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| Saturday, October 19, 2019 - 2:20 pm
Naja, do you have a hard address or something, is it similar to somewhere else? I would email FedEx and ask why their drivers can't find your house. Maybe they could do something.
| Saturday, October 19, 2019 - 5:21 pm
This whole neighborhood is a bit of a maze, but that doesn't explain when they deliver it across the street or down the block. I am sure it's just carelessness.
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 12:32 pm
Why does somebody bring over a red pointsetta plant as a table decoration for Thanksgiving? It's not Christmas yet! And it completely clashes with everything. Sigh. I know it was well intentioned, but the worst part is that there is a Pothos plant in with it. That's most of the decoration. I HATE Potho plants! Sigh.
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 1:24 pm
LOL, put it on the front porch. Tell the giftor that you wanted it to greet all the guests coming in/
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 3:22 pm
Especially good idea if the weather goes below freezing. 
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 7:28 pm
Please don't put it on the front porch, it can make cats and dogs sick if they eat it.
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 9:06 pm
If there was a “like” button Jmm would get one. We stopped getting live/real poinsettias years ago because they can poison pets. Love the look so ours are silk.
| Monday, November 25, 2019 - 9:50 pm
Mine too, it looks great but doesn't need water.
| Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 11:41 am
I should know better. This is the bouquet I sent my SIL for Christmas from
But this is what she got.

| Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 1:52 pm
I know!! I hate how they never look like the pictures.
| Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 2:08 pm
I think when the roses open and you cut some of the stems, it will look almost exactly like it.
| Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 5:32 pm
But the florist should have cut some of the roses/flowers to have shorter stems on the outer sides to look like the picture. AND the SIL probably doesn't have the picture and shouldn't have to "work" her gift, LOL.
| Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 9:03 pm
I count three red roses, three white roses, about twelve white carnations, about twelve red carnations, and maybe 5-6 baby's breath, couple sticks of greenery, artfully arranged to all show on the same side at the same time. If that is what she got, then that is what you ordered. I long ago gave up with the online florists. They are close to scams in my book.
| Tuesday, December 31, 2019 - 8:18 pm
I send my stepmother flowers a couple of times a year and just call her local florist. No delivery charge and since they're local they go out of their way to make sure that the arrangement is perfect.
| Wednesday, January 22, 2020 - 11:30 am
My silly little gripe. I had cataract surgery on my right eye about 10 days ago and went for my followup today and everything is great so I'm thinking - hurrah! - let's do the left eye ASAP (because honestly walking around with part of your vision working well and part of it needing glasses is a pain in the you know what!) and I find out that my surgeon only does surgeries in the ONE surgical center that my insurance covers once a month - so I can't have my left eye done until February 10. I'm so annoyed! And disappointed because I was hoping for this upcoming Monday. Now counting blessings, I do have insurance and it will cover the bulk of the cost of the center (I paid out of pocket $700 (the surgeon and the lens were about $1900 out of pocket)), but STILL! Is it too much to ask. Chalk this one down to things you never think to ask beforehand - where does the surgeon you are recommended to do surgeries and does your insurance cover them! I would have never thought to ask. But seeing while driving better is pretty cool, all things considered. I wasn't a candidate for the super cool lens that corrects both far and near vision, but I am getting my distance vision corrected and I will be able to buy sunglasses for driving on the cheap instead of through prescription!
| Wednesday, January 22, 2020 - 9:18 pm
There there, Roxip. Even between now and Feb. 10, your stronger eye will take over, and you will probably be okay. OH!!! I just remembered what I did for that interim period! I went to the eyeglasses section of Costco (or any glasses place) and asked them if they could pop out my left lens of my glasses, and they said, sure, and boop, it was done! It was a bit weird at first, but sure enough, my eyes adjusted just fine. Go today, presuming you will read this tomorrow. In the meantime, you can amuse yourself and drive everybody in your household stark raving mad if you cover one eye and then look at something white, and then cover the other eye and look again. There will likely be an amazing difference. Consider this an opportunity to be cutely annoying to all. Oh, and if you start getting scared because your new vision is not all that good, do not panic. A LOT of people have a film form over the back of the new lens. It is your eye trying to protect itself from this new foreign body, the new lens. It happened to me, but not to Bigdog, who had his done at the same time. You just go in, and have it lasered off in the office in a couple minutes' time. It is called something like PCO.
| Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 7:28 am
Thanks for the information. This morning things are much brighter (the dilation from yesterday finally wore off in the night which helps a lot). I am trying to wean myself off my glasses driving - you are correct - my right eye is taking over and doing most of the work now that it sees so much clearer! Unfortunately because my existing glasses are bifocals I can't pop the lens out (and believe me, I've thought about it!), and since I live by myself I can't annoy anyone else (the cat, dog and fish simply do not care...I just don't understand these critters - I feed them, let them sleep in bed with me (well, not the goldfish), they don't pay rent - and yet they just are NOT laughing at my bad jokes! I may have to evict them all (well, the dog has cancer and I will have to have her put to sleep as soon as I can come up with the nerve to take her - but as long as she is eating and drinking and still going potty appropriately I just can't make myself do it but the non-operable tumor is growing daily and I know it should be done soon).
| Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 8:50 pm
My glasses were bifocals. I had mono-vision, left eye did the reading, right eye did distance. The year before I had the cataract surgery, I developed a hole in the macula of my left eye, which they were able to repair, but it left the middle of the reading area wavy, so no longer good for reading. BUT, the right eye, wearing the bi-focal glasses took over reading. I think you could fairly safely at least try it popping out one lens. The Costco eyeglasses people assured me they could just as easily pop the lens back in. I have learned a whole lot about what the brain can do with eyes in the past 3-4 years. I can now read if I have to with my left eye, after macular hole repair and cataract surgery. I am fairly confident that if my right eye failed, the brain would teach my left eye how to read again, using peripheral vision. That's how I read eye charts now. I will tell the test giver what I am going to do, then I will say last letter is a y, middle letter is a d, first letter is z. To the right of z is o, etc.. They don't seem to mind.
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 8:28 am
Ok, my furnace stopped working late last night! It was 12 degrees celcius this morning. (That's about 51-52 degrees fahrenheit. They are coming between 12 and 5 today to fix. Hubby took day off to wait. We are OK, but ticked off it went on one of the coldest days. Gripe over.
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 11:30 am
count yourself lucky... -2 Fahrenheit this morning where I'm at... 
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 12:58 pm
11 F in the 'burbs west of Chicago when I got up this morning. 34 F now. Forecast for Sunday 50 F. Low 30s F during next week. Up Down Up Down Up Down
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 1:49 pm
My furnace is not even plugged in, and gas is turned off.. I have snuggly blankets and throws in abundance.
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 4:12 pm
No way I could live that way. I hate hate hate being cold and dressing for it or wrapping up in throws and blankets would make me miserable.
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 4:52 pm
Reminds me of when my AC went out... in hot hot hot July...
| Friday, February 21, 2020 - 5:41 pm
I don't have A/C to go out. But I wouldn't tell anyone to go without heat (I do have space heaters in the bathrooms). My electric bill is nice.