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| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:06 pm
RN She has traveled the country for the past 4 years spending time at so many different ones. Apparently around here is where she's staying. Before she left to pursue her calling, she was from Ohio.
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 2:29 pm
RN HA! I just got a check for $7.96 from the lost money website. ( . I have to figure out how to get the 4 or 5 listed on there with my departed husband's name.
| Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 5:49 am
RN my wife’s Federal agency is going through the necessary steps to potentially cut back staff if the shutdown happens this weekend. Since they are in the health care business those services will continue but administrative functions will basically be shut down. She was notified yesterday she will be one of the few required to work during the shutdown along side any uniformed personnel who are also required to work.
| Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 1:42 pm
RN Mack, that just stinks. That's all I can say here about it. RN I got another rave review! "Naja was great. Kind and reliable. Definitely shows her love for God's critters! Buddy had great fun playing with her 2 dogs. She let me know if she had any concerns about possible health problems with Buddy. Will be hiring her again. Highly recommend !!!!!
| Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 9:41 am
RN Naja continues to get rave reviews! Way to go!
| Friday, September 29, 2023 - 1:29 pm
RN I think I've had it with the Nun to be. She came home all pissed off after church yesterday and said the priest yelled at her. Stupid me should have left it alone but I asked her why. She said "You know I can't live among unrepentant sinners that don't go to church or confession, right?" So without her actually saying my name, I guess she said the priest yelled at her about me...LOL She keeps trying to make me go with her, but I tell her to back off. I am showing the other room tomorrow and I don't even know what to say about the Nun.
| Friday, September 29, 2023 - 2:28 pm
RN Naja reminds me why I shy away from most organized religions. Personally I was baptized as an Episcopalian, raise as a Lutheran, converted to Mormonism, and finally became a fairly conservative Baptist where I was a youth minister. I had issues, mostly with the way they treated each other, the sometimes distain for other religions, and the slow but steady growth of secular politics in church. I liked being taught but not preached at or told how to live. Sorry….one of my hot buttons.
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 9:23 pm
Naja, maybe you can get her and her priest so het up that she will find another place to live.
| Sunday, October 01, 2023 - 4:27 am
RN I'm hoping, Seamonkey. Last night we watched the movie "Novitiate (2017)" at her request, even thought she said she had seen 5 times or more. I rolled my eyes but put it on anyway. It was such a good movie! haha
| Sunday, October 01, 2023 - 5:23 pm
Why is she not living at a nummery/mother house? That is where most noviatiates live! I would suggest that she look into it if you are not an appropriate living situation! You really don't need the grief!!!
| Sunday, October 01, 2023 - 5:31 pm
Do yu have a probem renting your rooms? I can't imagine why you would as I am sure you are a kind and considerate landlady!!! I would give her a two-week notice to vacate as soon as possible. Iexpect your need to maintain a more distant relationship with your renters! Enjoy your pet witting and quit the "mother hen" busiess!!
| Sunday, October 01, 2023 - 5:39 pm
I explained before. She can't live with the nuns until she is debt free. And yes, it's super hard to rent a room. I have about 10 ads out there, even on places where I have to pay to put ads. I would say 99.99% of people that contact me aren't actually interested. Half are men which leaves them out. And of the ones that seem interested, only about 1 out 5 show up for their viewing appt. One didn't show up today. Plus, most people want a private bathroom, but I can only offer a shared bathroom.
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 10:48 am
RN, I would say there is some excitement in the SF Bay Area .... I have gotten 4 BREAKING NEWS scrolls to let me know the BLUE ANGELS have arrived!!!!
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 6:11 pm
Hmmmm- I assume your are not near a university to pick up college kids? or a hospital to attract traveling nurses? Is there any kind of businessscollege or trade school you couly hook up with? Junior college? All you need is to build a relationship with a feeder system! Another possibility is to alert your pet parents! Yoo never know who will know someone! And, yes, you did say that the nun-to-be cannot enter ther convent until she is debt-free, but has she discussed her process/schdule of gettting to that state with you? Twenty years may be longer than you want to wait!!!!
