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| Monday, May 17, 2021 - 10:41 pm
Dipo, just go to Tracfone and shop phones. They have some very good deals, and even though they say you can only get this price if you purchase a plan, THAT is also a very good deal because you can purchase a sumpin-sumpin minutes and texts and 3 GB of data for 30 days for $25, and the unused minutes and texts and data roll over, and you STILL get to go back to your triple minutes plan you had on your old phone (IF you had that; yes, Seamonkey, you do get grandfathered in on your new phone if your old phone had triple Minutes) at the end of the 30 day plan you purchased just to get the excellent price on the phone. And if you don't want an iPhone because you don't want to learn to navigate Apple systems, let me assure you (as a person who was NEVER going to switch to Macintosh products for that very reason), I did try an iPhone after I was having SO much trouble reading and using the keypad on my LG Android. I got two iphones for me and Bigdog, used iPhone 5c's from a private seller 5-6 years ago and immediately LOVED iPhone! That small iPhone was same size as the LG, but it somehow was SO much easier to type on and navigate. It was so much more intuitive than the Android. Do not worry even a minute about being lost on the iPhone. You won't be. Just a few weeks ago, I bought an iPhone SE 2020, also known as iPhone SE 2 from Tracfone for $200. It is a wonderful phone, does everything I need, supposedly has the same operating system as the much more expensive versions, AND has a great camera. I am totally amazed at the photos I am taking, and posting with watermarks to Facebook photography groups, because the photos are that good. I pretty much love Tracfone, so much so that I just a couple days ago volunteered to give my 85 year old friend my old iPhone 5c and switch from Cricket to Tracfone (so he can hopefully get the grandfathered in triple minutes) AND he can keep his same phone number, AND he can do the 90 day plan which costs only $20 every three months, meaning he has cell phone service for around $7 a month, since he doesn't make many calls. You absolutely cannot beat that deal. I like Tracfone so much I even volunteered to go over to his house and make the phone call for/with him, while we figure out if he will get the triple minutes with my old phone, and how to keep his old number, and transfer the phone into his name, and SIM cards and etc.
| Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 9:33 am
I love TracFone, have had them for years. I've gotten all of my phones through QVC, because that way I get a new phone, plus a year's worth of service for almost the same price as a year of service alone. Right now I have a Samsung, but I know they have LG as well.
| Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 12:33 pm
Oh, I love tracphone, and I have shopped their site and read the reviews. That is where I get messed up, the negative reviews. I currently have an unlimited plan that is $20 per month. I will have to check and see about that $20 for 3 months. And I normally do go thru QVC or HSN, but I want to make sure that the phone I get is an upgrade to the one I have and that is hard to figure out. I wish there was a list of phones, going from oldest version to newest. Plus when I researched apparently LG is going to stop or has already stopped, I can't remember, being in the phone business so at some point there will be no more updates to existing phones so I thought it might be good to switch. So are my only choices Samsung, Motorola and Iphone? Thanks.
| Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 4:23 pm
My definition of a very good deal is less than any of the plans, but if I start using the phone more I would consider that.. Amazon sometimes has deals on phones with Tracfone. Not sure about currently. When I got the phone I have now, my old LG phon had bricked.. I could do nothing. I love Tracfone too! Some of the deals seem to not be available in my area.
| Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 9:07 pm
Just checked Amazon. They are selling the iphone SE 2 64 Gb that I bought for $282. I paid $199 through Tracfone. I didn't even think of some of the phones not being available in some areas, but they do ask for your location, come to think of it. Dipo, I saw some LG phones as well for sale on Tracfone. LOL, I also saw flip phones on there for $5. What a hoot.
| Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 12:52 pm
I just purchased a Motorola Tracphone from HSN that had good ratings, only $120; so I will give it a try. My current phone is over 3 years old so I am sure this one will be better.
| Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 6:25 pm
New Quick Q: We have to give 30 days notice to our current management company that we are terminating them, and we need a new one in place. I am not sure how to do this. Using 5/19 would we tell the 6/19 is the termination date and 6/1 is the hire date for the new place? I guess we will end up with 2 management fee costs that way. I am not sure how to make this work, any suggestions?
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 4:41 am
You're talking about condo management? I'm in a condo. We were thinking of changing management company. I'm not on the condo board so have no idea what is done. There are probably laws / rules to govern most any situation. Turns out we are changing management company reps, not whole management company. Seems to be solving problems here.
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 9:22 am
Yes, we already changed managers, now we are changing companies. We have had some problems and have caused us to lose trust in them.
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 9:41 am
I posted in the other thread, but Dipo sent me here where you guys are talking about tracfone. I just wanted to ask if anybody is close to renewing their 1 year plan, because I have a promo code for $50 off, so I got the year for $83 (That's including tax and everything) when I renewed today. I think it expires soon, so let me know if you want it. eta: you can add a year any time, you don't have to wait until the year you're in is almost over.
