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| Monday, June 13, 2022 - 2:25 pm
My Safeway delivery arrived and I was cracking up. I ordered 4 peach yogurts and 4 strawberry yogurts. Apparently there are "yogurt shortages" so they substituted strawberry yogurt for the missing peach ones. Made me chuckle. I also ran the trash down and saw that everything was totally full. On my way to dinner I will check to see if it has been picked up. Have I every mentioned that we have a trash chute? I love it, LOL. They have a recycle bin in the room with the trash chute. Just need to get a handle on when things get picked up so I can schedule my trips. Off to work on the linen closet.
| Monday, June 13, 2022 - 2:59 pm
Got 2 minutes more in on building and the top is complete!! Also unloaded one of the office boxes and started setting up the desk drawers. Found a lot of odd things in the box that have gone in the trash, grabbing another office box.
| Monday, June 13, 2022 - 4:15 pm
LOL, 20 minutes not 2.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 11:12 am
Tuesday's Mission Getting started clearing email and twitter. And then we work on some more office boxes. Oh and I need to water the plants!
| Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 1:31 pm
Plants watered, and I found some more Christmas stuff to put out in the storage unit. Sylvester was a bit startled to see me out there when he was sitting in the bedroom window, it was funny. Working on the linen closet, got a bunch more parts done but had to screw in the hinges and now my palm is sore from pushing down on the screwdriver so I think I will switch to unpacking some boxes for a while.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 4:18 pm
Hahahahahaha, I just opened up a "office" box and find 6 rolls of toilet paper! It does have my office desk lamp but it seems to really be a bathroom box, LMAO. My helpers were erratic packers.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 4:23 pm
Ok, that box is done, only one thing was for the office. Let's try another "office" box.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 8:31 pm
I suppose the helpers put that t.p. in the office box just in case you saw anything reallllly bad on Twitter? Because some days you just never know ...

| Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 10:05 am
Wednesday's Mission Have a haircutt appointment today, went to get in the shower and noticed the tub floor looked dirty. So I grabbed the scrubbing bubbles and did the mat and tub floor then got my shower. Accidentally shot the water out the curtain so ended up semi mopping the floor as well. AT&T came by and I now have a landline again. I decided if I was having such a hard time deciding I should just get it ... I can afford it. And I was tired of giving everyone my cell number and having to worry about whether my cell was charged. I think today I will try to clear the boxes in front of my desk so I can move it forward a bit, and finish building the linen closet. Hahahahahaha, Juju, could be but I think they were just lazy, had packed the bathroom and needed one more thing so grabbed the desk lamp and then labeled it office, hahahaha.
| Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 11:21 am
Haircut done, why is it that hairdressers always want you to have bangs, LOL. She did a great job fixing my pandemic haircuts (put hair in hand and cut), so I am happy. Did I mention I found my comb!!! I don't know who suggested I look in my purse, and I don't recall putting it there, but that is where I found it, LOL.
| Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 3:47 pm
Ok, linen closet was going well and now I find that I am missing a bunch of dowels .... so I have taken the other package of dowels with more than I need and I am cutting them down to size.
| Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 7:52 am
Thursday's Mission Headed out to Yans today!! So excited, it has been weeks and we used to go once a week. Been working on getting organized so I can empty more bins! I reorg'd the hutch where I have been putting the wall decorations so that I can put all the little organizer bins I keep finding. I need the small bins for drawers and stuff, just needed a place where I knew they were. I have finally found the Management sign for the condos, so I will put that up today after lunch. Back to clearing email, etc and working on boxes.
| Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 1:49 pm
Fabulous Chinese food... and now I can get back to finishing up the linen closet. I did get another box unpacked, found the wine, LOL, I had packed the bottles inside the oven mitts .... AND ... I know you will be surprised .... Another 9 pack of toilet paper. I swear I must have had them hidden all over the house I just don't remember this many packages. OMG, cracks me up. Off to work on building ... my shoe rack and my bathroom cabinet both came. And, of course, they need assembly.
| Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 2:50 pm
Holy cow, I have the two parts of the linen closet together and standing! Wow it was heavy, now I see why they say you need two people, but I just assembled it on the floor since I couldn't lift the top part onto the bottom. Break time!
