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Archive through November 16, 2022

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: General Discussions: Home and Garden: TVCH's Home & Life Organization: ARCHIVES: ARCHIVES 2022: Archive through November 16, 2022 users admin

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Monday, November 07, 2022 - 3:36 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Reset the timer in the bedroom and I am trying out the heater that is in there. It is set to a thermostat which I may like better than the AC/Heat Split in the living room. I may need to put a space heater in the living room but we shall see if it stays warm from just the bedroom heater, this space isn't that big.

Was lout on the balcony making sure that kit was set for the rain and I noticed that this pipe that runs along the wall seems to be disconnected. I think that is where all the water is coming from, I thought it was from my AC unit which didn't make any sense to me, so I reported it to the front desk.

I did clean up the kitchen and loaded up the dishwasher, did a Safeway order and got all the email and twitter cleared.



Tuesday, November 08, 2022 - 7:43 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Tuesday's Mission

Hallelujah!! Political TV ads end today!!

It's a wonderful rainy day! The kind that makes you want to lay in bed and read books.

Today I just need to plan where I am going to put stuff for Housekeeping tomorrow. Normally I would put stuff out on my balcony but is it totally wet. A couple of things like my "rollie" can go out there but not the bar stools or cardboard boxes. I guess a few things are going into the closet.

off to read the paper and have some yogurt.



Tuesday, November 08, 2022 - 11:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Forgot about having the towels on the balcony and it rained for several hours so I went out and rung the water out and hung them to dry. Left the door open and Sylvester and Nala decided to have Nascar racing thru and around the house chasing each other go out on the wet balcony and then up and over the sofa into the bedroom. Changing the chasee periodically, it was so funny.

I have been working on minor things, put up some command hooks, refilled the kitty kibble, put the fan out into the storage unit and now I am working on a packaging a bunch of stuff for goodwill.

And waiting for my Safeway delivery, I need to decide if I want to skip dinner tonight, it is Mexican and I haven't liked any of their Mexican meals and I could just make some soup and a sandwich and be happy. We shall see.



Wednesday, November 09, 2022 - 8:11 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Wednesday's Mission

Getting ready for Housekeeping ... Dishwasher is running, bar stools and rollie have made it to the balcony, bathroom floor stuff is in it's basket and on the shelf of the closet. Scratchers and tunnels are up on the chairs.

Moved the kitty box in the office and brushed the baseboards and shook out the litter tracker rug, so that area can get a good cleaning this time. So just a few final things need to be moved once she comes ... the actual litter boxes and a sleeping bed that will go on the sofa.

Off to read the paper and have some yogurt.



Wednesday, November 09, 2022 - 2:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
The trauma of the Vacuum Cleaner has been passed by having a sniff around and a treat, LOL.

I have got almost all the house back together. I just remembered that I stuck some stuff in the closet and I haven't been back in there yet.

My door buddy came, so excited, for now I just have the door blocker installed. The door will stay open but I just needed something to keep it from blowing shut and trapping the kitties outside, not that I wouldn't see that, but I don't want it slamming on anyone's tail.

Now trying to work through email and twitter. OH and I need to pay my comcast bill before I forget again.



Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 2:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Thursday's Mission

Realized I hadn't done any of my normal morning chores, this time change is really kicking me off my norm.

So, I read the paper, played a couple of computer games, hit the shower and had my coffee.

Only thing going today is a meeting tonight at 7pm. I was thinking of doing laundry but I think I will ride my bike instead and make a one load a day of laundry next week. Nothing I need, just need to get it all done.

Manager stopped by yesterday so I showed him the pipe on my balcony that I suspected was the culprit for all the water (not rain). He crawled around and got it all back together so now the balcony is dry!! Yeah.

Off to deal email and twitter and get back on track.



Friday, November 11, 2022 - 8:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Friday's Mission - Grateful for Veterans Day

Off to the eye doctor this morning, hoepfully they can resolve my issues with my glasses only being ok. I am going to my old expensive eye doctor. I have thought maybe they will be able to figure out the problem when the young ones over at Kaiser haven't been able to figure it out.

It may just be I am getting old and this is the best it will be, LOL, but I am willing to give it another shot plus I am trying to get all the expensive doctors done before the end of the year for the write-offs.

Guess when I get back I will work on m list. Off to clear some email before I go.



Friday, November 11, 2022 - 1:27 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Well ... $1500 bucks later I should get some glasses are work better... I swear I cannot go to this eye doctor without picking the most expensive pair of frames! But I do really love them and they will last for many years since my prescription seems to be pretty stable. AND I know I can demand they make them perfect unlike the current glasses that I have to prop up a little and Kaiser has been unable to correct.

So finally home after a "scenic" ride on the bus picking up people all over here and there, and can I say WOW, there was serious traffic. I guess being friday and a holiday for some, everyone was out shopping.

I am ready to just veg for a couple of days, LOL. Off to finish up email, twitter, computer games and podcasts.



Saturday, November 12, 2022 - 8:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Saturday's Mission

Hahahaha, too funny I see I used a link for something other than the mission yesterday.

So glad today will be a normal day ... I do need to make one more appointment before the end of the year, my annual checkup.

For today I am just going to enjoy the beautiful weather, think about what I can get my friend for her birthday, also need to get a card.

Off to read the paper and have some yogurt.



Saturday, November 12, 2022 - 3:12 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Got thru email, working on twitter now, and I got a load of laundry going. Just ran up and put it in the dryer.



