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Board Administrator
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 12:40 pm
Well, oddly enough, that's the message they left on my answering machine!
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 2:13 pm
Things seemed to have calmed down during the worse of the pandemic but they have started up again. Pretty much the routine credit card interest, car warranty, Social Security number suspension, and the Amazon and Apple purchases call Karuuna mentioned. Did get a call this morning from my “grandson” about him being in a car accident. Needless to say I have no grandchildren so he didn’t get any help. 😁
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 4:03 pm
Kar, I have heard of that scam lately a number of times on NextDoor. Mostly in email, but they will try anything.
Board Administrator
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 5:02 pm
Yeah, I get them all the time via Email. The recorded phone message was definitely a first.
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 9:00 pm
Text too..
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 10:03 pm
I am getting a lot of spoofed number calls, and caller ID says it is Macy's or a doctor's office. Often these days, when I get a call from what I suspect is going to be a scam I pick up the phone and don't say anything, as many of the scams are voice-activated robocalls. If I don't say anything, the call hangs up after about 10-15 seconds. The downside to doing this during a pandemic, is many medical appointment makers are working from home, and their numbers show up as unknown, but they will usually start shouting HELLO from their end rather than hanging up. And we elders make a LOT of medical appointments apparently. Who knew?
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 10:38 pm
Me too. I pick up and don’t say anything. Wait for the other end to talk.
| Friday, March 05, 2021 - 11:57 pm
I wait for them to leave a message and then I pick up. I heard that picking up the phone letsthemknow your number is activated.
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 12:51 am
I don't pick up.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 8:09 am
yeah, as a business, I get my business phone number spoofed periodically... it's SOOOO frustrating! I get angry people calling me back demanding that I stop calling them. 
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 9:19 am
I used to just let the phone ring too. Then, one day, I did that and found out it as my brother trying to call. He doesn’t leave messages. I felt bad because he’s been sick for quite awhile. So, now, I pick up but do not say anything until they say something first.
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 9:04 pm
I am doing same, Kooklie.
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 9:18 pm
If my brother called, it would show on called id and I would pick up. If you pick up, they know they have a phone number to sell.
| Saturday, March 06, 2021 - 11:40 pm
I get calls from nurses and receptionists from their cells or home phones and sometimes doctors. they always have restricted numbers. I set my phone for 4 rings and I don't pick up unless they leave a message for me or it is a number I know. I actually block the pharmacies number and can't figure out how to unblock it, but they can always use the other phone. it is driving me crazy now that they have my cell phone. I don't know how to call screen on a cell. AH I see I need an APP.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 8:25 am
Sadies - NoMoRobo is an app for smart phones to block scam calls... you can even set a very annoying message for them (of your choice). It's free for landlines, and $2/month for your cell phone.
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 2:27 pm
Hubby, who is home all the time now, kept getting phone calls from people wanting to sell stuff...EVERYDAY. We got a very shrill whistle...worked like a charm, he didn't call back.
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 3:05 pm
I have NoMoRoBo on my landline.
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 3:16 pm
I had a call the was spoofed with my name and number, rolled off by NoMoRoBo.. But Then I got a super nasty expletive laced message on my machine from someone local telling me to never $%&-%$ call her again. Tried to call and explain, by was blocked. I was able to look up her name and address online, so I sent a nice card, sympathizing with her, but assuring her that I did not make the scam call.
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 4:10 pm
Sea, is it a TRUE landline or VOIP? Mine is a true landline. NoMoRoBo doesn’t work with mine.
| Sunday, March 07, 2021 - 10:04 pm
I was recommending nomorobo to people here several years ago, so much scam gets through now though I feel like I am back to zero. the majority are asking about an extended warranty on my 15 year old car or asking about my Iphone, that I don't have or my nonexistent apple computer. I did get another IRS call recently, guess we are in for a spate of them soon. Seamonkey, that was so sweet.
| Monday, March 08, 2021 - 10:52 pm
It is VOIP. I have had NoMoRoBo for a very long time. I get those warranty calls, sometimes multiple times a day. The caller id usually says async for those and they do leave a message. As for sending that card, that woman was really upset, just hoped get her to relax a bit..
| Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 6:50 am
I'm trying to figure out if something was a scam trying to get DH to say our CC number. DH got a call this morning while I was still sleeping claiming to be our chase visa company. They suspected a charge for $108 in women's clothes was fraudulent. DH wakes me up from a deep sleep, asks me, and I couldn't even answer I was so groggy. I got my bearings and went to computer, and looked in the couple places I buy clothes and no $108 order. By this time the credit card people have hung up without an answer. So I log into the credit account card online, and no sign of any $108 charge. My question is, if my credit card company had denied a $108 charge, wouldn't it be listed somewhere in my online account? It is not.
| Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 7:05 am
Just as I suspected, it was a fraud call. This was the number that called, and a google search shows nothing but fraud alert results. 800-454-9078
| Monday, March 07, 2022 - 4:43 pm
All right you smart people, I got this email today. I know it’s a scam/phishing email because of all the typos, misspellings and fake email address when I hover of the senders email. It’s kind of got be worried because I can’t figure out what they are trying to get. There is no clickable link or redirect. It isn’t asking me to do anything. I have checked my bank and no weird charges. What are your thoughts? Have you seen this? I googled and nothing came up. The company is a tech company and has warnings about about people calling and saying they are from their tech support and trying to get money, but nothing about this. PANDA TECH INC...andomAlphabet#L#RandomAlphabet Date 07-Mar-2O22 To, Thank you for choosing the auto renewal plane on Insur PANDA-TECH from O7-Mar-2O22! As you have already performed payment, there is nothing else you need to do. However, we recommend you keep this for future reference. Your order Reference number : GYl089l91lM7 Payment method: VISA/MasterCard Order date: 2O22-03-O7 Grand total: $477.477 Support information : l 8O8 437 7II9 Need technical support? For product installation, activation and other technical support issues, please contact. Thank You PANDA-TECH INC Headquarters: MJ4409, Plano, TX 750214, USA.
| Monday, March 07, 2022 - 7:33 pm
Guessing it is a refund scam. If you respond back saying you didn't make the purchase they will they to get you to sign into one of the remote access programs they use, and at least take over your computer. Their goal is to take over your computer and have you sign into your back account, where they will edit the hmtl information to show that you have gotten a refund for some amount higher than the price, with the amount over being dependent on your account information. Then they will tell you that you need to pay them back the difference with gift cards that they will tell you to get at some store. If you do it, they might exist the remote access since they have just gotten most of what's in your account once you read the gift card numbers. Or if they are complete jerks, they will freeze up your computer anyway. If you tell them you won't do it, they will dit the account information to show you have no money left, telling you to do it or they will keep all your money. There are some things they will not want you to do---call your back, turn off your computer, refresh your bank page. The thing they are hoping is that you call that support number. By doing nothing you are doing the right thing