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| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 8:09 pm
quote: Plus, when he blessed me at the end of a message, I got the creeps.
That would have clinched it for me too. So glad you decided to pass on that one.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 3:36 am
RN DMV is a block from me. Driving test route goes in front of condo building where I live. I rarely park on street when I'm home -- once in a while for a short time. Someone taking their driving test . . . . Yep. Testor had to report it to police. Police called me, "Your car has been hit." What!!!! "Hit" equaled side view mirrors touching. That's all, but had to be reported. RN December '17 I fell and broke my femur bone. Just the neck -- not so bad. Short incision and three pins to fix it. Two months rehabbing. I'm close to Naja's mom's age.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 7:29 am
RN Mom is doing better. She's been moved from the hospital to a rehab center. RN This guy with the soccer fellowship is seeming like a great option for a tenant. He's from Tampa and he is actually going to give me references from his professors and previous host.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 9:08 am
Glad your mom's doing better. Good luck with Soccer guy, a vast improvement from the other applicant.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 5:30 pm
RN I just put in the silliest tub no-slip stickers

| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 6:26 pm
Color, Interesting about living near a DMV test route! I was driving on a street last Thursday and I noticed that MANY cars parked along that street had their mirrors folded in. I imagine that some newer cars do that automatically, but this was dozens in a row so I thought there must have been instances where mirrors were were snapped off by sideswipe! Grateful for my garage for sure. Glad your mom is doing better. And yes, the second guy sounds better. If you were offering that rental here you would have people inundating you with pleas and resumes! On NextDoor if someone posts asking where someone can rent and they get answers, lots of posters show up and try to jump in line. Just make sure he is good with dogs and other pets.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 7:28 pm
Soccer Boy sounds much better. Fingers crossed that it works out.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 8:04 pm
RN thinking about no-slip suction cup mat or stickers for my tub. Which do you prefer? One better than other?
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 8:21 pm
Same happens on our NextDoor, people pile on if anybody posts a rental that is available.
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 1:35 am
RN I am so appreciating all the advice you all are giving. Thanks! RN, Color, I just threw out my mat because I was sick of cleaning the shower scum from its underside. But one thing I learned, use LOTS of stickers.
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 7:38 am
RN, I got rid of my mat for the same reason. Had no idea how much scum/mold would grow under there, LOL.
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 9:13 am
RN, Are the stickers easy enough to get off when you want to replace or whatever?
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 9:19 am
RN Oh yes. The ones I got even came with a removal tool.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 4:08 am
RN Nana, since you said you wanted more advice... lol! Time to think about what you will tolerate and what you won't with a tenant. And then letting him know when you meet him. And the big one will be over night guests. Whether it be someone he meets in a bar one night, or if he has a girlfiend. You're renting a room, not running a flop house. And IF somehow he ends up having a girlfriend staying over all the time, and you don't care, then she gets to pay you $800 a month too. And I doubt it will happen with a student, but whoever you rent to, remember it's YOUR house, not his. Don't let him start taking over. Before I moved in with my boyfriend, he had a tenant who got passed around like a bad penny. First he was renting a room from his neighbor (a good friend of my mother and aunt) but she summer rented her house so he needed to go. So, my aunt took him in for the summer as a favor. When the summer was over, the neighbor didn't want him back. So, my aunt was stuck with him. After a while, my aunt wanted him gone. So, when Hurricane Sandy hit and my brother's house was flooded and condemned, my aunt seized the opportunity and said he had to leave so my brother could move in, and we placed Rob temporarily in my boyfriend's house til he could find a place to stay. He never looked. Then he slowly started encroaching on things he had no right to, and slowly taking over. Well, my bf was only at his house every other weekend, so I guess Rob started thinking it was his house and got annoyed when my bf came out. But what would really annoy me was when I would come over for dinner, while we ate, there was that thing sprawled out on the couch with the tv on. Ugh! And if I was watching tv, that thing would come in and change the channel on me! Wth! I'm a guest in the house and he had a tv in his room. And don't get me started about him wanting to keep his 2nd car in the garage to store it. He wined and nagged my bf into it, but I told my bf if you do that, charge him for it! People pay good money to store cars over the winter and this is an inconvenience. Well, my bf only charged him an extra $100 a month (not nearly enough) and then my bf went and got the sports channel package for that thing so the extra money was a wash. Anyway, I digress. Another thing, to whoever you rent to, don't let them store their things in your house or garage. I don't know about the state you live in, but in N.Y., you are responsible for them. If they take off and move out, but leave their stuff behind, you can't just throw it out. I'm not talking about the usual stuff people need. I'm talking about them storing furniture and lots of boxes of things that need their own space and don't fit in a room. If they have that much stuff, they can jolly well rent a storage locker for it. Do not let their problems become your problems. My mother once let people store some stuff in her garage for a short period. They disappeared for years. She finally got rid of it and sure enough they showed up and wanted their stuff and called the cops. And it became a big brouhaha. So when the thing was trying to wheedle my bf into letting him keep his stuff he had in storage in my bf's garage (because it's so expensive to rent a space) I had to have a fight with my boyfriend and told him I'd disown him if he did it. It's not my b's problem that you can't afford a storage locker. Throw the stuff out! And it makes life so much easier if you ever want to throw somebody out. (Though I doubt you will ever have to do that. It's just that being forewarned is being forarmed.) I'm sure everything will work out fine. Well, that's enough for now.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 9:21 am
I was getting my teeth cleaned yesterday. I have known my UGG hygienist for decades.. She was telling me about her 3 attempts at renting a room and much of what Grooch posted applies. Using garage for storage, not paying rent, never leaving home, moving Joan's stuff.. "borrowing" her power cord, refusing to move, stuffing freezer and fridge, moldy food..
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 9:25 am
RN Luckily in Missouri it is the law even without signing anything that you can give one month notice to leave. After that one month, the police can drag them out. It's not like a lot of other states. But I am having them sign a roommate agreement.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 4:04 pm
"a roommate agreement" lol,makes me think of Sheldon.
| Saturday, April 22, 2023 - 1:58 am
RN On the way to airport to see Mrs Mack off on a week long government business trip to Poland. Obviously very early !
| Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 3:09 am
RN Mrs Mack has landed in Poland….three flights to get there from here but she made it along with her bags.
| Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 11:27 am
RN hope her trip goes well..
| Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 11:50 am
RN I hope she has a productive visit. It’s all about setting up medical support for our military personnel who will be living and working in Poland.
| Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 8:02 pm
Wishing Mrs. Mack a productive and uneventful trip and an easy journey back home.
| Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 9:58 pm
Glad she landed safe and sound.
| Monday, April 24, 2023 - 3:44 am
RN I found my first tenant! She's 27 and is a contract Pharmacist for the medical center by my house! She has a blind 4 yo dog as well. She's only staying for 3 months unless they renew her contract. It's probably best I start with a short term anyway since it's my first try.
| Monday, April 24, 2023 - 4:27 am
Yay! She sounds great! Fingers crossed she is a perfect tenant and her contract is renewed. 