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| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 9:27 am
I love that... Zombie Island, I am going to use that in the future, cracking up.
| Saturday, September 05, 2020 - 10:51 pm
if it helps on facebook I have it that I went to zombie university. I suppress cookies in most things and delete Facebook cookies because who knows what they are tracking, most things only post to me I am notified if someone tags me. I don't like people posting pictures of me, I make them take them down. If it is a group photo, they tend to just delete my name. I had a stalker a few years back who threatened to kill me, some nut case fro Louisiana because of a comment I made about Kelly Clarkson's outfit on some show. he followed me from board to board were I used the same name. So no pictures of me on the internet.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 9:38 am
This is the first hour or so of my day today. 4 AM my big dog Candy wakes me up to go out. On the way, I see a giant pile of dog vomit. I go to the bathroom (#1) and the toilet overflows. I throw towels on the water and next go get supplies to clean the dog barf. On the way, I step in dog pee with my stocking feet. I go to sit on the bed to remove my socks, and there is another HUGE pile of dog barf next to the bed. You can guess what I spent the next approx hour doing before I went back to bed for a couple hours. I am so happy Mom gave me a carpet steam cleaner for Christmas awhile back.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 9:54 am
Ooooh, Naja. I have a 17 lb pup. (For his size, he can make a lake.) I've never experienced anything like that, but I feel for you.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 12:05 pm
So guess who just vomited which he rarely does?! Wasn't much. Don't know why. I heard and saw him.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 12:09 pm
Sympathy vomit, it must be. 
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 12:09 pm
It' catching! I hope he's ok.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 1:44 pm
We've had our lunch. He had his cut up raw baby carrots. He's OK. Afternoon nap now.
| Monday, December 21, 2020 - 8:39 pm
Sympathy puke. There there, Naja.
| Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 3:05 pm
I'm very aggravates with Lowe's. We ordered our mower 2 weeks ago, and today was delivery day. Yesterday we confirmed the delivery time for between 8:30am and 12:30pm. 4 hour delivery window. 12:30 came and went and we decided to call them at about 4:30pm. The first 3 calls DH told the robot he wants to talk to deliveries. The robot replied that they will connect him to deliveries. The deliveries phone would ring, turn busy, then hang up on him. That was 3 times. Then the store operator, a person, connected him to them, and the same thing. Then he called and talked to customer service, and they said they will schedule a delivery for tomorrow. Didn't give a time. I have to say the thing that was the worst for me is that they never called to say it wasn't coming today. After 4 hours late, we had to call. Still don't know why it didn't come today. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow. 🤞
| Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 7:21 pm
We almost had an even worse experience with Lowe's deliver. Or maybe ours actually WAS worse. When Bigdog made the purchase of our new refrig. they did not confirm where we wanted it delivered. Turns out we had a years old account with Lowes, and they just used the address from that account and I don't recall how I found out, oh, maybe confirmation call of delivery time and date, which I almost hung up in the middle, and I barely listened to delivery address and was about to hang up, when I realized they had said our old address!!! So I called the old neighbors and buyers of our old house and alerted them that if a Lowes truck pulled up, do NOT allow the delivery guys to carry that big refrigerator up the steep freaking driveway of the wrong house. And then I almost forgot the rest of the story, the (contract) delivery guys did not take off the door into the kitchen and put a huge dent in the refrigerator, making it unusable. And so we negotiated with Lowes to buy the floor sample of the refrigerator, and the same guys showed up with that refrig the next day. Bigdog had taken the kitchen door off, even though he is now real old and has a bad back. They managed to get the refrigerator in, with just a few scrapes out of the bamboo flooring. We told them to go ahead and hook up the water. They said they were not allowed by their company (contractor, not Lowes) to hook up water. We told them Lowes had hired their company and had assured us it included water hook-up. Bigdog was calling Lowes as they were trying to leave. They also said they didn't have the water hoses. I told them to go search their truck. Lowes confirmed they were to hook up water, the hoses were found in the truck, and it took the guy two minutes to hook up the water. Sheesh.
| Monday, April 26, 2021 - 3:38 am
Wow, that is much worse!
| Monday, April 26, 2021 - 6:53 am
More of the story. So I call Lowe's myself today to find out about the mower. This time she says we didn't get the mower because it's special order and it hasn't arrived to the store yet. So I asked "Why is it a special order when online it says you have 2 in stock at the store?" Customer service lady replied "We don't keep those mowers at the store. We'll let you know when it's here and the delivery is rescheduled". Approx 2 hours later the phone rings, and caller id shows that it is Lowe's. I tell DH to take it. I'm fed up. Guess what she tells DH? It turns out they have 2 in stock at the store and ours will be here Friday. That is one of my pet peeves. When they act like what you say couldn't possibly be right.
| Monday, April 26, 2021 - 10:11 am
Geez, that IS frustrating.

