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| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 6:21 am
Wargod, here's a video review of the top 7 motion activated water pest repellent sprinklers. There's all kinds at all price ranges. The best one I have ever seen was on "My Cat From Hell" and it just shot out a one good low spray when activated.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 8:03 am
This is what was on My Cat From Hell. I thought it was a sprinkler, but it wasn't. It's a can filled with harmless liquid, and you set it where you want it. Motion activates quick burst of spray. No need to connect to water.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 12:40 pm
Wargod, with all the snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, high winds and perhaps earthquakes maybe it would be easier to move . We have the rare blizzard or tornado in the Midwest and different, less scary bugs and creatures in general.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 2:05 pm
Thank you Naja, we'll be checking those out. Oddly enough, Sugar, we love it out here. There are some definite drawbacks like the scary critters, high wind and blowing dirt. The fact that if you need to do any shopping other than dollar store, CVS, or the small grocery store...or need to go to the doctor or bank, it's a 30-45 minute drive are all rather inconvenient. But, the positives outweigh the negatives for us. The houses are spread out...we have empty lots on all four sides, out our front door we have an uninterrupted view of desert and mountains. There are no streetlights except the blvd and very little light pollution so the night sky is amazing and sunsets can be spectacular. It's quiet, we almost never hear sirens, and even if the neighbor is blasting his music it's far enough away it's not a big deal (plus he's polite about it and only does it during the day when he's working.) Oh, and rush hour is like four cars ahead of you at the stop sign at 4 or 5 pm on a weekday, lol.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 6:11 pm
That positives sound lovely Wargod.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 8:31 pm
PetSafe also makes their Gentle Spray Collar. I'm in a condo. Have a border terrier with separation anxiety. I leave -- he BARKS. Incessantly. Put the collar on him -- he gets a gentle spray under the chin which he does not like so he doesn't bark. He's ten years old. I've used it on him for nine years.
| Friday, June 11, 2021 - 10:12 pm
Wargod, I completely agree with your positives outweighing the negatives. Here I am 20 minutes away from a town with a Safeway and a hospital. Many of my doctor appointments are in a larger community about 55 minutes away. I am on a half acre with an empty half acre behind me and a 1/4 acre to the west of me. Beyond that 1/4 acre is a road running north and south and across that road is open BLM desert land. My small community is beginning to have a few street lights around, but still not enough to spoil the beautiful star filled night sky. I can see a myriad wildlife running through my yard at any time of day and walking around on the other side of the road, I can see even more, depending on the time of day I decide to walk. The coyotes and havelina walk through the community unconcerned with their safety. We all get along with our wildlife and they with us. We just take the necessary precautions, knowing that they are wild and not pets. I love my desert home.
| Saturday, June 12, 2021 - 6:44 pm
What the? I hear fireworks already! Really, people?!
| Saturday, June 12, 2021 - 8:04 pm
Exactly Heckagirl, please people give us a break! I am just terrified some fool child is going to set off some fireworks and start a big fire.
| Sunday, June 13, 2021 - 1:07 am
Oh they have been shooting off fireworks for weeks here.. not exactly where I am but lots of complaints on NextDoor..
| Thursday, June 17, 2021 - 10:19 am
I have purchased some garlic stuff that I am going to spray around my deck and yard to try and cut down on mosquitos, fleas and other critters. I haven't tried it yet because I need to weedeat and mow. The side effect is that my own animals might not like the smell but we are having a huge mosquito and flea infestation so it's worth a try. Yep, it has been fireworks ever since Memorial Day around my house. Fortunately because we've had so much rain over the last few months our fire danger is not nearly as high as it usually is.
| Thursday, June 17, 2021 - 10:09 pm
Time for my annual fleas and Borax rant. We lived in Florida and then Texas, both very hot and humid places for twenty years. During that time we usually had 2-3 cats and a very fluffy dog. We were continually battling fleas. It was just awful. We did the pets, the house, the yard, the pets, the house, the yard. We tried everything. Then one day the Miami Herald Action Line reporter saved our lives. Action Line said: go to the laundry detergent section of your grocery store and buy a box of 20 Mule Team Borax. Take the borax back home and sprinkle it everywhere you have carpet or throw rugs. Let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it up. Borax is a dessicant. The fleas complete their life cycle in your rugs, not on your pet. The fleas lay eggs that drop off the animal and hatch in your carpet. When you have the borax in your carpet, the eggs dry up and do not hatch, and you have interrupted the flea life cycle, and pretty soon you have no more fleas. OR, you can pay an exterminator $75 a whack (probably $150 nowadays) and he will come spread borax around your house ... We never had fleas again. Well, I take that back. When we moved from Miami to Houston, we forgot about the borax, and pretty soon we were in the midst of another flea infestation. So we got the borax, spread it around, and pretty soon the fleas were gone. We have many friends in both Florida and Texas who use this as their only flea treatment, as we did, and they no longer have fleas. Somehow, even with the dog going in and out of the yard, we were able to stop treating the yard, stop bombing the house, and, more importantly, stop using chemicals on the poor cats and dog. It was a miracle. Thank you, Miami Herald Action Line.
