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| Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 1:12 pm
Had a great lunch... got my "fried foods" craving handled, picked up some new kitty grass and then did chores around the house. My table looks great and I gave her an old tidy cats large plastic container to paint as well. I use it to set the oscillating fan on, in front of the AC unit. It turned out really cute, LOL. She also sprayed a small plant holder so now I have several "accessories" of cornflower blue. I sent her home with my crock pot and a box of the turntables that I purchased when I moved it. My use for them was bigger than the number of cabinets I had for them. Also had her go thru the kitchen utensils to see if she could use any and she took some spatulas. Had he check the office chair, it is officially broken so that will be going away. She happens to have it's "brother", in her storage unit so I will be getting a new office chair. I had just noticed that it rocked and hadn't done that before. She gave me the chair to begin with, so I am happy she had another I can have, LOL. So that has been my day! And it has gotten really muggy so I am hoping for some more rain soon. ACCCCKKKKK!!! The fire alarm is going off!!! Not a fire drill, they are checking for fire. I bet someone burned something. Oh finally went off but man is it loud, guess it is ok.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 7:50 am
Wednesday's Mission Should be a lovely day, cleared email and now I am grabbing some coffee and the paper.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 11:05 am
Dishwasher loaded and running, refilled water bottles and found two gigantic boxes on my doorstep, LOL.... it was my 3 pillows. Plus I have been trying to find a 4 inch plastic lid to replace the one on my favorite coffee can, it seems impossible! I can buy 100, but I just need one. The coffee can is from my trip to New Orleans when I got some roasted coffee and is very decorative. I am now trying putting elmers glue on all the litte breaks, there are 3. My sister said I will have to buy another can of coffee to get the lid, LOL, so I may just do that.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 12:37 pm
Well the pillows aren't as firm as I wanted but they will work in the shams, so not a loss. Glue seems to have worked, for now, but I will see if a lid from some other item I need will work. I was thinking maybe one of those cans of nuts. Off to do my Safeway order.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 2:48 pm
Emergency contact list is updated and posted on the side of the fridge. Got the Safeway order done, it's coming tomorrow. And I managed to get thru my pile of office stuff, just a couple more things to deal with. Now I am taking out the Massive Cardboard boxes down to the recycle bin, LOL.
| Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 9:00 am
Thursday's Mission Getting ready for the Housekeeping Crew. Moved the kitty stuff out to the balcony so the floors are free, got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded to make sure the counters are clear. Moved the kitty stuff out of the bathroom so that floor is available for scrubbing. Made my list of cleaning for when they leave, I need to do a detail dust (they don't do that) and then put everything back together. Also cleaned out the silverware drawer, I have a lot of stuff for Goodwill, LOL. Working on email but now it is time to take a break, have some coffee, listen to my podcast and read the paper.
| Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 10:54 am
Housekeeping has come and gone. She did a little better this time in that she did a little dusting. Missed a couple of things I know the other cleaner does but I can work with it since the all the yukky stuff is done, LOL. I will do a detail dust and the areas that were missed, will probably take me 15 minutes at best. But for now I am waiting for the Safeway delivery!
| Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 1:15 pm
Bedroom is back together, kitty scooper has been cleaned and returned to the bathroom, took the open shelf off the toilet top and washed the top. Then I cleaned the shelf unit and knickknacks. Finally I dusted/cleaned the linen closet shelf unit and all the knickknacks there. Got the coffee table back in the living room and put the kitty scratchers back on the floor. Oh and I moved everything off the counter/bar and cleaned that. Then cleaned the kitty grass holders and wiped down the martini stuff. So all that is left is a detail dust of the living room bookcases. Still awaiting Safeway.
| Friday, September 23, 2022 - 2:21 pm
Friday's Mission Just realized I had posted the mission, then I remembered just when I came to take care of it my friend called and wanted to go to Chinese food, LOL. Safeway came and went. The only thing originally on my list today was to attend the Resident Council Meeting. OMG, what a shitshow, hahahahahahahaha. The board doesn't seem to know how to use the microphone properly and half the residents there couldn't hear, so it was hysterical. They spent more time trying to deal with whether to buy batteries for the other mic system when all they need to do is learn how to use the mic. Plus some of these people just mumble their words and are very soft spoken. And we meet in the dining room which has a vaulted ceiling and everything echoes, and these people don't seem to understand that side conversations are not good. Anyway, not sure how much I will participate but I did tell Harry that if he has a topic I can research and write him an article. I didn't even bring up all my issues, just wanted to know how the Christmas tip fund worked, and that was explained. So now I can write them a check for the fund.k
| Saturday, September 24, 2022 - 9:35 am
Saturday's Mission Going to be hot today, so I watered the plants while I waited for the coffee to brew. Also loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. Not much on the list of things to do, mostly office stuff. I did finally remember to ask my lawyer friend if I need to worry about probate when I die. Since I sold my house I thought I didn't have enough "other" assets to still warrant the trust or my sister having to deal with probate. All of my assets are "cash type" so there are other things I can do. She suggested I make my Sister a co-owner on my stock account and the other savings account so there is no "inheritance" and that way she can avoid that tax. Since I have been working on emergency notifications stuff it has me working on my "death directions". It makes my sister uncomfortable when I talk about this stuff but I like to have things in order. Oh and she told me to write my sister a note that says "thanks for lending me (all the things in my house / furniture) my furniture" so then it is really hers when I die, LOL. That cracked me up, but then we decided it was all not worth enough to crack the estate value. But I thought it was funny and an interesting way to cause inheritance without the taxes. Anyway, on to the day, need to finish email, the paper and enjoy the day before it gets too hot.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 7:11 am
Sunday!!! A lovely day to count your blessings !! Just working on the Sunday paper, got email cleared and working thru twitter. Might do my Halloween decorations today and pay some bills.
