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| Thursday, June 09, 2022 - 6:20 am
Thursday's Mission Not much on my list except for unpacking and I may take a run at the laundry. OH and I have to figure out how to pay the rent. Apparently I am supposed to get a bill, which I haven't received, so I will track down Peter and work that out. I guess you get a bill because there are some extras that you get billed for, like there is a slight fee for delivering your meals to your apartment more than 4 times a month, or "extra" maintenance work like I want ... I have a bathroom cabinet I want them to install. Anyway, no bill for me so I need to get the rent paid today. Off to read the paper and have some yogurt.
| Thursday, June 09, 2022 - 11:20 am
So I got some of those drawer pull out things and the one thing I didn't realize is the lip on my cabinets. They are still going to work sort of but not as I had envisioned in my mind. Emptied another box of "cleaning" type stuff. I keep putting it in my sisters box because I just don't need all this stuff. It is amazing how much of this type stuff I have. I keep getting distracted by wanting to move things around so I have to make myself go back to unpacking and figuring out where to put stuff. I think I am going to have to get more ruthless and just throw stuff away.
| Thursday, June 09, 2022 - 12:05 pm
Got the laundry sorted so I can go and do that either today or tomorrow. LMAO, I found a can of catfood and a spoon in the laundry cart. No clue how it ended up there or why, hahahahahaha.
| Thursday, June 09, 2022 - 1:03 pm
So happy the ewaste has been taken away and I realized I had a box that I wasn't sure what it was. So I opened it and it was my baskets that I thought weren't coming till next week. Surprise, you have to put them together. I need to read the descriptions better, but I was able to put them together and they will probably work fine.
| Thursday, June 09, 2022 - 6:15 pm
quote:I think I am going to have to get more ruthless and just throw stuff away.
Don't throw stuff away until you find out if your place has a free table whose location you just don't know yet!! Our over-55 condo association has a Free Table in our clubhouse. It is a HOTBED of activity. Everybody puts stuff there, and everybody takes stuff. You need to get rid of something, but it's not enough stuff to take to Goodwill, put it there. It magically disappears. I had a cute instance where I cleaned out my multi-bladed women's disposable razor stash, and just kept the ones I really loved. So, I had about 4-5 opened and unopened bags of brand new razors. I was putting them out at the same time another woman was checking the table. I asked her if she could use any razors, and she said no. So I went ahead and put them out. She looked at them, and said, "Oh!! I could use that kind!" and grabbed a bag. And then she saw I was putting out several different brands, but I think she was embarrassed to see which were the best. LOL. I bet she came back and traded her initial grab out for better ones! And I wouldn't have cared if she took any or all of them. Like I always say, free is free.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 5:22 am
I live in a Seniors' highrise, and we too have a "free table." No matter what I put out, someone will take it!!! Great way to r-cycle!!!!!
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 10:36 am
Friday's Mission Holy Cow!! It's going to be a hot one today. Have the house closed up and the AC going. My goal today was to get the laundry done. I sorted the laundry yesterday to it was ready and I don't know if I mentioned this but the wheel on the cart got bent sideways when I moved in. Well, you guessed it, halfway to the laundry room it completely came off. So we limped on down and did two loads of laundry. Sort of expensive, $2 to wash and $1.75 to dry. The dryers are really large so I did put both loads into it and they aren't totally dry. I have them drying on the bed and hanging in the closet. I decided to take the laundry basket down the stairs (the stairs are next to my apartment), only have to go down 2 flights. The other wheel broke after going down one flight, hahahahaha. A young lady (might have been the daughter of one of my neighbors) who had been doing laundry came down and ended up helping me get the cart down the final set of stairs and out the door. So now everything is drying Lordy, what an ordeal. But now I go and buy a new cart. It wasn't too bad driving the cart all the way around the floor to the elevators but it is definitely better coming home via stairs. And the laundry room is really nice... don't know why they didn't put it on the first floor but who knows. Lots of washers and dryers and one really big one! Yeah my comforter will get truely clean. And there were chairs and the AC was great I ended up finishing my paper and 3 crosswords and my book! So now I have to find the box with my "unread" books so I have a new one. I need to water the plants and clear email and twitter and then track down the boxes I want. Maybe unpack the printer. OH and I ordered a corner unit for my bedroom that is supposed to come on Saturday and will be the "linen closet". Now that all the clothes are clean once they are dry I can organize my new storage method for them since I have the new baskets. So that will be nice. Time to finish my coffee, figure out some lunch and clear email, etc.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 10:37 am