| Friday, June 18, 2021 - 12:04 pm
Finally, glad they caught someone, kids don't seem to understand how much this scares us adults ... KTVU @KTVU ยท 21m The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District announced Thursday the arrest of a 16-year-old boy earlier this week in the Tara Hills neighborhood after he allegedly set off a firework from an apartment balcony and sparked a fire.
| Friday, June 18, 2021 - 12:48 pm
Thanks Juju. Going to Home Depot tonight so I will definitely look for 20 Mule Team Borax. As the person who is currently owned by two cats (one long-haired, one not so much) who are indoor/outdoor, plus a dog (short-haired), we are definitely fighting the fleas on all fronts. I used to use Seresto collars but a couple of years ago I put one on my older cat and shortly after he started becoming lethargic, losing weight, showing neurological signs (not being able to jump, unsteady on his feet) and about 2 weeks later I finally realized this all happened after I put a new flea collar on him so I took it off and within a few days he started improving. Now this particular collar I had purchased off Amazon and had also had it for quite a length of time before I put it on him (I had previously used them on both him and our dog at the time with no ill effects) but I will never use that product again. The thought that I may have put a product on my pet that could have killed him (because I really thought he was dying) scares me to this day.
| Friday, June 18, 2021 - 9:08 pm
Roxip, the Borax should be good enough. We lived in Miami and Houston, and if it worked there, it should also work in Dallas. Try doing it once a week until you get down to no fleas, then go to once every two weeks. If you put dog blankets or towels on the furniture, then sprinkle some on there too. It was such a relief to not have fleas and not have to worry I might be poisoning my beloved pets. Home Depot may or may not not have it, but Walmart certainly will.
| Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - 7:52 am
I have the Borax now - I don't have carpet in much of my house so I'm going to have to figure out an alternative - perhaps dusting some of it on my thresholds and where my pets come in and out will help. I'm also going to sprinkle some on my couch and chairs (those darned animals of mine live on the furniture). Thanks for the recommendation!
| Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - 10:14 pm
Couch, chairs, their bed, (probably not your bed, unless you have something fluffy they sleep on in your bed), throw rugs.
| Thursday, June 24, 2021 - 5:55 am
I sweep borax into the corners of my kitchen to discourage ants.
| Thursday, June 24, 2021 - 9:03 pm
Borax also works on ants.
| Friday, July 02, 2021 - 8:14 am
Question about microwave: My microwave is above stove, flush with cabinets above and sides. Never noticed this with previous microwave though may have happened. Have had current microwave for a little over three years. There's something I cook 2 - 3 times per week for 14 minutes on high. Lately finish on cabinets above affected by heat. For first time I noticed metal piece inside microwave door is hot after 14 minutes. Is that normal? Microwave works OK.
| Friday, July 02, 2021 - 11:40 am
I would probably get a new microwave. Old, worn out microwaves may leak.
| Friday, July 02, 2021 - 12:41 pm
I think the effect on the cabinets might actually be normal, because 14 minutes is a LOOOOONG time for a microwave to be on. All that time it's producing heat and steam in the food, heat from the bulb, and it's going to conduct its way through the outside of the oven to things around it. I think it might just be the result of heating for a long period of time. I'd be more concerned about the metal piece in the microwave. Do you mean shiny metal? Has that piece always been there? Is it newly exposed because something else has worn or fallen away? Usually metal inside a microwave is coated, for obvious reasons.
| Friday, July 02, 2021 - 7:51 pm
The piece I'm talking about is at the top inside the door, but not part of the door. Looked at someone else's microwave today. Same kind of piece in theirs. Later today I called a good recommended appliance repairman. He said it's normal for the piece to get hot, but doesn't know why finish on the cabinet would be affected. Some heat and moisture escaping? I never learned to cook. Haven't turned on my stove top in five years or more. So pasta for 14 minutes in a Fasta Pasta in the microwave.
| Friday, July 02, 2021 - 7:58 pm
FYI, Color, it only takes 9 to 11 minutes to cook pasta on the stove.
| Saturday, July 03, 2021 - 3:40 am
The only things I have ever actually "cooked" in the microwave are grits and oatmeal! We of the south like our foods slow simmered and well done! I use the microwave for re-heating a lot as I make up large recipes of spaghetti sauce, chile, chalupa, soups, and beef stew so that I can thaw and reheat and have dinner in a jiffy, but with that slow cooked taste!