| Monday, April 26, 2021 - 11:14 am
Well, the new mower BETTER come Friday. Because DH sold the old mower 5 minutes after he put the for sale signs on it. In case it breaks down, I was was really hoping none of the neighbors bought it. But our new next door neighbors bought it. Here is DH teaching him to drive it. haha I guess he has never driven a stick so he wasn't taking to the mowers "shift as you go" system. Every time he shifted, I thought he was going to fly over the wheel.

| Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 10:24 am
When I order from Walmart, I always make sure to order at least $35 so I get free shipping. Sometimes, they will have an item or two off my order at one of the local stores & they drop me an email telling me it will be del early. These items are just in normal shopping bags & not pkg'd for shipping. The local driver takes a snap shot of the item(s) left on your door step & the pic is emailed to you. Well, today I get an email that my honey roasted trail mix from my walmart order yest is being brought from a local store & I'll get it today. Shortly, I get an email with a del pic & the pic is the item on a doorstep but, it's not my doorstep. I contacted them & requested they send their driver back to get the item & del it correctly & was told they could not do this but would issue me credit for the item & if I still want the item, I have to reorder it. Well, I do want the item but it is around $7 & I don't need anything else to bring the order up to at least $35 for free shipping so I will just wait now until I have other items to order & include my trail mix on that order. Oh well, at least I'm getting a credit.
| Sunday, September 05, 2021 - 6:45 am
Speaking of Walmart, Lately I purposely choose things online that are both available for shipping as well as in stock in the store (but choosing delivery at check-out). That way I've managed to get entire multi-item orders delivered free the same day that way. I've done my orders before 7 AM so I don't know whether that makes a difference getting them the same day or the next, but the strategy is working out great to avoid waiting out shipping from the warehouse or their vendors. (I am not signed up for the pay annual delivery plan)
| Sunday, September 05, 2021 - 7:11 am
Ha! I just got an email that all 3 items I ordered this morning (coffee, cottonelle wipes, dishwasher pods) are coming today. Love it. But I'm sure they'll find a way for people doing this to have to pay in the future.
| Sunday, September 05, 2021 - 11:59 am
I do it just like you, Naja. I'm surprised the local stores can find folks willing to deliver the in town items since a lot of businesses are having problems finding folks to work.
| Monday, September 06, 2021 - 12:17 pm
I wish they wouldn’t advertise the new Chucky movie on tv. He scares me!
| Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 11:10 am
Texasdeb, They're on to us! Well, not us personally. I think they were doing the same day delivery to get us hooked on it before they switched the whole Walmart website over where we have to pay the fee for anything coming same day, or sign up for the $98/yr delivery service. I'm caving in. I'll enable the 15 day free trial for my next grocery list, and then I'll pay for a year delivery. You have to get over $35 for grocery delivery, but there's no minimum order for things that are shipped.
| Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 12:19 pm
I don't believe it. The Walmart website has changed again. Now when I go to get my Coffee Mate or whatever, it shows I can ship or pick-up or same day delivery. Yesterday it wouldn't let me ship if it was available for same day delivery or pick-up. They have made everything so much more confusing on the website.
| Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 5:05 pm
I can't believe this. I got Popeye's chicken for dinner because no way am I cooking this close to Thanksgiving, and I can't believe the price. For 8 piece dinner with 4 biscuits and coleslaw - $22 !!! I honestly can't believe it.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 5:18 pm
Eating prepared food (not even eating out) is mind boggling expensive. I just say wow every time.
| Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 7:49 pm
We have Church's Chicken down here in Texas, but back home in WA State. They have good specials. Right now we are getting 8 legs and thighs for $6.99 and $22-person mashed potatoes. Last time I got Popeyes (in WA), it was 1 leg, 1 thigh, no sides, for $4.69.