Saturday, November 12, 2022 - 4:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
So annoyed ... just got the clothes from the dryer and they are not dry!! I used one of the dryers that I had a problem with before, but supposedly all the machines had been fixed!!

WRONG, #9 isn't drying even tho the temp was on high!! I now have clothes spread around the bed to dry.

Off to dinner.



Sunday, November 13, 2022 - 8:19 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Sunday Relax and Reflect

Should be a lovely day, it's brunch with Mimosas's, billed as a Veterans brunch. So that will be fun.

Today I will be rotating laundry around the bedroom although I am sure most is dry by now. I did hang up some shirts to dry in the closet.

Also need to water all the plants and then maybe sort some laundry to see what I have left to do. I think I will add the laundry app to my "house" phone, I noticed that I am finally starting to run out of quarters and I don't think I want to go to the bank.

For now, kitties are fed and now I will go read the Sunday paper and have some yogurt.



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 9:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Monday's Mission

Got the house opened up and swept the balcony. The kitties were anxious to get out into the sunshine.

Kitties are fed, coffee started and time to clear email, read the paper and get the day started.



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 1:53 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Dustbusted the bathroom and got all the remaining laundry put away... it was mostly pants so I had to reorg the closet. I didn't realize I had some summer pants, capris, in the laundry so those had to go into the summer section of the closet. Otherwise everything else is in the wear now area, LOL.

Oh and I did a Safeway order, it's coming between 5 and 9 pm. I went ahead and got some tequila and mixer so that I can have margaritas at home. I ususally get one when I got out but I haven't been going out much lately. My friend is super busy with work and trying to de-mouse her house so I haven't heard from her much.

I do need to email, her birthday is this Sunday. That reminds me I need to wrap her present and see if I have a good birthday cards. Then I need to research if I can order birthday cards online.

AND I need to figure out a gift for my sister too, her birthday is before Thanksgiving. I did sign her and her friend (I don't really know the relationship) up for our Thanksgiving Event. Looking forward to that.

So, I am off to the culinary forum to see what the chef has to say!!



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 2:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Interesting, I swear one of the people said they can't chew spinach salad, so they wanted them to change the salads, hahahahaha. I wanted to say, that is what a knife is for, just cut it, but I kept my mouth shut.

Chef wants us to tell him some new recipes so I need to try and think of a few. The only one I have come up with is Beef Stroganoff.



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 5:21 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Great dinner, I made it a Meatless Monday meal with lentil stew. Now I am waiting for my Safeway delivery, I didn't get my Wild Cherry Pepsi but I got my Tequila, hahahahaha. I think that is a better deal but I just remembered they will ask me for my ID, that just cracks me up considering where I live (55+ community).

Also watered a few plants, my mint plant just lays down on the ledge as a reminder it is time for water. I think we need to replant it in a bigger pot.

Off to finish getting thru twitter.



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 5:57 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Lordy, finally done with twitter for now!



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 8:19 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Delivery arrived and has been put away, and I was ID'd so I got to have the tequila, hahahahaha.



Monday, November 14, 2022 - 9:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Juju2bigdog a private message Print Post    
Dang, Dipo. I went to water aerobics this morning, and thought that was fairly vigorous, but you might have worn me out. Hope you recover well for tomorrow, as we do depend on you.



Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 7:29 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Tuesday's Mission

Hahahaha, Juju, it didn't feel that busy. Got the house opened up, I don't know what it is .... I don't really have much heat on, just a bit and I keep waking up at 3.30AM (which is really 4.30) and have to cool off a bit by getting up. Then back to sleep and it's fine, so odd.

Today I will work on Birthday stuff, rework my list and maybe get rid of a couple of things that have been hanging on like "clean the bottom of the office chair", LOL.

Off to quick check email, then the paper and some yogurt.



Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 6:45 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Ok, I cleaned the bottom of the new office chair, didn't do much that I can tell, LOL.

Then I went and checked to see if I had enough christmas wrapping paper and birthday paper. I have plenty of Christmas but almost no Birthday. Found a nice 27 ft roll at; so then I looked around for birthday cards and a pack of Christmas cards. Got all that coming next week, hope I get it in time to wrap the presents I need to wrap.

Sylvester was seeming a little odd this morning, I was thinking he might have a cold or something but now he is running around like a crazy person so I guess he is feeling better, LOL.



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 8:02 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Wednesday's Mission

Not sure what I am up to today, just more house stuff and maybe some office stuff.

For now, off to read the paper.



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 11:21 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Dustbusted the bathroom, cleaned and refreshed the office kitty box and swept the floors.

Loaded up the dishwasher and refilled water bottles, now I am off to the bank (online) to pay bills and stuff like that.

Oh and I cleared email so I need to work on twitter as well.



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 12:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Finished refilling water bottles and found some more stuff for the dishwasher.

Then I wiped out the fridge, I have been meaning to do this for a while and there was one shelf that somehow got dirty, LOL. I don't have hardly anything in there so not clear on how something sticky got on the shelf but it is now all cleaned up.

Working on a pile of mail and office stuff.



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 3:28 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Got thru the office pile and mail, balanced my other bank account and set up my TDAmerica count to receive some money. I think I might want to buy some Target stock.

Then I remembered I need a new 2023 Dilbert calendar so I got that and I had popcorn on my list. I used to love that the sales people would bring us the tins of flavored popcorn when I was employed, so I got myself one on sale.