| Monday, September 26, 2022 - 10:20 am
Monday's Mission Dustbusted the bathroom, cleaned up the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher and read the paper. Didn't really do anything yesterday, LOL. Just enjoyed the day, so today I probably should try and get a few things done. But first my sister is bringing me my new office chair and then we are going to lunch at the The Old Spaghetti factory. I love that place and hardly ever go there. Later I think I will do some office stuff, I need to balance my checkbook and pay a few bills. Plus I need to redo my budget so I can feel better about the move and change in expenses!!
| Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 10:29 am
Tuesday's Mission Didn't get to any of my other tasks yesterday so I am working on those today, LOL. Took out the trash and recycling, have the paper ready to go down to the "living room"; now I am working on email and twitter. I did restock my daily pills and am enjoying some coffee. Hope to get a bunch of stuff done today, I feel like I am back on track for my routines. I found a nice Yoga program today that doesn't require getting down on the ground, they do downward dog using a chair instead of the floor, so I tried it and really enjoyed it. I think I will give it a go and work my bike back into the day.
| Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 2:38 pm
Tried to put up my little basket thing below my apartment number so there is a place for them to put all the papers they drop off, but I need another set of hands so it will have to wait until Friday when my sister comes. Balanced checkbook and paid some bills, placed and order at Walgreens and cleared all of my email. Off to twitter to see what's up.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 5:22 am
Haven't checked in on you for a whie - glad to see that you are doing well!!
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 9:49 am
Thanks Tntitanfan, sometimes I feel like I am just talking to myself in here, hahahahaha.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 9:52 am
Wednesday's Mission Getting my 4th booster today, and then nothing is on the schedule. I did think of a solution to hanging my basket, I can use push pins to hold it into place so I can hammer in the nails. Also would be a good time to see how the witch will fit on the wall. It is supposed to go into a plant but I can't have a plant out in the hallway. It could cause a problem for the walkers and scooters (I don't think it would, but thems the rules, LOL). Anyway for now I am working on clearing email and twitter.l
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 10:40 am
Dipo, I may not comment, but I pop in here everyday to see what you're up to 
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 12:57 pm
LOL, glad to hear it Scooterrific. Just got back from getting my Booster at Safeway. We had a half hour delay getting the "bus". One of the gals who went to Trader Joes had a problem with her scooter not starting so they had a difficultly getting her back her before they could take us. Then one of the gals on our trip apparently was having difficultly breathing and was sitting on a chair, in the Safeway. She was a tiny little thing ... so another lady and I started talking about how we should teach these people how to use delivery. I sent an email off to the Personal Expressions Gal and told her I would be happy to teach / show these people how to shop online. So my day is totally off since my half hour trip turned into an hour and a half.... but I got glazed donuts and sushi, LOL. Wasn't planning on shopping but a lady told me donuts were on sale... I never get donuts, what a treat. Ok, off to play some computer games and catch up on everything that got delayed.
| Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 8:32 pm
I am here every day as well, Dipo. I find it quite fascinating how well you have come through the move.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 7:24 am
Thursday's Mission Getting started with email and twitter. I think today we will bring out the Halloween stuff and at least try to put it up as I have envisioned in my mind, LOL. Off the read the paper, and get ready for my 8.30 yoga show.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 7:33 am
LOL Juju, I was thinking of you the other day when they tried to suck me into the Board ... they call it Resident Council and have a new President and Board that doesn't seem to really know how to run a meeting. I resisted and told "harry" I would write an article for his newsletter if he gives me a topic.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 7:34 am
Well shoot, the yoga show I was looking forward to wasn't on, it was just regular yoga. I will have to research that further and figure out if it is only weekly or something.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 1:43 pm
Hi from me too Dipo! When I get on the computer I check on you, refreshing to see you so active (unlike Me the Couch Sloth). I just don't seem to have anything to report.
| Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 2:22 pm
You guys are too funny. I got thru the paper and caught up on my computer games, then I closed my eyes to "watch" the Young and the Restless and woke up at 1.30, so I must have been tired, LOL. I have managed to get thru email and am working on twitter.