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| Monday, May 28, 2018 - 7:27 pm
and why did I not think that the salad would also be frozen ?
| Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - 1:16 pm
LOL, Rosie, I don't even have mine set low and the things in the back sometimes freeze. It is so weird.
| Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 5:43 pm
Stupid, stupid gripe and it makes me sound like a raving lunatic every time I get to complaining about it. I purposely buy butter and cream cheese in those plastic tubs and I buy them in the different sizes. Once they are empty, I wash them and then use them for Darren and Kota's lunches. The smaller ones are perfect for raw veggies or fruit or a small salad. The larger ones are great for leftovers (which is what Darren takes for lunches.) They fit in their lunch boxes. They have decent lids. I'm reusing them instead of throwing them away once the original butter or cream cheese is gone. I don't have to use ziplock bags for anything. And when eventually they wear out or one of them accidentally throws them in the trash I'm not upset cuz it was a good bowl. But, they keep mysteriously disappearing. Darren and Kota bring them home. I wash them and when I go to make lunches, I'm missing bowls. I washed one the other day, put it in the drainer, and 20 minutes later when I came back to the kitchen, it was gone. I'm down to one of the bigger bowls...and even that is an I can't believe it's not butter bowl, with a Country Crock lid! I was just searching the kitchen because I have the cream cheese bowl, but the lid is missing. It was there earlier today. No one will admit to it or tell me WHY? Why do they keep using these bowls (or lids) I purposely buy for packing lunches? Why aren't they bringing them back? Why aren't they using regular dishes?? I have plenty of dishes they can use! I even put the damn things in a different cabinet than the rest of the dishes, so whoever is taking them actually has to go looking for them! It's driving me nuts.
| Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 6:30 pm
LOL put a spy cam in your kitchen!
| Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 8:03 pm
They are with the missing socks.
| Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 9:35 pm
Sock cam!!! Oh, sheesh. Remember the good old days when somebody, Abbynormal?, finally blew her gasket about picking up socks in her hallway, so she quit doing it, and we at TVCH installed the (imaginary) sock cam in her hallway and watched it and commented on it every day? Hahahaha!!
| Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 9:59 pm
Yes I do remember that. I also met her in person and she was great. Just don’t know what happened to her, like so many others from the early days.
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 3:00 am
Yep, that was Abby. She posted pics of the sock in different locations around the house, lol.
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 4:26 am
I loved sock cam!!!
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 12:39 pm
Sock cam was so much fun! I met Abby too. I hope she's doing well.
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 6:37 pm
My gripe is with my job. All of the sudden they are tracking all kinds of crazy things (I work for a loan company). The newest and most irritating is Google reviews, we have to ask each customer for an email address and if it is a gmail account we are supposed to ask them to do a Google review. First of all very few of our customers have gmail accounts and those that do just don't seem to do reviews. So not only do we have to track them, we get chewed out when we don't meet their quota. Grrrrr ok, maybe I feel better now (or will when I get the required number of reviews). LOL
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 7:34 pm
That's just stupid Jmm, google reviews wouldn't make me choose a loan company. Only recommendations from my personal friends! Plus I have a gmail account because my phone made me, but I never use it, LOL.
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 9:15 pm
Wow. I have to say that 99% of the time I really resent being solicited for a review and it might even convince me not to use that company. And being pushed to Facebook or Google doesn't fly with me at all. I do like rewarding good service or a good product.
| Monday, July 23, 2018 - 9:53 pm
There there, JMM, you are nowhere near crazy for being griped about that practice. It just means you have incompetent bosses. I hate surveys, and I refuse to do them. The only reason I will ever do them is if I have had a very bad experience, and I want to stick it to the company that is hoping for sweetness and light in their stupid survey. So, not only are surveys NOT liked or used by most people (I just Trumped up that alternative fact), but they are more likely to show that most of the customers who are completing the survey hate their company. Except that most real customers don't actually hate the company; they are just too busy trying to find jobs to pay off their loans. There there.
| Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 2:23 am
I once did a survey for my local branch of my bank. They are all really, really nice. I thought I was doing a good thing. I gave a 5 for every answer, except for a 4 I gave for something stupid like are you happy with the branch's hours. Next time I went in there, I told them about it. They got "upset" and explained to me that if they didn't get all fives on the survey, it counted negative against them. I was better off not doing it. I don't do surveys anymore since that's the way the big bosses look at these things.
| Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 3:42 am
Netflix knows how to do it. They're the best. Have you ever called Netflix? I have very rarely. Before live person comes on phone, automated voice asks you to hang on when finished for ONE QUESTION survey. Question is something like -- did you have a good experience? Or maybe was your problem solved? My call has always had good results. Don't know what would happen with a negative answer. Live person comes on phone? Netflix knows that surveys are not appreciated. Sometimes I will start a survey either on phone or on-line. If they get into thing by changing a word or two in a question and it's supposed to be a new question -- I AM DONE! Hang up or exit survey.
| Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 6:09 pm
Ours is just a rate 1-5 star and you can leave comments if you want, but it's still a pain to have quotas.
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 6:34 pm
sock cam was hysterical!
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 6:38 pm
my son started working at a bank recently. He called me one day all excited because someone gave him a review with all 5 stars! He literally was so proud and excited about it.. so since then if someone is really exceptional I will take the time to do a survey....I figure it's someone's kid and maybe I will make their day like someone made my son's day plus he is on probation so it looks great on his eval 
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 6:40 pm
ps..Jmm since you work in loans, he called me today and was so excited he was writing his 1st car loan. I guess they get points and bonus' for points
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 6:57 pm
I did not work in a bank, but a huge store for 23 yrs, I wish people left 'good reviews', cause mostly every one speaks up when they are not happy, but they never speak up when things were great... The good reviews really do make someones day' especially when you work hard to do good. I know why your son is happy to get a great review' it really perks you up. Sad that mostly people dont say anything unless they are not happy.. The good always out weighs the bad. So when you leave happy let them know' cause its a boost'...seriously.
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 7:04 pm
I agree. At my job, when I get a complaint about any of my employees (which is very rare) I know for a fact that they helped 100 people effectively, so I just let the taxpayer vent and go about my day
| Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 7:47 pm
That's great, Pamy. Sounds like he's doing well and enjoying his job.
| Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 4:56 pm
We did surveys at work rating our company (hospital) the some of the questions where crazy. I always answered honestly until our supervisors stated pressuring their department's employees to give all 5's. After that I concluded they didn't want honesty just for their departments to look good to the higher ups. I never took them seriously again. I naively thought they wanted to find out where the employees were unhappy and work towards improving things.
| Monday, July 30, 2018 - 3:18 am
I don’t know if this gripe is silly or major. But for the last week I’ve been hearing this pop pop noise. I can hear it now. It’s driving me nuts. I can’t tell if it’s inside the house or outside. I keep trying to find it. Going here to there to see if it gets louder or not as I go. It doesn’t it’s the same freaking noise where ever I go. It’s now in my dreams when I sleep. I think I’m in some kind of gun battle. It wakes me up and I can’t go back to sleep but on and on it goes pop pop pop.