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| Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 2:40 pm
I've been here for 19 years!! Someone, maybe Seamonkey, guided me here from daytime reality show "Starting Over" message board. Remember that one? Wonder where all the women are today and what they're doing. Thank you to whoever brought me over. 
| Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 8:45 pm
Bigdog and I went to Hong Kong in 2003 for not more than 7-10 days, and when we returned there were ALL these new posters, almost all women. It was a very strange landscape, and I never did watch "Starting Over", but I eventually got used to the board's new normal.
| Friday, July 15, 2022 - 4:54 am
The good news/bad news is I recently got a raise. No one else starting pay is going to be that high. I can't afford a pay cut. I also got a reward of 500 points for being there 10 years. I can get a gift card of my choice for $100. I haven't decided yet.
| Friday, July 15, 2022 - 10:50 pm
Hecka, just keep in mind that you are likely working way below your mental abilities and see if you can plan something that will help you get a less physical and better paying job as you get older. Whatever age you are now, it doesn't matter. It is never too late to start improving your chances. At anything.
| Saturday, July 16, 2022 - 5:40 am
I don't see that happening. My brother and I both should've stayed in school and got better education. He's in a job where he's not appreciated either and being shafted.
| Saturday, July 16, 2022 - 8:41 pm
Well, you can't change your past, but you sure can try to work on controlling your future. Both of you get your GED's and go from there? Already got high school done? See if you can take some junior college courses. Even if you are both over 50. There is a LOT of life left, dearie. And it ain't over until it's over.
| Monday, August 08, 2022 - 11:03 am
Oh what a freakin' day! I'm waiting for the plumber. The drain in the laundry room floor is backing up. See the dark blue in the middle? That's blue toilet water! 🤮

Board Administrator
| Monday, August 08, 2022 - 11:26 am
Ugh these things are awful when they happen!
| Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 3:24 pm
We are currently doing a major kitchen remodeling as well as replacing all the flooring on the 2 lower levels of the house and updating the powder room. To be fair, most of what has been done and planned has and is going well. However, the kitchen has a bump out bay area with 3 large windows that previously housed my baking cabinet. The remodel has moved the sink, dishwasher, trash and another cabinet or 2 there. We waited months for 3 new windows that have the adjustable blinds between the glass. Great, no more annoying mini blinds that require cleaning or replacing. It will be impossible for me to reach the lever to open the windows and unlikely I will be able to reach the blind adjustment slide/tab. Hubby might be able to reach the blind adjustment. I sent an email to the designer and contractor asking what to do. (The 2 men who have been working on the remodel voiced concerns as well.) Didn't get a reply. I spoke to the designer yesterday who thought there might be some sort of reaching stick, annoying but doable I suppose, and she would check with contractor. Heard back from him today, no such thing. I am peeved. I would not have ordered such expensive windows had I been made aware that they are unreachable! The designer and contractor should have brought this to our attention or perhaps designed differently. The suggestion was to redesign the cabinets or move the sink forward somehow. Not sure how that would work, there is a lot in that area. I won't get started on the absurdly expensive quotes we have for a small, I repeat, small area of railing replacement.
| Friday, August 19, 2022 - 10:11 pm
I hear ya Sugar! We are also bleeding money into our new place. We've had the electrician here 3x for various things (including uninstalling ceiling fans from our old place and installing them in our new place) and for another project this coming Tuesday. The plumbers (Dumb and Dumber sigh) were here twice (turns out we need a new toilet in the ensuite loo), and we had a handyman assemble our Hall Tree today. Coming back tomorrow to install safety bars in the 2 loos 🚻. Installers coming Sunday to mount the TVs on the walls. And our Computer Guru is coming Monday evening to update our Computers and make them faster and better. Plus I fell yesterday, and at the very least, sprained my left hand/thumb and left knee. Had exrays today, results Monday. Feeling 25% better today. We are still surrounded by at least 2 dozen boxes. A galpal is coming by Sunday to help us tackle the kichen. (She's tall, so she'll be a huge help.) Vinnie has major breathing issues lately, so can't be much help. And I have painful back issues, so bending to the boxes is difficult. Hopefully we'll have 99% done before next month when DH starts chemo again after a 13 month break.
