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| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 9:10 am
ok, this is a really dumb question but I have to ask. Can two prisoners from two different prisons in Oklahoma get married by Limited Power of Attorney? I have a cousin in prison for 26 yrs now who wants to marry a woman also in an Oklahoma prison. Everything I have read says prisoners have to have the warden's permission to marry. My other cousin who found a marriage certificate in Alambama, says that they could get married by the state of Alabama if someone with the Power of Attorney to sign for them, signs the marriage cert. My cousin in prison has asked me to be the limited Power of Attorney for the woman he wants to marry. I have never met her, only talked to her on the phone once. What do you all think?
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 1:04 pm
OMG, that is an amazing question. I hope there is an attorney on here who has the answer. I just don't really understand what the benefit is to them, will they get out and be able to be together, is it just to get each others Social Security benefits, or other financial stuff? I have so many questions that are really none of my business, LOL.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 6:46 pm
ll of this is out of my pay grade! My only suggestion is that person A cannot legally ask/or confirm a POA for a second person. Dipo - Maybe they just need confirmation someone in this big widesometimes lonely world cares for them? Otherwise mayve is is for financial reasons as your suggest?
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 6:48 pm
Now that I'm not driving to work several times a week, how often do I need to drive my car?
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 6:57 pm
I suspect you will get as many abswers to your quetion as there are shade tree (the southern term foramateur) mechanics in the Clubhouse!
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 8:23 pm
Hecka, that might depend on the age of your battery.. as in how long can it sit without losing a charge. During the height of the pandemic when nothing was open and all i did was go to the grocery (which across the street for me) and a few doctor appointments, I had to have autoclub come out to charge several times and even though i was driving a little bit more and would even drive extra when I did go out, I finally last year had the battery replaced. I've had no problem since then as I have doctor appointments and a few other trips besides the basics.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 8:25 pm
My doctor did say that he uses a trickle charger on his motorcycle, which he doesn't get to ride often. I looked into that but didn't want to keep the hood up and deal with a charger for my car.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 10:32 pm
We use a trickle charger too. We charge both cars once every three or four weeks, connect, wait, disconnect when the light turns green. My car usually does only one or two short trips a week, and these days my husband's sometimes doesn't do any. Both car batteries start off in the "low" charge on the display after that time, and take 12+ hours to get to the 80% mark, and are usually done by 24 hours.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 11:40 pm
My brother was hit with a dead battery during the pandemic, as he wasn't going out at all and his wife was driving her car to pick up groceries outside and then she'd cook meals and take extra to deliver to her sister and her aunt. This was several years ago when there was a big fire and they had to evacuate and his car wouldn't start, so they realized they needed to at least take his out now and then. He ended up after they had solar installed on the house, to buy an EV which he can keep charged up. I'm not tin that economic bracket and have no desire to trade in my hybrid Prius C which is the perfect size for me, for my garage.. I just had it serviced and the replacemtn battery is only 13 months old and doing well. Hecka, if you find some interesting activities, you may end up driving enough to keep things going.
| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 8:58 am
If you have AAA or can go to a local service, have them check the battery for you. In the PNW, we have Les Schwab Tire company who will check the life of your battery if you ask. When I retired, I thought I’d drive less. What I found is that I still drive more than what I thought I would. I find myself wanting to go places during the week that I’d normally cram into one massive trip on the weekend while working. I spread the trips out, sometimes just cause I’m bored sitting at home all the time.
| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 9:46 am
When my daughter was at college without her car I would drive her car about once every two weeks and didn't have any troubles with the battery.
| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 11:58 am
Thank you Dipo and Tntitanfan! lol, ask anything you want to know! He has been in prison for most of his life so I don't know that he has any social security coming. I agree, what's the point? unless if they are married they can call or write to each other? Tntitanfan, are you saying I can't be a limited POA for the woman who he wants to marry? I don't see how I could legally do that either.
| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 1:27 pm
Me, personally, I wouldn't want to get involved. What happens if they did get married and then wanted to divorce? You'd get dragged into that mess. Or, what if they want to get married to have conjugal visits? And then, while they are together they plot a prison escape? You'd get dragged into that, too, for aiding and abetting. It all sounds like an eventual headache to me.
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 4:08 am
Because I have no family upon whom the PO might naturaly devolve, I have had to consider the question carefully. My BFF has it, AND it passes to her in the order I have selected. I am pretty darn sure no one can initiate a POA than the person concerned. Iguess I still feel like if marriage would make each of the parties feel loved and conforted and secure marriageis fine.
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 10:04 am
all good advise! thanks!
| Thursday, July 27, 2023 - 7:23 am
New Question. If I get my husband's Social Security at 60, (70.1%), do I always get 70.1%, or does it go to 100% when I hit full retirement age?
| Thursday, July 27, 2023 - 5:01 pm
It's fixed based on your age when you claim it. But if your own social security benefit is higher, you can switch to that when eligible.
| Thursday, July 27, 2023 - 5:02 pm
Thanks, Kitt, I was afraid of that 
| Thursday, July 27, 2023 - 5:25 pm
wow - Prisoner married question - 26 years in prison, how did they meet - a prison mixer? I really have no idea how they could meet. Car battery - I bought my car after I lost my job, but I had a place at the beach and would drive there a lot until Superstorm sandy put the kabosh on that. Until covid I used to visit relatives, now most are dead or unvaccinated Most of friends I visited (ie. in this state rather than across the country) have now died, So I use my car to may be 2 trips to the beach a year, I hate going alone, and doctor appts or food store. So I find I have to drive car every other week for a couple of miles works for me. Battery is still good. I get the oil changed once a year. in the 17 years of this car, I changed battery once, I think, 10 years ago. I got new brakes around the same time. This car needs little maintenance.
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 12:36 pm
Anyone good at punctuation? I want to say: "The apartment has two bedrooms, one single and one double, and the large living room has a double sofa bed for a third sleeping area." Obviously the "two bedrooms" are the "one single" and "one double" that I then mention. But what's the proper punctuation there, are commas okay, brackets, dashes?? I.e. has two bedrooms - one single and one double - and the ... has two bedrooms, one single and one double, and the ... has two bedrooms (one single and one double), and the I know the brackets would be clearest but they don't look pretty! I'd use the dashes informally but is that correct?
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 12:43 pm
I would say ... The apartment has two bedrooms, a single and a double, the large living room contains a double sofa bed for a ... To me it flows better, LOL, don't know the answer to the punctuation issues.
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 1:30 pm
I do like the look of the commas, I'm just worrying about it appearing as a list, i.e. two bedroom And a single And a double, And a large living room...
Board Administrator
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 2:04 pm
I would use a semi colon after the word double, to clearly separate what could be two separate sentences?
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 2:49 pm
It's more the single and double part that bothered me, than the sofa bed section. I'm probably overthinking it, and it's clear to everyone that the two are the single and the double, but it's for a friend's AirBnB listing, and I wouldn't want to suggest wording for someone else that could be misinterpreted and cause her trouble! Thank you both!
| Monday, July 31, 2023 - 3:17 pm
The apartment has 2 bedrooms: One single, and one double. Plus the large living room has a double sofa-bed... etc. Not sure if it's accurate, but how I'd do it.