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Board Administrator
| Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 9:18 am
Yeah, it doesn't help to not answer if you have an answering machine. Now I get their automated messages on my voice mail.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 11:34 am
The vast number of calls are caught by NoMoRoBo, and of the ones that are not, most just hang up and don't leave a message and the very few messages I erase. I rarely give out my cell number, and usually have it turned off, so I don't get many spam and scan calls on that number, thankfully. Both numbers are on the do not call list which may or may not help..
| Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 8:34 pm
My "landline" is Comcast, and I plug into a cable modem, so it must be VOIP, doesn't work if power is out. Oh, I see what you are saying, Colordeagua. So, of course NoMoRobo would not work on a true landline. Duh.
| Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 8:48 pm
Unfortunately, Nomorobo is not available on traditional analog copper landlines at this time. But they call voip lines landlines these days, I guess. As opposed to call phones.
| Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 1:49 am
Juju, check with your cable company and see if you can get a battery for your modem. I didn't know they had them but somehow I found out and got one from the cable company for $5. Your phone will work for, I think, 24 hours if the power goes out. But don't quote me on the hours.
| Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 1:57 am
I turned my answering machine off 9 months ago. I'm still getting over 5 scam calls a day. Don't tell me the phone companies can't figure out a way to stop the professional ones that are just mass dialing all day long. If Facebook can figure out bots and Russian troll farms and cut them off, the phone companies and do this too with scammers. They just don't care.
| Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 3:46 am
Here's a happy story about a phone scammer getting his due. Telephone scam artist picked the wrong target — former FBI and CIA director William Webster And in case you don't read it, scammers are now using Google earth to get photos of your home, so they can pretend they are outside your house and are going to get you. What a scarey thought. Eta: The story didn't mention Google earth. I saw that part on the news story on tv.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 9:48 am
I set up NoMoRoBo on my Comcast 'landline' but it doesn't work. They say I have to call Comcast to fix it. Now there's a nightmare waiting to happen. Grooch, the phone companies are working on it, but they are slow to the party. Sometimes the CallerID identifies the call as "Scam" or some other kind of identifier that lets you know they KNOW it's a bad call. So why not just block them? If NoMoRoBo can do it, so can these companies.
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 7:48 am
Yeah I think Comcast is a scam all by itself, years ago I had them at the beach,but when the hurricane destroyed our RV park, I called to end my service. I think they are not allowed to say yes to ending service, the guy kept saying I could use their services even though I lived out of their area. I kept saying no I can not, I already have local service near my home, I must have spent an hour on the phone with that idiot, I asked to speak to his boss, he would not let me, in the end I hung up and drove to a service center to cancel my service,they were better, even though it was a 2 hour drive.
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 8:21 am
I’m sure most here are aware of and have even gotten a call from “MicroSoft Service Support Center” saying “your MicroSoft license has expired” or the “we have detected a security issue on your computer”. Now there’s a version saying “we are closing down our center and we owe you a refund”. I’m guessing they want you to give them a credit card number so they can “process” your return. Right. 🤪😕
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 8:41 am
Sadiesmom, I have a cousin who spends her winters in Mexico. She came last week for a visit and found out Sirus didn't cancel her service when she called them to do it this past December. They kept her on the phone for an hour trying to get her to keep the service even though she kept telling them that she's in MEXICO and SHE DOESN'T HAVE A CAR! Near the end of the conversation he had to read her a 5 minute disclaimer and in the middle of it she said to me that she needed a drink. Well, the guy said she disrupted him and he had to start at the beginning. Now I know to never get that service.
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 9:32 am
Sirius drive me crazy when I got my Proud in 2015, wanting me to sign up. I was already in shock over having a car payment! They emailed,can all mailed and called. Later, I thought about subscribing, but read so many stories online, I just stuck to my own CD collection and I could play mp3 stuff as well.
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 9:41 am
In the past I've given a little thought to getting Sirius. Thanks, now I know not to.
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 7:21 pm
Seamonkey, translation, please: "Sirius drive me crazy when I got my Proud in 2015, wanting me to sign up. I was already in shock over having a car payment! They emailed,can all mailed and called."
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 7:46 pm
Juju, Maybe "Proud" is Prius and "can all mailed" is snail mail. Just making a guessing game out of Sea's auto corrects. We could even put it in the game section. LOL
| Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 8:05 pm
Arrgh. Jackie is fluent in Kindle Fire autocorrect. Prius. snail mail.
| Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 8:08 pm
LOL, Jmm!!! You still got it, Baby!
| Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 10:51 am
Saw something on my FB newsfeed. When appropriate for scam / junk calls say, "YOU ARE BEING RECORDED." Caller hangs up. 
| Sunday, March 10, 2019 - 6:32 am
I don't really know if it was scam. It was a robo call so take it it was. Picked up the phone. Someone was talking fast in an Asian language! Must have dialed the wrong country. That was a new one.
| Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 9:49 am
New one? Picked up the phone. No voice right away, but noise. Then . . . . Female caller said / asked, "Barbara Anderson?" (I don't know any Barbara Anderson.) Me: No. Caller: She left this number for contact person. Me: Who are you? Caller: This is locating service. Then I figured they're going to ask bunch of questions to get info about me from me. NOT. I hung up. Anyone get calls like this?
| Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 1:55 pm
Could have been a skip tracer, but you aren't required to answer. I did have a couple of calls like that a long time ago, I just told them I never heard of the guy they were looking for, wasn't a relative and they never called back.
| Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 2:13 pm
Sounds like a collection agency.
| Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 2:33 pm
I actually got a letter in the mail telling me that my "Motor Vehicle Protection" had expired. It looked pretty official, EXCEPT.... I don't own a car, LMAO.
| Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 7:37 pm
Dipo, I've gotten letters like that too. I have a car. Letter gets tossed in the garbage.
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 2:01 pm
I don't know if this is just me, but this scam sounds amazingly bad to me, I don't see how anyone falls for it. the IRS calls (red flag right there) a business and tell them that someone hacked and stole their business account and have been charging things to them. to fix it they asked the business man to go to a convenience store and buy 10K worth of google play cards (????), that alone should have set up red flags for the people in the convenience store among others. then to go home call them scammers and give them the numbers off the purchased cards,and the IRS would contact and repay them quickly after they catch these thieves. none of this makes any sense,the man waited for a day and when he did not hear from the IRS, went to the police. I can't believe someone this gullible could run a business. Google play? seriously?