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| Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 8:38 pm
Naja, I have never been part of a local class action, but have been a party in a few national ones. I had to affirmatively opt in on those. I suspect there will be Facebook groups and discussions on this topic, where some more knowledgeable person will be disseminating information.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 8:52 am
RN I texted my Aunt Nancy who is a lawyer and she wrote back: "If the case survives pretrial motions to dismiss, you would be part of the class and receive a notice." eta: Tonight on my news they are doing a whole segment about the tax hike and suit, and helping with solutions. We'll see what they suggest.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 9:16 am
RN RE: my above post. In the preview of the news special, they showed people crying at the town hall, and some people had their property taxes raised 300%!
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 11:52 am
RN, HOLY CRAP ... a little sparrow flew into the balcony, it was a battle between the kitties and me trying to towel it and the kitties trying to kill it. I finally got a blanket over it and took it onto the balcony and it got away before I could get it out the grates or netting. Then Sylvester caught, it got and I threw a blanket over it and got it away. Finally got it out to the bush on the deck and then covered the top so it flew out the grates. The bottom half of the balcony has "turkey wire" type grates so the kitties can't squeeze out between the railings. Never had a bird fly in before, only moths.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 2:16 pm
RN. I belive need to file an appeal ASAP Naja. I was semi listening to the news a couple days ago and I think one must appeal by July 1st.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 2:21 pm
RN Suagr, I did an appeal online the day after I found out. There is supposed to be an adjuster coming sometime in the near future.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 2:26 pm
RN, glad to hear it Naja. The property tax increases in your county are outrageous.
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 5:56 pm
No longer a property tax payer - at least not directly LOL - but the problem here used to be that the city would ignore the need for more money - as a tax hike is never popular! - and wait until a huge deficit built up before they would face up to facts and do a tax increase which had to not only meet expenses but meet a huge backlog deficit!
| Thursday, June 29, 2023 - 6:44 pm
quote:Finally got it out to the bush on the deck and then covered the top so it flew out the grates.
Naja, check the bush and see if there might be a nest in there. We had a junco hanging around our hanging pots, one pot in particular, so we carefully took it down, and found a tiny nest with four tiny eggs right in the middle of the pot!
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 9:27 pm
Congratz to Tom Grossi. 30 NFL stadiums in 30 days
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 11:02 pm
RN, I think it is Dipo with the bird, balcony and cats.. RN, I currently have a pair of doves taking turns sitting on two little eggs in a pot in my patio. For a week after they had made several visits and cooed.. I think discussing the suitability of the location, they settled in and I gave them a few days where I didn't walk through the patio but out the front door, around to the back, used the garage door opener to get in the garage and get my car or get stuff from the garage refrigerator and back around. Finally one day they were both gone so I was able to water plants and see the two eggs. Now they are on the eggs and won't leave when I walk by, Hoping for a successful hatching and babies and then that they grow and fledge.
| Sunday, July 02, 2023 - 4:32 pm
After more than a dozen years "aloft" with hawks riding the thermals outside my living room window each morning, I amd "earthbound) again on the first floor with a next in a tall bush outside my bedroom window. The first set of babies have fledged - some sort of thrush, I brlieve - but many birds have second families here. On anothre note - of birdsong - We have a national banding station for purple martins, andhummingbirds. As I understand it purpole martins gather in HUGE colonies prior to migration - huge being hundreds of thousands of birds apparently. Downtown Nashville has been one such gathering place for several years. Major efforts have been underrway to move the gathering location across the river int a LARGE city park. Most of the ornamental trees in downtown havew beeen sacrificed in this effort, and ;that appears to be working - We are talking several hundred thousand birds here!
| Sunday, July 02, 2023 - 8:48 pm
A murmuration of martins!
| Wednesday, July 05, 2023 - 11:37 am
RN My Granny is 107 today! She doesn't really remember too many people and she's taken up swearing. And I mean the rough kind.
| Wednesday, July 05, 2023 - 11:43 am
RN Here she is about 2 mins ago.

Board Administrator
| Wednesday, July 05, 2023 - 12:25 pm
RN, Wow!!! Wish her a Happy Birthday from us.
| Wednesday, July 05, 2023 - 1:27 pm
RN Done!
| Wednesday, July 05, 2023 - 6:27 pm
We had a guy here who turned 99 last week and a lady that will be 100 later in the month. One of the ladies I like to eat breakfast with will be 102 in November. She sits next to me in exercise class, plays bridge (and does the scorekeeping) several times a week, and is a delightful person o talk with! Your family is very blesssed to have had her for so long!!!
| Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 7:11 am
RN My tenant/roommate is rolled up in a ball in her bed with pneumonia! She went to the emergency room last night straight from work feeling weird, didn't get home until 2 AM, and now I am a nurse.
| Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 7:22 am
Rn oh no, hope she rally quickly.
| Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 9:55 pm
RN, I hope you like her, Naja. You are a very smart cookie and a kind person, so hopefully you can count on landing butter side up after this bump.
| Friday, July 14, 2023 - 6:58 am
RN Just finished my morning watering chores. With the intense heat here…..averaging 104F for a week or so…. I have to water all our potted and hanging plants around the pool and on the patio daily. I also have a birdbath that I keep clean and full of fresh water which the birds are loving right now since we’re back to drought conditions. I’m careful to wash it totally out every day or two to keep it clean and prevent mosquitos from laying eggs in it. Also have bird seed, suet, and hummingbird feeders I check every morning and fill or replace as needed. Also take care of two semi-feral cats who live pretty much full time in our backyard. I keep them fed and with fresh water so they pretty much leave the birds alone. The cats are both neutered or spade and have their shots and the male is a big lap buddy so he’s more of an outdoor pet than a feral freeloader.
| Friday, July 14, 2023 - 10:36 am
RN, that is so nice Mack. I hear you about the heat and watering the plants. We are starting into a heatwave so I am off to water the outside plants as we speak, LOL.
| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 8:08 am
RN, Tenant went back to work today! She' seems all better RN Some of you may remember some years back that my mom gave me a new sewing machine as a gift and I made covers for all my outdoor furniture cushions. They had finally given out and were frayed and sun-bleached. I really don't have it in me to make more, but I found this AWESOME deal on Amazon. I got covers for all my cushions for $3.67 each! It was 2 weeks shipping, but SO worth it! I really wanted to share this deal. It's $4.99 shipping, but it's just that one shipping charge no matter how many you get. And here they are on my loveseat.

| Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 8:38 pm
Nice, Naja! Great find!