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 8:46 pm
Naja, is that the 400 minutes plan? I have a phone that triples minutes, so that would be a great coupon for me, but if someone else wants it, I am not having trouble affording my current plans. My current e-mail is in my profile (you click on my name to see profile).
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 9:37 pm
I posted the code in the other thread, and no, it's the 1500 across the board plan.
| Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 9:47 pm

| Friday, May 21, 2021 - 10:05 pm
Thanks, I used the code and put the plan on both my phone and Bigdog's. It worked both times. To others here: It is a code anybody can use multiple times.
| Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 1:13 pm
Hey smart people, I need help and ideas. Besides setting up a bunch of catch and release traps, are there any non-lethal ways of keeping critters away from the cars that actually work? We're not sure if it's rabbits (that's what the mechanic thought,) squirrels, rats/mice. In the past few weeks, we've had something chew through grandma's headlight wire and Kota's power steering (that one's costing nearly $1000 in parts, labor, and towing.) Grandma's car wasn't a huge shock since it's parked more than not...she doesn't have a job to go to and has been following covid precautions and staying home. Kota's car was a shock since it's rarely parked more than 8 or 9 hours cuz she works and when she's not working her and her bf are headed off to a lake or the mountains for a day out.
| Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 2:51 pm
Add packrats to your list. Do you have any dogs? My Yiska loves to chase the rabbits, but even that doesn't do all that much deterring of the desert wildlife who love to get out of the sun by sitting under your vehicles. And have the rubber coated wiring as as snack.
| Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 9:35 pm
Volunteers who live at the Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge in far south Texas told us they leave the hoods of their cars open at night so rats will not nest in their engines and chew their wires.
| Tuesday, June 08, 2021 - 10:52 pm
One problem is that car wiring in newer cars may be coated with a soy substance.. and the rats and other critters like that.. This article has some good suggestions..
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 1:40 pm
Too exposed to nest with the hoods up? We're going to spray pepper spray for now and see if that works. Caleb's buddy told him they found a motion sensored, solar powered sprinkler that deters critters. When triggered it sprays water and makes a rattlesnake sound to scare them away. We'll be looking into that as well. My only issue with it is every time I go out there, I'll be jumping a mile high anytime I set it off thinking snake, lol!
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 3:00 pm
LOL I have not heard about the water spray with rattlesnake warning, but it makes sense. Of course it does have a possible down side. Once you get use to the sound, you might become less sensitive to the real thing.
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 4:43 pm
That is something you don't want to become too casual about. If I heard one here, I'd be amazed. Even when I lived out in a canyon in Cleveland National Forest, it certainly was not a daily occurence. The time I DID hear one, I also so the snake, moving.. about 5-6' long. I had heard that rattlers, especially adults, only rattled when coiled up but I quickly accepted that this was a snake and it was rattling and one of my labs was too curious and heading that way, so I quickly corraled all 4 or 5 labs back into the house (yes that obedience training does pay off and field training.. they knew LEAVE IT meant exactly that) Our know it all neighbor laughed and told us it was not "rattlesnake season".. we just tried to warn him since he had a toddler and a dog that they let run loose. Couple days later, he sheepishly appeared with a dead rattlesnake that indeed was in season in his yard. I was sad for the snake but happy for the kid and dog.
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 4:45 pm
But pepper spray on the tires and whatever ways the critters might crawl into a car.. that sounds doable. I think the reason to leave the hood up is that they assume the heat from the engine will disspate more quickly and the rodents want a cozy warm nest??
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 5:47 pm
Ah that would make sense with the car hood. We're kind of lucky with snakes in that we don't have a lot of hidden places for them in the front or back yard. If they are there, they are in plain sight. I have a habit of scanning the yard before I step out. We've found two...I spotted one by the mail box last summer, it was dead (no idea how) and harmless, then a few months later another one on the back porch (also harmless.) I don't take any of that for granted though...too many posts on the local facebook pages of snakes and people wanting to know if they are safe or not. Heh, mom looked out the window earlier and spotted a rabbit under her car. She took off running, grabbed a stick and started banging it on the walkway and yelling til the rabbit casually hopped off. I admit, I cracked up, if any of the neighbors saw her and didn't know what she was doing she probably looked nuts.
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 7:02 pm
So I am assuming that there are not enough garages for the cars to live in? Or do the wires get "snacked" on while in garages as well?
| Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 10:38 pm
Too many cars, not enough garage. Plus we're temporarily housing Kota and her bf and their stuff (they were 2 days away from moving into a house together when the guy renting it had a change of orders and didn't move out) until they can find another place. I also wouldn't put it past the critters to get in the garage though I haven't actually seen anything in there other than a scorpion and a tarantula (not at the same time.)