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| Monday, December 12, 2022 - 1:49 pm
Now that the rain is over for a bit I set up the balcony for kitty visits. This entails dumping all the water off the milk crates and another bin. I think I have it figured out how to get all the plants watered from the rain, LOL. It doesn't seem like the upstairs neighbor has anything on their balcony so the water does come down thru the slats and waters my plants, YEAH!! I just have to remember to bring in the towels (making the milk crates more comfy) and rugs when it rains. I also hung up another stocking for my sisters cat, Kona, I filled it with cans of cat food mine turn their nose up at, LOL. Now I have the Christmas cards and one package to deal with next.
| Monday, December 12, 2022 - 2:06 pm
Paid my comcast bill and sorted thru the Christmas cards, I have two really nice ones, LOL, and 9 stamps. Off to clear email and find my post office email and order some more stamps. I did find a bunch of return address stickers with my old address, I am kind of shocked I haven't received any in the mail with a donation request.
| Monday, December 12, 2022 - 3:29 pm
Ordered the stamps, have one card that has to go to New York ready to drop in the mail when I go down for dinner. Cracked up to find Nala out sleeping on the chair on the balcony. I don't think it is that warm out there but she seems to like it.
| Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 9:54 am
Tuesday's Mission Busy day today, I just realized it. Today we are having a "smile" presentation, I am hoping this is for teeth cleaning. And then we have the culinary meeting which I am looking forward to, since I have wondered how they do the menus. For now it's Perry Mason, the paper and some yogurt. Oh and I have the dishwasher running as well.
| Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 12:05 pm
Hmm, that was interesting. The guy is licensed to do disabled / impaired cleaning. He is a bit expensive but it sounds like he does a good job of identifying issues. Plus he showed us his cleaning/sterilization processes. For the mobile/transportation impaired he would be excellent. Now time to clear email, listen to the Derek/Claire podcast and clear twitter.
| Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 5:44 pm
Missed the culinary meeting, I swear, they keep changing the times and I didn't notice. So annoying, but I did get to chat with Chef about how he does the menus. Apparently he has the menus for about a 1.5 years and he notes what goes over well and what doesn't then tries to change up the menu so that it isn't two days in a row of the same meat. Plus he said that he gets grief if the doesn't do Mexican on Taco Tuesday, LOL, and fish on Friday. We were laughing how everyone expects clam chowder on Fridays. Anyway I got the info I was curious about without having to sit thru the meeting. Got registered at and am trying to figure out that site. Got the addresses that I needed so I can do the Christmas card. Oh and I ordered Japanese food, been wanting that for a while, and I discovered that my soy sauce says best before 2016, hahahahahaha. Needless to say I have put new soy sauce onto my shopping list.
| Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 8:10 pm
Ok, I am not crazy. All the meetings did show in the monthly calendar as being at 2pm, on the calendar at a glance page BUUUTTTTT on the daily calendar pages they were shown at 1pm. So that's why I keep missing the meetings, LOL!
| Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 11:58 am
Wednesday's Mission Let's see, got up at the crack of dawn and did some stuff, then fell asleep again. It was nice! Now I have the coffee brewing and did some email, printed out my Christmas card list so I can work on that. Not much else happening today but maybe work down my list on the things that don't seem to be moving. Oh I need to check / do financial stuff, for now off to grab some coffee and finish the paper.
| Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 3:04 pm
Got the bathroom dustbusted and my sister had to change our lunch/brunch to Sunday instead of Saturday which is fine. Just gives me more time to get the Christmas gifts wrapped, LOL. Just finished clearing email, next up is twitter. And I need to take 15 and do some of my list!!
| Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 5:05 pm
Tonight we had Lobster Risotto which was excellent. I saw one of the residents giving Chef a hard time saying there was no lobster, so he gave her a small bit in a cup to go. Then she told him she had the pasta, hahahahahaha. Some of these people just crack me up. Got some more packages so working on getting those opened and sorted, then I really must get some chores done. Oh, I forgot, I did get the dishwasher unloaded, LOL.
| Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 5:48 pm
Ok, I got all the boxes open. I swear it is all stuff for me and not the Christmas gifts I am expecting. The kitties are enjoying all the boxes and now I really do have to figure out if I need to keep any for the christmas presents. I think I need 3 boxes, time to go check what I still need.
| Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 7:45 pm
Ok, so I went to check on the 2 gifts that I haven't received and it says they were delivered. So now tomorrow I have to figure out what do to about that. I was really surprised to see they had been delivered because I have been looking for them. Anyway that is for tomorrow. I am cold and it is almost time for Midsummer Murders, LOL.
| Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 11:40 am
Thursday's Mission Clearing email and working on my list. Re-ordered the items that I haven't received, I might actually receive one of them before Christmas. Still need to report the missing packages. Off to grab my coffee.
| Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 3:05 pm
Ut oh, kitty throw up! So I cleaned my TV Table, I just use a cloth with water so that I get the shine back, then I used that cloth to clean up the kitty throwup. Redid my list and working on Christmas cards, my mail notification says that my stamps are being delivered. I think that means they will be here tomorrow. So Christmas cards and wrapping presents, then logging my Goodwill box. Those are my goals for today.
| Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 4:38 pm
Christmas Cards are done! And I wrapped one present so far. Time to catch up on some computer games. Oh and I need to clear twitter.
| Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 5:11 pm
So I went to get my warm jacket so I could play some computer games while I sit at my desk and what do I find? Nala has found it to be a great place to take a nap, LOL. It is a Sherpa Jacket so very soft and snuggly, I had seen her crawl into it when I had it folded on the bed, so I am not the only one who loves it, LOL. Off to do some games.
| Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 6:11 pm
So my plan tonight was to make the biscuits that were out of date in my fridge and do some eggs, breakfast for dinner. I went to get the biscuits and they had popped and turned into fossils, LOL. I had been wondering what these little gray bits were that had fallen onto the shelves, couldn't figure it out, now I know. I had some crescent rolls I needed to cook too, so those are in the oven.
| Friday, December 16, 2022 - 9:44 am
Friday's Mission Crescent rolls turned out pretty well, probably would have risen more if they weren't so far past their "best by" day. Today I have Chinese lunch for my friend's birthday. We are a bit late on the celebration but I am looking forward to the Margarita I am going to have, LOL. Once I get back I will work on my list ... wrap presents and the Goodwill box are the next up. For now, time for coffee and get my purse ready to go, I have to have reading material since I never know when my friend will get there, LOL.
| Friday, December 16, 2022 - 2:23 pm
Fabulous Chinese lunch !! Came home to the ambulance and fire department flashing lights at the front of the community. I never know about any of these events because I am in the back of the buildings. Apparently it happens frequently according to the bus driver. Took one of the gals off too Kaiser. Sister had to cancel for Sunday so I get a bit of a reprieve for gift wrapping. My new kitty grass came and they gave me a couple of treats for the kitties! I will see if they like them. For now I have leftovers for dinner and I got a Starbucks coffee. Now I need to finish the paper and clear out email and twitter.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 9:11 am
Saturday's Mission Today should be a nice quiet day where I can get a few things done. No trips or visitors, LOL. For now the paper and some yogurt.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 12:31 pm
So I opened up the boxes that had my new wrapping paper. Wow, it is so cool because it has different designs on both sides. The one I used was striped on one side and green with Happy Holidays on the other side. Broke down those boxes, I can't believe how many I have and need to get rid of, so I must finish the goodwill boxes so I will know if I need any of these. Anyway I wrapped a present and realized I needed the labels, normally I just have gifts for my sister but this year I have others. So I went to the closet to get the labels and ended up moving some stuff around, which led to me dusting the armoire - which has been on my list for some time. Then I went to dust the bookcases because I wanted to be able to put my Christmas cards where I could see them from my desk and I saw .... a ton of kibble which Nala had knocked off the desk bowl. Grabbed the broom and swept the living room rug a bit then did the floors, LOL. Finally got to the bookcase, dusted one of them and did come rearranging there. Color coordinated some knickknacks and photos on one shelf, Christmas cards on the other shelf. Now I am pooped, LOL. Time to work on twitter and email for a bit. I am also thinking about moving the umbrella stand out to the storage room, since I now have 8 rolls of wrapping paper, LOL, I think it will store better out there. Then I can move my vacuum and carpet sweeper into a back corner of the closet. But next is goodwill box and more wrapping.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 12:32 pm
Wargod, where's Wargod ??? I wonder what is happening with her Christmas Village and everything else in the desert, LOL.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 2:14 pm
Holy cow, I found the packages I thought never came. They were shipped together in a box, not separately like the order showed. They were in the box I thought was the doggie jacket, LOL. But the box with the one doggie jacket in actuality had 2 doggie jackets! So I have used a couple of my boxes to wrap them individually. So now I have 2 more shirts coming for my sister. Guess we shall wait and see if the ones I have actually fit her and then decide what to do with the 2 more I got, LOL. Three more packages to wrap, 5 to ribbon/bow. And I got all the goodwill stuff stacked by my desk so I can start logging it to my sheet for tax purposes. Oh and my Safeway order is coming. Wonder what time it will get here, I asked for 12-4 but they didn't even shop it until 1pm. Last time I had the 5-9pm it got here at 10.30, LOL. But I got all the good stuff, even the donuts!!! I was bad, LOL, can't wait for the donuts.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 2:36 pm
So I am chuckling ... my receipt that I received at 1.36 says my anticipated delivery is 12.16 to 12.31pm. Since the receipt was 1.5 hours late I am hoping that means delivery around 2pm to 3pm.
| Saturday, December 17, 2022 - 2:41 pm
Hahahaha, after I typed the above there was a know on the door and it was the Safeway man!! WOW do I have some donuts. They substituted for the half dozen I ordered, so now I have a dozen, there are cream filled, maple and chocolate glazed and a few cake donuts. I am going to go into sugar shock hahahahahaha. Oh well, I am looking forward to them for breakfast. Got it all put away so I think I am set until after Christmas.