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 6:23 pm
RN I advertise on several Travel Nurse websites and Travel Nurse facebook groups. RN Yes we've had that discussion. She said approx 1 year. RN I am SO enjoying having my house to myself for this few weeks.
| Tuesday, October 03, 2023 - 7:27 am
RN, Hahahahahaha, we almost didn't get Fat Bear Week, don't forget to VOTE Tuesday, October 03, 2023 - 8:26 am National Park Foundation @NationalParkFdn · 16m It's #FatBearWeek! Vote for your favorite at from October 4-10!
| Tuesday, October 03, 2023 - 9:11 am
RN..did you know that there are zoo veterinarians that travel? I know of one, but she seems to rent Air BNBs and usually brings her cat, Billi. Billi uses buttons to communicate and is not fond of dogs. Kendra was at Zoo Tampa for awhile and on several episodes of one of the Zoo programs shot st that zoo. Wondering what other professions travel that might bring interesting renters.. Auditors, accountants. But enjoy your time to yourself..
| Wednesday, October 04, 2023 - 11:28 am
RN, it is so fun to see all the different things going on with Fleet Week... the navy band was playing and some of the Navy EMT's went on ride alongs with the SF EMT's. I think the Blue Angels take a practice run later today LOL.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, October 04, 2023 - 12:34 pm
Rn, the Blue Angels are awesome. They performed at the Toronto air show a few weeks ago and it was a real thrill to see them!
| Thursday, October 05, 2023 - 1:35 pm
RN I am SO FREAKING EMBARRASSED! I started texting thinking I was texting my Aunt, and didn't realize until several texts later that I was sending them to the new client who had just booked their puppy to stay with me over Thanksgiving with higher holiday rates. She was actually responding thinking they were for her, and I continued making a fool of myself! You have to start reading from the bottom. ---------------- Me: Here I am cheering about holiday rates to the person paying them,LOL! Me: I am so sorry! haha Client: Lol 😂 don't be Me: am so embarrassed Me: haha, I thought I was talking to my aunt Me: Hopefully I'll get one more for the holiday and it will be a great weekend Client: Oh ok perfect. Princess is still a puppy and thinks that every other animal is just as friendly Me: I'm watching a 3 month old Besenji puppy over Thanksgiving. Yay for holiday rates! $200 for 4 nights Me: no, just hyperactive. He's so friendly Client: Is he aggressive? Me: When I let him out I have to listen for barks and call him inside if he does. I don't want the neighbors pissed. Me: His mom is like 70 and walks him 3 miles a day Me: Bentley doesn't sit still and barks at everything.
| Thursday, October 05, 2023 - 6:43 pm
RN thankfully your client sounds understanding, with a good sense of humour.
| Thursday, October 05, 2023 - 8:39 pm
RN, Bwahahahaha!!! You do understand that you are going to be giving Princess preferential treatment for the rest of her life? Client thinks your honesty is so funny. It's okay. You have probably found your niche in being self-supporting. And if you stay in the room rental business, you now know to raise your rates a bit so you don't attract the "depending on being able to cheat the naive" population.
| Friday, October 06, 2023 - 5:39 pm
I have no idea what kind of neighborhood you live in, but looking into the Air BNB market might be feasible? That way you don't get people's problems! What does the nun do for a living?
| Friday, October 06, 2023 - 10:42 pm
RN, Holy Cow a huge flock of canadian geese just flew over, I couldn't see them because it's dark, but they were sure honking away. Seems odd that they were flying somewhere in the dark. Hmmmm... maybe there is a good moon.
| Saturday, October 07, 2023 - 2:47 pm
RN Tnt, The nun is second shift manager at one of those big fancy truck stop/travel centers. By fancy, I mean clean. LOL RN I know my fish posts aren't exactly exciting, but I don't know where all these babies are coming from! I have had the males and females separated since last summer! Today I found a zillion more before they got eaten. I should have just let them get eaten, but doing that makes me feel bad. Looks like I am going to have to dust off one of the tanks I had put away.
