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| Saturday, September 10, 2022 - 8:05 am
Saturday's Mission Thank Heavens!!!! It has finally cooled off. I was up around 4am opening up the house so we could have fresh air, and then at 6am opened up the balcony door. It feels so good to not have AC!!! Tonight I have Birthday Dinner plans!! so other than that no real plans for much of anything. I do have office things I could do, update the emergency contact list, etc. but for now I will clear email, twitter and listen to podcasts. Off to read the paper and have some yogurt, then some coffee!!
| Sunday, September 11, 2022 - 6:33 am
Sunday!!! A day of Blessings and Gratitude Had a wonderful Birthday Dinner, I forgot how much fun it was to go out with friends, they have been crazy busy for the last 2 weeks so we didn't do our normal get togethers. So fun. I got my correct Sunday paper, and it is nice and cool outside .. off to enjoy the morning.
| Monday, September 12, 2022 - 10:30 am
Monday's Mission Not sure what I am up to today, I kept waking up thru the night so was tired earlier and ended up taking a nap before 9am, LOL> Now I have coffee brewing, need to clear some eamil and get my routine going. Plus my normal 11am activies are all a mess because E cancelled my favorite show, LOL. Off to do a little email, grab my coffee and play some computer games.
| Monday, September 12, 2022 - 1:02 pm
Got thru email, the paper and computer games. Just did the bathroom, cleaned kitty box, dustbusted the floors. I did a little "spot" mop of the litter that sort of makes white marks on the floor. Then I restocked the toilet paper. Now working thru twitter and doing office stuff.
| Monday, September 12, 2022 - 7:26 pm
Got my new watch, I only got it to track steps because it always seems like my pedometer doesn't track properly. Anyway, I finally got it set up so we will see if it track steps well. OH and the kitties are chasing each other around the house and out onto the balcony. I have seen some flying leaps, LOL, a bit of wrestling. You can tell it has cooled off nicely since they are playing.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 6:13 am
Tuesdays' Mission We have the Culinary Forum today! That should be interesting. For now just grabbing the paper, feeding the kitties and having some yogurt.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 1:34 pm
Culinary meeting was very interesting. The Chef was there to get feedback on all the food. I voted for the chunky Blue Cheese dressing, LOL, I loved it but apparently it didn't go over well with everyone else. only about 4 of us wanted it. I asked about some veggies but the recent Heatwave killed a lot of crops, or made them "not pretty" so some stores won't carry them. Now I am clearing email, etc.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 6:53 am
Wednesday's Mission Flu shot today!! time to read the paper and have some yogurt. Already watered the plants.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 10:42 am
Morning chores are done, email cleared, working on twitter. Getting ready to go to Kaiser for my flu shot
| Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 1:49 pm
Well that was easy.. There were 6 of us and there was no line when we got there so we were in and out in no time. Mail is done. Need to get back on track with my routines.
| Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 10:25 am
Thursdays Mission Ran down to the Bake Sale Fundraiser, they are raising funds for the Alzheimer's Walk. So far we have exceeded multiple goals, LOL. Time for coffee and to finish the paper.
| Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 1:27 pm
Paper done, email done, swept the office -- we had some litter that wouldn't stay in the box, LOL. Still working on Twitter. So I went to the fundraiser because one of the men had approached me because he was making blue cheese dressing and at the culinary forum I had mentioned I liked the chunky one we had. Anyway, I said I would come down and it was a fundraiser so I ended up with a recipe in a baggie with a small plastic cup of spices, LOL. I have to make it myself, LOL, and purchase the blue cheese to boot, hahahahaha. Oh well it was a fundraiser and I supported it. Back to twitter
| Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 8:35 pm
RN, I suspect somebody might be flirting with Dipo? Oh dear! Do not fall for that tempting baggie of spices, Dipo! Stay off that slippery slope. JUST kidding!

| Friday, September 16, 2022 - 8:27 am
Hahahahaha, too funny, but you haven't heard about Slav, a guy one of the other ladies (the one who likes to run everyone's life) invited to sit at my dining room table with me. I was perfectly happy reading my book at dinner, dining alone. Now I have a Bulgarian Man, who is quite nice, that is recovering from his second stroke who I can hardly understand coming to have dinner with me. So annoying, not Slav, but the lady who sent him over to me! She is not liked by most of the staff and is quite the busybody mean girl.
| Friday, September 16, 2022 - 8:30 am
Friday's Mission Nothing on the plans for the day ... yeah, the first time I don't have to run and do one little thing. I am thinking about maybe doing a load of laundry, or I might just have a quiet day playing games, reading, and goofing off. Back to clearing email while I wait for the coffee to brew.
