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Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 10:44 am
Rosie, I thought it was your yard, not the greenbelt? I guess I don't understand the layout. There are deterrents, but they don't work well for a large area, and you'd have to keep applying them after every time the lawn is watered. Sorry.
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 11:20 am There’s a section in this article that talk about repellents like garlic, olive oil and cotton balls soaked in vinegar, i think. But, see it anything here will work for you. You have to get rid of the smell because once there’s one dog, there will be many.
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 12:18 pm
Kar, my main complaint was about the driveway side not the green belt area. The green belt area is a whole different story. The driveway side is just rock and cement for me. I don't have anything planted there. Have a large bird bath there and do not want to plant anything there. Thanks Kookliebird. I will study your information. The walking doggies ALL want to pee, etc. on my rock area. It is like a party. lol
Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 12:37 pm
Ah, okay... I was working off the word "yard." Those smell deterrents sometimes work and sometimes don't, unfortunately. And like I said, you will have to re-apply frequently. Maybe a sign? But then they'll probably just pee on that. 
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 4:43 pm
a sign is actually a good idea, Kar. How about one that says You are being photographed. SMILE
Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 5:05 pm
That might work... LOL.
| Monday, January 11, 2021 - 1:50 am
"They have lots of rules here." I don't know who "they" are, but I would send the pics to them. Surely allowing your dog to eliminate on other people's property is against the rules!!
| Monday, January 11, 2021 - 1:27 pm
NOt only is it against most rules, but it is a health and safety hazard that the HOA has responsibility. We had that happen here and we had to send a letter to the homeowner, and let the health board know. PLUS we had to let the homeowner know that any damage, and dog pee does damage, the deck, patios and landscaping will be charged to the homeowner. That might get the homeowner's attention to do something about the renters.
| Monday, January 11, 2021 - 10:06 pm
And all that pee or poop smell attracts coyotes.. Which your off lead neighbors should worry about. At least in our area we are having gone of coyote sightings, pictures posted of coyotes napping in yards, walking on fences, taking care and small dogs, one was on lead..
| Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 4:46 pm
I am at the end of my rope. In our HS, we as teachers have been teaching virtually AND F2F since August. Every other building in the district you are one or the other, and F2F has half the normal size classes - so their jobs are easier. Today we were told that in second semester we would ALSO have credit recovery students because they have to have a highly qualified teacher as teacher of record. we have to provide "content support" even though the kids will be in other classes with a monitoring adult. Add in the fact that we no longer have any Covid days (quarantine included) covered unless we use our sick days - and new teachers don't even have enough sick days at the beginning of a year to cover ONE quarantine. I truly hate our district this year.
| Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 8:42 pm
| Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 9:06 pm
Teach, I had a moment today and your gripe resonates.. It is like somewhere people just consider the pandemic to be over and are whisking away protections.. Clearly the rug is being pulled out from under you and fellow teachers. I got a cheery notice from Blue Shield annoucing that their guarantee of no copay for COVID related claims would end on a date (soon, but I cannot go look because I have a cat on my lap).. I mean, so magically you are going to change the rules for testing, treatment, what else? It is not like the virus is on the run, right? Mutations springing up, vaccinations just a promise for most of us... I know teachers here are not too thrilled..
| Friday, January 15, 2021 - 5:23 am
I feel for you, Teach! I think the no Covid days is a whole wide country thing. That that protection expired in December. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me. I have heard people complaining about it at my job. The sad thing is, is that it forces people to continue to work, knowing that they have it, because they need the paycheck. It's all so distressing.
| Friday, January 15, 2021 - 6:44 pm
All the things that expired need to be renewed. This is far from over.
| Friday, January 15, 2021 - 9:19 pm
Grooch is correct. Many of the lifelines that had been sustaining people expired in December under the CARES Act. Help is on the way after Jan. 20 when a new administration will need to enact new pandemic assistance. Hopefully, they can get some sort of economic relief in place quickly. Hugs to ((((Teach)))) Sounds like your upper level supervisors are beating those almost dead horses to death. It is never a good idea to beat an almost dead horse to death, because there may be no more horses signing up to replace the dead ones. Feel free to use my inflammatory language in Letters to the Editor of your local and State newspapers and the school board. You ARE being punished because you are the best. It is not your imagination. They SHOULD not do that and count on you to just accept it. YOU are not crazy. I am.

| Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 12:19 pm
It got worse. Our principal, speaking with a one-year teacher who is saving our ass, told her to be sure her "white kids were supported, too" when he saw her BLM stickers in her room after Jan. 6. He added in that our Hispanic kids (43% of our population) need to be "assimilated" as well. AND - he was in the room in the first place to tell her he was getting calls because she includes her pronouns on her e-mail signature. Fortunately, the teacher worked in HR and for a CEO for over 15 years AND was in charge of all their diversity and inclusivity training. She is NOT taking this quietly. A meeting is set up for Monday w/the union president and our building rep in the room as she presents her statement to the principal. Get this- the principal also wants to have the elementary principal in the meeting to "take notes." Our teacher has said NO - she is not part of the issue. First time in 19 years I've worked for a male - and a conservative, very religious white male - not a female, and I have to say, I am NOT a fan. At. All. The effort it has taken to write this out without swearing is ... well....the air in my office is now blue! Have I mentioned I hate my job this year???
| Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 3:50 pm
That is so sad, Teach. I admit that I don't include promouns when I zoom but I certainly am okay seeing them! So far, mostly in the Zooms from the Human Rights Counceil here in Orange County where they have been doing a great series on hate crimes and hate speech and hate images (learned a lot in that one). Pretty sure some of the hospital zooms are including them too. The other night in the hate speech zoom, we went into breakout rooms and I was saying that I sing with people my age and older and that some of them do not get that there are songs that may be "classics" but have offensive verses. I fight an uphill battle. Like Shenandoah is beautiful, but when the one verse talks about plying the young maiden's father, the chief, with "firewater" and then stealing her away, just NO! That is kind of celebrating genocide IMO. I googled and it seems this has been controversial for at least FIFTY YEARS. I found a version that Bob Dylan created in the sixties and he changed it to the guy respecting the Chief and leaving without the daughter. But, do they use that version??? I also find that my friends who came from other places, where English is their second, third, fourth language, don't always get what might be offensive. Actually sometimes it is just that they think because the song is famous it must be ok.. The other day my friend from South Africa had requested Home on the Range. Our leader, who really does not get it, printed up a Gene Autry version with a verse I bet most of us never heard.. all about the "Red Man" being Well here is the verse The red man was pressed from this part of the West He's likely no more to return To the banks of the Red River where seldom if ever Their flickering camp-fires burn I'm sure that sounded just fine to his audience when it was written, but I just cannot sing that! I think the friend from South Africa actually had no idea about that verse but she didn't ask to remove it. And she is quite progressive, aware of the past of South Africa, also is Jewish and aware of the current rise in hate crimes.. Friend from Taiwan picked Swnanee River to play on the piano, and I don't think she gets the slave nostalgia. OK, Teach, you got me going!! i want to go to that meeting! Oh but back to our breakout section. One of the others in the session was a young vietnamese girl and she said she knew what I was saying as her relatives will say things that just floor her and she tries and tries to tell them they sound racist when maybe they are not. Then she shrugged and said "but I'm just a high school student, no one listens to me. Well several of us assured her that she should be heard and we definitely want to hear her thoughts. i told her she is the future and we need her. When we went back to the main zoom , they asked each person to put one word in chat about how they felt after the breakout session and this student wrote "empowered" so I think that went well. Your principal, OMG. I know you are undoubtedly a good support for the one-year teacher. Of course she has things to learn but she has things to contribute. Thing of the song "The Times They are A'Changing" Good lyrics there.
| Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 5:36 pm
| Sunday, January 17, 2021 - 1:32 am
I don't understand the pronoun thing. Can someone explain it to me? The way my brain understands it, is that she signs her name then adds either he, she, or it (or maybe all 3?) I know that can't be it, but I can't come up with anything else. (((Teach))) He sounds God awful. I work with people who sound like him, but at least they are not in charge of shaping children's minds.
| Sunday, January 17, 2021 - 8:14 pm
The way I understand it, the pronoun thing is about not making assumptions about gender based on what somebody looks like, or how they cut their hair or how they dress or what genitals they were born with or even if they have an odd or androgynous name. So, like on Facebook or Twitter, JujuBigdog could be either male or female, so I probably should amend my profile to say pronouns: she/her, but have never gotten around to it. Oh! And I just realized I have a second account on Facebook, and it is a man's first name and a woman's first name, and the profile picture is me and Bigdog having just come from the Gay Pride Parade, and we are both wearing a multitude of rainbow colors and holding transgender flags. ROFL. Maybe I should work on that account first.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:11 am
Why would anyone get upset about that? Unless they are just calling to ask what it means, like I did. There's no harm in that. Thanks, Juju, for the explanation.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 5:12 am
I am not sure what it is in this instance, but I know of people who think the pronoun issue is ridiculous and use she or he after their names as a way of mocking it.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 2:57 pm
As I understand it. If someone doesn't identify as male or female (or you can't tell) the correct way to address the person is by "they" (It is taking me a while to get used to this, as I was taught that "they" is plural and shouldn't be used for a singular person) I am trying to go with the flow.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 5:47 pm
As I understand it, you just put your desired pronouns and that could be for your own sake, but also to make those who choose certain pronouns, despite appearance, more comfortable, more accepted. I guess I will add mine for the next human rights council zoom.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 8:36 pm
Yeah, I think a lot of us old-timers are having a hard time using they to mean in individual, but I guess the language rules will evolve with the changing culture. And, Seamonkey, your name is one of those androgynous ones, especially in the Southern USA.