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| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 1:04 pm
New Q: Ok, here is one I have been pondering for some time. You can laugh at how my mind works. I watch a lot of Forensic Files, Snapped, Dateline, etc. Anyway they never answer my question. When a woman murders her husbands for the insurance money, and then gets convicted of murder....say she hasn't spent the million bucks. Does the insurance company come back and demand the money or does it go to her current husband as community property? I always wonder about the money and they never answer the question on the shows. Ok, laugh....I just wonder these things.
| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 2:47 pm
This sounds like one of those "ermmm, asking for a friend" posts . This link: talks about it.
| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 2:59 pm
are you asking for a friend? 
| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 3:27 pm
I think the money goes back to the insurance company, you can't profit from a crime. Not like a lot of companies can do it, it is one of those things where companies are better than people, People can't profit from a crime, but companies can.
| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 5:11 pm
hahahahahahha, yes I forgot, I'm asking for a friend. Yes I knew you can't profit from a crime but wasn't sure if the insurance companies go after the money. And thanks Kitt, that article was fascinating. Apparently the insurance company gives the money to a secondary beneficiary, or in one case used the ins policy to pay the public defenders office for the defendants case. Very interesting. My friend thanks you, hahahahahaha.
| Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 6:30 pm
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 2:16 pm
NEW Q: Looking for ideas for Super Bowl foods. Now I really don't watch the game and it will only be me and the cats but I like to take these opportunities to cook/make stuff. So what's everyone else making?
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 3:01 pm
Queso, chips, guacamole and hot sauce...always a go-to snack plan for me. Or those little sausages in bbq sauce and jelly.
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 3:02 pm
On the insurance issue - did y'all know that if you are in an accident where your insurance pays out a lot of money and you sue the other party and win a settlement the insurance company can come after you for some of their payout?
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 3:43 pm
Wow, really, somehow that doesn't seem fair, after all you paid all the premiums so that the insurance company would pay. They should be out of it after they do so.
| Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 6:04 pm
Dipo, if you are wanting to cook, you could make a homemade pizza. my store sells pizza dough you can roll out or you can you pitas. You could make sliders. It’s just going to me and my husband (maybe our son). I am toying with making oven baked wings or ribs with a big tossed salad.
| Thursday, February 01, 2018 - 4:56 pm
Well we are having a heatwave so I decided to bake some wings, I'll have baked beans, potato salad and ceasar salad as sides. I am also going to make buttermilk ranch dressing for dip! It will probably feed me for a week, LOL.
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 8:32 am
Love buttermilk ranch dressing on almost anything!
| Friday, February 02, 2018 - 11:58 am
Me too, this is the first time I am making it with buttermilk, I usually use the milk/mayo one instead.
| Sunday, February 04, 2018 - 1:10 pm
SuperBowl Q: So approximately what time will the half time show be? I want to make sure to be in the room when that could happen, LOL.
| Sunday, February 04, 2018 - 5:49 pm
I have no idea Dipo, but Its 5 o'clock early here in my house (wine coolers and snacks) and we are watching, so sure to not miss it... I am not sure who I am rooting for, I love the Pats' but I always have a soft heart for anyone that plays hard so I really dont care..
Board Administrator
| Sunday, February 04, 2018 - 6:09 pm
now. Go Eagles!
| Sunday, February 04, 2018 - 6:44 pm
Wow, Half time was really BLA
| Monday, February 12, 2018 - 2:23 pm
New Q: So what is the difference between heartburn and indigestion? Certain things give me heartburn, like green bell peppers, but last night I had heartburn and couldn't figure out why, didn't have any bad foods. Anyway at some point I had a huge burp and started feeling better so I thought maybe it was just indigestion. So I wondered what are the difference.
| Monday, February 12, 2018 - 4:09 pm
According to a site I just googled ( Heartburn Is a Key Symptom of Acid Reflux Heartburn, or that burning sensation typically located just behind or below the breastbone, is caused by acid reflux -- the upward splashing of acidic contents of the stomach back into the esophagus. The resulting irritation of the esophagus creates burning symptoms that are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as a sour taste in the mouth, regurgitation and belching. Technically, the word heartburn can refer specifically to the chest discomfort. However, many people talk about their heartburn, indigestion and any accompanying symptoms together as a single problem. Indigestion Doesn't Always Involve Reflux Indigestion conveys that a person is having unpleasant stomach symptoms, perhaps associated with his intake or a specific meal, but not necessarily so. Occasional heartburn from acid reflux is very common, so for many people who say they have indigestion, it's likely they are referring to acid reflux symptoms. However, many possibilities other than acid reflux can make a person feel like there's something wrong with their stomach. For some, the medical term dyspepsia is a better fit than heartburn for these symptoms. Dyspepsia is a burning discomfort in the stomach, sometimes likened to hunger pains -- except that it occurs on a full stomach, too. Like acid reflux, dyspepsia may be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms, including belching, bloating and feelings of gassiness, nausea or fullness
| Monday, February 12, 2018 - 7:32 pm
Thanks, I think it is so weird. Oh well.
| Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 8:26 am
It is one of those things that I was wondering too, so your question was an impetus for me to satisfy my curiosity.
| Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 7:54 pm
Question: Does anyone know of a good place to get a new Will form on the Internet for Washington State? Where I could print out myself, sign & make it legal? Note, in case I don't immediately get back to respond, we're starting the flu crap here in the house today (which makes me want to get busy on a new will). History: I had all the POA, Medical Directives (still applicable), plus a Will made up 18 yrs ago splitting my assets around to my 4 siblings, I don't have any children myself. Since then things have changed. One sibling died (I'm not close to her 2 kids that can't bother even to respond to calls or emails). The two other siblings are not close and their kids have drug/alcohol issues or the kids have died due to CF. I have already taken steps (like my former Lawyer had suggested but I'm not physically able to go back to him in downtown Seattle to get another will). I've provided for the two siblings (in CO & AZ) via life insurances % policies, so I'm not stiffing anyone. Plus I've helped financially over the years to cover crisis situations so there's no way they would fight any new will. However, one of my biggest assets is my house ($496k this month according the tax assessor bill in pricey Seattle) where my Kid Sis and her daughter Niece and all their pets reside/help me for the last 4 yrs. We have been closest over our lives, she's 3yrs younger and we shared the bed back when we were toddlers. I'm not expecting to kick the bucket anytime soon, but when I do I recognize there are issues. Kid Sis & Niece are in absolutely no position to get a mortgage on the $158k owed on my own mortgage. As a result, I don't want for them to be left homeless. They could afford to pay my $1360/mo incl home insurance & taxes for 3BR house - which is substantially LESS than renting a 1BR apt here plus no pets allowed landlords. Probably more personal info than you wish to read, but you can see my dilemma. So, all I want is a simple will stating that I wish to leave all my assets, including my house to Kid Sis. Any ideas, anyone?
| Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 8:10 pm is one site, but call senior services or senior center an they probably have good local information.
| Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 8:13 pm
Suze Ormond has a bunch of that stuff you should check her site or sometimes you can get her stuff by making a donation on PBS. I would try googling it and then take a look at the different programs. It does sound like you just need a simple will, can you just rewrite the one you have and make the changes you need and remove all the other stuff. Then you could email it to your attorney and see if he thinks you need anything else. One thing I remember is you should be sure to say you are not leaving anything to all those people you mentioned that you don't want to inherit. Plus you might want to research putting the house into a living trust for your Sister as well.