| Friday, September 16, 2022 - 12:27 pm
Geeze Lousie, they just tested the smoke alarms!! Scared the kitties (and me) to death. Somehow I seem to have missed the notification that they were doing this. Of course, they may not have mentioned it... they did have one scheduled in August but it got delayed. My watch keeps telling me to get up and move, LOL, so between that and the fire alarm going off, I was able to hang a couple more things up on the wall. Email was cleared so I guess I should see what is happening in twitter.
| Friday, September 16, 2022 - 1:17 pm
Kitchen cleaned up and water bottles refilled. Also got the dishwasher unloaded and stuff put away. I must remember to ask my sister is she needs silverware. I am thinking of paring down the amount I have, I just don't need 2 entire sets. If she doesn't want it I will just donate it. I have also added for her to review all the "accoutrements" I have for cooking, maybe she can use some of them as well. It really is amazing to see how much you accumulate, and don't use, when you don't cook anymore. I will probably start cooking more in the fall/winter, but for now I really enjoy having someone else figure out meals and make them.
| Saturday, September 17, 2022 - 9:39 am
Saturday's Mission Might do some laundry today. So far I have cleared email and I have some coffee brewing so I can finish the paper. Watered the plants and cleaned up the bathroom. Off to twitter.
| Saturday, September 17, 2022 - 2:12 pm
Got thru twitter and straightened up the bathroom and kitchen. WE have Pork & Bean Stew for dinner and I thought that was odd, thinking of a can of pork&beans, LOL. So I looked it up and silly me, it is a Pork Stew that has beans, hahahaha. Sounds good, can't wait to try it.
| Sunday, September 18, 2022 - 7:30 am
Sunday !! A beautiful rainy day !! Just got the coffee brewing and the balcony door opened up so I can at least smell the rain, LOL. I do miss the sound of rain hitting the tin roof of the carport, I never missed seeing the rain because I was always alerted by the sound. Grabbed the paper and getting the day started.
| Sunday, September 18, 2022 - 4:00 pm
Had an interesting Brunch that was more "tailgate" fare, LOL, but most was tasty and I am going out to dinner tonight. Ended up having to glue back together a decorative container that I used to hide the kitty litter. I never thought about it, but it is just cardboard and has lasted a long time but the weight finally made the bottom come out. So I glued it and have it drying. Got thru the paper, email and twitter; now just watching the hurricane in Puerto Rico, man, they just can't get a break, saw a metal bridge get ripped of the street and taken down river.... amazing.
| Monday, September 19, 2022 - 9:37 am
Monday's Mission So weird, still haven't recieved a bill for my power! And when I check online there isn't one, and when I call and talk to them and finally get to my "account" it shows Pending Start 7/20/22. They said it was fine that the billing department is working on getting it started. I just wonder if there is an issue and Carlton wants to keep it in their name and bill me that way. So odd. Oh well, not much going on, I have a few things to work on today, the PG&E bill was one of them. So I will go clear email, grab my coffee and see what I get done.
| Monday, September 19, 2022 - 12:36 pm
email and twitter done. Bathroom dustbusted. Trash gathered. Now I am working on office stuff and watching the odd things going out on the street by my house, LOL. Watering and pruning a couple of plants; and I cleaned out the fridge -- I have had some things that have been in there since I moved in, ie eggs / cream cheese / sour cream / carrots. All of the foods that were expired or suspect are now in a bag to take to the trash.
| Monday, September 19, 2022 - 4:17 pm
Bag o'bad food is out to the trash. And I took down the spring/summer wreath and put up the fall wreath. Lost my phone for a bit and had to run back to the dinning room to make sure it hadn't fallen out of my pocket at dinner. It didn't but it did fall out when I was out on the balcony getting the other wreath, LOL. I looked in all the normal spots I would have put it and it wasn't there, so I just called it, LOL.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 8:40 am
Tuesday's Mission Sister is coming over and bringing back the coffee table that she took to paint. I didn't realize it was actually spray paint, and we laughed at the rigmarole she had to go thru to purchase the paint, LOL. We are going off to breakfast/lunch at Huckleberrys and plan to get some Fried Okra!! I love fried okra, hahahahaha. Not sure what chores will get done but maybe I will work on my budget. I need to rework it with all the new numbers of living here, even tho I have no idea how much my power bill will be. After lunch we need to pick up some new kitty grass and I need a new plastic lid for my coffee (I think that is a dollar tree purchase). Off to work on email while I wait for my hair to dry.