| Friday, June 17, 2022 - 10:02 am
Friday's Mission Busy day ... I hope to finish off the linen closet, do some laundry and unpack boxes. I have taken on the newspapers, I saw that the recycle got picked up today (I can see the truck out my living room window) so I thought that meant empty bins, BUT apparently we have a bunch of bins because the one in my trash area was pretty full. So I can't take out the boxes yet. I did get a big box in unpacked, it was full of odds and ends. Plus I had purchased a "coffee cup hook" thing that slides into the cabinet from PCH. I thought I was getting one but I ended up with 3. So far I have used one to hang my necklaces and the other to hang my clothes on in the closet. They are working great. So I got another bin emptied and pulled down a really heavy one that had somehow been put up on the shelf in the closet. Enjoying my coffee while I clear email, listen to my DayDrinking Podcast and check twitter. Oh and I dealt with my HOA email, our property manager is out of control trying to kick some of us off the board. Which is hysterical since she has no authority to do this! And I would be happy to leave but it could cause some bad consequences for the property. Oh and I have to do some laundry, totally out of towels, LOL.
| Friday, June 17, 2022 - 11:12 am
It's DONE!! The linen closet is assembled and in it's place!!! Now I just need to get the laundry done so there are some towels to put in it, LOL.
| Friday, June 17, 2022 - 2:18 pm
Put together the shoe stacker thing I got for the closet only I can't get the screws all the way in, so it goes on the list for my friend to tighten, LOL. It is staring to look like a living room and house now. You can actually see the floors. And they need to be swept and mopped so I can put down the area rug. But first I need to finish the one giant box.
| Friday, June 17, 2022 - 4:44 pm
Hahahahahaha, I was just kicked off the HOA Board. I suppose there are some at the project (the VP) who think this will hurt my feelings but I am thrilled, LOL. Now I don't have to deal with the next board meeting, the lawsuit they are in, or anything else. I was only staying on the board to help out but clearly, the new management company thinks they can handle everything on their on. YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!
| Friday, June 17, 2022 - 9:24 pm
Dipo, that is wonderful news that you are out from the burden of that thankless job.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 7:08 am
Saturday's Mission I never managed to get to the laundry yesterday so that is the top of the agenda for today. Plus the giant box. But first it's time for the paper and some yogurt.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 7:23 am
Yep, Juju I am very happy. They didn't know a good deal when they had it and now I don't have to be concerned.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 11:27 am
Two loads of laundry in the dryer. I followed your rules Juju1bigdog, LOL, 2 dryers. It was kind of cool, I took my tablet with me and played some games while I waited for the washer to be done. Then loaded the dryer, set my timer and came back down to the apartment. I like my new laundry basket, it is easy to take up and down the stairs so that I don't have to walk all the way around to the elevator. Since it is smaller I can't make it too heavy. So now maybe I can follow Flylady and do a load of laundry a day. Not only will I get my laundry done I will get some "stair stepper" exercise from going up and down the 20 stairs. Back to stuff around here while my laundry dries.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 1:00 pm
Laundry done ... funny I still have a couple of towels that didn't get dry, LOL. So they are laying on the bed. Nala likes to lay on them. Not that happy with the linen closet, it really isn't going to hold much as I had envisioned. May have to get something better and use this one for something else. Got email cleared, working on twitter. And my sister may have found the perfect screen for the balcony, she just called. So we will put that up next weekend depending on which days are the hottest. I am going to finish off the big box in the living room now.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 8:47 pm
Big box is unpacked and broken down. And then I took a break to deal with all the mail I had accumulated from the old place and the new. I did finally get one piece of mail that had one of those forwarding stickers, I had been wondering if anything was being sent. AND I got a check from BofA refunding me some money on my escrow.... now I thought that they owed me at least one mortgage payment but the check is more than that. So not clear about why but I am going to take it to the bank, LOL.
| Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 9:05 pm
quote:Yep, Juju I am very happy. They didn't know a good deal when they had it and now I don't have to be concerned.
Thanks for saying that, Dipo. It is probably one of my major personality faults that I tell people things they don't know before they are ready to accept that it could be true. Those folks were taking advantage of you in a major way and abusing you in the process. I have NO doubt you were the best condo president they ever had, just as WE now have the best president we will ever have of our condo association, and she is already planning on moving out.
quote:Two loads of laundry in the dryer. I followed your rules Juju1bigdog, LOL, 2 dryers.
Bwahahahaha!!! And you did not have to spend ten minutes wrangling socks out of the twisted sheets? Can't wait to see what else you get into now that you have your life back. ((((hugs))))