OH, I will have to ask if there is a "free table". I was thinking the old popcorn bins/cans might be good for crafters to store yarn and stuff.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 2:58 pm
OMG, I finally found the phone in an unlabeled box with all kinds of weird stuff, LOL. Now I need to contact AT&T and decide if I need to keep my landline.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 4:10 pm
So pleased, I think I finally got the hard copy solicitation mail from Citicard turned off! I have been meaning to do it forever and when I went to update my info I used chat to find out if there was a way to turn it off. I don't mind email solicitation but I don't want those checks coming in my mail! Had a great dinner and now I think it's time to go and turn all the clothes drying on my bed, hahahahah. Oh and I took the "dead cart" out to the trash room, so I should go and see about purchasing another one. I wonder if they have improved since I got that one.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 4:36 pm
Bought a new laundry cart and I think it will fit better in my house. Coming next week, which is fine since all my laundry is done ... well except the towels and comforters and curtains, hahahaha, oh well close enough.
| Friday, June 10, 2022 - 9:17 pm
quote:OH, I will have to ask if there is a "free table". I was thinking the old popcorn bins/cans might be good for crafters to store yarn and stuff.
You find that free table, Dipo, and if there isn't one, make them put one up somewhere. It could maybe even be in the laundry room. The only thing with a free table is you sort of have to have somebody to monitor it and ruthlessly throw stuff out that hasn't been claimed in a week or so, depending on the size of the complex, and the location of the table. Ours is next to the bank of mailboxes, so almost everybody visits that location several times a week, if not every day. I go every day, as our indoor swimming pool, library, and exercise machine room and sign-up for activities are all in that building. I have spent over 45 years teaching Bigdog about how to do domestic things, and he has been a wonderful student, except for one thing - how to do laundry in a pay per load situation. I have drilled and preached and drilled, but apparently it is a difficult lesson. One washer load equals one dryer load, even though it looks like you can put two washer loads in one dryer. One washer = one dryer. Period. Just do it. Pry those extra coins out of your purse every week. It is a fact of life. This is only a problem for us when we spend the winters in a condo in Texas. Bigdog LIKES to do the laundry (and I do too, so I very kindly allow him to do it). Juju the benevolent 
| Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 9:02 am
Saturday's Mission Hahahaha, Juju, clearly the heat on these dryers isn't as strong as my old place. I used to be able to throw 2 loads in the dryer and was almost all dry, a couple of things wouldn't be and of course if there were any sheets then the fitted one would capture a bunch of stuff and wrap around it forcing it to stay wet, hahahahaha. My sister is coming over to help do the the catio, she says that she has some old dog crate sides that we can use to screen the railing. That's it for now....
| Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 2:28 pm
So pooped out, even though my sister did most of the work, it still wears me out, LOL. We got the panels attached to the railings, put the straps on the tv's (which identified that I need to get a new table for the living room TV), moved the file cabinet to the office area which meant moving some boxes around. Then we shifted the other file cabinet under the window which the kitties will like because they can stretch out across it. Plus I got a couple of boxes emptied and now have a mess in the kitchen, LOL. I had her move one of my office boxes that is just too heavy! over so I can get it emptied, or at least figure out what is in it and deal with it. We also went out and had breakfast / lunch and I couldn't believe it but that is where I had "lost" my credit card. I just asked if they might have it and they did!! Too funny, I did wonder if I had forgotten to put it away when I was signing the bill. Anyway, I have been busy today -- need to think about how I want to set up the office stuff.
| Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 2:40 pm
Well my new linen closet had been delivered. I don't know why I always think these things are going to come at least partially assembled!
| Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 7:12 pm
Dipo I am excited for you. We will also be moving. But you are way ahead of us. We put in our deposit the first week of April! Just closed on June 6th. So much to do, it's expensive and physically daunting, eh? We'll be lucky to actually move end of July. Thankfully we don't need to rush to move for several months, so we're taking our time. Still, it's all so freaking overwhelming, as well as exciting of course. PS/ Juju & Dipo, our new condo comes with ensuite stackable washer dryers. Great, right? EXCEPT they are full size and both of us are SHORT and can't reach the buttons and knobs on top of the dryer! We'll have to buy a step-stool, and hope for the best.
| Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 8:47 pm
Oh dear, MB, but also sort of LOL about not being able to reach the buttons The house we bought had been remodeled, and even though the seller was short, he put in cabinets and shelves all the way to the 8' ceilings. When we first moved in, I thought that was great but we are now of shrinking age. Bigdog already cannot reach things on the 7' high shelves, and I am condescendingly/humorously getting things down for him. He doesn't put things up on those shelves, so I guess I now know where to hide things from him. But we do already have THREE step stools around the house. I'd say get the kind where there is a bar above the top step, so you can hang onto that before you straighten up. Is there a wall next to the dryer? Can you install a grab bar there? And surely, if these are stackable units they must make a stackable dryer for precisely that problem, with the dryer knobs at the bottom of the machine, your eye level. It might be expensive, but I suspect it would be worth it in the long run to NOT risk falling off the step stool/ladder.
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 7:05 am
(Heading to my folder to post a comparative pic of shrimpy us vs the monster stacked washer-dryer. Lol)
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 7:28 am
I like your idea of the grab bar, Juju. 😀 There is a metal shelving thingie there, it Might keep me from breaking my neck... hopefully. See pic I posted in my folder.
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 9:45 am
Sunday !! It's a beautiful day for reflection. That really is a good idea about the grab bar! And wow are those appliances tall, LOL. I am off to brunch and I ordered a microwave that is coming today. My sister wanted to buy it for me but she has done enough just helping me get things done around here. Plus she gets me all the scoop from the little old ladies, they love her and she just carries on with them every time she comes here. It cracks me up that they all know she is my sister.
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 2:27 pm
Got one box partially unpacked for the office. Got all the books out and loaded into the bookcase, now I can deal with all the stuff in it. Managed to call AT&T and my landline service starts up on June 15. So odd, I opened the phone to see what the battery is because I have needed to replace the battery for a while. There was no battery inside!!! Not clear where it went or if it is in a box somewhere, can't imagine why anyone would have removed the battery before packing it. Anyway new battery should be here tomorrow. I swear there is so much weird stuff when you move! Need to refill some water bottles and rearrange the kitchen a bit so I can set up the microwave when it comes. AND I need to put together the "linen closet". Off to get started on that stuff.
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 5:07 pm
Hahahahaha, the instructions say that it will take 2 people 1 hour to assemble this cabinet. It took practically took me a half and hour to get all the parts out of the box. And I have the top half almost done but my hand is tired from using the tiny screwdriver so I am taking a break and getting a bigger screwdriver.
| Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 7:21 pm
Microwave is here!! And I got it out of the box, that was an ordeal, it didn't want to come out, LOL. Then it was almost impossible to get the "protective film" off. Plus even tho I measured and had the area ready for it, it seems bigger than I was expecting. I am sure that is because it is hard to imagine the size in dimension rather than just measurements. But it is lovely, it works and I got the time programed. Now I will read the little book that came with it and see if there is anything else I need to know.
| Monday, June 13, 2022 - 6:57 am
Monday's Mission Just reported my newspaper hasn't arrived. Interesting that this is the 2nd Monday where this has happened. Hopefully I will get a redelivery. Then I emailed my cleaners, still haven't gotten my sheets back ... afraid they have lost them. Today's tasks include working on the linen closet, taking out these boxes and recycling, AND trying to finish unpacking the bins/ boxes that are in the middle of the living room and kitchen. Off to clear email and twitter
| Monday, June 13, 2022 - 10:38 am
Ended up playing some computer games, then I cleaned up the kitchen, got 2 bins of stuff put away, refilled the water bottles and opened the door to my paper and my new hamper. So, got the hamper opened up and the box broken down, then started working on email. NOw I want a metal tray thing to span the back of the stove and cover the burners ... need to google but I have no idea what it would be called, LOL.