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 3:17 am
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 8:54 am
Mameblanche, it gets better. I felt the same way when I moved. It seemed like I was spending money hand over fist. But now .... it is all done, looks beautiful and makes me so happy. So my advice is do what you have to do, spend the money ... it will end and you will be so happy!!! Oh and be careful, hope your hand and knee are better .... By the way it took me almost a month to get all the boxes unpacked and everything put into place. I think I changed the furniture arrangement 3 times and even tho I purged before the move I still ended up with several boxes that went to good will. LOL, I currently have a goodwill box in the corner of my bedroom that I keep adding to.
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 1:37 pm
Mame, sorry to hear you have boo-boos in the midst of your move and feathering your new nest. It is quite a lot going on and an injury is just another painful annoyance. Packing and moving the majority of the downstairs to either the upstairs or a storage pod in the driveway was a bit of an ordeal. We were not on the same page re packing. I was the let's do this in an organized fashion and then he would throw any and everything in my boxes because "there's still room, gotta pack full boxes." I said then they are too heavy... As he was doing the carrying upstairs told me not to worry about it. Fine. I did hear more than a few grunts and groans as he carried boxes upstairs . It's been a bit tricky to find a few things I wanted as he interfered with my organization but we will manage. We are living with a fridge, microwave, small table and a bookcase for food and paper plates, plastic utensils in my reading nook dining area and we have the TV, 2 chairs and a fan in the family room. Those will be moved out when the flooring is installed. Everything is dusty despite our trying to keep dust at bay. Shoes must be worn at all times as all the carpet, tile and linoleum was day 1 of demolition. Just after I posted my rant of displeasure over the windows, the project manager called me, so that was good. A design change was offered but I do not want to put a sink in my island. I told my husband I think I'd rather be unhappy with the windows than the island. I still think this should have been made clear earlier in the process when we would have done something differently but at this point that probably isn't the best choice. Hubby did order a tool online that may work to at least open the blinds. I can probably reach the side windows with it and he hopefully can reach the back window. The kitchen will be a big improvement from what it was and am looking forward to that. I hope all will be done be early to mid October. Am currently trying to find pendant lighting for the kitchen island. There has been quite the correlation between Oh, that's pretty and nope too expensive in the same breath.
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 3:04 pm
Sugar, I had that same problem with a couple of friends who helped me pack. I was very organized, writing down in my logbook what was in each box. And trying to keep like things together. My friend was just ... ok what will fit in here, same thing about full boxes. I was trying to keep them from being too heavy, even tho movers were going to deal with them.
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 9:10 pm
quote:A galpal is coming by Sunday to help us tackle the kichen. (She's tall, so she'll be a huge help.)
One should always have some tall friends for just these occasions. In my old age I am making myself obnoxious in stores by kindly asking, I think, if I can help someone get something off a top shelf when I see them looking up there. Alas, I am shrinking in my old age and can no longer touch an 8' ceiling with ease.
| Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 9:34 pm
Juju2bigdog, same here as you know. Think I've said here 2 - 3 years ago I was reaching for something up high in a store. Voice behind me asked if SHE could get it for me!! I turned around. She was a little taller maybe. Then and still that was so strange. I still ask if I can do that for others.
| Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 6:17 pm
I'm short...I always offer to get stuff from the low shelves or floor for the tall people. We all have to help each other.
| Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 6:46 pm
I was officially measured at doctor's office recently. I'm now 5'9.5". I want my 2.5" back.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 6:54 pm
Me too, Colord! Used to be 6 feet even, now only 5'10"!!
| Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 9:29 pm
Thanks, Y2K. The older I get, the more difficult it gets to read bottom shelf labels, let alone get down there and haul something out. I am afraid to measure my height. I just thought everybody else was getting taller. Snort.
| Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 4:04 am
I have been known to go up to someone and ask if I could borrow their height I I can’t reach something!
| Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 4:48 am
Since Mrs Mack still works I do most of the grocery shopping and at 6’2”…..well maybe 6’1” in my old age…..I am often asked to reach an item off a high shelve. Glad to help.
| Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 4:48 am
| Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 8:16 am
LOL, I recently asked my doctor to measure me because I can't reach my top cabinets any more !! I used to easily access them. I have lost an inch!!!! So annoying.
| Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 9:58 am
I hurt my back last winter, had to go to rehab, the result was a lost of height all at once. from the ex rays, my damaged disc from 25 years ago seems to be a collapsed disk now, no matter how straight I stand I am a couple of inches shorter. And, yes, those shelves are harder to reach now.