ive talked to over 40 ppl your the first for this everyone does tours You sent I have done a few myself. I like certain info up front. Jonah Palmer just do a tour so ik your not a bot and waisting my time Just tell me your job. Jonah Palmer eat shit and die ill burn it down You sent whatever.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:49 pm
RN NTB keeps emailing and texting me videos and literature about why I have to repent. I finally texted her back to just stop. She's going to have a fit.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:57 pm
Wow, Naja! Applicants should pass a background check. Job verified. Credit verified. That guy is bad news.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 4:43 pm
RN, Naja, that's so hard to take. Good luck!
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 4:49 pm
RN Things were so nice with the travel pharmacist from Louisiana. I got disillusioned having started out with such a good tenant as my first.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 4:59 pm
Maybe start again with people in jobs.. Like vet techs (but maybe they would have pets and you need those slots for your dogs and your boarders..) And your nun certainly is not what you would expect. Guess you need to schedule boarding clients when she is at work, if that is possible.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 5:11 pm
RN I am telling you, I have so many ads on travel nurse/medical professional sites, but they just don't respond. Travel nurses make so much money that they can afford places with private bathrooms in much fanciers homes. eta: oh well. I downloaded the new Exorcist movie and got a pint of Little Debbie Strawberry Shortcake ice cream. I guess I'll go snuggle up in a blanket and scare myself silly.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 6:45 pm
Sounds to me like your nun nas become territorial! Your need to get a good "feeder" system set up. Are you near a junior college or profesional school of some kind? Have you made your search known to your neighbors, friends, professional contacts,social groups like your bridge or book clubs? Ask your four or five closest friends to see if they can thing of any place or thing as a source. Areyou advertising in the newspaper? People new in town might actually look there!!! Are you sure about your pricing? Nashville is a red hot rental market, and I offered a one bedrom furnished apartment in a ver upscale neighborhood for $1000/m? It is better to have a constant income than off and on. Everybody lovesa bargain!!
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 8:18 pm
RN, I wonder if there is any senior centers you could contact and list with. I have a senior friend who was just looking for a room to share in a house and had a hard time finding one until he contacted the senior center and they had some listings for him.
| Friday, October 27, 2023 - 8:37 pm
RN, so sorry, Naja. That was a very bizarre conversation. Well, your whole day was pretty bizarre. Naybe you should ask Mr. Handsome if he knows of anybody who would be a suitable paying housemate.
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 3:33 am
Just thought ofyour church bulletin! If you don't havea church, ask your friends for help - I got a LOTof my host families for my foreign exchangestudents that way!
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 3:35 am
How about your local Y?
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 6:52 am
RN About retired seniors. I really need a tenant who is out of the house working or going to school full time. I really don't want someone home all day with me. I need my house to myself sometimes or I'll go crazy. I'm close to it now. TnT, I've been moving the pricing around lately. Sometimes I'll change it to $700 or $750 to see if it gets more attention. I only started doing that a couple weeks ago. We'll see if it helps.
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 7:47 am
RN I left out what happened when NTB was making the stuffed peppers and meatballs. I said "My mom never let us have stuff like this. She was always concerned with weight gain". TNB made a weird disturbed face and said "My mom made this for us". So that evening after she had been in her room a couple hours, she comes out in an angry mood with her car keys and I asked her if she was going to church. She said no, and she'll tell me later. Then she stops halfway down the stairs and comes back up. She gets to the top of the stairs, turns toward me and said "Do you know what passive aggressive is?". I said "Of course I do". She then said "That's you". I had NO idea what she was talking about and told her that. Then she said "I just got off the phone with father and he told me to be patient with you. You told me your mother never made you food like that as if my mother was a bad mother. That was passive aggressive." I explained that I was COMPLAINING about my mother. How she never made yummy stuff like that. I told her that's the reason I overdo it with the fattening foods. And once I left home and she wasn't there to control me. Had I been allowed to have things like this and treats once in awhile, I wouldn't go so overboard now. She thought about it and said "Well you can see why I thought that". I said no I can't because I have never said anything like that to you before. It's every little thing with her!
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 8:17 am
RN It's already 11:15 AM and she hasn't come out of her room except to go to the bathroom twice and slam the doors.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 9:22 am
RN, oh dear. Perhaps you should invite Father over and have a talk with him about her unChristian behavior, and let him know she is dangerously close to losing her housing.
| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 11:01 am
RN I keep feeling like if I meet this "Father" I would be too involved in her life. I'm trying to go in the other direction. RN You bet I scheduled the new client meet and greet tomorrow waaaaay after she leaves for work. This is Kramer. 8 lbs............ 7 days over Thanksgiving. Holiday rate for all days π

| Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 12:28 pm
RN So far so good. She took a shower, got dressed came out and we talked normal for a change. NO preaching, just normal people conversation. Will she get it? That I don't want to hear about religion and God 24/7? That I don't want her hounding me to go to church and confession? That I want her to stay out of my business? We'll see.